Democrats Win Because They Have Lies On Their Side

The seething hatred you right wing scum have for our President is treasonous. You right wing scum even side with Putin over Obama.

There is no evidence al Qaeda was involved in the attack on the embassy, no matter what you or blogger Kathy spew. bin Laden is DEAD, something Bush could never accomplish.

The anti Islam film set off a firestorm of protests and violence throughout the Muslim world, to deny it is ignorant and typical of you right wing parrots.

Google: protests over an anti-Islam film
The only thing treasonous is what Obama and your ilk and YOUR hatred of this Republic, and YOU applauding Obama destroying it using his power to go after people he doesn't like. THAT is treason you nit-wit.

Your tiny little right wing pea is infested with faux news misinformation, LIES, propaganda and hatred. You and your 'ilk' are a cancer on this nation.

There is not ONE topic or issue that conservatives haven't had to fabricate a false narrative...the financial crisis, government spending, debt, Obama, health care, the list is endless.

You and your 'ilk' are living in a dream land where you believe all the GOP needs is to become MORE far right wing. And the America voters will send you packing for decades.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

I don't even go to Fox for information. Sometimes I watch for entertainment.

The only reason Fox is demonized by Obama and friends is because Fox never sold out to the lying weasel.
Can you prove the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi?

Did think so, but you folks on the right operate on pure propaganda.

Educate yourself...

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.
You could educate yourself by reading your own link.

"The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Mr. Abu Khattala had become well known in Benghazi for his role in the killing of a rebel general, and then for declaring that his fellow Islamists were insufficiently committed to theocracy. He made no secret of his readiness to use violence against Western interests. One of his allies, the leader of Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah, boasted a few months before the attack that his fighters could “flatten” the American Mission. Surveillance of the American compound appears to have been underway at least 12 hours before the assault started.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security cameras."

So of the dozens in the initial attack, the reporter says some of them saw the video.

"More broadly, Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying."

So the administration effed it up from the get go. Thanks for the link.

So it was the video. We also know more then 50 people died in deadly riots all over the world over that video. The one Republicans say was "no big deal".
One man's "miscalculation" is another man's lie!

Could have been a miscalculation by the right wing CIA who wanted to make the president LOOK like a liar!

He just could not possibly predict that some Insurance companies would not support him...probably because most are run by angry white men!

No it was another miscalculation. Obama really believed it when he said it.

I am not sure you can verify any of the above assumptions. It seems more likely someone in his administration, probably a republican or "conservative democrat, who is feeding him misinformation.

Except there were violent riots going on all over the world at the same time and over 50 people died. Why were they rioting? They TOLD us. We don't have to guess.

What is the chance that it was merely coincidence that the riot in Benghazi happened at exactly the same time as the other riots and they were all completely unrelated?

Anyone who believes that send me your number. I have a bridge you might want to buy.

Video evidence showed there was no riots, or even a demonstration in Benghazi.

So you're making that shit up.

Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt

The press all over the world is wrong. But you are right.
You could educate yourself by reading your own link.

"The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Mr. Abu Khattala had become well known in Benghazi for his role in the killing of a rebel general, and then for declaring that his fellow Islamists were insufficiently committed to theocracy. He made no secret of his readiness to use violence against Western interests. One of his allies, the leader of Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah, boasted a few months before the attack that his fighters could “flatten” the American Mission. Surveillance of the American compound appears to have been underway at least 12 hours before the assault started.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security cameras."

So of the dozens in the initial attack, the reporter says some of them saw the video.

"More broadly, Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying."

So the administration effed it up from the get go. Thanks for the link.

So it was the video. We also know more then 50 people died in deadly riots all over the world over that video. The one Republicans say was "no big deal".


That isn't even my post. And it isn't my link.

Clicking on the quote button shows the whole post belongs to Bfgrn.
Except there were violent riots going on all over the world at the same time and over 50 people died. Why were they rioting? They TOLD us. We don't have to guess.

What is the chance that it was merely coincidence that the riot in Benghazi happened at exactly the same time as the other riots and they were all completely unrelated?

Anyone who believes that send me your number. I have a bridge you might want to buy.

Video evidence showed there was no riots, or even a demonstration in Benghazi.

So you're making that shit up.

Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt

The press all over the world is wrong. But you are right.

