Democrats: We Don’t Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted...Please explain this idiocy

Would you like to personally explain that to Christopher Stevens family?

Hillypoo trusted George Bush, instead of her own instincts which lead her to Huma every time....LOL

Sure, I'll go and explain it to his family (and btw, he can take some of the responsibility himself), if you can go and explain to the 7,000+ families of American service personal who died in Bush's two wars of choice.
Right Stevens is responsible for torturing himself.

Did you take your medicine yet? Because your delusions are taking over again
Right Stevens is responsible for torturing himself.

Did you take your medicine yet? Because your delusions are taking over again

Yeah, ignore the parts where I'm kicking your arse, and talk about the minute points. Not talking about the torture, am talking about being partially responsible for his own death. I mean, if you're gonna throw the kitchen sink at Hillary let's look at the whole scenario.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

Morals. Character. Truth. None of those matter to the left. It's all about the agenda and as long as a politician is willing to press on with their dream of a socialist America then they will have the support of the liberals. The useful idiots are promised a better life as the expense of others and they go along because they can't see anything past their own needs. The dependents are unaffected by the economy and unemployment. They remain unaware of the issues with national security since they are not only ignorant of current events, but also of history.

They'd vote for Hillary if she was convicted. Obama would pardon her, anyway. She is promising more freebies, amnesty for illegals and she's another in a long line of lying Dems who claim they'll go after the wealthy. It will be yet another attack on middle class and it will continue till middle class is eliminated. Socialism, communism and Marxism cannot exist with a middle class. If people have a way out of poverty, dictators cannot rule. Shame that so many didn't take advantage of the opportunities offered because not only will they be stuck in poverty forever, but will drag everyone else down to their level. Well, except the wealthy elite.

If libs think the ambassador or America bought the attack on, they better ask what the Obama administration was really up to. We are the only country that didn't get their people out of Libya amid repeated attacks and threats. Did the State Dept. have Stevens doing something illegal? Does the missing billions of dollars have anything to do with this? It's bullshit that we didn't have time to help and there is no excuse for the stand down orders. Hillary removed what little security Stevens had days before the planned attack. I think she knew about it. We could have sent help and saved the marines. The excuse was that there wasn't time, but they had no idea how long it would last and how many would be killed. It's unheard of to do nothing when our people are in danger.

Of course, the left doesn't care that Hillary allowed some marines to die. They loathe the military and they don't matter much to the left. Hillary has always hated them. If this had been the Bush administration, they would have been accused of letting Stevens die because he was gay.

Hillary has outright lied and past videos prove it. She and Obama stated numerous times that it was protesters out of control over a video and she did promise to get the filmmaker.

She's lied about so many things and has failed to answer other things, like where $6 billion dollars went.

There is nothing she can do to turn off Dem voters. As I said, as long as she promises them more welfare, she can lie and cheat all she wants.
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Right Stevens is responsible for torturing himself.

Did you take your medicine yet? Because your delusions are taking over again

Yeah, ignore the parts where I'm kicking your arse, and talk about the minute points. Not talking about the torture, am talking about being partially responsible for his own death. I mean, if you're gonna throw the kitchen sink at Hillary let's look at the whole scenario.
So in your opinion Chris Stevens being tortured to death is a minor point. Can I be there when you tell his family this? Or how a movie did it?

So in your opinion Chris Stevens being tortured to death is a minor point. Can I be there when you tell his family this? Or how a movie did it?


And you obviously think 7000+ dead Americans is a minor point. You certainly haven't addressed it once. There is no evidence he was tortured.
So in your opinion Chris Stevens being tortured to death is a minor point. Can I be there when you tell his family this? Or how a movie did it?


And you obviously think 7000+ dead Americans is a minor point. You certainly haven't addressed it once. There is no evidence he was tortured.
Hillary Clinton voted for that, and without her vote they never could have died, are you aware of this??
Neither Rice nor Powell used a personal server set up by someone in the State Dept who has pleaded the fifth amendment. And neither of them kept a server hidden from the authorities in a bathroom. So get over this already as it never happened. Do you have evidence that it did?

Nope, you do not, all you have is your delusions.

Neither Powell nor Rice were subject to partisan witch-hunts. In fact, when someone asked Powell if he had those e-mails where he discussed sending guys into Iraq to be killed he, said, "Whoops,, don't have them." and everyone was amazingly okay with that, for some reason.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dude Hillary voted for the INVASION OF IRAQ.................... So get real already

Have you always been ignorant, or did you study?

No, Hillary voted to authorize the President to use force if there was no other alternative and fi the UN was in agreement. I know you guys like to leave those two little details out.
There is nothing she can do to turn off Dem voters. As I said, as long as she promises them more welfare, she can lie and cheat all she wants.

You're right. She once bragged she could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue and still have supporters.

Oh, no, wait,that was Trump. And you guys support him anyway.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dude Hillary voted for the INVASION OF IRAQ.................... So get real already

Have you always been ignorant, or did you study?

No, Hillary voted to authorize the President to use force if there was no other alternative and fi the UN was in agreement. I know you guys like to leave those two little details out.
Wrong, Hillary voted to declare war on Iraq, something that Bush could not Constitutionally do. No fear though Hillary had no trouble declaring war. What you miss is that Bush had already moved equipment and troops, what Hillary did is give the final OK for them to attack. Bush did not do this, he went to the legislature as the Constitution required, so get over it already.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?

