Democrats Trying To Scam Us Again

Spoken like a Bill Clinton supporter!

Actually ask these questions: is the president above the law? If Cohen can be found guilty for doing what Trump directed him to do, why is it not a crime for Trump as well? Can you trust a criminal to run this nation?
You trusted Obama didn't you. Crimes of inciting riots, treason, fraud, obstructing justice.
Yeah. But Obama did not incite riots, did he? Obama did not commit treason, did he? Obama didn't obstruct justice, did he?

Had he done those things, we would have at least heard about it. Your rumor mill media is a joke.
Economy booming when tRump took over.
Unemployment low when tRump took over.
Trade deficit doesn't mean what you and tRump think it does.
Your first 2 are both FALSE.

1. Economy was SINKING when Trump took over. >> (2.3% to 1.8%)


2. Unemployment was
HIGH when Trump took over. (4.8%)


As for the trade deficit, just be thankful somebody has finally (after 30 years) stopped giving China (et al) unrestricted access to out massive & wealthy market.
And Fox News really is fair and balanced.

Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
Fox News IS fair and balanced. Far more than CNN, PBS, or MSNBC. Fox has many liberals. The lefty stations have few or zero conservatives.

And Jimi Hendrix wouldn't like you using his words.
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It was a campaign contribution and expenditure since the purpose was to prevent her from talking before the election. It would be a illegal campaign expenditure. The fact is that Trump never engaged in any campaign of ideas. His campaign was to insult people. That is what the white trash that follows Trump has done.
The fact is that you have no "fact". LOL. And the only insulting, is YOU insulting our intelligence + racist insults against Trump supporters.

Just like all the other liberals in this thread, you have no way to establish your accusation. Trump could just as well have been paying hush money so his family wouldn't hear the "noise". Your charge is hollow.

As for the campaign, Trump campaigned to bring the economy back up. He's done it. To reduce unemployment. He's done it. To implement Muslim immigration/travel ban. He's done it. To step up deportation of illegal aliens. He's done it. And plenty more good things.
Democrats scammed us with that damn Trump University.

Huh? What? That wasn't.......OK,.......nevermind.

Democrats scammed us with that damn Trump Foundation.

Huh? What? It paid money back for bribes and for paying off lawsuits and it's under investigation?

Sh!t. Ok.........nevermind.
"Under investigation" doesn't mean squat when Democrats are doing the investigating. They ruined that notion for themselves.

As for Trump University, yes, as I recall that WAS Democrat scamming as well. They dug up a FEW disgruntled customers, and put the spotlight on THEM only, while bypassing/ignoring thousands of satisfied customers. I owned a business once. I also had a FEW disgruntled customers (all with baseless charges), while the overwhelming majority were happy with the company. What else is new ? :rolleyes:
As I previously quoted the law, a campaign contribution is a thing of value. It doesn't have to be money. Ill gotten info qualifies.

Why is it so difficult for you guys to understand the simplest of things? I think it has to be a determined ignorance.
Why is it so difficult for you to understand that the hush money is perfectly legal, as there is no connection to the campaign. If you think you have a way of making such connection, let's hear it.
Yeah. But Obama did not incite riots, did he? Obama did not commit treason, did he? Obama didn't obstruct justice, did he?

Had he done those things, we would have at least heard about it. Your rumor mill media is a joke.
1. Of course he incited riots. He created the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD., Sent out his attack dogs (Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, et al), and then threatened mayors and governors with DOJ lawsuits, if they didn't let the rioters riot. Same thing has happened in other cities (Chicago, San Jose, New York, Tampa, etc)

2. Yes, he committed treason by colluding with al Baghdadi of ISIS. Pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening the vacuum that ISIS used to moved in and take over cities previously liberated by US troops (at great loss of US lives). He also allowed ISIS to travel unhindered on open, dessert roads, sitting ducks for air strikes, while hitting ISIS with only a few "pinprick" token strikes, just to give the appearance of resistance.

3. He obstructed justice by allowing Hillary Clinton to put top secret information on a person server, and then deleted 30,000 emails, and destroy the hard drives with hammers and acid. She, and her Muslim Brotherhood aide, Huma Abedin, should have been arrested, and Obama did nothing.