The New York Times doesn't speak for the world. And they're just repeating the lies that came from the White House. This story was circulated within hours of the attacks. Nobody knew at the time exactly why riots irrupted in over 20 countries, except a bunch of liberals in the press, who can't seem to say the word "Terrorism" anymore. They call them "Overseas Contingency Operations".

The biggest question is how many times do you know of when protestors bring mortars to a protest? Do you know of this ever happening before? How about the fact that the consulate came under attack twice before and asked for more security and it was refused.
Last edited:
Video evidence showed there was no riots, or even a demonstration in Benghazi.

So you're making that shit up.

Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt

The press all over the world is wrong. But you are right.

The New York Times doesn't speak for the world. And they're just repeating the lies that came from the White House. This story was circulated within hours of the attacks. Nobody knew at the time exactly why riots irrupted in over 20 countries, except a bunch of liberals in the press, who can't seem to say the word "Terrorism" anymore. They call them "Overseas Contingency Operations".

The biggest question is how many times do you know of when protestors bring mortars to a protest? Do you know of this ever happening before? How about the fact that the consulate came under attack twice before and asked for more security and it was refused.

The riots in 20 countries I provided a link to and excerpts from was reported by the New York Post. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation (and its successor, News Corp, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988.

News Corporation (officially referred to as New News Corp; trading as News Corp) is an American multinational mass media company, formed as a spin-off of the former News Corporation (as founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979) focusing on newspapers and publishing.

The New York Times spent months doing an actual investigation. By going to Libya and interviewing locals.

Chapter 4
A Fuse Is Lit

"Innocence of Muslims” purported to be an online trailer for a film about the mistreatment of Christians in contemporary Egypt. But it included bawdy historical flashbacks that derided the Prophet Muhammad. Someone dubbed it into Arabic around the beginning of September 2012, and a Cairo newspaper embellished the news by reporting that a Florida pastor infamous for burning the Quran was planning to debut the film on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Then, on Sept. 8, a popular Islamist preacher lit the fuse by screening a clip of the video on the ultraconservative Egyptian satellite channel El Nas. American diplomats in Cairo raised the alarm in Washington about a growing backlash, including calls for a protest outside their embassy.

No one mentioned it to the American diplomats in Libya. But Islamists in Benghazi were watching. Egyptian satellite networks like El Nas and El Rahma were widely available in Benghazi. “It is Friday morning viewing,” popular on the day of prayer, said one young Benghazi Islamist who turned up at the compound during the attack, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

By Sept. 9, a popular eastern Libyan Facebook page had denounced the film. On the morning of Sept. 11, even some secular political activists were posting calls online for a protest that Friday, three days away.

Hussein Abu Hamida, the acting chief of Benghazi’s informal police force, saw the growing furor and feared new violence against Western interests. He conferred with Abdul Salam Bargathi of the Preventive Security Brigade, an Islamist militia with a grandiose name, each recalled separately, and they increased security outside a United Nations office. But they said nothing to the Americans.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.
Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt

The press all over the world is wrong. But you are right.

The New York Times doesn't speak for the world. And they're just repeating the lies that came from the White House. This story was circulated within hours of the attacks. Nobody knew at the time exactly why riots irrupted in over 20 countries, except a bunch of liberals in the press, who can't seem to say the word "Terrorism" anymore. They call them "Overseas Contingency Operations".

The biggest question is how many times do you know of when protestors bring mortars to a protest? Do you know of this ever happening before? How about the fact that the consulate came under attack twice before and asked for more security and it was refused.

The riots in 20 countries I provided a link to and excerpts from was reported by the New York Post. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation (and its successor, News Corp, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988.

News Corporation (officially referred to as New News Corp; trading as News Corp) is an American multinational mass media company, formed as a spin-off of the former News Corporation (as founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979) focusing on newspapers and publishing.

The New York Times spent months doing an actual investigation. By going to Libya and interviewing locals.

Chapter 4
A Fuse Is Lit

"Innocence of Muslims” purported to be an online trailer for a film about the mistreatment of Christians in contemporary Egypt. But it included bawdy historical flashbacks that derided the Prophet Muhammad. Someone dubbed it into Arabic around the beginning of September 2012, and a Cairo newspaper embellished the news by reporting that a Florida pastor infamous for burning the Quran was planning to debut the film on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Then, on Sept. 8, a popular Islamist preacher lit the fuse by screening a clip of the video on the ultraconservative Egyptian satellite channel El Nas. American diplomats in Cairo raised the alarm in Washington about a growing backlash, including calls for a protest outside their embassy.

