Democrats Trying To Scam Us Again

A man asks a woman if she would have sex with him for a Million dollars.

The woman says "yes!"

The man then asks "Would you have sex with me for one dollar?"

"NO! what do you think I am?!" she replies

"I think we already established what you are, now we're just negotiating the price"
It never stops. Democrats' agenda is like a sunken ship. Having been defeated in just about everything, now in 2018, Democrats seem to have shifted away from legitimate debate on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, they simply take something and transform it into something else, which better suits their narrative/agenda. One of the latest, is their attempt to stretch a hush money payment into a campaign contribution. Problem they face there is, it just isn't one. That's because of what a campaign contribution is - a campaign contribution.

Long ago, ex-President Lincoln asked a few senators this >> "If you call a dog's tail a leg, then how many legs does the dog have ?" The senators all replied "Five". Lincoln said >> "Wrong. A tail is not a leg."
Depends who made the payment
Economy booming when tRump took over.
Unemployment low when tRump took over.
Trade deficit doesn't mean what you and tRump think it does.
Your first 2 are both FALSE.

1. Economy was SINKING when Trump took over. >> (2.3% to 1.8%)


2. Unemployment was
HIGH when Trump took over. (4.8%)


As for the trade deficit, just be thankful somebody has finally (after 30 years) stopped giving China (et al) unrestricted access to out massive & wealthy market.
Why do you feel the need to lie? I know you know those things aren't true.
Smart move on his part.
Those women wanted money and how long ago did he supposedly have affairs with them?
Money is the reason they waited till he was running for POTUS to come out.
Now did he have affairs with them?? No one knows nor will they ever know.
Paying them off was smart.
Does anyone care?? Well no one but you lefty loons.

Wow ! Do you really live in the 'Bible-belt' ? :)

I live in Florida and religions isn't in my wheelhouse.

I consider religion the ban of the world when you consider how many wars have been fought because of religion and how many have died fighting those wars.

I couldn't care less what someone does in their private life nor should anyone else.
I live in Florida and religions isn't in my wheelhouse.
I consider religion the ban of the world when you consider how many wars have been fought because of religion and how many have died fighting those wars.
I couldn't care less what someone does in their private life nor should anyone else.

Halleluiah ! That's refreshing to hear !
I'm moving to Florida !

Any specific areas I should avoid ?
I live in Florida and religions isn't in my wheelhouse.
I consider religion the ban of the world when you consider how many wars have been fought because of religion and how many have died fighting those wars.
I couldn't care less what someone does in their private life nor should anyone else.

Halleluiah ! That's refreshing to hear !
I'm moving to Florida !

Any specific areas I should avoid ?

Well don't move to Miami.

I live in Melbourne which is on the east coast just below Cocoa.

Really anywhere in Florida is good except for Miami. I'd stay away from that shithole.

If you are into horses then Ocala is the place for you. Loads of thoroughbred farms up there. If you are into the ocean than either coast is good.

Florida is a great place to live and I'm sure you will like it.

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