Democrats Win Because They Have Lies On Their Side

Many other protests EARLIER that day were in reaction to the video, and the Rush Limbaugh of Cairo and the ME calling for protests, DUH. JUST BECAUSE YOUR BS PROPAGANDA MACHINE DOESN'T COVER THE NEWS doesn't mean it didn't happen. Of course no one has talked to the attackers, so we don't know for sure, except for brainwashed morons ofcourse. The cowardly corporate ''liberal lsm'' is no help either- just want ratings and to not pizz off the loudmouth IDIOT RW...
Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

That is horseshit, the video is an absolute joke, I'm glad libtards still believe this......They mentioned Osama in their chants, no video. Quit spinning. OMG people who say that are so brainwashed and stupid, how do you try and have a conversation with such stupidity?

The reason for all of the protests was because it was the 11th anniversary of 911.

September 11th has significance to Muslims. Not just for the attack in America, but other battles, and other significance. The Twin Towers represented 11 as well. The Number Eleven in the Koran

This is not because of some stinking funky-assed video.

Is there an adult in your house who is literate? Find someone to READ the article from the right wing NY Post and explain it to you in kindergarten language you fucking MORON.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.
That is horseshit, the video is an absolute joke, I'm glad libtards still believe this......They mentioned Osama in their chants, no video. Quit spinning. OMG people who say that are so brainwashed and stupid, how do you try and have a conversation with such stupidity?

The reason for all of the protests was because it was the 11th anniversary of 911.

September 11th has significance to Muslims. Not just for the attack in America, but other battles, and other significance. The Twin Towers represented 11 as well. The Number Eleven in the Koran

This is not because of some stinking funky-assed video.

Is there an adult in your house who is literate? Find someone to READ the article from the right wing NY Post and explain it to you in kindergarten language you fucking MORON.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.

I don't give as shit about your links.

I know what really happened.

Obama gave lofty praise and support to the Arab Spring, even as many of us warned of who might fill the power vacuums being created as leaders fell in country after country. He continued his praise, even when Islamists stepped in to take power.

At their convention, democrats celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden and Obama told us for months that Al Qaeda was “on its heels.”

I’m sure I’ve left much out, but I’m pointing to the big picture, that President Obama seems to think that words alone can change the fact that terrorism exists and that jihadists want to kill us.

His myth was shattered on 9/11/12 when our consulate in Libya was attacked and four Americans were murdered. Days later CNN obtained the ambassador’s diary and we learned of his fears and requests for more security. People directly involved stepped forward to give credence to those fears and requests.

All the while our president and his assistants kept telling us a You Tube video, that up until then almost no one had ever seen, was to blame. During the same time we have learned that the Libyan embassy was attacked twice in the months prior to 9/11, and that Al Qaeda is growing throughout the Muslim world, regaining its power.

I don’t have to rehash it all. You have watched it play out. You’ve seen the lies. You’ve seen the parsing of words as we fall back into, “that depends on what the meaning of is is.”

President Obama’s standard stump speech contains this paragraph:

“Four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are. I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”

Well he has ended the war in Iraq and he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan. But Al Qaeda is NOT on its heels. It is stronger than ever and growing in a Muslim world where the Muslim Brotherhood is in control. I saw Sen. Lindsay Graham on TV this morning, giving an open message to President Obama (in case no one had told him) that Iraq is deteriorating and the Al Qaeda training camps there are open for business. Just yesterday, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis attempted to blow up the Federal Reserve in New York City.

Americans are war-weary. We’re tired of watching our young people come home without their limbs or not come home at all. We would all like for it to be over.

But it’s not. We may not want to be at war with them, but they are at war with us. The president can give lofty speeches and tell you that he has vanquished Al Qaeda and you should sleep soundly. But it’s a lie and perhaps the most dangerous one ever told to us.