No one mentioned it to the American diplomats in Libya. But Islamists in Benghazi were watching. Egyptian satellite networks like El Nas and El Rahma were widely available in Benghazi. “It is Friday morning viewing,” popular on the day of prayer, said one young Benghazi Islamist who turned up at the compound during the attack, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

By Sept. 9, a popular eastern Libyan Facebook page had denounced the film. On the morning of Sept. 11, even some secular political activists were posting calls online for a protest that Friday, three days away.

Hussein Abu Hamida, the acting chief of Benghazi’s informal police force, saw the growing furor and feared new violence against Western interests. He conferred with Abdul Salam Bargathi of the Preventive Security Brigade, an Islamist militia with a grandiose name, each recalled separately, and they increased security outside a United Nations office. But they said nothing to the Americans.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

What caused Benghazi?

It wasn't a video. It was a lack of security. The Benghazi consulate had been attacked twice before. These served as warnings that were ultimately ignored.

The same thing happened in when I was in Somalia under Clinton. We had been attacked on numerous occasions and Clinton only sent the minimum required to do the job.

First thing I noticed when we arrived in Mogadishu Somalia March of 93' was that everyone else was driving around in armored vehicles, but us. We had been attacked while driving through town several times and we put in a request for armor, which was refused. So when October 3, 1993 rolled around and over a dozen Rangers and Delta Force members were killed in a simple snatch mission I wasn't surprised.

This could have been avoided and so could Benghazi. The warning signs were clear. U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary - The Daily Beast
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Well, I'd say both ends of the spectrum have done a fine job of pointing out the lies of the other.

Is everybody happy with that?

Until we stop ignoring and apologizing for the lies of the winger politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits, and until both ends of the spectrum stop pointing the finger and concentrate on cleaning their OWN house, the decay will continue.

Okay, back to the finger-pointing.

The New York Times doesn't speak for the world. And they're just repeating the lies that came from the White House. This story was circulated within hours of the attacks. Nobody knew at the time exactly why riots irrupted in over 20 countries, except a bunch of liberals in the press, who can't seem to say the word "Terrorism" anymore. They call them "Overseas Contingency Operations".

The biggest question is how many times do you know of when protestors bring mortars to a protest? Do you know of this ever happening before? How about the fact that the consulate came under attack twice before and asked for more security and it was refused.

The riots in 20 countries I provided a link to and excerpts from was reported by the New York Post. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation (and its successor, News Corp, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988.

News Corporation (officially referred to as New News Corp; trading as News Corp) is an American multinational mass media company, formed as a spin-off of the former News Corporation (as founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979) focusing on newspapers and publishing.

The New York Times spent months doing an actual investigation. By going to Libya and interviewing locals.

Chapter 4
A Fuse Is Lit

"Innocence of Muslims” purported to be an online trailer for a film about the mistreatment of Christians in contemporary Egypt. But it included bawdy historical flashbacks that derided the Prophet Muhammad. Someone dubbed it into Arabic around the beginning of September 2012, and a Cairo newspaper embellished the news by reporting that a Florida pastor infamous for burning the Quran was planning to debut the film on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Then, on Sept. 8, a popular Islamist preacher lit the fuse by screening a clip of the video on the ultraconservative Egyptian satellite channel El Nas. American diplomats in Cairo raised the alarm in Washington about a growing backlash, including calls for a protest outside their embassy.

No one mentioned it to the American diplomats in Libya. But Islamists in Benghazi were watching. Egyptian satellite networks like El Nas and El Rahma were widely available in Benghazi. “It is Friday morning viewing,” popular on the day of prayer, said one young Benghazi Islamist who turned up at the compound during the attack, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

By Sept. 9, a popular eastern Libyan Facebook page had denounced the film. On the morning of Sept. 11, even some secular political activists were posting calls online for a protest that Friday, three days away.

Hussein Abu Hamida, the acting chief of Benghazi’s informal police force, saw the growing furor and feared new violence against Western interests. He conferred with Abdul Salam Bargathi of the Preventive Security Brigade, an Islamist militia with a grandiose name, each recalled separately, and they increased security outside a United Nations office. But they said nothing to the Americans.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

What caused Benghazi?

