Democrats Win Because They Have Lies On Their Side

It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.
Yeah sure. "If you like your health plan, you can keep it". Obama's lies alone blow your theory out of the water. Then multiply that by all the leftist demogoguery.
And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
Even Obama isn't saying it was fueled by the video. In fact, he's been lying about it saying he mentioned terrorism all alone. At least get on board with the leftist talking points, you're alienating yourself from everyone else.

The White House
September 12, 2012

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya


Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.
Just WORKPLACE violence, right BUFU?
It’s both interesting and telling how it’s conservatives, for the most part, who contrive and propagate lies.
Yeah sure. "If you like your health plan, you can keep it". Obama's lies alone blow your theory out of the water. Then multiply that by all the leftist demogoguery.
And Benghazi is not an issue because it is not the issue the partisan right perceives it to be: about Obama trying to ‘cover up’ some mythical ‘misdeed’ concerning the incident.
Even Obama isn't saying it was fueled by the video. In fact, he's been lying about it saying he mentioned terrorism all alone. At least get on board with the leftist talking points, you're alienating yourself from everyone else.
Thing is? Benghazi IS an issue 4 Americans died needlessly...neither Obama or Hillary had an interest in it, and let it go...BOTH need to be held to account. I don't buy into either of their excuses. There are many on here that think if Hillary runs it won't haunt her..I think it will if the four families have anything to say about it.

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Attacks Under George W. Bush

January 22, 2002: US consulate at Kolkata, 5 Killed
June 14, 2002: US Consulate at Karachi, 12 Killed
February 28, 2003: US Embassy at Islamabad, 2 Killed
June 30, 2004: US Embassy at Tashkent, 2 Killed
December 6, 2004: US Compound at Saudi Arabia, 9 Killed
March 2, 2006: US Consulate in Karachi, 2 Killed
September 12, 2006: US Embassy at Syria, 4 Killed
March 18, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 2 Killed
July 9, 2008: US Consulate at Istanbul, 6 Killed
September 17, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 16 Killed

Care to talk about the 270 who died under Reagan in Embassy attacks?
Can you prove the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi?

Did think so, but you folks on the right operate on pure propaganda.

Educate yourself...

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

Have an adult read the bold above and explain it to you.

I don't need to.

That excuse was totally debunked long ago. The facts of what happened and who knew what are out for everyone to see.

Why exactly did that particular facility come under such an attack, where the perps brought mortars to assault the compound, is unknown. Speculation is it was a rendition site. Some say they were trafficking arms to rebels. We're not going to find out till that lying prick is gone into retirement.

Dictators try to stay in power because they know that once they lose power they end up in jail or dead. The left desperately needs the White House to stay in the hands of Democrats or Obama and Eric Holder are gonna be doing the perp-walk in chains.
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The White House
September 12, 2012

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya


Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.
He doesn't say it was terrorism even quite a while later. We now know he was informed and it had little to do with the stupid video hardly anyone saw. Bear in mind this was right before the elections when team Obama was trying to make like they had defused terrorism with their superior diplomatic skills.

A timeline of what he said:
Super Cut of Obama Blaming Benghazi on Video, Avoiding Term Terrorism | Washington Free Beacon
The White House
September 12, 2012

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya


Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.
He doesn't say it was terrorism even quite a while later. We now know he was informed and it had little to do with the stupid video hardly anyone saw. Bear in mind this was right before the elections when team Obama was trying to make like they had defused terrorism with their superior diplomatic skills.

A timeline of what he said:
Super Cut of Obama Blaming Benghazi on Video, Avoiding Term Terrorism | Washington Free Beacon

WTF is wrong with you people? Are you THAT fucking STUPID? The President SAID it was an act of terror the very next day.
WTF is wrong with you people? Are you THAT fucking STUPID? The President SAID it was an act of terror the very next day.
That's lawyer speak, sorry you didn't get it. It was obviously an act of terror, that isn't in dispute, people died in the attack. Any attack is an act of terror. The impression given was that it was the video that fueled Muslim rage and the embassy was an easy target to lash out against. We know that's bullshit, he knew it was bullshit. It was orchestrated by known terrorist groups because of who we were. Get it? Watch the video and hear him waffling when he knew what the deal was according to many close to the incident.
So, where does it say it was caused by a video?

It doesn't. That was a cover story the White House dreamed up.

Only the White House knows exactly the cause, and that is why they're hiding any eye-witnesses.

Have an adult read the bold above and explain it to you.

I don't need to.

That excuse was totally debunked long ago. The facts of what happened and who knew what are out for everyone to see.

Why exactly did that particular facility come under such an attack, where the perps brought mortars to assault the compound, is unknown. Speculation is it was a rendition site. Some say they were trafficking arms to rebels. We're not going to find out till that lying prick is gone into retirement.

Dictators try to stay in power because they know that once they lose power they end up in jail or dead. The left desperately needs the White House to stay in the hands of Democrats or Obama and Eric Holder are gonna be doing the perp-walk in chains.

Then you know who attacked our consulate in Benghazi and what their motivation was? Please let us know. But you CAN'T, can you?