And what’s most disturbing is that it’s about politics. It’s about getting reelected. Our president and his administration wanted to give the appearance all was fine in Libya. Lots of Marines with guns hanging around our embassy would have over shadowed that appearance, so they weren’t sent.

And four men died – horrible, violent deaths.

It’s inexcusable.

In my opinion it’s criminal.

And if we don’t wake up to the truth, it will continue and it will get worse. Or have you forgotten those who jumped on 9/11/01 because the alternative was worse?

Why The Benghazi Video Story Is Important | LibertyTrail
Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.
Like a lot of the whoppers YOU tell here daily deany? Really?

Like what? Be specific.
The reason for all of the protests was because it was the 11th anniversary of 911.

September 11th has significance to Muslims. Not just for the attack in America, but other battles, and other significance. The Twin Towers represented 11 as well. The Number Eleven in the Koran

This is not because of some stinking funky-assed video.

Is there an adult in your house who is literate? Find someone to READ the article from the right wing NY Post and explain it to you in kindergarten language you fucking MORON.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.

I don't give as shit about your links.

I know what really happened.

Obama gave lofty praise and support to the Arab Spring, even as many of us warned of who might fill the power vacuums being created as leaders fell in country after country. He continued his praise, even when Islamists stepped in to take power.

At their convention, democrats celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden and Obama told us for months that Al Qaeda was “on its heels.”

I’m sure I’ve left much out, but I’m pointing to the big picture, that President Obama seems to think that words alone can change the fact that terrorism exists and that jihadists want to kill us.

His myth was shattered on 9/11/12 when our consulate in Libya was attacked and four Americans were murdered. Days later CNN obtained the ambassador’s diary and we learned of his fears and requests for more security. People directly involved stepped forward to give credence to those fears and requests.

All the while our president and his assistants kept telling us a You Tube video, that up until then almost no one had ever seen, was to blame. During the same time we have learned that the Libyan embassy was attacked twice in the months prior to 9/11, and that Al Qaeda is growing throughout the Muslim world, regaining its power.

I don’t have to rehash it all. You have watched it play out. You’ve seen the lies. You’ve seen the parsing of words as we fall back into, “that depends on what the meaning of is is.”

President Obama’s standard stump speech contains this paragraph:

“Four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are. I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”

Well he has ended the war in Iraq and he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan. But Al Qaeda is NOT on its heels. It is stronger than ever and growing in a Muslim world where the Muslim Brotherhood is in control. I saw Sen. Lindsay Graham on TV this morning, giving an open message to President Obama (in case no one had told him) that Iraq is deteriorating and the Al Qaeda training camps there are open for business. Just yesterday, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis attempted to blow up the Federal Reserve in New York City.

Americans are war-weary. We’re tired of watching our young people come home without their limbs or not come home at all. We would all like for it to be over.

But it’s not. We may not want to be at war with them, but they are at war with us. The president can give lofty speeches and tell you that he has vanquished Al Qaeda and you should sleep soundly. But it’s a lie and perhaps the most dangerous one ever told to us.

And what’s most disturbing is that it’s about politics. It’s about getting reelected. Our president and his administration wanted to give the appearance all was fine in Libya. Lots of Marines with guns hanging around our embassy would have over shadowed that appearance, so they weren’t sent.

And four men died – horrible, violent deaths.

It’s inexcusable.

In my opinion it’s criminal.

And if we don’t wake up to the truth, it will continue and it will get worse. Or have you forgotten those who jumped on 9/11/01 because the alternative was worse?

Why The Benghazi Video Story Is Important | LibertyTrail

You put up a link from a dingbat as "proof"? Or were you simply proving that was a "dingbat"?

I thought you thought you were smart?
The reason for all of the protests was because it was the 11th anniversary of 911.

September 11th has significance to Muslims. Not just for the attack in America, but other battles, and other significance. The Twin Towers represented 11 as well. The Number Eleven in the Koran

This is not because of some stinking funky-assed video.