It wasn't a video. It was a lack of security. The Benghazi consulate had been attacked twice before. These served as warnings that were ultimately ignored.

The same thing happened in when I was in Somalia under Clinton. We had been attacked on numerous occasions and Clinton only sent the minimum required to do the job.

First thing I noticed when we arrived in Mogadishu Somalia March of 93' was that everyone else was driving around in armored vehicles, but us. We had been attacked while driving through town several times and we put in a request for armor, which was refused. So when October 3, 1993 rolled around and over a dozen Rangers and Delta Force members were killed in a simple snatch mission I wasn't surprised.

This could have been avoided and so could Benghazi. The warning signs were clear. U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary - The Daily Beast

What caused Benghazi? The host country dropped the ball, and policies that were in place well before Clinton and Obama were in the White House.

Put on your big boy pants and LEARN about the REAL world.

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options

When it comes to providing security for U.S. embassies and consulates, the U.S. doesn’t have sole responsibility.

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations established that the host country of an embassy or consulate “is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage.”

In the case of Libya’s government, Murphy said, “They were not up to the job.”

The U.S. bolsters local security with its own forces. The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which protects U.S. personnel on official duty abroad, has almost 800 special agents at more than 250 posts worldwide, according to the State Department’s website.

Classified Material

The Marines provide internal protection for U.S. diplomatic posts “to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States,” said Captain Gregory Wolf, a Marine spokesman. The Marines also can provide protection for U.S. citizens and property during “urgent temporary circumstances which require immediate aid or action,” he said.

Marines aren’t always stationed at consulates. There were none at the Benghazi consulate in Libya at the time of the deadly attack by protesters two days ago, according to a defense official who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.

“The plain fact is we can’t have an army at every diplomatic establishment in the world,” said David Mack, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs who has served in diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya.

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

While the U.S. could have followed the British lead in closing its consulate in eastern Libya, Mack and Murphy said such a move would be a mistake.

“This would be a terrible time to do it,” Mack said. “Libyans are in the middle of settling major constitutional issues.” Closing the consulate would be seen “as taking a side in the formation of a government and the constitution of the country,” he said.

The State Department has wrestled for decades with how to build embassies that are both safe and accessible to the public.

After the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed more than 200 U.S. military personnel, “We sort of established Beirut rules for every embassy in the world,” Mack said. “It led to building a lot of fortress-like embassies on the top of a hill. They’re very off-putting. It does not create an environment where local people feel comfortable coming to a meeting at the embassy.”

When it comes to security at consulates, Murphy said, “Generally speaking, they don’t get much.”
The riots in 20 countries I provided a link to and excerpts from was reported by the New York Post. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation (and its successor, News Corp, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988.

News Corporation (officially referred to as New News Corp; trading as News Corp) is an American multinational mass media company, formed as a spin-off of the former News Corporation (as founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979) focusing on newspapers and publishing.

The New York Times spent months doing an actual investigation. By going to Libya and interviewing locals.

Chapter 4
A Fuse Is Lit

"Innocence of Muslims” purported to be an online trailer for a film about the mistreatment of Christians in contemporary Egypt. But it included bawdy historical flashbacks that derided the Prophet Muhammad. Someone dubbed it into Arabic around the beginning of September 2012, and a Cairo newspaper embellished the news by reporting that a Florida pastor infamous for burning the Quran was planning to debut the film on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Then, on Sept. 8, a popular Islamist preacher lit the fuse by screening a clip of the video on the ultraconservative Egyptian satellite channel El Nas. American diplomats in Cairo raised the alarm in Washington about a growing backlash, including calls for a protest outside their embassy.

No one mentioned it to the American diplomats in Libya. But Islamists in Benghazi were watching. Egyptian satellite networks like El Nas and El Rahma were widely available in Benghazi. “It is Friday morning viewing,” popular on the day of prayer, said one young Benghazi Islamist who turned up at the compound during the attack, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

By Sept. 9, a popular eastern Libyan Facebook page had denounced the film. On the morning of Sept. 11, even some secular political activists were posting calls online for a protest that Friday, three days away.

Hussein Abu Hamida, the acting chief of Benghazi’s informal police force, saw the growing furor and feared new violence against Western interests. He conferred with Abdul Salam Bargathi of the Preventive Security Brigade, an Islamist militia with a grandiose name, each recalled separately, and they increased security outside a United Nations office. But they said nothing to the Americans.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

What caused Benghazi?

