Democrats Trying To Scam Us Again

They say the true essence of comedy is timing. Why set up a shell company to make the payments? Why go through Cohen? Why go through the National Enquirer? Why make the payments during the campaign if the affairs were a few years before he announced his candidacy? Why believe Trump when he has lied about everything else?
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.

You guys (Democrats) have some LEGITIMATE issues you could be (and should be) talking about, which you are ignoring, which even I, as a Republican, would agree with - while you waste your time and energy on these dopey things (Russian collusion, hush money, ) that nobody cares about.
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.


They were paid to protect the candidate and the campaign. Duh!

I wonder if Kennedy ever paid his girls off, and why didn't his dalliances cause the United States to call for Kennedy's impeachment?

Ask this question in 2018 before you vote in the midterms:
Is Trump's pecker more important to you than a booming economy, breaking back to work records, record breaking bull market, record breaking blacks on the payroll, record breaking blacks owning their own businesses, kids on the payrolls, industries churning out products made in America, fair trade for our country...
^ Trump~2020 and a Congress that works with him.
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It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
why does it bother you? has it kept him from doing his job as president? we all knew all of this ahead of election night. So what's your point, you didn't care when slick willie paid off his women. I don't care about him either. so you're the hypocrite here.

Yes….he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).
No…we didn’t know he hired people who were committing felonies left and right before the election.
No…we didn’t know he had paid over a quarter million in hush money to two adult entertainers
Bill Clinton wasn’t president in this century except for 20 days during his lame duck phase
All these accusations on Trump happened over 10 years ago. Your boy Clinton did it in real time, in the white house.

He used campaign funds for personal uses. That is illegal. There are very strict laws concerning the use of campaign funds. Paying a woman to be quiet about sleeping with you is not one of the permissible uses.
You're saying Trump "used campaign funds for personal uses" ? I heard he spent HIS OWN money for personal uses. Show how he spent "campaign money"
Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
I'm neither proud or not proud of it. Like most AMERICANS, I simply don't care. I'm concerned about the economy (booming since Trump took over), unemployment being low, straightening out the trade imbalances left to us by 4 irresponsible past presidents, keeping Muslims out of the US, and other important matters.

Only opportunist, scammer, dimwit Democrats get involved with such dopey "issues" as this hush money thing. I doubt if even Melania cares about it, since it happened such a long time ago.

In fairness, you have no clue what most Americans think. You're not American and aren't in tune with what America cares about.
in all fairness, neither do you.
They say the true essence of comedy is timing. Why set up a shell company to make the payments? Why go through Cohen? Why go through the National Enquirer? Why make the payments during the campaign if the affairs were a few years before he announced his candidacy? Why believe Trump when he has lied about everything else?
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.

You guys (Democrats) have some LEGITIMATE issues you could be (and should be) talking about, which you are ignoring, which even I, as a Republican, would agree with - while you waste your time and energy on these dopey things (Russian collusion, hush money, ) that nobody cares about.
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.


They were paid to protect the candidate and the campaign. Duh!
no he didn't. for the storm, that started back in 2011. it can be shown to be personal right there. doesn't matter anyway, he can contribute whatever he wants to his own campaign.
Well, the affairs were years earlier and the hush money was paid during the campaign. One was just weeks before the election.

Just a coincidence, right?
Paid during the campaign because that's when the women starting mouthing off, you idiot.

They were paid to protect the candidate and the campaign. Duh!
You would like us to believe that the payments were made to protect Trump's image as a presidential candidate, rather than just to protect his personal reputation.

OK. Now show us proof of that.

I guess you know you can't, and neither can anyone else.
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

He used campaign funds for personal uses. That is illegal. There are very strict laws concerning the use of campaign funds. Paying a woman to be quiet about sleeping with you is not one of the permissible uses.

We only have Cohen's word for that and he MAY have been trying to explain away the money he fraudulently obtained from Trump. "Cohen then submitted "sham invoices" for nonexistent legal services to the Trump Organization for reimbursement for those payments."

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts, implicating President Trump
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
why does it bother you? has it kept him from doing his job as president? we all knew all of this ahead of election night. So what's your point, you didn't care when slick willie paid off his women. I don't care about him either. so you're the hypocrite here.

Yes….he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).
No…we didn’t know he hired people who were committing felonies left and right before the election.
No…we didn’t know he had paid over a quarter million in hush money to two adult entertainers
Bill Clinton wasn’t president in this century except for 20 days during his lame duck phase
All these accusations on Trump happened over 10 years ago. Your boy Clinton did it in real time, in the white house.