Is there an adult in your house who is literate? Find someone to READ the article from the right wing NY Post and explain it to you in kindergarten language you fucking MORON.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.

I don't give as shit about your links.

I know what really happened.

Obama gave lofty praise and support to the Arab Spring, even as many of us warned of who might fill the power vacuums being created as leaders fell in country after country. He continued his praise, even when Islamists stepped in to take power.

At their convention, democrats celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden and Obama told us for months that Al Qaeda was “on its heels.”

I’m sure I’ve left much out, but I’m pointing to the big picture, that President Obama seems to think that words alone can change the fact that terrorism exists and that jihadists want to kill us.

His myth was shattered on 9/11/12 when our consulate in Libya was attacked and four Americans were murdered. Days later CNN obtained the ambassador’s diary and we learned of his fears and requests for more security. People directly involved stepped forward to give credence to those fears and requests.

All the while our president and his assistants kept telling us a You Tube video, that up until then almost no one had ever seen, was to blame. During the same time we have learned that the Libyan embassy was attacked twice in the months prior to 9/11, and that Al Qaeda is growing throughout the Muslim world, regaining its power.

I don’t have to rehash it all. You have watched it play out. You’ve seen the lies. You’ve seen the parsing of words as we fall back into, “that depends on what the meaning of is is.”

President Obama’s standard stump speech contains this paragraph:

“Four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are. I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”

Well he has ended the war in Iraq and he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan. But Al Qaeda is NOT on its heels. It is stronger than ever and growing in a Muslim world where the Muslim Brotherhood is in control. I saw Sen. Lindsay Graham on TV this morning, giving an open message to President Obama (in case no one had told him) that Iraq is deteriorating and the Al Qaeda training camps there are open for business. Just yesterday, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis attempted to blow up the Federal Reserve in New York City.

Americans are war-weary. We’re tired of watching our young people come home without their limbs or not come home at all. We would all like for it to be over.

But it’s not. We may not want to be at war with them, but they are at war with us. The president can give lofty speeches and tell you that he has vanquished Al Qaeda and you should sleep soundly. But it’s a lie and perhaps the most dangerous one ever told to us.

And what’s most disturbing is that it’s about politics. It’s about getting reelected. Our president and his administration wanted to give the appearance all was fine in Libya. Lots of Marines with guns hanging around our embassy would have over shadowed that appearance, so they weren’t sent.

And four men died – horrible, violent deaths.

It’s inexcusable.

In my opinion it’s criminal.

And if we don’t wake up to the truth, it will continue and it will get worse. Or have you forgotten those who jumped on 9/11/01 because the alternative was worse?

Why The Benghazi Video Story Is Important | LibertyTrail

A far right wing BLOGGER named Kathy is your source. You have just proven that your thread tittle is the LIE.

There isn't ANY issue that the right doesn't rely on LIES, faux news, Limbaugh propaganda and dogma. You people are the dumbest creatures on this planet.
Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.

yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:

Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation.

One man's "miscalculation" is another man's lie!

mudwhistle said:
Now saying that an attack in Benghazi was caused by rioting over a video when you know there were no riots before the attack, now that is a lie

Could have been a miscalculation by the right wing CIA who wanted to make the president LOOK like a liar!

Or saying that if you like your doctor or your coverage you can keep them, period. That is a lie. Especially when his own CBO predicted that millions of Americans would lose their coverage.

He just could not possibly predict that some Insurance companies would not support him...probably because most are run by angry white men!

No it was another miscalculation. Obama really believed it when he said it.

Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.

I am not sure you can verify any of the above assumptions. It seems more likely someone in his administration, probably a republican or "conservative democrat, who is feeding him misinformation.
Is there an adult in your house who is literate? Find someone to READ the article from the right wing NY Post and explain it to you in kindergarten language you fucking MORON.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.

I don't give as shit about your links.

I know what really happened.