It wasn't a video. It was a lack of security. The Benghazi consulate had been attacked twice before. These served as warnings that were ultimately ignored.

The same thing happened in when I was in Somalia under Clinton. We had been attacked on numerous occasions and Clinton only sent the minimum required to do the job.

First thing I noticed when we arrived in Mogadishu Somalia March of 93' was that everyone else was driving around in armored vehicles, but us. We had been attacked while driving through town several times and we put in a request for armor, which was refused. So when October 3, 1993 rolled around and over a dozen Rangers and Delta Force members were killed in a simple snatch mission I wasn't surprised.

This could have been avoided and so could Benghazi. The warning signs were clear. U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary - The Daily Beast

What caused Benghazi? The host country dropped the ball, and policies that were in place well before Clinton and Obama were in the White House.

Put on your big boy pants and LEARN about the REAL world.

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options

When it comes to providing security for U.S. embassies and consulates, the U.S. doesn’t have sole responsibility.

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations established that the host country of an embassy or consulate “is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage.”

In the case of Libya’s government, Murphy said, “They were not up to the job.”

The U.S. bolsters local security with its own forces. The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which protects U.S. personnel on official duty abroad, has almost 800 special agents at more than 250 posts worldwide, according to the State Department’s website.

Classified Material

The Marines provide internal protection for U.S. diplomatic posts “to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States,” said Captain Gregory Wolf, a Marine spokesman. The Marines also can provide protection for U.S. citizens and property during “urgent temporary circumstances which require immediate aid or action,” he said.

Marines aren’t always stationed at consulates. There were none at the Benghazi consulate in Libya at the time of the deadly attack by protesters two days ago, according to a defense official who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.

“The plain fact is we can’t have an army at every diplomatic establishment in the world,” said David Mack, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs who has served in diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya.

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

While the U.S. could have followed the British lead in closing its consulate in eastern Libya, Mack and Murphy said such a move would be a mistake.

“This would be a terrible time to do it,” Mack said. “Libyans are in the middle of settling major constitutional issues.” Closing the consulate would be seen “as taking a side in the formation of a government and the constitution of the country,” he said.

The State Department has wrestled for decades with how to build embassies that are both safe and accessible to the public.

After the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed more than 200 U.S. military personnel, “We sort of established Beirut rules for every embassy in the world,” Mack said. “It led to building a lot of fortress-like embassies on the top of a hill. They’re very off-putting. It does not create an environment where local people feel comfortable coming to a meeting at the embassy.”

When it comes to security at consulates, Murphy said, “Generally speaking, they don’t get much.”

so obama knew they were in danger and had them stay anyway?

that's what you just posted. no matter how you put it; obama dropped the ball. "no significant chatter" is meaningless when you just basically admitted the other countries left on account of their fears of the growing threats. and apparently them leaving reveals they dont believe in the US version of embassies that they must stay open in the face of threats to be "accesible to the public"

accessible to whom; terrorists?

Well, I'd say both ends of the spectrum have done a fine job of pointing out the lies of the other.

Is everybody happy with that?

Until we stop ignoring and apologizing for the lies of the winger politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits, and until both ends of the spectrum stop pointing the finger and concentrate on cleaning their OWN house, the decay will continue.

Okay, back to the finger-pointing.


Here is a novel approach for you to try...FACTS and the TRUTH. Do some research, educate yourself and be informed.

"Truth will do well enough if left to shift for herself. She seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known & seldom welcome. She has no need of force to procure entrance into the minds of men. Error indeed has often prevailed by the assistance of power or force. Truth is the proper & sufficient antagonist to error.
Thomas Jefferson - Notes on Religion (October 1776), published in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson : 1816–1826 (1899) edited by Paul Leicester Ford, v. 2, p. 102

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

Well, I'd say both ends of the spectrum have done a fine job of pointing out the lies of the other.

Is everybody happy with that?

Until we stop ignoring and apologizing for the lies of the winger politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits, and until both ends of the spectrum stop pointing the finger and concentrate on cleaning their OWN house, the decay will continue.

Okay, back to the finger-pointing.


Here is a novel approach for you to try...FACTS and the TRUTH. Do some research, educate yourself and be informed.

