Democrats using Palestinian playbook with the Caravan


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Democrat commie agitators are now using the Palestinian playbook, directing the Carvan invaders to rush the border sending the few women and children in front using them as human shields, while the disgusting fake news media takes misleading or photoshopped photos making the border patrol look brutal and aggressive. They are just defending our country from being invaded by thousands of migrants (vast majority of which are men) who think they have an inherent right to enter the US illegally, even if they use deadly force such as throwing rocks, concrete, and other projectiles against those that are defending our borders.

This is the same shit that Democrats, their puppets in the fake news media, and their commie, anarchist, no-border international collaborators are doing all over the world, including in Israel and many other countries.
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Of course it helps Trump, it exposes the Left's hand and true intentions.
Of course it helps Trump, it exposes the Left's hand and true intentions.

Bowers killed Jews, because he believed Liberal Jews were behind the Caravan.

Now, that sounds akin to your beliefs.
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Open Society purports to support "justice and human rights" in more than 100 countries; but in more recent years, it has primarily focused on Soros' liberal agenda of open borders and free trade while resisting the wave of populist sentiment that has swept across Europe and the US.
Democrat commie agitators are now using the Palestinian playbook, directing the Carvan invaders rush the border sending the few women and children in front using them as human shields, while the disgusting fake news media takes misleading or photoshopped photos making the border patrol look like brutal and aggressive. They are just defending our country from being invaded by thousands of migrants (vast majority of which are men) who think they have an inherent right to enter the US illegally, even if they use deadly force such as throwing rocks, concrete, and other projectiles against those that are defending our borders.

This is the same shit that Democrats, their puppets in the fake news media, and their commie, anarchist, no-border international collaborators are doing all over the world, including in Israel and many other countries.

Trump supporters are nothing but fascists. Voters are not as stupid as you think. Maybe red state voters are stupid but we are not. You are the disgusting ones. You use force against unarmed citizens. Trump and people like you are nothing but cowards. Try taking on the drug lords which are the source of the problem. Quite picking on women and children bully boy.

It is the right wing media in this country They are the fake news media. It is interesting to see how a lie is disseminated through the fake RIGHT WING news media. Trump starts the lie. Then it is picked up by Trump sycophants in talk radio like Hannity, Limbaugh Beck and Levin among others. Then it goes to Fox News. Then Trump supporters say the same thing.
Sorry the majority in this country are not white supremacists. It is the right wing media that is snowing you.
Whatever it is you're babbling about, your leftist catchwords have no effect on me any more than affirmative action supporting black supremacists' words do. :rolleyes:
As long as Americans continue to vote for Dimocrats at any level of government, illegal invaders will continue to have a voice in our government.
You vote for a Dim for president, mayor, senator, councilman, governor, congressman, etc etc, our borders will be vulnerable, and illegals will be protected.
Democrat commie agitators are now using the Palestinian playbook, directing the Carvan invaders rush the border sending the few women and children in front using them as human shields, while the disgusting fake news media takes misleading or photoshopped photos making the border patrol look like brutal and aggressive. They are just defending our country from being invaded by thousands of migrants (vast majority of which are men) who think they have an inherent right to enter the US illegally, even if they use deadly force such as throwing rocks, concrete, and other projectiles against those that are defending our borders.

This is the same shit that Democrats, their puppets in the fake news media, and their commie, anarchist, no-border international collaborators are doing all over the world, including in Israel and many other countries.

Trump supporters are nothing but fascists. Voters are not as stupid as you think. Maybe red state voters are stupid but we are not. You are the disgusting ones. You use force against unarmed citizens. Trump and people like you are nothing but cowards. Try taking on the drug lords which are the source of the problem. Quite picking on women and children bully boy.

It is the right wing media in this country They are the fake news media. It is interesting to see how a lie is disseminated through the fake RIGHT WING news media. Trump starts the lie. Then it is picked up by Trump sycophants in talk radio like Hannity, Limbaugh Beck and Levin among others. Then it goes to Fox News. Then Trump supporters say the same thing.
You are a hack just repeating nonsense and irrelvant bullshit talking points like parrot.

Try addressing what the Democrats are advocating, which is the demonization of those defending our country from being invaded by thousands of unvetted migrants, mostly men. This is the exact same shit they are pulling in Israel.

It isn't that these "brave" Democrats are doing anything about these cities they are running that are infested with crime, gangs and major gun violence problems. No, all they are after is power and getting more potential voters.
Trump supporters are nothing but fascists. Voters are not as stupid as you think. Maybe red state voters are stupid but we are not. You are the disgusting ones. You use force against unarmed citizens. Trump and people like you are nothing but cowards. Try taking on the drug lords which are the source of the problem. Quite picking on women and children bully boy.

