Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Letting Trump do whatever the hell he wants is a good idea?
Will Biden be investigated for selling influence and money laundering in Ukraine or not?
There is more than enough evidence, by Biden's own big mouth, to convict.
Okay. Let`s impeach the 2 Bidens and if they have a dog we`ll impeach it too. Who gives a shit about the Bidens other than Trump`s sorry ass supporters looking for a diversion?

So, it's ok when Democrats do it....If we were talking about say Don Jr. using his fathers position to set up a phoney consultant position for millions, and then Trump threatens them with aid withholding if they investigate that, you people would be losing you damned minds.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Congress should have access to all of that, no matter who is in office.

Particularly if the officeholder is taking great pains to keep.them a secret by doing things like confiscating translator's notes and transferring transcripts to servers meant for ultra.secret documents.

The President must have the ability to do his damn job. You all think congress should be president and that he should not be able to do anything without your fucking approval... Fuck Off SHIT STAIN... That is not how our government was set up to work.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Congress should have access to all of that, no matter who is in office.

Particularly if the officeholder is taking great pains to keep.them a secret by doing things like confiscating translator's notes and transferring transcripts to servers meant for ultra.secret documents.

So, a President doesn't have the lattitude to conduct policy anymore without congressional approval? Is that what you are saying?

The fact that in the early days of this Presidency, transcripts of calls with other foreign leaders was leaked to the press is justification that these calls be locked down...Now, seeing as that NOW you liberals are so concerned with secret servers, does that mean that now you admit that what Hillary Clinton did with her own private server was a crime?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Go back and read my post again.
Dems are so full of hypocrisy and it must be a mental ilness that they are unaware of it. They accuse Trump of using mob tactics a foreign government, when that's exactly what Obama and Biden did. They accuse Trump of keeping his call secrets despite leaks, when Hillary destroyed her server when contents were subpoenaed. Trump provided documents even when they were not subpoenaed.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Congress should have access to all of that, no matter who is in office.

Particularly if the officeholder is taking great pains to keep.them a secret by doing things like confiscating translator's notes and transferring transcripts to servers meant for ultra.secret documents.

So, a President doesn't have the lattitude to conduct policy anymore without congressional approval? Is that what you are saying?

The fact that in the early days of this Presidency, transcripts of calls with other foreign leaders was leaked to the press is justification that these calls be locked down...Now, seeing as that NOW you liberals are so concerned with secret servers, does that mean that now you admit that what Hillary Clinton did with her own private server was a crime?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Go back and read my post again.

That's exactly what you Communists are saying....
The Democrats deserve to lose the House as well as the Presidency in 2020. That would be justice after dragging President Trump and the country through 4 years of made up 'crimes', tying up the courts and not doing their job.

On the bright side, the reward for America in 2020 could very well be the House, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court and lower courts all with a Conservative majority.
You would be rewarded by the end of America as we know it? You look forward to living in a fascist country?
You have this belief that we would live in Hollywood derived sci fi anti Christian movie/TV outcomes. You are the fascism. You just believe you can not be that. I do not call it a Conservative majority although I have use it before. I call it a Non Progressive Socialist Communist majority.
Okay. Let`s impeach the 2 Bidens and if they have a dog we`ll impeach it too. Who gives a shit about the Bidens other than Trump`s sorry ass supporters looking for a diversion?
I'm glad to hear someone from the lunatic left say the hopelessly corrupt Joe Biden needs to be dealt with by the law. It's about time.
It's a sad day for America when democrats would rather go on a desperate fishing expedition than support a freaking candidate. It's no coincidence that lefties want open borders. They would rather engage in Banana Republic politics.
Rudy explained everything in detail this morning on Fox. He has actual affidavits from people, that are signed. Not made up third party hearsay bullshit. He indicated that the Russia story, started with Ukraine. It involved Obummer, hilly, and creepy joe. He also said that he contacted government sources 6 or more months ago, and there was no interest. He claims he posted the affidavits on Google. I didn’t look. He has specific details.

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How about we prosecute Schitt for trying to BUY dirt on Trump from a Russian?....Come on AG if civilians can think about this. So should you!!!...A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR is needed here !!!!!

Audio: Russian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Him Naked Photos Of ...
Feb 6, 2018 · In this audio posted on YouTube by Russian pranksters, Rep. Adam Schiff can be heard discussing claims that the FSB has naked pictures of President Trump. ... The Daily Mail reports that Schiff sent his staff to try and collect "classified materials for the FBI" after the prank
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Congress should have access to all of that, no matter who is in office.

