Democrats Trying to Tank Economy with Corona Virus Fear-Mongering to Defeat Trump

What in this post is not a fact? Enlighten me and let's see if I can link my assertions.
You haven't witnessed any of it, you haven't experienced any of it. All you have done is parrot what you have been told. And you attempt to pass it off as fact when in reality you have no facts and your actual intent is to try and hurt Trump. Score:

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Fact, I live in Belgium. Fact, we have closed down all gatherings for over 1000 people. Fact we aren't allowed to fly to the US or Italy anymore. Fact, retirement homes don't allow visitors anymore. Fact, our local hospital has put it's geriatric ward in lockdown and doesn't allow children's visits anymore. Fact Italy is in total lockdown allowing only people going grocery shopping anymore, they have closed all schools. Etc. Etc. I have personal anecdotes, restrictions my government is now imposing on me and reports that I have exactly zero reasons to doubt. What do you have to support your assertions besides what I can only assume completely uninformed opinion?Special Report: Italy and South Korea virus outbreaks reveal disparity in deaths and tactics Just one of many many reports.
Then kindly keep your nose out of the United States affairs, and stop parroting stuff. Uninformed? LMAO! How do you get informed? Watching the news? LMAO!
My wife and kid are both American. What about watching what I can and can not do is that information? As I said. I was supposed to go to Santana on the 24th that concert got canceled. We are supposed to go to the US on the 28th of April to visit the family it's highly uncertain that's going to be possible. Oh and that news that you say doesn't inform has moving pictures and stuff. So when I see empty streets, interviews with doctors in overflowing hospitals. Politicians coming on camera explaining why they are making decisions I consider it not a hoax. You see unlike you it's not necessary to ignore information that my eyes can see and my ears can hear in order to assert stuff.
In other words you're a media fed parrot.
You are very boring to talk to Mike. Someone who's doesn't feel compelled in any way to show the least bit of intellectual honesty is not worth any time. I have given you both the simple fact that I've SEEN, as in with my own eyes, restrictions that my government is laying on society as a whole and the consequences of those restrictions on ME, as in me personally. You can bugger off and claim (because I refuse to believe anyone can be this dense and I think you're simply trolling) you don't believe that this is considered serious by the entire world. In any case goodnight.
It is obvious that many Democrats in the news media and in government are trying to tank the economy with reckless fear-mongering about the corona virus in the hope that this will defeat Trump in the election.

You'd never know from watching most major news outlets that so far the death rate from the corona virus has been only 3.71%. As of today, there've been 134,242 cases and 4,968 deaths worldwide, and a substantial majority of those deaths have been among the elderly and among those with seriously compromised immune systems. (Coronavirus Update (Live): 134,327 Cases and 4,969 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer). Among healthy people under the age of 70, the death rate is right around 1%.

In fact, just today, the World Health Organization announced that 80% of the corona virus cases will be mild, based on what we've seen so far (World Health Organization official: 80 percent of coronavirus cases will involve mild symptoms).

From all appearances, the corona virus has begun to run its course in China, as have all viruses in modern times. The number of new cases and deaths in China has dropped dramatically in the last week or so (Why The Death Rate From Coronavirus Is Plunging In China; China’s coronavirus epicentre sees single-digit cases for first time).

But, liberal news outlets continue to broadcast and print stories that emphasize the number of deaths and new cases in this or that place while providing little or no context for those numbers. Liberal news outlets engaged in no such reckless fear-mongering during the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak, which killed at least 150,000 people worldwide.

Obviously, Democrats in the media and government are using fear-mongering about the corona virus to try to cause a recession and thus defeat President Trump.
Only 3.71 percent??? Meaning if 10 million people get it 370000 people will die. Whatever are people worried about? By the way that is sarcastic.

Check you math, idiot.
10000000. 3,71=371000 your right, off by a thousand. Now you check your spelling since we are nitpicking
Just the News is carrying a great article titled "Coronavirus: Facts vs. Panic." Here's an excerpt:
  • Almost all of the reported coronavirus deaths in the U.S. happened in long-term care facilities in Washington State. And almost all of those occurred at the same facility.
  • Most people who get coronavirus have mild or no symptoms.
  • No young or middle-age people have died of coronavirus in the U.S.
  • Most around the world diagnosed from January-March 1 have already recovered.
Just FYI, as of yesterday, the worldwide death toll from the corona virus is 4,955, which is 0.000065% of the world's population of 7.7-billion population. The total number of confirmed cases is 132,758, which means the death rate is holding steady at 3.7%, give or take 0.002%. And, again, the vast majority of the deaths are among people over 70 or among people with serious immune-system issues. And the average duration of the virus, from contraction to recovery, continues to be . . . two weeks.