And all of the attention and time he spend justifying, teeeting, dodging Mueller, etc is happening while he is President
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
why does it bother you? has it kept him from doing his job as president? we all knew all of this ahead of election night. So what's your point, you didn't care when slick willie paid off his women. I don't care about him either. so you're the hypocrite here.

Yes….he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).
No…we didn’t know he hired people who were committing felonies left and right before the election.
No…we didn’t know he had paid over a quarter million in hush money to two adult entertainers
Bill Clinton wasn’t president in this century except for 20 days during his lame duck phase
he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).

Too fking funny. someone makes up a scenario and he says it's a witch hunt and he's the guy that supposed to look the other way? dude :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

which is it? drop the mueller witch hunt or live with it with him saying it's a witch hunt. either way, it's interfered in the president I voted into office. you're taking progress from my guy. so for you, it's a simple fk you!
Your extreme butthurt is noted.
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

No, it's just conservatives lying again.
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
why does it bother you? has it kept him from doing his job as president? we all knew all of this ahead of election night. So what's your point, you didn't care when slick willie paid off his women. I don't care about him either. so you're the hypocrite here.

Yes….he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).
No…we didn’t know he hired people who were committing felonies left and right before the election.
No…we didn’t know he had paid over a quarter million in hush money to two adult entertainers
Bill Clinton wasn’t president in this century except for 20 days during his lame duck phase
All these accusations on Trump happened over 10 years ago. Your boy Clinton did it in real time, in the white house.

And all of the attention and time he spend justifying, teeeting, dodging Mueller, etc is happening while he is President
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
why does it bother you? has it kept him from doing his job as president? we all knew all of this ahead of election night. So what's your point, you didn't care when slick willie paid off his women. I don't care about him either. so you're the hypocrite here.

Yes….he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).
No…we didn’t know he hired people who were committing felonies left and right before the election.
No…we didn’t know he had paid over a quarter million in hush money to two adult entertainers
Bill Clinton wasn’t president in this century except for 20 days during his lame duck phase
he tweets about the “witch hunt” all the time so it is diverting his attention from the affairs of state (pun intended).

Too fking funny. someone makes up a scenario and he says it's a witch hunt and he's the guy that supposed to look the other way? dude :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

which is it? drop the mueller witch hunt or live with it with him saying it's a witch hunt. either way, it's interfered in the president I voted into office. you're taking progress from my guy. so for you, it's a simple fk you!
Your extreme butthurt is noted.
what is it I'm butthurt about snowflake?
They say the true essence of comedy is timing. Why set up a shell company to make the payments? Why go through Cohen? Why go through the National Enquirer? Why make the payments during the campaign if the affairs were a few years before he announced his candidacy? Why believe Trump when he has lied about everything else?
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.

You guys (Democrats) have some LEGITIMATE issues you could be (and should be) talking about, which you are ignoring, which even I, as a Republican, would agree with - while you waste your time and energy on these dopey things (Russian collusion, hush money, ) that nobody cares about.
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.


They were paid to protect the candidate and the campaign. Duh!

I wonder if Kennedy ever paid his girls off, and why didn't his dalliances cause the United States to call for Kennedy's impeachment?

Ask this question in 2018 before you vote in the midterms:
Is Trump's pecker more important to you than a booming economy, breaking back to work records, record breaking bull market, record breaking blacks on the payroll, record breaking blacks owning their own businesses, kids on the payrolls, industries churning out products made in America, fair trade for our country...
^ Trump~2020 and a Congress that works with him.

Cohen- guilty
Trump- co-conspirator
They say the true essence of comedy is timing. Why set up a shell company to make the payments? Why go through Cohen? Why go through the National Enquirer? Why make the payments during the campaign if the affairs were a few years before he announced his candidacy? Why believe Trump when he has lied about everything else?
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.

You guys (Democrats) have some LEGITIMATE issues you could be (and should be) talking about, which you are ignoring, which even I, as a Republican, would agree with - while you waste your time and energy on these dopey things (Russian collusion, hush money, ) that nobody cares about.
The payments occured during the campaign, because that's when these opportunist women started shooting their mouths off.


They were paid to protect the candidate and the campaign. Duh!
no he didn't. for the storm, that started back in 2011. it can be shown to be personal right there. doesn't matter anyway, he can contribute whatever he wants to his own campaign.

Both payments were made during the campaign, dope.

Can you guess why?
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."
You have no idea what the Democratic agenda is, super duper. Read Read something..

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