Democrats Want To Make Face Masks And Lockdowns Permanent

Congress is getting vaccinated......and everyone else is going to have to keep wearing their masks.

Oh, and some want to keep white people from getting a vaccination.

They figure that blacks have been so oppressed that they should be vaccinated before any white person (other than members of congress of course).

But the fact is......Democrats are going to everyone continue to wear masks until nobody tests positive for COVID-19. Maybe even longer.
As soon as they feel they can't use it to control us they might give up on masks.....but lockdowns will be a constant until they've ruined the economy completely.
You see.....they don't want us to have a cure for this virus.
They want to use it to get what they want from us against our will.
The COVID Relief bill is a perfect example of Congress getting all of the goodies they always wanted and not having to answer to the people for it. Gender studies in Pakistan costing millions isn't exactly COVID Relief to me. All it is to congress is a kick-back from foreign aid to the 4 House committee members that wrote this POS. Congressional members barely got the bill for 2 hours before it was voted on. Even AOC was complaining about the bill. So instead of Ear Marks....we get these bills that have hidden pork that only benefits specified members of congress.

Also, cheaper ways of treating the virus are also being systematically eliminated.

Democrats don't want a cure.
This is a gravytrain to why cure it.

To everyone who thinks this pandemic is a political hoax: fuck you!

For the last week I have been fighting this virus. I don't want you to get it, I don't want your family to get it and you should be mature enough to know this isn't about your freedom, but the public health.

To those of you who are so cynical to think this is a fake pandemic,: fuck you! You are not being told the medical truth. Your lack of curiousity WILL GET YOU OR OTHERS KILLED.

FOR THOSE OF YOU OFFENDED BY THE NOTION of wearing masks, WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF? It's the least you could de. You want all the freedom, but no responsibility. You should be ashamed.

My screen name is Nosmo King. My reality has been COVID-19. This is my story. This is my face:
I notice you wearing a mask.....yet it didn't protect you from getting the virus.
Sorry....but this isn't a black & white issue.
You can't be just for or against wearing the masks....and that decides who is right.

Here's the deal.
Imagine the possibility that Democrats could have decided to set up the conditions that allowed that virus to spread early this year. Their open borders policies helped greatly.
Then they waited till a bunch of people were infected and used it as an excuse to destroy the economy.
At first experts said masks were useless.....but then somebody told them to tell us that masks were helpful.
The point is any time you introduce a virus into the country it will spread regardless what you do.....and masks only give you a feeling of false security.
Now....masks have become a political symbol of oppression and conformity.....not a means of fighting a virus that they claimed 9 months ago would flatten out and dissipate if we would just wear masks for 3 weeks.
It's like the common cold or can't cure the can only lessen it's effect by doing the right thing.
My reality is COVID-19.

I can't be r sponsible for your reality.

I can warn, advise and guide. But I can't repair stupidity.
You're proof of that.
Congress is getting vaccinated......and everyone else is going to have to keep wearing their masks.

Oh, and some want to keep white people from getting a vaccination.

They figure that blacks have been so oppressed that they should be vaccinated before any white person (other than members of congress of course).

But the fact is......Democrats are going to everyone continue to wear masks until nobody tests positive for COVID-19. Maybe even longer.
As soon as they feel they can't use it to control us they might give up on masks.....but lockdowns will be a constant until they've ruined the economy completely.
You see.....they don't want us to have a cure for this virus.
They want to use it to get what they want from us against our will.
The COVID Relief bill is a perfect example of Congress getting all of the goodies they always wanted and not having to answer to the people for it. Gender studies in Pakistan costing millions isn't exactly COVID Relief to me. All it is to congress is a kick-back from foreign aid to the 4 House committee members that wrote this POS. Congressional members barely got the bill for 2 hours before it was voted on. Even AOC was complaining about the bill. So instead of Ear Marks....we get these bills that have hidden pork that only benefits specified members of congress.

Also, cheaper ways of treating the virus are also being systematically eliminated.

Democrats don't want a cure.
This is a gravytrain to why cure it.

The thread premise is a strawman fallacy and a lie.

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