Here is what you CAN do...PROVE that the anti-Islamic film had nothing to do with the attack.

But here is your CAN'T.

Here is your other problem...


Anti-US protests spread to
20 countries throughout
Muslim world

Last Updated: 2:29 PM, September 14, 2012


Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration near the US embassy in Amman against a film
they claim was insulting to Prophet Mohammad.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.


Jordanian protesters burn a US flag in front of the Kurdi Mosque near the USA embassy in Amman.

The demonstrators came out after weekly Friday Muslim prayers, where many clerics in their mosque sermons urged congregations to defend their faith, denouncing the obscure movie produced in the United States that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad. It was a dramatic expansion of protests that began earlier this week and saw assaults on the US embassies in Egypt and Yemen and the storming of the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Several thousand battled with Tunisian security forces outside the US Embassy in Tunis. Protesters rained down stones on police firing volleys of tear gas and shooting into the air. Some protesters scaled the embassy wall and stood on top of it, planting the Islamist flag that has become a symbol of the wave of protests: A black banner with the Islamic profession of faith, “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.”

Police chased them off the wall and took the flag down. Two protesters were killed and 29 people were wounded, including police.

The heaviest violence came in Sudan, where a prominent sheik on state radio urged protesters to march on the German Embassy to protest alleged anti-Muslim graffiti on mosques in Berlin and then to the US Embassy to protest the film.

“America has long been an enemy to Islam and to Sudan,” Sheik Mohammed Jizouly said.

Soon after, several hundred Sudanese stormed into the German Embassy, setting part of an embassy building aflame along with trash bins and a parked car. Protesters danced and celebrated around the burning barrels as palls of black smoke billowed into the sky until police firing tear gas drove them out of the compound. Some then began to demonstrate outside the neighboring British Embassy, shouting slogans.

Several thousand then moved on the American Embassy, on the capital’s outskirts. They tried to storm the mission, clashing with Sudanese police, who opened fire on some who tried to scale the compound’s wall. It was not clear whether any protesters made it into the embassy grounds.

Egypt's Morsi said his TV address that "it is required by our religion to protect our guests and their homes and places of work," he said.

He called the killing of the American ambassador in Libya unacceptable in Islam. "To God, attacking a person is bigger than an attack on the Kaaba," he said, referring to Islam's holiest site in Mecca.

His speech came after President Obama spoke with Morsi by telephone. The Obama administration has been angered by Morsi's slow response to the attack Tuesday night on the US Embassy in Cairo. He made little more than vague statements about it for days without an outright condemnation of the breach, in which police did nothing to stop protesters from climbing the embassy walls.

His silence reflected the heavy pressure that Morsi, a longtime figure from the Muslim Brotherhood, faces from Egypt's powerful ultraconservative Islamists. They are using the film issue to boost their own political prominence while challenging Morsi's religious credentials.

Leaders of Egypt's Jihad group, a former militant organization, held a conference in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and said anyone involved in "defamation" of the prophet should be killed. They called on Morsi to cut relations with US

"I appeal to President Mohammed Morsi to cut our relations with those monkeys and pigs," said Rifaei Taha, a leading member of the group.

Several hundred people, mainly ultraconservatives, protested in Cairo's Tahrir Square after weekly Muslim Friday prayers and tore up an American flag, waving the Islamist flag. A firebrand ultraconservative Salafi cleric blasted the film in his sermon in Tahrir, saying Muslims must defend Islam and its prophet.

Anti-US protests spread to 20 countries throughout Muslim world -
Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.
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Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.
They were all Congress couldn't get to them to interview them...

[ame=""]Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen. - YouTube[/ame]​
Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.

Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.
Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.

Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.
^^ Bush has been out of office for___________________?


Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.

Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.
^^ Bush has been out of office for___________________?



There were 10 embassy attacks under Bush and 60 deaths. WHERE was all the outrage from the right back then? How much 24/7 coverage did faux news air on the Bush administration?

Are you THAT fucking stupid, or THAT fucking brainwashed??
Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.

Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.

Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.
Don't get mad. Jesus.

Why was Benghazi the only one that was the focus of a coordinated attack with military grade crew-served weapons? I know the difference between a protest and an armed assault.

I don't really care how many other compounds came under attack, Libya was the only one that this happened at. Where our diplomats were murdered. And the Obama Administration refuses to investigate. Something is going on that he's trying to cover up. Not one eye-witness has been allowed to testify. Not one.

Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.

Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.

Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.
Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.

Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.

Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

That is horseshit, the video is an absolute joke, I'm glad libtards still believe this......They mentioned Osama in their chants, no video. Quit spinning. OMG people who say that are so brainwashed and stupid, how do you try and have a conversation with such stupidity?
Probably because Libya had recently been a war zone. The event was investigated ad nauseam by Republicans who never said a PEEP when there were 10 embassies attacked and 60 died under Bush.

There has been NO coverup...your little pea is infested with faux news propaganda.

Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.

Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

Obama claims that getting Bin Laden practically ended the war on terror.

