Democrats Win Because They Have Lies On Their Side

I boils down to the mainstream media. Before around 1989 and the advent of talk radio the entire media was controlled by the left. Since fair and balanced Fox came on the scene the "mainstream" media has dropped every facade and come out in total support of democrats no matter what the policy.
Any wonder why Obama wanted the FCC in newsrooms?
Can you prove the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi?

Did think so, but you folks on the right operate on pure propaganda.

Educate yourself...

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube[/ame]

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.


One thing that was said at the CPAC meeting last week that points out how out of touch Republicans are is when Chris Christie said; "We have to be able to say what we're for, not what we're against!"

Christie is dead wrong. Democrats took back Congress by being against everything. They stood for nothing. The minute you start defining what you stand for it allows a liar the opening he needs to criticize it. Democrat proved that you don't have stand for anything to win an election. Simply come up with a convincing argument on every principle your opposition stands for.

You cannot win an argument with a liar that refuses to admit he's a liar. That is the dilemma in Washington. Democrats know their arguments are bunk, yet they still win enough arguments not because they make sense, but they have a well organized support system to back up their lies.

Anyone who supports Democrats can agree that Fox News lies, Bush lied, The Tea Party is racist, Sarah Palin is a bitch, on and on, all of the liberal talking points, it never ends.


It's only too easy to think of what is wrong with something, the difficult part is figuring out what works. This is why Democrats have been so successful. They are expert at being critical but they suck at coming up with workable solutions. Obamacare is a primary example of it. First Democrats said the only reason it wasn't working was because the GOP cut funding. When we discovered the marketplace cost $600 million dollars they abandoned that lie and started saying the reason it wasn't working was because the GOP was sabotaging the site. You see, it doesn't matter what the truth is with these people because lies are all they have.

If anyone is critical of the results of Obamacare they say it was all made up. Millions of families have lost coverage because of the ACA law. At first they said the only policies that were being canceled were bad policies. Bad meaning they didn't all fit the model, men must have coverage for prenatal care, or pay for birth control. Once this excuse didn't suffice they started a campaign that all of the horror stories that had been surfacing was all just a pack of lies. Harry Reid said bluntly on the floor of the Senate that it's all lies made out of hole-cloth. He called every American that claimed to have lost their coverage or lost their doctor bold-faced liars. He covered this claim by saying it was all due to advertizements paid for by the evil Koch Brothers. This is a bold-faced lie in itself, but Reid has made similar claims on the Senate floor when he claimed, without any evidence, that Mitt Romney doesn't pay his taxes.

We cannot expect anything from these people but lies. If we accept their lies then we'll never know what is a lie and what is the truth and this works to their advantage, because a liar without a conscience has an advantage over an honest person. They can bend and fit their rhetoric to fit the occasion. They have a media that will support them and they can lie with impunity.


But remember the old saying, a person that is willing to lie to you doesn't respect you.

Democrats have a definite lack of respect for us, and because of that they have no fear of what we could do to them. This is the worst possible situation in any society.

A government that doesn't fear it's voters is extremely dangerous.

They're capable of just about any form of abuse you can imagine because they have the power to do it.

Because of this you can count on a constant erosion of our civil liberties and our freedom, all in favor of political correctness and climate change.


Chris Matthews Insults CPAC as 'Crazy Car'
Gallup: Over Twice as Many Say Obamacare Hurts Than Helps
Putin mocks the West and threatens to turn off gas supplies - Telegraph
Kerry urges US envoys to make climate change a priority
Harvey Weinstein at UCLA: Hillary Clinton Benghazi Flap 'Complete Bull---'

Obama and the Dems are growing the government. That's all they want to do is make the government bigger. Oh yea, Obama has nearly 300,000 less federal employees on the payroll than Reagan did.

Big Government? Obama Has 273,000 Fewer Federal Employees Than Reagan | Politicus USA's Archives

Talk about lies.
So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube[/ame]

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.

Using their friends in the media Democrats can make a bridge-closing seem important.

Benghazi isn't important because they don't want it to be.