It is the right wing media in this country They are the fake news media. It is interesting to see how a lie is disseminated through the fake RIGHT WING news media. Trump starts the lie. Then it is picked up by Trump sycophants in talk radio like Hannity, Limbaugh Beck and Levin among others. Then it goes to Fox News. Then Trump supporters say the same thing.
Not hard to see how they've got YOU programmed. Sounds like a machine talking.

As for "unarmed" citizens, not when they're throwing rocks bottle and pieces of concrete. Any of those could kill somebody. And the "women and children" you slobber about, are the very HUMAN SHIELDS that the OP correctly reported.
You are a hack just repeating nonsense and irrelvant bullshit talking points like parrot.

Try addressing what the Democrats are advocating, which is the demonization of those defending our country from being invaded by thousands of unvetted migrants, mostly men. This is the exact same shit they are pulling in Israel.

It isn't that these "brave" Democrats are doing anything about these cities they are running that are infested with crime, gangs and major gun violence problems. No, all they are after is power and getting more potential voters.
You are a hack just repeating nonsense and irrelvant bullshit talking points like parrot.

Try addressing what the Democrats are advocating, which is the demonization of those defending our country from being invaded by thousands of unvetted migrants, mostly men. This is the exact same shit they are pulling in Israel.

It isn't that these "brave" Democrats are doing anything about these cities they are running that are infested with crime, gangs and major gun violence problems. No, all they are after is power and getting more potential voters.
Not sure which came first, the Palywood or the Leftie Fake News Media.
LOL, I hate to say it, but the Caravan helps Trump, it certainly doesn't harm him.

Take a hint, Shlomo.
It doesn't help him if they get through, and are released into the US population, to never appear in court, but they'll appear at the voting halls.
Many of them do appear in court. When they are charged with murder, assault, rape, child molestation and other crimes.
Democrat commie agitators are now using the Palestinian playbook, directing the Carvan invaders rush the border sending the few women and children in front using them as human shields, while the disgusting fake news media takes misleading or photoshopped photos making the border patrol look like brutal and aggressive. They are just defending our country from being invaded by thousands of migrants (vast majority of which are men) who think they have an inherent right to enter the US illegally, even if they use deadly force such as throwing rocks, concrete, and other projectiles against those that are defending our borders.

This is the same shit that Democrats, their puppets in the fake news media, and their commie, anarchist, no-border international collaborators are doing all over the world, including in Israel and many other countries.

Trump supporters are nothing but fascists. Voters are not as stupid as you think. Maybe red state voters are stupid but we are not. You are the disgusting ones. You use force against unarmed citizens. Trump and people like you are nothing but cowards. Try taking on the drug lords which are the source of the problem. Quite picking on women and children bully boy.

It is the right wing media in this country They are the fake news media. It is interesting to see how a lie is disseminated through the fake RIGHT WING news media. Trump starts the lie. Then it is picked up by Trump sycophants in talk radio like Hannity, Limbaugh Beck and Levin among others. Then it goes to Fox News. Then Trump supporters say the same thing.

So when your beloved Hussein locked up children and fired tear gas on illegals on the border, he wasn’t a fascist?
Democrat commie agitators are now using the Palestinian playbook, directing the Carvan invaders rush the border sending the few women and children in front using them as human shields, while the disgusting fake news media takes misleading or photoshopped photos making the border patrol look like brutal and aggressive. They are just defending our country from being invaded by thousands of migrants (vast majority of which are men) who think they have an inherent right to enter the US illegally, even if they use deadly force such as throwing rocks, concrete, and other projectiles against those that are defending our borders.

This is the same shit that Democrats, their puppets in the fake news media, and their commie, anarchist, no-border international collaborators are doing all over the world, including in Israel and many other countries.

Trump supporters are nothing but fascists. Voters are not as stupid as you think. Maybe red state voters are stupid but we are not. You are the disgusting ones. You use force against unarmed citizens. Trump and people like you are nothing but cowards. Try taking on the drug lords which are the source of the problem. Quite picking on women and children bully boy.

It is the right wing media in this country They are the fake news media. It is interesting to see how a lie is disseminated through the fake RIGHT WING news media. Trump starts the lie. Then it is picked up by Trump sycophants in talk radio like Hannity, Limbaugh Beck and Levin among others. Then it goes to Fox News. Then Trump supporters say the same thing.
This sounds like a "greatest hits" compendium of every stupid, left wing Marxist inspired meme used to legitimize and rationalize the mob that's trying to provoke chaos at the border.
It is nothing more than the wind that emits out of a barn animal's backside.

The use of women and small children to
evoke sympathy is a cynical ploy and the people who are tearing down fences and throwing rocks and other projectiles are hardly "unarmed".
You have produced something truly stupid. Congratulations.
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