Democrats - Too Many Old People

Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

I like old people. In my business, I trust them more than young people because they've seen it all.

However, organizations need constant rejuvenation, and that requires a pipeline of talented young people who take on more responsibility. That's especially true in politics, where parties risk becoming stale without new people and ideas.
i find it interesting this sudden shift in the media and talking heads that now the dems have a problem. before it was the GOP who had this huge issue, which they seemed to solve by having nobody vote.

I noticed that too.

I do think the Republicans are swimming against a demographic tide. However, that doesn't mean Democrats don't have problems.
Well i will wait and see what 2016 brings before i declare the Dems have a serious issue. The right tend to be minute by minute players and dont tend to think long term.

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