But what other White House sat back and allowed their representatives to be slaughtered and do nothing to catch or kill the perps, especially when they know where the SOBs live?
Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation. Now saying that an attack in Benghazi was caused by rioting over a video when you know there were no riots before the attack, now that is a lie. Or saying that if you like your doctor or your coverage you can keep them, period. That is a lie. Especially when his own CBO predicted that millions of Americans would lose their coverage. Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.

Can you prove the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi?

Did think so, but you folks on the right operate on pure propaganda.

Educate yourself...

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

Have an adult read the bold above and explain it to you.
Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.

Using their friends in the media Democrats can make a bridge-closing seem important.
Please. Dickweed, nobody has talked about that bridge in about a month. Have you seen any new threads about it here? No. Stop lying...just for a few seconds.

Benghazi isn't important because they don't want it to be.
No. Ben-gotcha isn't important anymore for 2 reasons. Four Americans dying in the middle east is no longer news. Secondly, you guys have marginalized it into some sort of sick political litmus test that people roll their eyes because your true motives are well known.
So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

[ame=""]Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube[/ame]

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.
See folks? THIS is what four dead people mean to people like Candy...Just politics...NO big deal...write them off.

Candy? YOU should be ashamed...but seeing as you use a WHORE for an avatar? I can see that you take nothing serious...not even your own liberty and YOU support those that will take it from you.

The Hildebeast WILL be held to account. It WILL haunt her and I don't give a tinker's DAMN what the GOP says about it. The PEOPLE will hold it against her.

YOU are DISMISSED.:eusa_hand:
Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.
See folks? THIS is what four dead people mean to people like Candy...Just politics...NO big deal...write them off.
And if Hillary Clinton were not running, would you still be talking about the tragedy 2 years after the fact? No. It's all politics to you fuckstick.

Candy? YOU should be ashamed...but seeing as you use a WHORE for an avatar?
Sandra is up there for one reason, to draw out the hatred from the right. guys can't really help yourself. Any woman who speaks her mind and doesn't volunteer to be a punching bag for you is a "whore" to you.

So she's up there just to rattle the cages of deranged lunatics like yourself.

I can see that you take nothing serious...not even your own liberty and YOU support those that will take it from you.
Yawn.... Somehow my liberty was supposed to have been taken from me back in 1992. I guess they'll get around to it some day. Either that or your full of shit.

The Hildebeast WILL be held to account. It WILL haunt her and I don't give a tinker's DAMN what the GOP says about it. The PEOPLE will hold it against her.
Oh, right, 332-206. Landslide baby!!!!

I think smoking that crystal meth has finally started to wear away your senses.
Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: 'What Difference, Does It Make?' - YouTube

And for those of you that don't know Hillary's past? THIS and the rest of her lies WILL haunt her IF she runs for POTUS. It cannot be excused, dismissed...Her and Obama's incompetence got four Americans killed...and they LIED about it all.

Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.

Using their friends in the media Democrats can make a bridge-closing seem important.

Benghazi isn't important because they don't want it to be.

But what other White House sat back and allowed their representatives to be slaughtered and do nothing to catch or kill the perps, especially when they know where the SOBs live?

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Attacks Under George W. Bush

January 22, 2002: US consulate at Kolkata, 5 Killed
June 14, 2002: US Consulate at Karachi, 12 Killed
February 28, 2003: US Embassy at Islamabad, 2 Killed
June 30, 2004: US Embassy at Tashkent, 2 Killed
December 6, 2004: US Compound at Saudi Arabia, 9 Killed
March 2, 2006: US Consulate in Karachi, 2 Killed
September 12, 2006: US Embassy at Syria, 4 Killed
March 18, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 2 Killed
July 9, 2008: US Consulate at Istanbul, 6 Killed
September 17, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 16 Killed

Care to talk about the 270 who died under Reagan in Embassy attacks
Mud is yet again prognosticating blind, his last thread on no more rain for California was a bust within a week, as one storm dumped more rain in one storm than all the previous year total rainfall..After he posted his thread...
Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.

Using their friends in the media Democrats can make a bridge-closing seem important.

Benghazi isn't important because they don't want it to be.

But what other White House sat back and allowed their representatives to be slaughtered and do nothing to catch or kill the perps, especially when they know where the SOBs live?