"Would have heard" ? HA HA. Do you think for one second the liberal OMISSION media would report accurately on these things (if at all ) ? They are why liberals are the most information-deprived people in America. Maybe your CNN, MSNBC etc would not report on these things, but I have been reporting on them continuously, right here in USMB, for years
Yeah. But Obama did not incite riots, did he? Obama did not commit treason, did he? Obama didn't obstruct justice, did he?

Had he done those things, we would have at least heard about it. Your rumor mill media is a joke.
1. Of course he incited riots. He created the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD., Sent out his attack dogs (Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, et al), and then threatened mayors and governors with DOJ lawsuits, if they didn't let the rioters riot. Same thing has happened in other cities (Chicago, San Jose, New York, Tampa, etc)

2. Yes, he committed treason by colluding with al Baghdadi of ISIS. Pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening the vacuum that ISIS used to moved in and take over cities previously liberated by US troops (at great loss of US lives). He also allowed ISIS to travel unhindered on open, dessert roads, sitting ducks for air strikes, while hitting ISIS with only a few "pinprick" token strikes, just to give the appearance of resistance.

3. He obstructed justice by allowing Hillary Clinton to put top secret information on a person server, and then deleted 30,000 emails, and destroy the hard drives with hammers and acid. She, and her Muslim Brotherhood aide, Huma Abedin, should have been arrested, and Obama did nothing.

"Would have heard" ? HA HA. Do you think for one second the liberal OMISSION media would report accurately on these things (if at all ) ? They are why liberals are the most information-deprived people in America. Maybe your CNN, MSNBC etc would not report on these things, but I have been reporting on them continuously, right here in USMB, for years
Don't forget The Blamer releasing terrorists from gitmo and then sending them pallets of cash. If that isn't treason, I don't know what is.
Yeah. But Obama did not incite riots, did he? Obama did not commit treason, did he? Obama didn't obstruct justice, did he?

Had he done those things, we would have at least heard about it. Your rumor mill media is a joke.
1. Of course he incited riots. He created the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD., Sent out his attack dogs (Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, et al), and then threatened mayors and governors with DOJ lawsuits, if they didn't let the rioters riot. Same thing has happened in other cities (Chicago, San Jose, New York, Tampa, etc)

2. Yes, he committed treason by colluding with al Baghdadi of ISIS. Pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening the vacuum that ISIS used to moved in and take over cities previously liberated by US troops (at great loss of US lives). He also allowed ISIS to travel unhindered on open, dessert roads, sitting ducks for air strikes, while hitting ISIS with only a few "pinprick" token strikes, just to give the appearance of resistance.

3. He obstructed justice by allowing Hillary Clinton to put top secret information on a person server, and then deleted 30,000 emails, and destroy the hard drives with hammers and acid. She, and her Muslim Brotherhood aide, Huma Abedin, should have been arrested, and Obama did nothing.

"Would have heard" ? HA HA. Do you think for one second the liberal OMISSION media would report accurately on these things (if at all ) ? They are why liberals are the most information-deprived people in America. Maybe your CNN, MSNBC etc would not report on these things, but I have been reporting on them continuously, right here in USMB, for years
Don't forget The Blamer releasing terrorists from gitmo and then sending them pallets of cash. If that isn't treason, I don't know what is.
You don't know what treason is. The pallets of cash was Iranian money, assets frozen after the 1979 revolution. It was part of the negotiations to stop the Iranian nuclear program Trump pulled out of. So Trump tore up the deal, the Iranians are now free to advance their program and...keep the cash in the bargain!

Treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Standing on foreign soil side by side with Putin and selling out our intelligence community, well, that's treason.
Smart move on his part.

Those women wanted money and how long ago did he supposedly have affairs with them?

Money is the reason they waited till he was running for POTUS to come out.

Now did he have affairs with them?? No one knows nor will they ever know.

Paying them off was smart.

Does anyone care?? Well no one but you lefty loons.