"Truth will do well enough if left to shift for herself. She seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known & seldom welcome. She has no need of force to procure entrance into the minds of men. Error indeed has often prevailed by the assistance of power or force. Truth is the proper & sufficient antagonist to error.
Thomas Jefferson - Notes on Religion (October 1776), published in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson : 1816–1826 (1899) edited by Paul Leicester Ford, v. 2, p. 102

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

your "facts" are whatever you twist them into.

obama dropped the bal on Benghazi; then lies about it; manufacturing a lie that a video caused the attack; and went and has his shill tell all of America this lie
What caused Benghazi?

It wasn't a video. It was a lack of security. The Benghazi consulate had been attacked twice before. These served as warnings that were ultimately ignored.

The same thing happened in when I was in Somalia under Clinton. We had been attacked on numerous occasions and Clinton only sent the minimum required to do the job.

First thing I noticed when we arrived in Mogadishu Somalia March of 93' was that everyone else was driving around in armored vehicles, but us. We had been attacked while driving through town several times and we put in a request for armor, which was refused. So when October 3, 1993 rolled around and over a dozen Rangers and Delta Force members were killed in a simple snatch mission I wasn't surprised.

This could have been avoided and so could Benghazi. The warning signs were clear. U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary - The Daily Beast

What caused Benghazi? The host country dropped the ball, and policies that were in place well before Clinton and Obama were in the White House.

Put on your big boy pants and LEARN about the REAL world.

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options

When it comes to providing security for U.S. embassies and consulates, the U.S. doesn’t have sole responsibility.

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations established that the host country of an embassy or consulate “is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage.”

In the case of Libya’s government, Murphy said, “They were not up to the job.”

The U.S. bolsters local security with its own forces. The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which protects U.S. personnel on official duty abroad, has almost 800 special agents at more than 250 posts worldwide, according to the State Department’s website.

Classified Material

The Marines provide internal protection for U.S. diplomatic posts “to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States,” said Captain Gregory Wolf, a Marine spokesman. The Marines also can provide protection for U.S. citizens and property during “urgent temporary circumstances which require immediate aid or action,” he said.

Marines aren’t always stationed at consulates. There were none at the Benghazi consulate in Libya at the time of the deadly attack by protesters two days ago, according to a defense official who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.

“The plain fact is we can’t have an army at every diplomatic establishment in the world,” said David Mack, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs who has served in diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya.

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

While the U.S. could have followed the British lead in closing its consulate in eastern Libya, Mack and Murphy said such a move would be a mistake.

“This would be a terrible time to do it,” Mack said. “Libyans are in the middle of settling major constitutional issues.” Closing the consulate would be seen “as taking a side in the formation of a government and the constitution of the country,” he said.

The State Department has wrestled for decades with how to build embassies that are both safe and accessible to the public.

After the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed more than 200 U.S. military personnel, “We sort of established Beirut rules for every embassy in the world,” Mack said. “It led to building a lot of fortress-like embassies on the top of a hill. They’re very off-putting. It does not create an environment where local people feel comfortable coming to a meeting at the embassy.”

When it comes to security at consulates, Murphy said, “Generally speaking, they don’t get much.”

so obama knew they were in danger and had them stay anyway?

that's what you just posted. no matter how you put it; obama dropped the ball. "no significant chatter" is meaningless when you just basically admitted the other countries left on account of their fears of the growing threats. and apparently them leaving reveals they dont believe in the US version of embassies that they must stay open in the face of threats to be "accesible to the public"

accessible to whom; terrorists?

The right wing mind...simple, dogma infested and VERY small.

Well, I'd say both ends of the spectrum have done a fine job of pointing out the lies of the other.

Is everybody happy with that?

Until we stop ignoring and apologizing for the lies of the winger politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits, and until both ends of the spectrum stop pointing the finger and concentrate on cleaning their OWN house, the decay will continue.

Okay, back to the finger-pointing.


Here is a novel approach for you to try...FACTS and the TRUTH. Do some research, educate yourself and be informed.