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Research and Statistics
It is obvious that many Democrats in the news media and in government are trying to tank the economy with reckless fear-mongering about the corona virus in the hope that this will defeat Trump in the election.

I don't really care. I couldn't give one flying fuck about the fortunes of the Democrats, the Republicans, Trump, Biden or Bernie. All of them want power over people and they're willing to make any excuses to justify it. Willing to fan the flames, hide the truth, and "baffle them with bullshit" - all in the name of winning. Fuck them. Fuck them all.
Only 3.71 percent??? Meaning if 10 million people get it 370000 people will die. Whatever are people worried about? By the way that is sarcastic.

Did you miss the part where I explained that most of the deaths of the 3.71% death rate have been among the elderly, with most of the rest coming from people with serious immune-system issues? Did you miss the part where I pointed out that the death rate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%? Did you somehow fail to read those points in the OP, even though you quoted it?

How many people did the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak kill worldwide? Hey? No more than 500,000, by the most generous estimates, even though we and most other nations did not impose travel bans, did not close schools, did not shut down sports leagues, etc., etc.

Sheesh, you people blather on about how you believe in "science," but you reject it when it doesn't fit your agenda.
The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Here's the article: Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Right. Which makes it, at least, ten times as deadly as the normal flu. That means that if coronavirus spreads into the general population before we can create a vaccine, it will kill, at least, ten times as many people as the common flu. Maybe you can brush that off in the name of political expediency. I can't.
Trump is doing a fine job all by himself tanking the economy with his preternatural stupidity and incompetence. No other assistance is required.
It will come back and more Trump supporters will be made. He has beat you on all the nonsense you guys have been pulling for the last three years.
It is obvious that many Democrats in the news media and in government are trying to tank the economy with reckless fear-mongering about the corona virus in the hope that this will defeat Trump in the election.

You'd never know from watching most major news outlets that so far the death rate from the corona virus has been only 3.71%. As of today, there've been 134,242 cases and 4,968 deaths worldwide, and a substantial majority of those deaths have been among the elderly and among those with seriously compromised immune systems. (Coronavirus Update (Live): 134,327 Cases and 4,969 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer). Among healthy people under the age of 70, the death rate is right around 1%.

In fact, just today, the World Health Organization announced that 80% of the corona virus cases will be mild, based on what we've seen so far (World Health Organization official: 80 percent of coronavirus cases will involve mild symptoms).

From all appearances, the corona virus has begun to run its course in China, as have all viruses in modern times. The number of new cases and deaths in China has dropped dramatically in the last week or so (Why The Death Rate From Coronavirus Is Plunging In China; China’s coronavirus epicentre sees single-digit cases for first time).

But, liberal news outlets continue to broadcast and print stories that emphasize the number of deaths and new cases in this or that place while providing little or no context for those numbers. Liberal news outlets engaged in no such reckless fear-mongering during the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak, which killed at least 150,000 people worldwide.

Obviously, Democrats in the media and government are using fear-mongering about the corona virus to try to cause a recession and thus defeat President Trump.

It is obvious that you will do anything to protect Trump. While I do think we are panicking too soon by canceling anything in which more than 2 people might meet, I give Trump a F on leadership. He lied to the American people about testing being available. He puts politicians in charge of managing it. Trump expressed no concern about the people who were on the cruise ship off California, only that they would be counted as a statistic if they were taken off the ship. His order to ban travel from Europe exempted countries where he owned golf courses.

Now we have his failure to accept responsibility for the lack of testing. He has sought to blame everyone but himself. South Korea is testing tens of thousands of people a day. We are lucky if we are testing 1,000 a day. When the marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by terrorists, President Reagan took responsibility for it. He didn't try to blame anyone else. Obviously the military leadership failed in their duties but President Reagan still TOOK RESPONSIBILITY. That is the mark of a leader.
The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Right. Which makes it, at least, ten times as deadly as the normal flu. That means that if coronavirus spreads into the general population before we can create a vaccine, it will kill, at least, ten times as many people as the common flu. Maybe you can brush that off in the name of political expediency. I can't.