Particularly if the officeholder is taking great pains to keep.them a secret by doing things like confiscating translator's notes and transferring transcripts to servers meant for ultra.secret documents.

The President must have the ability to do his damn job. You all think congress should be president and that he should not be able to do anything without your fucking approval... Fuck Off SHIT STAIN... That is not how our government was set up to work.
That makes me wonder what you think the president's job is.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
Congress should have access to all of that, no matter who is in office.

Particularly if the officeholder is taking great pains to keep.them a secret by doing things like confiscating translator's notes and transferring transcripts to servers meant for ultra.secret documents.

So, a President doesn't have the lattitude to conduct policy anymore without congressional approval? Is that what you are saying?

The fact that in the early days of this Presidency, transcripts of calls with other foreign leaders was leaked to the press is justification that these calls be locked down...Now, seeing as that NOW you liberals are so concerned with secret servers, does that mean that now you admit that what Hillary Clinton did with her own private server was a crime?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Go back and read my post again.

That's exactly what you Communists are saying....
What communists?
The Democrats deserve to lose the House as well as the Presidency in 2020. That would be justice after dragging President Trump and the country through 4 years of made up 'crimes', tying up the courts and not doing their job.

On the bright side, the reward for America in 2020 could very well be the House, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court and lower courts all with a Conservative majority.
You would be rewarded by the end of America as we know it? You look forward to living in a fascist country?
You have this belief that we would live in Hollywood derived sci fi anti Christian movie/TV outcomes. You are the fascism. You just believe you can not be that. I do not call it a Conservative majority although I have use it before. I call it a Non Progressive Socialist Communist majority.
Fascism. Far right wing ideology.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!

It makes me think that perhaps the administration should be able to monitor all the calls members of congress make and be copied all of their emails and have their mail censored by the courts and administration as well.
Either we have three branches of government that are seperate but equal per the constitution or we don't. Either we have a supreme law of the land in our constitution or we've become no more than a banana repubic that's due to fail all of us at any moment.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders and in particular with Putin that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out.”

Democrats want access to Trump's phone calls with Russia's Putin, others: Schiff

Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!
They are nervous about what world leader that is going to help Pres.Trump to bring them down, the Deep state.This is the best time to call up world leaders to gather up information about them. Because it is a red alert. That everyone is looking around for spies. That Pres.Trump has sent out spies to watch everyone real closely. The Deep state don't know which ones are watching them. And so they want to legalize spying on the President so that they can do it in broad daylight without any fear or paranoia of being watched.


Obama, whose administration prosecuted and spied on reporters, claims Trump is very bad for criticizing newsrooms

The democrats KNOW they have NO ONE in their entire CLOWN BRIGADE that can beat president Trump next year, so they have reduced themselves to believing that impeaching him is the ONLY way they even stand a snowball's chance in hell of beating him, and if they have no reason to impeach him, which they DON'T, that isn't going to matter one bit. They'll MAKE ONE UP... they're REAL GOOD at MAKING SHIT UP. Little bug eyed, pencil necked, pixie lipped Adam ScHITt sat right there in front of God and the world and MADE UP A STORY as if it was the gospel truth.

I don't think it's going to matter what CORRUPT bull shit trick the demtrash try and pull. They've already shown America for the last THREE YEARS what kind of absolutely UNHINGED, VILE, CORRUPT TRASH they are, and they're in for another real ass kickin' at the ballot box.
Well, there it is people! I said it just a little earlier today right in here on these boards, and viola! That snotty little basterd Schiff comes out and brings it to pass....What a traitor to this country...

No longer can ANY President have a confidential call with another world leader...NO longer is ANY President afforded the latitude to have any privacy in running this country....We are done....No longer will we be anything resembling what was founded in 1776....

This is just the begining of how a nation gives over its freedom to tyranny!

Isn't hiding information from the people the beginning of tyranny? Shouldn't the government be transparent so the people know what our elected officials are doing?
Isn't hiding information from the people the beginning of tyranny? Shouldn't the government be transparent so the people know what our elected officials are doing?
Trump released the transcript of his phone call to Ukrainian president Zelenskey. Anyone can see it and read it.

I don't know what could be more transparent than that. Of course the press is free to distort it, as they already have and freedom of the press also means freedom for the press to report news in a false and biased way unfortunately.

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