Boy when Bill Clinton was being impeached over lying about a blow job, you idiots were all going on and on about his lying and how a President must uphold certain moral standards.

Yesterday they were playing film clips of McConnell, Grassley and Graham yesterday from 1999, telling us why they voted to impeach Clinton and why Bill Clinton MUST be impeached. These were juxtaposed with clips of why Trump shouldn’t be impeached.
Smart move on his part.

Those women wanted money and how long ago did he supposedly have affairs with them?

Money is the reason they waited till he was running for POTUS to come out.

Now did he have affairs with them?? No one knows nor will they ever know.

Paying them off was smart.

Does anyone care?? Well no one but you lefty loons.

Boy when Bill Clinton was being impeached over lying about a blow job, you idiots were all going on and on about his lying and how a President must uphold certain moral standards.

Yesterday they were playing film clips of McConnell, Grassley and Graham yesterday from 1999, telling us why they voted to impeach Clinton and why Bill Clinton MUST be impeached. These were juxtaposed with clips of why Trump shouldn’t be impeached.

Clinton was a sitting US President and it happened in his office.

Those two women were from 2006 and 2007 way before Trump ran for office.

Oh and notice they never said a thing until he was running for office. Oh it was all about the money.

Did he have affairs with them?? No one will ever know. It was a smart move on his part to pay them off rather than fight them.

Sorry you don't have any common sense.
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

It was a campaign contribution and expenditure since the purpose was to prevent her from talking before the election. It would be a illegal campaign expenditure. The fact is that Trump never engaged in any campaign of ideas. His campaign was to insult people. That is what the white trash that follows Trump has done.

Two words: John Edwards.

Two words: Who cares.
Economy booming when tRump took over.
Unemployment low when tRump took over.
Trade deficit doesn't mean what you and tRump think it does.
Your first 2 are both FALSE.

1. Economy was SINKING when Trump took over. >> (2.3% to 1.8%)


2. Unemployment was
HIGH when Trump took over. (4.8%)


As for the trade deficit, just be thankful somebody has finally (after 30 years) stopped giving China (et al) unrestricted access to out massive & wealthy market.

You think 4.8% is high? it was around 10% when Obama took over. However neither Obama nor Trump had anything to do with it.
It was a campaign contribution and expenditure since the purpose was to prevent her from talking before the election. It would be a illegal campaign expenditure. The fact is that Trump never engaged in any campaign of ideas. His campaign was to insult people. That is what the white trash that follows Trump has done.
The fact is that you have no "fact". LOL. And the only insulting, is YOU insulting our intelligence + racist insults against Trump supporters.

Just like all the other liberals in this thread, you have no way to establish your accusation. Trump could just as well have been paying hush money so his family wouldn't hear the "noise". Your charge is hollow.

As for the campaign, Trump campaigned to bring the economy back up. He's done it. To reduce unemployment. He's done it. To implement Muslim immigration/travel ban. He's done it. To step up deportation of illegal aliens. He's done it. And plenty more good things.

We have lots of facts. You have no facts except crazy conspiracy theories. Your head is hollow. Trump, according to Fox, has a 19% approval rating for race relations among independents.
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It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
Are you proud of supporting all the Hollywood pedophiles and rapists?
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."

Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
Are you proud of supporting all the Hollywood pedophiles and rapists?

While Donald Trump (hollywood type) is a sexual assault aficionado, he is not a known pedophile although he wanted to fuck his daughter. No I don’t support him.
Are you proud to support a person who has to pay “hush money” to porn stars and playboy playmates?

I can see why Trump would be upset if Democrats…he doesn’t like the idea of someone else plucking moronic pigeons like yourself.
I'm neither proud or not proud of it. Like most AMERICANS, I simply don't care. I'm concerned about the economy (booming since Trump took over), unemployment being low, straightening out the trade imbalances left to us by 4 irresponsible past presidents, keeping Muslims out of the US, and other important matters.

Only opportunist, scammer, dimwit Democrats get involved with such dopey "issues" as this hush money thing. I doubt if even Melania cares about it, since it happened such a long time ago.

Thanks for letting US all know you don't have any need for morality

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