Obama gave lofty praise and support to the Arab Spring, even as many of us warned of who might fill the power vacuums being created as leaders fell in country after country. He continued his praise, even when Islamists stepped in to take power.

At their convention, democrats celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden and Obama told us for months that Al Qaeda was “on its heels.”

I’m sure I’ve left much out, but I’m pointing to the big picture, that President Obama seems to think that words alone can change the fact that terrorism exists and that jihadists want to kill us.

His myth was shattered on 9/11/12 when our consulate in Libya was attacked and four Americans were murdered. Days later CNN obtained the ambassador’s diary and we learned of his fears and requests for more security. People directly involved stepped forward to give credence to those fears and requests.

All the while our president and his assistants kept telling us a You Tube video, that up until then almost no one had ever seen, was to blame. During the same time we have learned that the Libyan embassy was attacked twice in the months prior to 9/11, and that Al Qaeda is growing throughout the Muslim world, regaining its power.

I don’t have to rehash it all. You have watched it play out. You’ve seen the lies. You’ve seen the parsing of words as we fall back into, “that depends on what the meaning of is is.”

President Obama’s standard stump speech contains this paragraph:

“Four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are. I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”

Well he has ended the war in Iraq and he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan. But Al Qaeda is NOT on its heels. It is stronger than ever and growing in a Muslim world where the Muslim Brotherhood is in control. I saw Sen. Lindsay Graham on TV this morning, giving an open message to President Obama (in case no one had told him) that Iraq is deteriorating and the Al Qaeda training camps there are open for business. Just yesterday, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis attempted to blow up the Federal Reserve in New York City.

Americans are war-weary. We’re tired of watching our young people come home without their limbs or not come home at all. We would all like for it to be over.

But it’s not. We may not want to be at war with them, but they are at war with us. The president can give lofty speeches and tell you that he has vanquished Al Qaeda and you should sleep soundly. But it’s a lie and perhaps the most dangerous one ever told to us.

And what’s most disturbing is that it’s about politics. It’s about getting reelected. Our president and his administration wanted to give the appearance all was fine in Libya. Lots of Marines with guns hanging around our embassy would have over shadowed that appearance, so they weren’t sent.

And four men died – horrible, violent deaths.

It’s inexcusable.

In my opinion it’s criminal.

And if we don’t wake up to the truth, it will continue and it will get worse. Or have you forgotten those who jumped on 9/11/01 because the alternative was worse?

Why The Benghazi Video Story Is Important | LibertyTrail

A far right wing BLOGGER named Kathy is your source. You have just proven that your thread tittle is the LIE.

There isn't ANY issue that the right doesn't rely on LIES, faux news, Limbaugh propaganda and dogma. You people are the dumbest creatures on this planet.

No dumber than the person that is willing to swallow that lie about some obscure video that nobody has seen causing riots in 20 countries on the 11th anniversary of 911, as if that fact had nothing to do with it. I can find hundreds of other sources that will back this up and every one of them is more reliable than a White House that told us for years that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it.

Talking about being dumb.
yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:

Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation.

One man's "miscalculation" is another man's lie!

Could have been a miscalculation by the right wing CIA who wanted to make the president LOOK like a liar!

Or saying that if you like your doctor or your coverage you can keep them, period. That is a lie. Especially when his own CBO predicted that millions of Americans would lose their coverage.

He just could not possibly predict that some Insurance companies would not support him...probably because most are run by angry white men!

No it was another miscalculation. Obama really believed it when he said it.

Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.

I am not sure you can verify any of the above assumptions. It seems more likely someone in his administration, probably a republican or "conservative democrat, who is feeding him misinformation.

Except there were violent riots going on all over the world at the same time and over 50 people died. Why were they rioting? They TOLD us. We don't have to guess.

What is the chance that it was merely coincidence that the riot in Benghazi happened at exactly the same time as the other riots and they were all completely unrelated?

