Democrats wanted, Taxes, Homo marriage, and Your Guns.And were voted out of office.

It just goes to show you, when you support unpopular political agendas, it can cost you your job. The majority of Americans are telling the Democratic party, and Liberal America,
that we don't want more Taxes, we don't want Homosexual marriage, and we don't want any Democratic politicians taking away our Guns.!
First it was the Republicans commiting political suicide , now its the Democrates and Obama. Whats next.:razz:

What's next?
Gridlock, or worse.
If those newly elected chose not to raise the debt ceiling we are in for very hard times. Of course if they do, they are hypocrites because they were elected to cut taxes, cut spending and shrink government.
They have two years to fix our economy, reduce unemployment, instill consumer confidence and reduce the national debt.
Good luck to them, I hope they can produce what they promise.

"They" might. If gridlock keeps up..and President Obama's programs start working.

Deficit already went down 2009 - 2010. And "gridlock" that republicans put up kept Paygo from being voted on.

Only reason the deficit went down is military payrolls were cut and companies took early profits in 2010 they did not want to pay higher taxes on in 2011.
I'll take an R congress, split senate, gridlock, O in 2012, if it means we're cutting the hell out of deficits, defunding and replacing hc with something that is actually viable, falling unemployment, paying off our debts, cutting taxes so that government is operating at the bare minimum.
Oh yeah..almost forgot.

Amount of people on the government payroll went down.

Thanks to President Obama.
It just goes to show you, when you support unpopular political agendas, it can cost you your job. The majority of Americans are telling the Democratic party, and Liberal America,
that we don't want more Taxes, we don't want Homosexual marriage, and we don't want any Democratic politicians taking away our Guns.!
First it was the Republicans commiting political suicide , now its the Democrates and Obama. Whats next.:razz:

What's next?
Gridlock, or worse.
If those newly elected chose not to raise the debt ceiling we are in for very hard times. Of course if they do, they are hypocrites because they were elected to cut taxes, cut spending and shrink government.
They have two years to fix our economy, reduce unemployment, instill consumer confidence and reduce the national debt.
Good luck to them, I hope they can produce what they promise.

:eek: Oh NO! Not gridlock !!! Better than having socialists shove their agenda up our asses.

You can bitch about the GOP all you want. It can't accomplish shit. Which, is preferable to the last two years of having communist crap rammed down our throats.

No need to be such a jerk, gunnie. You're may think, excuse me, you may believe your proving your manhood with the crap you post, you don't. You give the impression of a spoiled brat, or, a mean drunk. Being a bully may give you a sense of power, some of us aren't easily bullied.
Proving your ignorance is not the way to make a point, not understanding terms and using them indiscriminately demonstrates a lack of judgment and foolishness.
But, thanks for sharing.
It just goes to show you, when you support unpopular political agendas, it can cost you your job. The majority of Americans are telling the Democratic party, and Liberal America,
that we don't want more Taxes, we don't want Homosexual marriage, and we don't want any Democratic politicians taking away our Guns.!
First it was the Republicans commiting political suicide , now its the Democrates and Obama. Whats next.:razz:

Do the world a favor and stick your head back up your ass where it belongs.
It just goes to show you, when you support unpopular political agendas, it can cost you your job. The majority of Americans are telling the Democratic party, and Liberal America,
that we don't want more Taxes, we don't want Homosexual marriage, and we don't want any Democratic politicians taking away our Guns.!
First it was the Republicans commiting political suicide , now its the Democrates and Obama. Whats next.:razz:

Do the world a favor and stick your head back up your ass where it belongs.

I am not into that anal caucasian fixation crap,all this talk about "ass" indicates latent
homosexual urges. I 'll leave that for you homo marriage whiteboys.!
I don't need to shove anything up may "ass.!!":razz:

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