"Truth will do well enough if left to shift for herself. She seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known & seldom welcome. She has no need of force to procure entrance into the minds of men. Error indeed has often prevailed by the assistance of power or force. Truth is the proper & sufficient antagonist to error.
Thomas Jefferson - Notes on Religion (October 1776), published in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson : 1816–1826 (1899) edited by Paul Leicester Ford, v. 2, p. 102

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

your "facts" are whatever you twist them into.

obama dropped the bal on Benghazi; then lies about it; manufacturing a lie that a video caused the attack; and went and has his shill tell all of America this lie

Try to keep up. The video DID contribute to the attack.

Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security cameras.
Try to keep up. The video DID contribute to the attack.
Which is a statement with no particular meaning. It's impossible, assuming the article is true, that a few guys that saw the video could have motivated everyone else to go off on the embassy, including having the hardware at hand. That should speak to you but it doesn't. The administration and media downplayed the terrorism aspect for political reasons. A Republican would have been run out of office for that alone.
The riots in 20 countries I provided a link to and excerpts from was reported by the New York Post. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation (and its successor, News Corp, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988.

News Corporation (officially referred to as New News Corp; trading as News Corp) is an American multinational mass media company, formed as a spin-off of the former News Corporation (as founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979) focusing on newspapers and publishing.

The New York Times spent months doing an actual investigation. By going to Libya and interviewing locals.

Chapter 4
A Fuse Is Lit

"Innocence of Muslims” purported to be an online trailer for a film about the mistreatment of Christians in contemporary Egypt. But it included bawdy historical flashbacks that derided the Prophet Muhammad. Someone dubbed it into Arabic around the beginning of September 2012, and a Cairo newspaper embellished the news by reporting that a Florida pastor infamous for burning the Quran was planning to debut the film on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Then, on Sept. 8, a popular Islamist preacher lit the fuse by screening a clip of the video on the ultraconservative Egyptian satellite channel El Nas. American diplomats in Cairo raised the alarm in Washington about a growing backlash, including calls for a protest outside their embassy.

No one mentioned it to the American diplomats in Libya. But Islamists in Benghazi were watching. Egyptian satellite networks like El Nas and El Rahma were widely available in Benghazi. “It is Friday morning viewing,” popular on the day of prayer, said one young Benghazi Islamist who turned up at the compound during the attack, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

By Sept. 9, a popular eastern Libyan Facebook page had denounced the film. On the morning of Sept. 11, even some secular political activists were posting calls online for a protest that Friday, three days away.

Hussein Abu Hamida, the acting chief of Benghazi’s informal police force, saw the growing furor and feared new violence against Western interests. He conferred with Abdul Salam Bargathi of the Preventive Security Brigade, an Islamist militia with a grandiose name, each recalled separately, and they increased security outside a United Nations office. But they said nothing to the Americans.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

What caused Benghazi?

It wasn't a video. It was a lack of security. The Benghazi consulate had been attacked twice before. These served as warnings that were ultimately ignored.

The same thing happened in when I was in Somalia under Clinton. We had been attacked on numerous occasions and Clinton only sent the minimum required to do the job.

First thing I noticed when we arrived in Mogadishu Somalia March of 93' was that everyone else was driving around in armored vehicles, but us. We had been attacked while driving through town several times and we put in a request for armor, which was refused. So when October 3, 1993 rolled around and over a dozen Rangers and Delta Force members were killed in a simple snatch mission I wasn't surprised.

This could have been avoided and so could Benghazi. The warning signs were clear. U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary - The Daily Beast

What caused Benghazi? The host country dropped the ball, and policies that were in place well before Clinton and Obama were in the White House.

Put on your big boy pants and LEARN about the REAL world.

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options

When it comes to providing security for U.S. embassies and consulates, the U.S. doesn’t have sole responsibility.

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations established that the host country of an embassy or consulate “is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage.”

In the case of Libya’s government, Murphy said, “They were not up to the job.”

The U.S. bolsters local security with its own forces. The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which protects U.S. personnel on official duty abroad, has almost 800 special agents at more than 250 posts worldwide, according to the State Department’s website.

Classified Material

The Marines provide internal protection for U.S. diplomatic posts “to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States,” said Captain Gregory Wolf, a Marine spokesman. The Marines also can provide protection for U.S. citizens and property during “urgent temporary circumstances which require immediate aid or action,” he said.

Marines aren’t always stationed at consulates. There were none at the Benghazi consulate in Libya at the time of the deadly attack by protesters two days ago, according to a defense official who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.

“The plain fact is we can’t have an army at every diplomatic establishment in the world,” said David Mack, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs who has served in diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya.