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Attacks Under George W. Bush

January 22, 2002: US consulate at Kolkata, 5 Killed
June 14, 2002: US Consulate at Karachi, 12 Killed
February 28, 2003: US Embassy at Islamabad, 2 Killed
June 30, 2004: US Embassy at Tashkent, 2 Killed
December 6, 2004: US Compound at Saudi Arabia, 9 Killed
March 2, 2006: US Consulate in Karachi, 2 Killed
September 12, 2006: US Embassy at Syria, 4 Killed
March 18, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 2 Killed
July 9, 2008: US Consulate at Istanbul, 6 Killed
September 17, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 16 Killed

Care to talk about the 270 who died under Reagan in Embassy attacks

I beg of you , please stop showing how these rwing posters are ignorant of history..
Nobody cares (still) about Ben-gotcha. Even the GOP doesn't bring it up any more after seeing how little traction they got on the hoopla. If Hillary does run in 2016, Ben-gotcha won't register anywhere on the scale despite the efforts of the deranged and stupid among you.

Using their friends in the media Democrats can make a bridge-closing seem important.
Please. Dickweed, nobody has talked about that bridge in about a month. Have you seen any new threads about it here? No. Stop lying...just for a few seconds.

Benghazi isn't important because they don't want it to be.
No. Ben-gotcha isn't important anymore for 2 reasons. Four Americans dying in the middle east is no longer news. Secondly, you guys have marginalized it into some sort of sick political litmus test that people roll their eyes because your true motives are well known.


It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.

And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
lies? someone say lies? Here's a doozy :D

"Mushroom Cloud" Condi Rice Has Another Bad Day in Class
O’DONNELL: Now, about the mushroom cloud that you were completely wrong about, would you say that was possibly the single worst misstatement by a national security adviser publicly?
RICE: I said that we could not afford to have it be a mushroom cloud that told us --

O’DONNELL: Where did you think that mushroom cloud would be?

RICE: Lawrence, you have a bad habit with your guests. You never let them answer a question.

O’DONNELL: Go ahead. Where would the mushroom cloud be?

RICE: Thank you. The question was had Saddam Hussein actually reconstituted his nuclear weapons or was he trying to? And if you look at the intelligence reporting at the time, it said that he could possibly reconstitute that nuclear capability within a year with foreign assistance, and that he was trying to do it. What I said --

O’DONNELL: But all that was wrong. He couldn’t have reconstituted anything in a year. We know -- why recite things that we know were wrong and have been proven wrong?
Can you prove the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi?

Did think so, but you folks on the right operate on pure propaganda.

Educate yourself...

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

Have an adult read the bold above and explain it to you.

Thanks for pointing out a bold-faced lie by bolding it.
It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.
Yeah sure. "If you like your health plan, you can keep it". Obama's lies alone blow your theory out of the water. Then multiply that by all the leftist demogoguery.
And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
Even Obama isn't saying it was fueled by the video. In fact, he's been lying about it saying he mentioned terrorism all alone. At least get on board with the leftist talking points, you're alienating yourself from everyone else.
It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.
Yeah sure. "If you like your health plan, you can keep it". Obama's lies alone blow your theory out of the water. Then multiply that by all the leftist demogoguery.
And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
Even Obama isn't saying it was fueled by the video. In fact, he's been lying about it saying he mentioned terrorism all alone. At least get on board with the leftist talking points, you're alienating yourself from everyone else.

The White House
September 12, 2012

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya


Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.
It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.
Yeah sure. "If you like your health plan, you can keep it". Obama's lies alone blow your theory out of the water. Then multiply that by all the leftist demogoguery.
And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
Even Obama isn't saying it was fueled by the video. In fact, he's been lying about it saying he mentioned terrorism all alone. At least get on board with the leftist talking points, you're alienating yourself from everyone else.
Thing is? Benghazi IS an issue 4 Americans died needlessly...neither Obama or Hillary had an interest in it, and let it go...BOTH need to be held to account. I don't buy into either of their excuses. There are many on here that think if Hillary runs it won't haunt her..I think it will if the four families have anything to say about it.

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