Anyone who believes that send me your number. I have a bridge you might want to buy.
I don't give as shit about your links.

I know what really happened.

A far right wing BLOGGER named Kathy is your source. You have just proven that your thread tittle is the LIE.

There isn't ANY issue that the right doesn't rely on LIES, faux news, Limbaugh propaganda and dogma. You people are the dumbest creatures on this planet.

No dumber than the person that is willing to swallow that lie about some obscure video that nobody has seen causing riots in 20 countries on the 11th anniversary of 911, as if that fact had nothing to do with it. I can find hundreds of other sources that will back this up and every one of them is more reliable than a White House that told us for years that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it.

Talking about being dumb.

The seething hatred you right wing scum have for our President is treasonous. You right wing scum even side with Putin over Obama.

There is no evidence al Qaeda was involved in the attack on the embassy, no matter what you or blogger Kathy spew. bin Laden is DEAD, something Bush could never accomplish.

The anti Islam film set off a firestorm of protests and violence throughout the Muslim world, to deny it is ignorant and typical of you right wing parrots.

Google: protests over an anti-Islam film
Those are examples of people opening their mouths and saying something they cannot possibly predict. That is not a lie. That is a miscalculation.

One man's "miscalculation" is another man's lie!

Could have been a miscalculation by the right wing CIA who wanted to make the president LOOK like a liar!

He just could not possibly predict that some Insurance companies would not support him...probably because most are run by angry white men!

No it was another miscalculation. Obama really believed it when he said it.

Over half of us will lose our coverage, and Obama knew this. The law was changed or amended to make it happen. It was discussed during meetings, but he felt that lying was a better option than telling the truth.

I am not sure you can verify any of the above assumptions. It seems more likely someone in his administration, probably a republican or "conservative democrat, who is feeding him misinformation.

Except there were violent riots going on all over the world at the same time and over 50 people died. Why were they rioting? They TOLD us. We don't have to guess.

What is the chance that it was merely coincidence that the riot in Benghazi happened at exactly the same time as the other riots and they were all completely unrelated?

Anyone who believes that send me your number. I have a bridge you might want to buy.

Video evidence showed there was no riots, or even a demonstration in Benghazi.

So you're making that shit up.
A far right wing BLOGGER named Kathy is your source. You have just proven that your thread tittle is the LIE.

There isn't ANY issue that the right doesn't rely on LIES, faux news, Limbaugh propaganda and dogma. You people are the dumbest creatures on this planet.

No dumber than the person that is willing to swallow that lie about some obscure video that nobody has seen causing riots in 20 countries on the 11th anniversary of 911, as if that fact had nothing to do with it. I can find hundreds of other sources that will back this up and every one of them is more reliable than a White House that told us for years that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it.

Talking about being dumb.

The seething hatred you right wing scum have for our President is treasonous. You right wing scum even side with Putin over Obama.

There is no evidence al Qaeda was involved in the attack on the embassy, no matter what you or blogger Kathy spew. bin Laden is DEAD, something Bush could never accomplish.

The anti Islam film set off a firestorm of protests and violence throughout the Muslim world, to deny it is ignorant and typical of you right wing parrots.

Google: protests over an anti-Islam film

They have plenty of evidence. One of the suspects was interviewed by CNN.

The FBI doesn't seem to want to talk to him.

"One of the pertinent questions today is why we have not captured or killed the terrorist who committed these attacks?" Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told reporters. "News out today that CNN was able to go in and talk to one of the suspected terrorists, how come the military hasn't been able to get after them and capture or kill the people? How come the FBI isn't doing this and yet CNN is?"

Chaffetz was referring to CNN's recent interview with Ahmed Abu Khattala, who Libyan and U.S. officials have described as the Benghazi leader of the al Qaeda-affiliated militia group Ansar al-Sharia -- one of many groups that filled the vacuum of authority following the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi.

He has been described as a "person of interest" in the investigation, according to officials.

