Democrats Train to No Where Taking Its Final Gasping Breaths

It's CRIMINAL that Pelosi and Brown haven't done a phucking thing to expand California's Water Infrastructure Delivery Systems and Reservoirs.
It's a Semi Arid Desert in Southern CA.

They just flushed enough water out to the Ocean to water their Golf Course for 20 years.


But they spent $25 Billion on illegals. They got money for that, right?
California got a lot of rain this year.
Could have built a few dams in the past 20 years to catch the water while the population has quadrupled. Instead it all flowed out to sea.
"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent.

It truly astonishes me that there are people out there who still use this as an alleged example of massively high tax rates spurring economic growth. Anybody who does this only reiterates how little they understand economics and how truly ignorant they are of American history. It would almost be sad if it weren't so laughable.
It's CRIMINAL that Pelosi and Brown haven't done a phucking thing to expand California's Water Infrastructure Delivery Systems and Reservoirs.
It's a Semi Arid Desert in Southern CA.

They just flushed enough water out to the Ocean to water their Golf Course for 20 years.


But they spent $25 Billion on illegals. They got money for that, right?
California got a lot of rain this year.
Could have built a few dams in the past 20 years to catch the water while the population has quadrupled. Instead it all flowed out to sea.
Because we have had exposed reservoirs contaminated all the reservoirs are underground. Once the catch basins are full, that's it. The dry lakes are being filled.
Democrats must think they are still living in the days when Cronkite was king and the only news went through a liberal filter. Americans are smarter and better informed but democrats continue with their 60's playbook. They knew Hillary was a flawed candidate but they fooled themselves into believing fake polls that showed she would win in a landslide and they continue to rely on fake polls. It's gotten so bad that democrats decided to be bystanders or obstructionists rather than fix what's wrong with Obamacare and they think Americans don't notice. The die hards would rather live in a fantasy world where last November's election is reversed rather than face the reality that the democrat party has lost not only the presidency but they lost the majority in congress and most of the state governors not to mention the biggest landslide in modern history and over 2,000 state and local elections since Obama's first term. They still don't get it and it looks like they will never get it until the democrat party fades into oblivion.

^^^Post of the week!^^^ The democrats are victims of an ever increasing dishonest media. They believe the bull crap that spews from the likes of CNN and NBC and the like. They are following an out of control liberal progressive uneducated bunch of liberal arts graduates right down a rat hole. The dems are no longer a national party and must change their ways and beliefs, but they are locked in, they can't change because within their small number of supporters
are their crazy lunatic base that they must keep happy. Or so they think.
"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent.

It truly astonishes me that there are people out there who still use this as an alleged example of massively high tax rates spurring economic growth. Anybody who does this only reiterates how little they understand economics and how truly ignorant they are of American history. It would almost be sad if it weren't so laughable.
Those are the years when the world was devastated or recovering from war. High taxes did not cause economic growth. By its nature taxes cannot spur growth. Taxes were able to be high because we were intact while most of the world was in tatters.
It's CRIMINAL that Pelosi and Brown haven't done a phucking thing to expand California's Water Infrastructure Delivery Systems and Reservoirs.
It's a Semi Arid Desert in Southern CA.

They just flushed enough water out to the Ocean to water their Golf Course for 20 years.


But they spent $25 Billion on illegals. They got money for that, right?
California got a lot of rain this year.
Could have built a few dams in the past 20 years to catch the water while the population has quadrupled. Instead it all flowed out to sea.
Because we have had exposed reservoirs contaminated all the reservoirs are underground. Once the catch basins are full, that's it. The dry lakes are being filled.
All the lakes are full, and the water infrastructure was built for a population 1/4 the size it is today.
last time I was in Cali they didnt appear to be hurting too damn bad. If you live in Cali, vote.

do you live in Cali weatherman?
Born and raised native but probably will die somewhere else in the world. LA and SF (aka Sodom and Gomorrah) are bat shit crazy and hold the keys to the government. State taxes are 31% higher than the #2 State in America, but because of the leftist policies the money is pissed away on trains to nowhere, illegals, and lining the pockets of leftists. Icons of California:
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View attachment 117735
do like i did move......
last time I was in Cali they didnt appear to be hurting too damn bad. If you live in Cali, vote.

do you live in Cali weatherman?
Born and raised native but probably will die somewhere else in the world. LA and SF (aka Sodom and Gomorrah) are bat shit crazy and hold the keys to the government. State taxes are 31% higher than the #2 State in America, but because of the leftist policies the money is pissed away on trains to nowhere, illegals, and lining the pockets of leftists. Icons of California:
View attachment 117734
View attachment 117735
do like i did move......
Sunny 71 today. Maybe when the Democrats figure out how to screw up the weather.

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