And you keep ducking what science is telling us. The swine flu death rate was between 1% and 4% in 2009-2010. The swine flu did not kill millions, or tens of millions. It killed between 150,000 and 400,000 people--worldwide. The corona virus is not even on track to match that death toll, much less the common flu's death toll. The vast majority of corona cases are proving to be mild, and that's not counting the many cases where people had no symptoms. We are only about a year away from a corona vaccine. We already have a test for it. The death rate among non-elderly healthy people is barely 1%. The virus has already peaked in China, with new cases and new deaths drastically declining over the last week.

But you guys are determined to keep fear-mongering as long as you can.
The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Right. Which makes it, at least, ten times as deadly as the normal flu. That means that if coronavirus spreads into the general population before we can create a vaccine, it will kill, at least, ten times as many people as the common flu. Maybe you can brush that off in the name of political expediency. I can't.

And you keep ducking what science is telling us. The swine flu death rate was between 1% and 4% in 2009-2010. The swine flu did not kill millions, or tens of millions. It killed between 150,000 and 400,000 people--worldwide. The corona virus is not even on track to match that death toll, much less the common flu's death toll. The vast majority of corona cases are proving to be mild, and that's not counting the many cases where people had no symptoms. We are only about a year away from a corona vaccine. We already have a test for it. The death rate among non-elderly healthy people is barely 1%. The virus has already peaked in China, with new cases and new deaths drastically declining over the last week.

But you guys are determined to keep fear-mongering as long as you can.

And you're determined to spin whatever bullshit excuses are necessary to keep an inept goon in power. Even if it kills people. Even if it sinks your country.

Pathetic. No, scratch that. Evil.
The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Right. Which makes it, at least, ten times as deadly as the normal flu. That means that if coronavirus spreads into the general population before we can create a vaccine, it will kill, at least, ten times as many people as the common flu. Maybe you can brush that off in the name of political expediency. I can't.

And you keep ducking what science is telling us. The swine flu death rate was between 1% and 4% in 2009-2010. The swine flu did not kill millions, or tens of millions. It killed between 150,000 and 400,000 people--worldwide. The corona virus is not even on track to match that death toll, much less the common flu's death toll. The vast majority of corona cases are proving to be mild, and that's not counting the many cases where people had no symptoms. We are only about a year away from a corona vaccine. We already have a test for it. The death rate among non-elderly healthy people is barely 1%. The virus has already peaked in China, with new cases and new deaths drastically declining over the last week.

But you guys are determined to keep fear-mongering as long as you can.

And you're determined to spin whatever BS excuses are necessary to keep an inept goon in power.

It's called SCIENCE.

This has nothing to do with keeping Trump in office, and it's amazing and revealing that you would frame the issue in such partisan terms. That is "pathetic."

Even if it kills people. Even if it sinks your country. Pathetic. No, scratch that. Evil.

Phew! YOU GUYS are the ones who are tanking the economy with your reckless fear-mongering and ignoring of what the CDC and Johns Hopkins and other medical authorities are telling us! WHY DIDN'T YOU REACT LIKE THIS DURING THE 2009-2010 SWINE FLU OUTBREAK? HEY? WHY NOT? The swine flu's death rate was between 1% and 4%, exactly like the corona virus. WHY DIDN'T YOU FEAR-MONGER THEN?

YOU GUYS are the evil. You've never accepted that you lost the 2016 election. And now you've shamefully weaponized a public health issue to scare half the country and tank our economy.

When the dust clears, as it eventually will, and it becomes undeniable that the corona virus is not significantly worse or deadlier than the swine flu or the common flu, I will periodically remind you and other lying dog liberals about your hysteria and lies.
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The Johns Hopkins medical website has a helpful article on the corona virus vs. the common flu. The article debunks the idea that the corona virus is drastically different from the flu or that it is substantially more lethal. Here is one interesting observation from the article:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; 1,323 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

The article points out that the corona death rate is higher than that of the flu now because it is a new virus and because there is no vaccine yet. In spite of this, the death reate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%, and the overall death rate is only 3.71%, which means that on average you have a 96.29% chance of not dying from it if you catch it. If you're healthy and under 70, you have about a 99% chance of not dying from it.

Right. Which makes it, at least, ten times as deadly as the normal flu. That means that if coronavirus spreads into the general population before we can create a vaccine, it will kill, at least, ten times as many people as the common flu. Maybe you can brush that off in the name of political expediency. I can't.