Are you seriously putting Snowden and Madoff in the same category?
Yea they are both morons

Yea exposing a tyrannical government is so moronic.
This country made a tremendous mistake when that idiot Obama was elected President by the Moon Bats. We are paying for it now with enormous debt, dismal economic growth, increased welfare, increased cost of government, increased taxes, increased poverty, greater racial division, declining family income, weaken military, greater division between the rich and the poor and a disastrous foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

The country will be making as big or even bigger mistake by electing Crooked Hillary. She will be just as much of a disaster as Obama.

Electing Crooked Hillary and her stupid ideas on Left Wing economics will only put us closer to being like Greece as best case or even Venezuela as the worse case.

Only idiots would vote for her. I mean like real world class dumbasses.
So in your opinion Chris Stevens being tortured to death is a minor point. Can I be there when you tell his family this? Or how a movie did it?


And you obviously think 7000+ dead Americans is a minor point. You certainly haven't addressed it once. There is no evidence he was tortured.
Hillary Clinton voted for that, and without her vote they never could have died, are you aware of this??

Already posted on who voted for what. 7 Repubs voted against it. 147 Dems did, too. That says volumes.

And they wouldn't have died without the false intel bush and his mates were spruiking. If you want Hillary to own Benghazi, Bush certainly owns Iraq and Afghanistan and the clusterfuck that they turned into.

Now, if you think that isn't the case with regard to Bush, then you suffer from what is called hypocrisy. And when somebody suffers from this ailment, there is a side affect. It is called their 'credibility' flying out the window.
Wrong, Hillary voted to declare war on Iraq, something that Bush could not Constitutionally do. No fear though Hillary had no trouble declaring war. What you miss is that Bush had already moved equipment and troops, what Hillary did is give the final OK for them to attack. Bush did not do this, he went to the legislature as the Constitution required, so get over it already.

Guy, we never declared war on Iraq. A declaration of war is something we haven't done since 1941.

There were conditions on the Authorization to Use force to 1) Make sure Saddam had WMD's, 2) Make sure that all other avenues were exhausted and 3) get the UN on board.

Bush ignored all of these and pretty much fucked the whole thing up.
Wrong, Hillary voted to declare war on Iraq, something that Bush could not Constitutionally do. No fear though Hillary had no trouble declaring war. What you miss is that Bush had already moved equipment and troops, what Hillary did is give the final OK for them to attack. Bush did not do this, he went to the legislature as the Constitution required, so get over it already.

Guy, we never declared war on Iraq. A declaration of war is something we haven't done since 1941.

There were conditions on the Authorization to Use force to 1) Make sure Saddam had WMD's, 2) Make sure that all other avenues were exhausted and 3) get the UN on board.

Bush ignored all of these and pretty much fucked the whole thing up.
So you are saying that Hillary did not vote to send troops into battle in Iraq..............

OK if you say so.

The plethora of geniuses here, who are actually arguing with known historical facts is quit amusing.
So you are saying that Hillary did not vote to send troops into battle in Iraq..............

OK if you say so.

The plethora of geniuses here, who are actually arguing with known historical facts is quit amusing.

I am saying that she authorized Bush to use force.

It's like if I loan you my car, and you proceed to use it to run over a bunch of kids before you wrap it around a tree.

You can't come back and say later, "Joe said I could run over a bunch of kids and wrap the car around a tree."
So you are saying that Hillary did not vote to send troops into battle in Iraq..............

OK if you say so.

The plethora of geniuses here, who are actually arguing with known historical facts is quit amusing.

I am saying that she authorized Bush to use force.

It's like if I loan you my car, and you proceed to use it to run over a bunch of kids before you wrap it around a tree.

You can't come back and say later, "Joe said I could run over a bunch of kids and wrap the car around a tree."
Wrong Hillary authorized the war, Bush had already more or less declared war and moved troops, but he could not commit them in peacetime without a vote from the electorate. So the vote actually sent troops into direct combat, as it was not just Bush decision, it was also in part a Hillary decision. The fact is that Hillary could have said NO, but warmongers never do that, do they?
Wrong Hillary authorized the war, Bush had already more or less declared war and moved troops, but he could not commit them in peacetime without a vote from the electorate. So the vote actually sent troops into direct combat, as it was not just Bush decision, it was also in part a Hillary decision. The fact is that Hillary could have said NO, but warmongers never do that, do they?

Actually, that's not true at all. Presidents have authorized the use of force many times without the consent of Congress.

I think Hillary and the Democrats who went along with Bush did abdicate too much authority... but they did it at a time when the whole country was scared and we were throwing triple amuputee war vets out of office for not being aggressive enough.

End of the day, the moral responsibility for invading iraq and the mismanagement that followed belongs to Bush and Bush alone.
Wrong Hillary authorized the war, Bush had already more or less declared war and moved troops, but he could not commit them in peacetime without a vote from the electorate. So the vote actually sent troops into direct combat, as it was not just Bush decision, it was also in part a Hillary decision. The fact is that Hillary could have said NO, but warmongers never do that, do they?

Actually, that's not true at all. Presidents have authorized the use of force many times without the consent of Congress.

I think Hillary and the Democrats who went along with Bush did abdicate too much authority... but they did it at a time when the whole country was scared and we were throwing triple amuputee war vets out of office for not being aggressive enough.

End of the day, the moral responsibility for invading iraq and the mismanagement that followed belongs to Bush and Bush alone.
Wrong Hillary authorized the war, Bush had already more or less declared war and moved troops, but he could not commit them in peacetime without a vote from the electorate. So the vote actually sent troops into direct combat, as it was not just Bush decision, it was also in part a Hillary decision. The fact is that Hillary could have said NO, but warmongers never do that, do they?

Bush followed the constitution, and so did Hillary and she voted to go to war, get over it already.

You are arguing with history not me.

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