Democrats: We Don’t Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted...Please explain this idiocy

You have no basis to know what the KGB has or does not have, unless you are a KGB employee with inside knowledge of their organization. So are you really KGB, or r u full of shit as usual, u choose

OK, moron....NOW you want the "help" from the KGB (which is no longer the KGB, just to educate R-W nitwits) to expose Hillary????

(This dolt is one of the reasons why his ilk will not see the inside of the oval office for decades....unless they go as "tourists").....LOL
You have no basis to know what the KGB has or does not have, unless you are a KGB employee with inside knowledge of their organization. So are you really KGB, or r u full of shit as usual, u choose

OK, moron....NOW you want the "help" from the KGB (which is no longer the KGB, just to educate R-W nitwits) to expose Hillary????

(This dolt is one of the reasons why his ilk will not see the inside of the oval office for decades....unless they go as "tourists").....LOL
Once KGB always KGB, Putin is thus KGB and he has emails from hilly
Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
There is nothing for her to be indicted for. Besides, if Republicans cared so much about the rules, they would have changed them under Bush. But they didn't care until a Democrat.
But I still don't understand why Republicans refused to investigate the 90 that died at US embassies under Reagan and the 60 that died under Bush. And why did Colin and Bush get to uses private email. And why did Bush have a private server in his home and no one cared?

I would think just the Iraq debacle and letting Bin Laden go would have cause massive investigations.
In fact, Republicans are now using Hillary's Iraq vote against her. How can that be? Will they now investigate her for voting for the Iraq fiasco?
You have no basis to know what the KGB has or does not have, unless you are a KGB employee with inside knowledge of their organization. So are you really KGB, or r u full of shit as usual, u choose

OK, moron....NOW you want the "help" from the KGB (which is no longer the KGB, just to educate R-W nitwits) to expose Hillary????

(This dolt is one of the reasons why his ilk will not see the inside of the oval office for decades....unless they go as "tourists").....LOL
Once KGB always KGB, Putin is thus KGB and he has emails from hilly
Trump: Putin's compliments are a 'great honor'
Trump: Putin's compliments are a 'great honor'
Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.
The odd thing is that hilly has admitted deleting emails that belong in the National Archives, this is a Federal crime and she has admitted to it already. But you keep pretending that this is not real. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mod Edit: leave family out of your flames.
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You have no basis to know what the KGB has or does not have, unless you are a KGB employee with inside knowledge of their organization. So are you really KGB, or r u full of shit as usual, u choose

OK, moron....NOW you want the "help" from the KGB (which is no longer the KGB, just to educate R-W nitwits) to expose Hillary????

(This dolt is one of the reasons why his ilk will not see the inside of the oval office for decades....unless they go as "tourists").....LOL
Once KGB always KGB, Putin is thus KGB and he has emails from hilly
Trump: Putin's compliments are a 'great honor'
Trump: Putin's compliments are a 'great honor'
Would the nuclear war that hilly wants to start be a better option?
The idiocy is the thread premise – it fails as a straw man fallacy.

A straw man fallacy occurs when a lie is contrived about one’s opponent in an effort to misrepresent the opponent’s positon on a given issue – in this case the lie that Clinton is subject to an ‘indictment.’

Those who have contrived the lie then attack that lie (straw man) and claim ‘victory’ when ‘defeated.’

So you would change your vote if she was indicted?
I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

Obviously you don't actually give a shit about being "qualified" as you just voted for the least qualified President in American history ... twice ...
I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

Obviously you don't actually give a shit about being "qualified" as you just voted for the least qualified President in American history ... twice ...

That tired line again?

Obama was qualified when he ran in 2008. Obviously.
The idiocy is the thread premise – it fails as a straw man fallacy.

A straw man fallacy occurs when a lie is contrived about one’s opponent in an effort to misrepresent the opponent’s positon on a given issue – in this case the lie that Clinton is subject to an ‘indictment.’

Those who have contrived the lie then attack that lie (straw man) and claim ‘victory’ when ‘defeated.’

So you would change your vote if she was indicted?
No one will change their vote bases on indictment, because they believe in a right wing conspiracy that made up the entire email scandal. Basically this is mass hysteria and the hysterical need a leader, and hilly is perfect for the hysterical
Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.

If that's what you got out of it... you are a retard...

Also, libs very much believe in mob rule, how many witch hunts they have had in the recent years? Too many to count... And they were wrong in pretty much all of them. Guilty until proven innocent indeed. Heck they coined the terms "listen and believe" (IE. you are rapist until it's proven you aren't).

Out of a liberal's mouth:



They also believe Trump supporters should be violently beaten down.
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I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

Obviously you don't actually give a shit about being "qualified" as you just voted for the least qualified President in American history ... twice ...

That tired line again?

Obama was qualified when he ran in 2008. Obviously.

Swish, missed the point again. Both of them

1) Dana raised "qualifications" as a standard, and Trump is way more qualified than Obama was, it's not close. Obviously he is lying that qualifications are a standard for him

2) Whether or not you think Obama was "qualified," doesn't contradict that I said he was the "lease qualified" President in history
Once KGB always KGB, Putin is thus KGB and he has emails from hilly

Well, here's irrefutable "proof" by this nitwit who probably got it from looking a his/her toilet bowl and "read the tea leaves"....I mean, who could argue with such provided "clarity".....What an.........:ahole-1:
Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.
The odd thing is that hilly has admitted deleting emails that belong in the National Archives, this is a Federal crime and she has admitted to it already. But you keep pretending that this is not real. How many of your children have you aborted in your quest to be a loyal democrat?
Emails equal abortion. Wow, that's deep.
Once again the right wing nut jobs demonstrate what we know

Democrats believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

The Right believes in guilty until proven innocent- hell- even after proven innocent.
The odd thing is that hilly has admitted deleting emails that belong in the National Archives, this is a Federal crime and she has admitted to it already. But you keep pretending that this is not real. How many of your children have you aborted in your quest to be a loyal democrat?

The odd thing is that the poll keeps showing that Democrats believe in the American value of "Innocent until proven guilty"

Right Wing nut jobs like you believe in guilty until proven innocent
I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

Obviously you don't actually give a shit about being "qualified" as you just voted for the least qualified President in American history ... twice ...

Least qualified according to who?

President Obama had very similar qualifications to Abraham Lincoln when he was elected.
I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

Obviously you don't actually give a shit about being "qualified" as you just voted for the least qualified President in American history ... twice ...

That tired line again?

Obama was qualified when he ran in 2008. Obviously.

Swish, missed the point again. Both of them

1) Dana raised "qualifications" as a standard, and Trump is way more qualified than Obama was, it's not close. Obviously he is lying that qualifications are a standard for him

2) Whether or not you think Obama was "qualified," doesn't contradict that I said he was the "lease qualified" President in history

Purely subjective- Trump doesn't have the slightest bit of legislative experience.

And you keep saying that Obama was the least qualifed twice- when has Trump ever been President of the United States?

The second election, the American people decided his experience of being President made him very qualified.

We will see what the American people think of the qualifications of the great entertainer- Donnie.

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