And you keep ducking what science is telling us. The swine flu death rate was between 1% and 4% in 2009-2010. The swine flu did not kill millions, or tens of millions. It killed between 150,000 and 400,000 people--worldwide. The corona virus is not even on track to match that death toll, much less the common flu's death toll. The vast majority of corona cases are proving to be mild, and that's not counting the many cases where people had no symptoms. We are only about a year away from a corona vaccine. We already have a test for it. The death rate among non-elderly healthy people is barely 1%. The virus has already peaked in China, with new cases and new deaths drastically declining over the last week.

But you guys are determined to keep fear-mongering as long as you can.

And you're determined to spin whatever BS excuses are necessary to keep an inept goon in power.

It's called SCIENCE.

No. It's called a guilty teenager backpedalling a string of tortured excuses. You're lost. Come back to the light.
Trump is doing a fine job all by himself tanking the economy with his preternatural stupidity and incompetence. No other assistance is required.
If Trump weren't doing well, your TDS flare-up wouldn't be so intense.
Just as they did in 2006-2008. This is not a new Dem tactic, they are fine with tanking the economy and wrecking peoples lives if it means that improves their changes of winning an election. I believe the word we are seeking to describe them is assholes!

The Democrats did not tank the economy from 2006 to 2008
I do not always agree with you buddy but I respect you. You are one of the few that are not fully parisan on here.
Just as they did in 2006-2008. This is not a new Dem tactic, they are fine with tanking the economy and wrecking peoples lives if it means that improves their changes of winning an election. I believe the word we are seeking to describe them is assholes!

The Democrats did not tank the economy from 2006 to 2008
yes they did.
The housing bubble, sub prime mortgage loans, and giving out loans without the ability to pay them back was huge in the wall street crash
All forced on Bush by the Dems
Off course when it failed, Bush was the easy target.
Bush never vetoed a single bill while President
He's one of the worst presidents we've had.
Only 3.71 percent??? Meaning if 10 million people get it 370000 people will die. Whatever are people worried about? By the way that is sarcastic.

Did you miss the part where I explained that most of the deaths of the 3.71% death rate have been among the elderly, with most of the rest coming from people with serious immune-system issues? Did you miss the part where I pointed out that the death rate among healthy people under 70 is right around 1%? Did you somehow fail to read those points in the OP, even though you quoted it?

How many people did the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak kill worldwide? Hey? No more than 500,000, by the most generous estimates, even though we and most other nations did not impose travel bans, did not close schools, did not shut down sports leagues, etc., etc.

Sheesh, you people blather on about how you believe in "science," but you reject it when it doesn't fit your agenda.
Did you miss the part where I simply extrapolated your mortality rate and applied it to a very modest number of infections? What does it matter that this virus targets specific people? Are they any less death?

By the way, 3.71 is a higher mortality rate than most experts put forth. Just as 10 million is a way lower number than experts expect to get infected. At the moment that number is expected to be between 50 and 60 percent of the populace. This equals hundreds of thousands of people just in the US. That is a non-trivial number by all accounts. H1N 's mortality rate was 0.2 comparing it to this is simply inaccurate. 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

As it stands and as has happened in other countries, this virus can and does have the capability to overwhelm the capability of even rich nations to deal with the infected. This is the reason all countries are trying to slow the rate of infection. It allows the hospitals to deal with the patients coming in staggered.
Here is some helpful and revealing info: In South Korea, where testing was very extensive and transparency is much better than in China, the mortality rate among those who are known to have contracted the virus is 0.6%, and for those under the age of 40, the mortality rate is a mere 0.2%. Hold your breath until CNN or MSNBC reports this fact.

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.

This clearly suggests that has our testing improves, the relatively low death rate thus far will drop substantially.

And I see that liberal responses are still ignoring the fact that the swine flu death rate ranged between 1% and 4%, depending on the nation and age group, and that the swine flu killed between 150,000 and 400,000 people worldwide. Yet, there were no travel bans; sports leagues did not suspend operations; most churches did not stop meeting; many schools did not close, and those that did closed for no more than two weeks; and liberal news outlets reported the swine flu very different than how they are now reporting it.
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Hurting Trump is big and wrecking the wealth of the dreaded well off white people is a stellar side benefit. More sinster well may be testing to see if the peoples of USA will be compliant and follow dictates and something about the money we owe China

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