Democrats: We Don’t Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted...Please explain this idiocy

Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.

Also, libs very much believe in mob rule, how many witch hunts they have had in the recent years? Too many to count... And they were wrong in pretty much all of them.n.

Also- as this thread shows- Right Wing nut jobs like you believe in "Guilty until proven innocent"
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

Are you seriously putting Snowden and Madoff in the same category?
Yea they are both morons
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

I you out for more
:bsflag: from an:ahole-1:

Brietbart is know for being less than honest and is in fact known for lying.
Wow that is clever, provides no comeback and does not vindicate Hilly the criminal, but it is very clever for someone who killed all of their children before birth so that they could be a Democrat.

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

Again, this is more "lying about a blowjob" stuff.

She used the wrong e-mail server. Normal people just can't get worked up about that sort of thing.
So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

Again, this is more "lying about a blowjob" stuff.

She used the wrong e-mail server. Normal people just can't get worked up about that sort of thing.
Hillary did not use the wrong server, actually she used the server that she chose to, thus it was the right server for her to do her Clinton foundation racketeering activities.

Got that dude?
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
Trump donated $35k to the governor of Texas after the Texas ag dropped the case on trump U. Trump and the Texas governor and ag are all going to jail. If hillary goes down we got bernie
Hillary did not use the wrong server, actually she used the server that she chose to, thus it was the right server for her to do her Clinton foundation racketeering activities.

Got that dude?

and still not seeing a problem here. Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing.
Hillary did not use the wrong server, actually she used the server that she chose to, thus it was the right server for her to do her Clinton foundation racketeering activities.

Got that dude?

and still not seeing a problem here. Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing.
Neither Rice nor Powell used a personal server set up by someone in the State Dept who has pleaded the fifth amendment. And neither of them kept a server hidden from the authorities in a bathroom. So get over this already as it never happened. Do you have evidence that it did?

Nope, you do not, all you have is your delusions.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
Trump donated $35k to the governor of Texas after the Texas ag dropped the case on trump U. Trump and the Texas governor and ag are all going to jail. If hillary goes down we got bernie
Wrong dude, if Hillary goes down as you say, then Biden becomes the nominee. why? because Sanders has no votes except the anti Clinton vote, so without Clinton Biden returns and likely wins.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
Trump donated $35k to the governor of Texas after the Texas ag dropped the case on trump U. Trump and the Texas governor and ag are all going to jail. If hillary goes down we got bernie
Wrong dude, if Hillary goes down as you say, then Biden becomes the nominee. why? because Sanders has no votes except the anti Clinton vote, so without Clinton Biden returns and likely wins.
In Michigan polls showed Bernie doing better against trump than hillary here in a general election.

Bernie has more delages than biden. Going with biden would piss off Bernie supporters.

I'd be happy with joe
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
Trump donated $35k to the governor of Texas after the Texas ag dropped the case on trump U. Trump and the Texas governor and ag are all going to jail. If hillary goes down we got bernie
Wrong dude, if Hillary goes down as you say, then Biden becomes the nominee. why? because Sanders has no votes except the anti Clinton vote, so without Clinton Biden returns and likely wins.
In Michigan polls showed Bernie doing better against trump than hillary here in a general election.

Bernie has more delages than biden. Going with biden would piss off Bernie supporters.

I'd be happy with joe
Biden does not need delegates, if hilly drops out Biden can come back in and still get nominated, every Clinton delegate will vote for her, what r u missing, or are u just dumb?
So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

I only mention the two points below when I see OPs like this:

1) Bush - no WMDs in Iraq and an invasion based on lies. Hundreds of thousands dead including thousands of US military service personal. Neocons don't bat an eyelid.

2) Four dead in Bengahzi - not even Hillary's fault. Neocons get into a frenzy.

Having digested the above Bassman, ask your question again with a straight face. I dare you.
So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

I only mention the two points below when I see OPs like this:

1) Bush - no WMDs in Iraq and an invasion based on lies. Hundreds of thousands dead including thousands of US military service personal. Neocons don't bat an eyelid.

2) Four dead in Bengahzi - not even Hillary's fault. Neocons get into a frenzy.

Having digested the above Bassman, ask your question again with a straight face. I dare you.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dude Hillary voted for the INVASION OF IRAQ.................... So get real already

Have you always been ignorant, or did you study?
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dude Hillary voted for the INVASION OF IRAQ.................... So get real already

Have you always been ignorant, or did you study?

Based on lies. She trusted her president.
You've also avoided the question. Note Bush didn't want a special prosecutor appointed. Gee I wonder why....

So get off your high horse. In the scheme of things Benghazi is nothing compared to the clusterfuck the neocon whackos have created in the middle east.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dude Hillary voted for the INVASION OF IRAQ.................... So get real already

Have you always been ignorant, or did you study?

Based on lies. She trusted her president.
You've also avoided the question. Note Bush didn't want a special prosecutor appointed. Gee I wonder why....

So get off your high horse. In the scheme of things Benghazi is nothing compared to the clusterfuck the neocon whackos have created in the middle east.
Would you like to personally explain that to Christopher Stevens family?

Hillypoo trusted George Bush, instead of her own instincts which lead her to Huma every time....LOL
Would you like to personally explain that to Christopher Stevens family?

Hillypoo trusted George Bush, instead of her own instincts which lead her to Huma every time....LOL

Sure, I'll go and explain it to his family (and btw, he can take some of the responsibility himself), if you can go and explain to the 7,000+ families of American service personal who died in Bush's two wars of choice.

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