He's gutted the FBI's anti-terrorist division. He's had all of their manuals changed so that anti-terrorism is no longer taught. He's signed an agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood not to "offend" them in any way. He's essentially set us back 15 years and placed us back on a pre-911 posture.

Oh, and he gave everyone the idea that the war on terror was all but won.
Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.

Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

That is horseshit, the video is an absolute joke, I'm glad libtards still believe this......They mentioned Osama in their chants, no video. Quit spinning. OMG people who say that are so brainwashed and stupid, how do you try and have a conversation with such stupidity?

A joke huh? You are a fucking PEA brain.

Then you know who attacked our consulate in Benghazi and what their motivation was? Please let us know. But you CAN'T, can you?

Here is what you CAN do...PROVE that the anti-Islamic film had nothing to do with the attack.

But here is your CAN'T.

Here is your other problem...


Anti-US protests spread to
20 countries throughout
Muslim world

Last Updated: 2:29 PM, September 14, 2012


Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration near the US embassy in Amman against a film
they claim was insulting to Prophet Mohammad.

CAIRO — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of US embassies in Tunisia and Sudan and torching part of a German embassy. Amid the turmoil, Islamic militants waving black banners and shouting “God is great” stormed an international peacekeepers base in Egypt’s Sinai and battled troops, wounding four Colombians. …

The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.


Jordanian protesters burn a US flag in front of the Kurdi Mosque near the USA embassy in Amman.

The demonstrators came out after weekly Friday Muslim prayers, where many clerics in their mosque sermons urged congregations to defend their faith, denouncing the obscure movie produced in the United States that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad. It was a dramatic expansion of protests that began earlier this week and saw assaults on the US embassies in Egypt and Yemen and the storming of the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Several thousand battled with Tunisian security forces outside the US Embassy in Tunis. Protesters rained down stones on police firing volleys of tear gas and shooting into the air. Some protesters scaled the embassy wall and stood on top of it, planting the Islamist flag that has become a symbol of the wave of protests: A black banner with the Islamic profession of faith, “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.”

Police chased them off the wall and took the flag down. Two protesters were killed and 29 people were wounded, including police.

The heaviest violence came in Sudan, where a prominent sheik on state radio urged protesters to march on the German Embassy to protest alleged anti-Muslim graffiti on mosques in Berlin and then to the US Embassy to protest the film.

“America has long been an enemy to Islam and to Sudan,” Sheik Mohammed Jizouly said.

Soon after, several hundred Sudanese stormed into the German Embassy, setting part of an embassy building aflame along with trash bins and a parked car. Protesters danced and celebrated around the burning barrels as palls of black smoke billowed into the sky until police firing tear gas drove them out of the compound. Some then began to demonstrate outside the neighboring British Embassy, shouting slogans.

Several thousand then moved on the American Embassy, on the capital’s outskirts. They tried to storm the mission, clashing with Sudanese police, who opened fire on some who tried to scale the compound’s wall. It was not clear whether any protesters made it into the embassy grounds.

Egypt's Morsi said his TV address that "it is required by our religion to protect our guests and their homes and places of work," he said.

He called the killing of the American ambassador in Libya unacceptable in Islam. "To God, attacking a person is bigger than an attack on the Kaaba," he said, referring to Islam's holiest site in Mecca.

His speech came after President Obama spoke with Morsi by telephone. The Obama administration has been angered by Morsi's slow response to the attack Tuesday night on the US Embassy in Cairo. He made little more than vague statements about it for days without an outright condemnation of the breach, in which police did nothing to stop protesters from climbing the embassy walls.

His silence reflected the heavy pressure that Morsi, a longtime figure from the Muslim Brotherhood, faces from Egypt's powerful ultraconservative Islamists. They are using the film issue to boost their own political prominence while challenging Morsi's religious credentials.

Leaders of Egypt's Jihad group, a former militant organization, held a conference in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and said anyone involved in "defamation" of the prophet should be killed. They called on Morsi to cut relations with US

"I appeal to President Mohammed Morsi to cut our relations with those monkeys and pigs," said Rifaei Taha, a leading member of the group.

Several hundred people, mainly ultraconservatives, protested in Cairo's Tahrir Square after weekly Muslim Friday prayers and tore up an American flag, waving the Islamist flag. A firebrand ultraconservative Salafi cleric blasted the film in his sermon in Tahrir, saying Muslims must defend Islam and its prophet.

Anti-US protests spread to 20 countries throughout Muslim world -
Bush never lied by claiming that terrorism was no longer a threat, and he didn't lie about the cause of any embassy attack to support another lie.

Obama never said "terrorism was no longer a threat". And he didn't lie about the cause of the embassy attack.

AND...the attack WAS fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

That is horseshit, the video is an absolute joke, I'm glad libtards still believe this......They mentioned Osama in their chants, no video. Quit spinning. OMG people who say that are so brainwashed and stupid, how do you try and have a conversation with such stupidity?

The reason for all of the protests was because it was the 11th anniversary of 911.

September 11th has significance to Muslims. Not just for the attack in America, but other battles, and other significance. The Twin Towers represented 11 as well. The Number Eleven in the Koran

This is not because of some stinking funky-assed video.
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