In that interview, Khattala told CNN's Arwa Damon that he had not been contacted by any Libyan or American officials.

House panel subpoenas State Department over Benghazi

"Even the investigative team did not try to contact me," he told Damon, referring to the FBI.

When asked whether he would be willing to meet with investigators if they asked, Khattala said: "Yes, no problem. ...But not as an interrogation, as a conversation like the one we are having right now."

Damon spent two hours interviewing Khattala at a coffee shop at a well-known hotel in Benghazi, describing his demeanor as fairly relaxed. He allowed Damon to use an audio recorder to tape the conversation, but refused to appear on camera.

Lawmaker: If CNN can interview Benghazi suspect, why can't FBI? -
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A far right wing BLOGGER named Kathy is your source. You have just proven that your thread tittle is the LIE.

There isn't ANY issue that the right doesn't rely on LIES, faux news, Limbaugh propaganda and dogma. You people are the dumbest creatures on this planet.

No dumber than the person that is willing to swallow that lie about some obscure video that nobody has seen causing riots in 20 countries on the 11th anniversary of 911, as if that fact had nothing to do with it. I can find hundreds of other sources that will back this up and every one of them is more reliable than a White House that told us for years that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it.

Talking about being dumb.

The seething hatred you right wing scum have for our President is treasonous. You right wing scum even side with Putin over Obama.

There is no evidence al Qaeda was involved in the attack on the embassy, no matter what you or blogger Kathy spew. bin Laden is DEAD, something Bush could never accomplish.

The anti Islam film set off a firestorm of protests and violence throughout the Muslim world, to deny it is ignorant and typical of you right wing parrots.

Google: protests over an anti-Islam film
The only thing treasonous is what Obama and your ilk and YOUR hatred of this Republic, and YOU applauding Obama destroying it using his power to go after people he doesn't like. THAT is treason you nit-wit.
Christie was at CPAC? Conservatives have lost their credibility.

Democrats should win because we have Republican lies on our side.

Lies about Iraq

about trickle down

about birth certificates

about fake scandals

about deficit creating tax cuts

about WMD's

The list is endless. All the GOP lies help the Democrats.

yep, that's pretty funny coming from the Iraq "we'll be treated as liberators" crowd. :lol: or "It'll cost $2BILLION" crowd, or the "we won't need 100's of 1000's of troops to secure Iraq" crowd :eusa_liar:

You fail to realize Progressivism is a bright idea of racist President Woodrow Wilson which departed from the traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

It is an idea which has proven to not work.

How long will you guys cling to it in light of the evidence of it's continued failure?
No dumber than the person that is willing to swallow that lie about some obscure video that nobody has seen causing riots in 20 countries on the 11th anniversary of 911, as if that fact had nothing to do with it. I can find hundreds of other sources that will back this up and every one of them is more reliable than a White House that told us for years that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it.

Talking about being dumb.

The seething hatred you right wing scum have for our President is treasonous. You right wing scum even side with Putin over Obama.

There is no evidence al Qaeda was involved in the attack on the embassy, no matter what you or blogger Kathy spew. bin Laden is DEAD, something Bush could never accomplish.

The anti Islam film set off a firestorm of protests and violence throughout the Muslim world, to deny it is ignorant and typical of you right wing parrots.

Google: protests over an anti-Islam film
The only thing treasonous is what Obama and your ilk and YOUR hatred of this Republic, and YOU applauding Obama destroying it using his power to go after people he doesn't like. THAT is treason you nit-wit.

Your tiny little right wing pea is infested with faux news misinformation, LIES, propaganda and hatred. You and your 'ilk' are a cancer on this nation.

There is not ONE topic or issue that conservatives haven't had to fabricate a false narrative...the financial crisis, government spending, debt, Obama, health care, the list is endless.

You and your 'ilk' are living in a dream land where you believe all the GOP needs is to become MORE far right wing. And the America voters will send you packing for decades.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

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