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

While the U.S. could have followed the British lead in closing its consulate in eastern Libya, Mack and Murphy said such a move would be a mistake.

“This would be a terrible time to do it,” Mack said. “Libyans are in the middle of settling major constitutional issues.” Closing the consulate would be seen “as taking a side in the formation of a government and the constitution of the country,” he said.

The State Department has wrestled for decades with how to build embassies that are both safe and accessible to the public.

After the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed more than 200 U.S. military personnel, “We sort of established Beirut rules for every embassy in the world,” Mack said. “It led to building a lot of fortress-like embassies on the top of a hill. They’re very off-putting. It does not create an environment where local people feel comfortable coming to a meeting at the embassy.”

When it comes to security at consulates, Murphy said, “Generally speaking, they don’t get much.”

Libya's interim president said that a video was not the cause of the attack. He said armed members of terrorist factions were. He called the White House claims ridiculous.

Closing the consulate and sending everyone to Tripoli would have been my first choice, because the security of my representative overrides any political implications. I don't give a flying fuck if it would look bad.

Just try to get it through your thick skull. Hillary was responsible for ignoring threats. Obama was responsible for the cover-up after the fact, and a lousy foreign policy. Somalia in 93' was more secure than Libya after the overthrow of Qadaffi. Obama never seems to take anything seriously unless it's fundraising, partying, or picking his brackets. Security for his people is left up to amateurs. His diplomats often have zero experience in their host countries. He chooses instead to pick campaign donors to fill his ambassador slots. That is why 4 people died in Benghazi, and the survivors aren't allowed to talk to the press or Congress.
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Well, I'd say both ends of the spectrum have done a fine job of pointing out the lies of the other.

Is everybody happy with that?

Until we stop ignoring and apologizing for the lies of the winger politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits, and until both ends of the spectrum stop pointing the finger and concentrate on cleaning their OWN house, the decay will continue.

Okay, back to the finger-pointing.


Here is a novel approach for you to try...FACTS and the TRUTH. Do some research, educate yourself and be informed.

"Truth will do well enough if left to shift for herself. She seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known & seldom welcome. She has no need of force to procure entrance into the minds of men. Error indeed has often prevailed by the assistance of power or force. Truth is the proper & sufficient antagonist to error.
Thomas Jefferson - Notes on Religion (October 1776), published in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson : 1816–1826 (1899) edited by Paul Leicester Ford, v. 2, p. 102

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

Oh, thank you for the wisdom, [MENTION=19018]Bfgrn[/MENTION]. Fortunately, though, most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues, so I'll need some clarification.

First, the two wacky ends of the spectrum can't even agree on what the "facts" ARE most of the time. Perhaps you can provide some guidance there.

And second, what precisely is "the truth" in your world? What, exactly, do those two words mean to you? It's wonderful to know that I now have a source for "The Truth".

Looking forward to more of your wisdom, thanks in advance.

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Try to keep up. The video DID contribute to the attack.
Which is a statement with no particular meaning. It's impossible, assuming the article is true, that a few guys that saw the video could have motivated everyone else to go off on the embassy, including having the hardware at hand. That should speak to you but it doesn't. The administration and media downplayed the terrorism aspect for political reasons. A Republican would have been run out of office for that alone.

REALLY? Then why wasn't Bush or Reagan 'run out of office'?

The truth is when a Democrat is in the White House, SUDDENLY these tragic incidents are caused by some 'ulterior' motives, the debt Republicans created is unpalatable, and SUDDENLY they want to hold feet to the fire. But when a Republican is in the White House, NONE of these issues are important....WHY is that???

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Attacks Under George W. Bush

January 22, 2002: US consulate at Kolkata, 5 Killed
June 14, 2002: US Consulate at Karachi, 12 Killed
February 28, 2003: US Embassy at Islamabad, 2 Killed
June 30, 2004: US Embassy at Tashkent, 2 Killed
December 6, 2004: US Compound at Saudi Arabia, 9 Killed
March 2, 2006: US Consulate in Karachi, 2 Killed
September 12, 2006: US Embassy at Syria, 4 Killed
March 18, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 2 Killed
July 9, 2008: US Consulate at Istanbul, 6 Killed
September 17, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 16 Killed

Care to talk about the 270 who died under Reagan in Embassy attacks?

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