Democrats Want To Tank The Economy If Trump Wins. They're Already Talking About It

So this thread is the beginning of the set up to blame the Democrats if Trump gets elected and the economy tanks?

So this thread is the beginning of the set up to blame the Democrats if Trump gets elected and the economy tanks?

Anything bad happens when Obama is prez......not his fault.

Everything bad that happens when a Republican is prez is his fault.....even if Democrats caused it to happen.
So this thread is the beginning of the set up to blame the Democrats if Trump gets elected and the economy tanks?

Anything bad happens when Obama is prez......not his fault.

Everything bad that happens when a Republican is prez is his fault.....even if Democrats caused it to happen.

You mean like RWnuts blaminig Democrats for the 2008 recession, or falsely blaming Democrats for the Iraq war by claiming most of them voted for it?
Why is it called "shrugging" and considered a good thing, when Conservatives/Libertarians say the same kinds of things?
You mean like RWnuts blaminig Democrats for the 2008 recession, or falsely blaming Democrats for the Iraq war by claiming most of them voted for it?
The 2008 Great Recession WAS caused by the Clinton housing bubble. Get used to it.

Iraq War? Not everybody thinks it was a "mistake." And yes Dems fought to support it when they felt pressure by the American People.
LOL. Wow how dare a republican accuse people of trying to sabotage an administration after what you all have done the last 8 years
Were not about trashing our own country out of spite. The Democrat special interests do that.

Obama FAILED. The Republicans gave him EVERYTHING HE WANTED 'cause he be black. He failed miserably.
It's the end of the line for you guys, time and demographics aren't on your side
You republicans will tank the goddamn economy with your dumb deregulations, tax cuts for the super rich and cuts. Dumb fuckers.
Democrats Want To Tank The Economy If Trump Wins. They're Already Talking About It
Obama has is already in the works. He will intentionally tank the economy, with the help of the media, if Trump wins.

How would that really be any different from what he's been doing for the past nearly-eight years? Will he really be able to do any more damage in his last few months, than he's already done?
Trump Agreed FED screwed last week.
The FED has been irresponsible for last 2 years for leaving Interest Rates at (essentially) 0%. Businesses now rely on Free Money and interest on Corp Issued Bond running 4-6% under normal.
Some Recession would seem inevitable and is Obama-FED fault.
Obama has is already in the works. He will intentionally tank the economy, with the help of the media, if Trump wins.

He will raise interest rates that have been frozen at historical lows for his entire administration.
He will start pulling back the Quantitative Easing and monitization of the debt, crashing the stock market.

Trump said yesterday that Obama has been pushing a false economy in the media and all it would take is a couple of actions and the truth about the condition of the economy will become evident once the media begins reporting present conditions honestly.

Mavs owner Mark Cuban is aware that the economy will tank if Trump wins....but he isn't aware of what will cause it.


Trump-basher Mark Cuban tries to strike fear into hearts of America: Market will ‘tank’ if Trump wins
Trump-basher Mark Cuban tries to strike fear into hearts of America: Market will 'tank' if Trump wins

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has a bleak outlook for America’s economy if Donald Trump is elected president.

The billionaire and supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is not a fan of Trump’s and he commented on his investment strategies in case of a GOP victory in November.

“I think there are so many external global influences on our market. You know what money comes here when there’s uncertainty overseas,” Cuban said Tuesday on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast.”

“What money goes into treasuries and where does it go if rates go higher or lower — and then there’s the uncertainty of the election… I have my Trump hedge on,” he continued. “In the event Donald wins, I have no doubt in my mind that the market tanks. And so, I literally have put on more than 100% hedge… that I’ll put on stronger if it looks like there’s a better chance as we go forward.”

Cuban blamed his pessimism on the uncertainty of the election and Trump.

“We don’t know what Donald Trump’s plans are. All we know are a little bit about his immigration, which tends to change on a day-to-day basis, and we know he will reduce taxes significantly,” he said. “One thing markets hate is uncertainty, and right now with Donald, there’s uncertainly. And on the global peace basis, all he has to do is say the wrong thing one time.”

Makes sense............especially since the Democrats now put party before country.
Mark Cuban is Russian-Romanian Jewish. Family name Chabenisky.
Life not on same moral-ethical plane as Trump.


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Hillary keeps saying "the rich need to pay their fair share."

Who are "the rich" and what is their "fair share"?

Why doesn't she lead by example and start paying her fair share? She is rich and there is no maximum tax. She can voluntarily pay her fair share.
Democrats Want To Tank The Economy If Trump Wins. They're Already Talking About It
Obama has is already in the works. He will intentionally tank the economy, with the help of the media, if Trump wins.

How would that really be any different from what he's been doing for the past nearly-eight years? Will he really be able to do any more damage in his last few months, than he's already done?
Yes. He said he was going to do something really big this year. He wants to leave behind a stench on the Oval Office that will take decades to forget. Sort of a protest over how racist this country is. He's waiting till after the election.

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