Democrats Win Because They Have Lies On Their Side


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


One thing that was said at the CPAC meeting last week that points out how out of touch Republicans are is when Chris Christie said; "We have to be able to say what we're for, not what we're against!"

Christie is dead wrong. Democrats took back Congress by being against everything. They stood for nothing. The minute you start defining what you stand for it allows a liar the opening he needs to criticize it. Democrats proved that you don't have stand for anything to win an election. Simply come up with a convincing argument on every principle your opposition stands for.

You cannot win an argument with a liar that refuses to admit he's a liar. That is the dilemma in Washington. Democrats know their arguments are bunk, yet they still win enough arguments not because they make sense, but they have a well organized support system to back up their lies.

Anyone who supports Democrats can agree that Fox News lies, Bush lied, The Tea Party is racist, Sarah Palin is a bitch, on and on, all of the liberal talking points, it never ends.


It's only too easy to think of what is wrong with something, the difficult part is figuring out what works. This is why Democrats have been so successful. They are expert at being critical but they suck at coming up with workable solutions. Obamacare is a primary example of it. First Democrats said the only reason it wasn't working was because the GOP cut funding. When we discovered the marketplace cost $600 million dollars they abandoned that lie and started saying the reason it wasn't working was because the GOP was sabotaging the site. You see, it doesn't matter what the truth is with these people because lies are all they have.

If anyone is critical of the results of Obamacare they say it was all made up. Millions of families have lost coverage because of the ACA law. At first they said the only policies that were being canceled were bad policies. Bad meaning they didn't all fit the model, men must have coverage for prenatal care, or pay for birth control. Once this excuse didn't suffice they started a campaign that all of the horror stories that had been surfacing was all just a pack of lies. Harry Reid said bluntly on the floor of the Senate that it's all lies made out of hole-cloth. He called every American that claimed to have lost their coverage or lost their doctor bold-faced liars. He covered this claim by saying it was all due to advertizements paid for by the evil Koch Brothers. This is a bold-faced lie in itself, but Reid has made similar claims on the Senate floor when he claimed, without any evidence, that Mitt Romney doesn't pay his taxes.

We cannot expect anything from these people but lies. If we accept their lies then we'll never know what is a lie and what is the truth and this works to their advantage, because a liar without a conscience has an advantage over an honest person. They can bend and fit their rhetoric to fit the occasion. They have a media that will support them and they can lie with impunity.


But remember the old saying, a person that is willing to lie to you doesn't respect you.

Democrats have a definite lack of respect for us, and because of that they have no fear of what we could do to them. This is the worst possible situation in any society.

A government that doesn't fear it's voters is extremely dangerous.

They're capable of just about any form of abuse you can imagine because they have the power to do it.

Because of this you can count on a constant erosion of our civil liberties and our freedom, all in favor of political correctness and climate change.


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Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.
52 per cent of Democrats don't even know that the Earth revolves around the sun. When you've got an electorate with that level intellect you can tell 'em anything and they'll believe it.
"If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it! Period!"
Barack Obama once related the experience of his first public speaking engagement.
'After speaking several minutes he stopped momentarily to catch his breath, gazed at the crowd and realized he had them eating out of his hand.' He's been trying to lie his way to the position of 'King of the World' ever since.
Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.

yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:
Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.

yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:

Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation. Now saying that an attack in Benghazi was caused by rioting over a video when you know there were no riots before the attack, now that is a lie. Or saying that if you like your doctor or your coverage you can keep them, period. That is a lie. Especially when his own CBO predicted that millions of Americans would lose their coverage. Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.
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We had won in Iraq, right up to the point where obama was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We had won with very few casualties until obama changed the rules of engagement to ensure more dead.

Democrats have to resurrect their old lie that Bush said Iraq was behind 911. Democrats lie so much, that a majority of Americans now don't believe a thing they say and that's being reflected in opinion polls.
We had won in Iraq, right up to the point where obama was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We had won with very few casualties until obama changed the rules of engagement to ensure more dead.

Democrats have to resurrect their old lie that Bush said Iraq was behind 911. Democrats lie so much, that a majority of Americans now don't believe a thing they say and that's being reflected in opinion polls.

Post the new Obama ROEs.

How do they assure that more will die?
Ah, this is pure politics here. Each side slinging mud at the other, while those who control both sides sit back and laugh at you lot wasting your energies on this and not on dealing with those who control US politics.

It's amazing how they do it, yeah, it costs a lot of money, but hey, when you spend money you earn money, right, especially when the govt is doing your bidding.
Ah, this is pure politics here. Each side slinging mud at the other, while those who control both sides sit back and laugh at you lot wasting your energies on this and not on dealing with those who control US politics.

It's amazing how they do it, yeah, it costs a lot of money, but hey, when you spend money you earn money, right, especially when the govt is doing your bidding.

For pete's sakes. Be quiet.

Do you have any idea what this thread is about?
Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.

yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:

Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation. Now saying that an attack in Benghazi was caused by rioting over a video when you know there were no riots before the attack, now that is a lie. Or saying that if you like your doctor or your coverage you can keep them, period. That is a lie. Especially when his own CBO predicted that millions of Americans would lose their coverage. Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud....great mis-calculation.

Another one in Mudwhistle's series of "victimization" threads.
Only a certifiable idiot would think that Obama would have won in 2012 if he had not lied and compelled his minions to lie along with him about "if you like your health care you can keep it".

So, sadly, mudwhistle may be right.
Only a certifiable idiot would think that Obama would have won in 2012 if he had not lied and compelled his minions to lie along with him about "if you like your health care you can keep it".

So, sadly, mudwhistle may be right.
He is, and what does that say about the voters that vote for people that willingly, and blatently LIE to them? Could the Democrats also be correct that most people won't fact check what they say, so they are indeed stupid and need to be controlled? Or could it be that the people are afraid to leave their comfort zones...or just too busy and therefore apathetic?
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They win because they have a bunch of dumb ass voters who want free stuff voting for them; any lie that is congruent is ingurgitated without exploration :eusa_whistle:
They win because they have a bunch of dumb ass voters who want free stuff voting for them; any lie that is congruent is ingurgitated without exploration :eusa_whistle:

Democrats also had as their blind and stupid allies, the biggest backstabbing traitors who stayed home because in their twisted world they thought that a quasi-Muslim and full communist would make a better president than a decent honest Christian who happened to be a Mormon.
They win because they have a bunch of dumb ass voters who want free stuff voting for them; any lie that is congruent is ingurgitated without exploration :eusa_whistle:

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. " ~Franklin

Hence Democrats LOVE to throw them a bone from time to time to maintain their power over the people.
I have a feeling a conspiracy is lurking in the shadows to rear its' ugly head soon.

Ah, this is pure politics here. Each side slinging mud at the other, while those who control both sides sit back and laugh at you lot wasting your energies on this and not on dealing with those who control US politics.

It's amazing how they do it, yeah, it costs a lot of money, but hey, when you spend money you earn money, right, especially when the govt is doing your bidding.
Gee, and I thought the GOP was the party of personal responsibility.

Funny how their candidates are NEVER responsible for their losing.

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