Democrats use the filibuster to protect Putin's pipeline for controlling Western Europe...but.....Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrats love them some filibuster when it stops what they want stopped....usually in the service of racism or helping the enemies of our country......

Two days later, however, the same Democratic party that has flip-flopped on their previous defenses of the filibuster and who are now routinely painting it as a tool only racists would utilize turned around and used that very tool to block a bill proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz that would impose sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2:

Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked legislation from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to slap sanctions on businesses tied to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a win for the Biden administration, which believes such sanctions could damage relations with Germany.
Senators voted 55-44 on Cruz’s legislation, falling short of the 60 votes needed for it to pass. Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), Maggie Hassan (N.H.), Mark Kelly (Ariz.), Jacky Rosen (Nev.) and Raphael Warnock (Ga.) joined every Republican save Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in voting for the bill.

Of was never Trump in bed with Russia, it has always been hilary, biden and the rest of the democrat party who will take a check from any bloody handed butcher .....

On a related note, in 2020 alone, Senate Democrats abused the filibuster 327 times to block Republican/Trump agenda items. Republicans used it once.
Huh, who would had guessed?
Here I thought Republicans were the Putin lovers. Now look who is using the “Jim Crow” filibuster to block this legislation:

I thought democrats recently had been trying to abolish the filibuster? Or am I misunderstanding?
The more Soviet-like Russia acts, the better Democrats like it.

Returning to their roots.
As far as I know there is only one bona-fided Jim Crow law left and that is the handgun permit (approved or denied at the whim of the local CLEO) law NC has.

The use of Jim Crow by either side at this point is cringe-worthy.
Huh, who would had guessed?
Here I thought Republicans were the Putin lovers. Now look who is using the “Jim Crow” filibuster to block this legislation:

The pipeline was largely completed under Trump. Yet Republicans had no issues with this. This was political and nothing more. Democrats were righjt to shitcan this.
The pipeline was largely completed under Trump. Yet Republicans had no issues with this. This was political and nothing more. Democrats were righjt to shitcan this.
Trump shut it down with sanctions.

A pipeline is useless until it is complete, Dumbass. Veggie Joe did that after shutting down Keystone XL here in the US. So, tell me who is the Putin puppet.
The pipeline was largely completed under Trump. Yet Republicans had no issues with this. This was political and nothing more. Democrats were righjt to shitcan this.

No issues because Trump sanctioned to stop the completion. the construction started in 2016 just as Trump was becoming president, it takes a while to address a lot of these issues when you are just elected, but he did... even as he was being attacked by Democrats constantly for ......Russian Collusion.

How long did it take BIDEN in his presidency to allow Russia to complete the pipeline??? And you do know that by doing this Biden made it much more easier for Putin to invade Ukraine. I imagine Putin must have some damning video on Hunter because Biden sure acts a lot like someone being blackmailed.

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