Democrats Would Back Biden in 2024 Despite Strikingly Low Approval: Poll

Democrats are loyal. If Hitler was reincarnated as a Democrat, he would get easily get elected. Once the Mayor of Washington DC was on video snorting coke and was re-elected.
I do not want Biden or Harris to run. They are both to polarizing.
Most Democrats agree with you. But according to the Politico poll that you disagreed with up there, if Biden is the candidate, most Democrats will vote for him. Will youi?
Actually, the moderate Democrats do not. They are not on board with the woke stuff going on.
I think you're right. But when it really comes down to decision day and it's a choice between a 'woke' Democrat or a Republican they hate, how do they vote? Politico says they'll vote Democrat.
Republicans would do the same thing. Not exactly news.
in all fairness, we're past left vs right. we are so far off the deep end we have left, right and whatever the hell the "progressives" are doing now.

now truth be told, in these cases most people don't vote FOR biden in as much AGAINST trump.

that's how fucked up we've become but we treat our politicians like shit (and at times for good reason) so why would a good character person on either side want to run?

that has to be a strong desire for country over politics. in that light, im watching tulsi gabbard a lot these days. no i don't agree with all she says but she fights for the foundation, not the party.

*that* is critical right now.
in all fairness, we're past left vs right. we are so far off the deep end we have left, right and whatever the hell the "progressives" are doing now.

now truth be told, in these cases most people don't vote FOR biden in as much AGAINST trump.

that's how fucked up we've become but we treat our politicians like shit (and at times for good reason) so why would a good character person on either side want to run?

that has to be a strong desire for country over politics. in that light, im watching tulsi gabbard a lot these days. no i don't agree with all she says but she fights for the foundation, not the party.

*that* is critical right now.
Tulsi and Joe Manchin are old guard liberal Democrats, the kind that once used to win elections now and then and, while they are much more big government than the average Republican, they don't promote policies that seriously harm the country or tear it apart. Which of course is why they are more likely to be attacked by 'woke' Democrats than they are applauded. So either may or may not be able to win the Democrat nomination.

If all the probable candidates crash and burn like they did in 2020, the Democrat Party may have no choice but to run Biden again.
Tulsi and Joe Manchin are old guard liberal Democrats, the kind that once used to win elections now and then and, while they are much more big government than the average Republican, they don't promote policies that seriously harm the country or tear it apart. Which of course is why they are more likely to be attacked by 'woke' Democrats than they are applauded. So either may or may not be able to win the Democrat nomination.

If all the probable candidates crash and burn like they did in 2020, the Democrat Party may have no choice but to run Biden again.
at this point, the focus needs to be the country as a whole, not which side can gain something over the other.

i don't give a DAMN about (D) vs (R) at this point, it's country over assholes to me.
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc.

But a new Politco poll says if Biden is the nominee, most Democrats will vote for him.

Do Democrats really accept what is happening in America right now? Sky high inflation, shortages, transportation snarls, threats of higher taxes, an open border overrun by millions of illegals, extreme leftwing social issues take prominence over everything else, etc.? They hate the GOP or conservative ideology so much they choose the current situation no matter what?

Given the dismal approval ratings of the most likely Democrat candidates, Biden may be the choice.

Consider the obvious. Rejection of Biden would be considered a de facto endorsement of Donald Trump and most of them hate Donald Trump so much and so deeply (yeah many with good reasons) that they simply cannot and will not do anything that appears to support for Donald Trump.
Consider the obvious. Rejection of Biden would be considered a de facto endorsement of Donald Trump and most of them hate Donald Trump so much and so deeply (yeah many with good reasons) that they simply cannot and will not do anything that appears to support for Donald Trump.
I can't argue with that. It was the unprecedented and unmitigated hatred of Trump that got us Joe Biden. The Dems had such an unacceptable bench, it was a senile old man that they deemed most electable. And that's pathetic.
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc.

But a new Politco poll says if Biden is the nominee, most Democrats will vote for him.

Do Democrats really accept what is happening in America right now? Sky high inflation, shortages, transportation snarls, threats of higher taxes, an open border overrun by millions of illegals, extreme leftwing social issues take prominence over everything else, etc.? They hate the GOP or conservative ideology so much they choose the current situation no matter what?

Given the dismal approval ratings of the most likely Democrat candidates, Biden may be the choice.

You must also consider that there are more Democrats leaving the party for the Republican party than the other way around. Hispanics are leaving the Democrats in droves. So are Blacks and Soccer moms.
You must also consider that there are more Democrats leaving the party for the Republican party than the other way around. Hispanics are leaving the Democrats in droves. So are Blacks and Soccer moms.
We can hope that will make a difference. But 2024 is a long way away. Even a GOP majority in the House and Senate isn't a given this far from the election. We must be be wary of being overly confident and we sure can't afford to be complacent.

Democrats Would Back Biden in 2024 Despite Strikingly Low Approval: Poll​

Stupid Dumb GIF - Stupid Dumb Cant Believe Did That GIFs
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc.

But a new Politco poll says if Biden is the nominee, most Democrats will vote for him.

Do Democrats really accept what is happening in America right now? Sky high inflation, shortages, transportation snarls, threats of higher taxes, an open border overrun by millions of illegals, extreme leftwing social issues take prominence over everything else, etc.? They hate the GOP or conservative ideology so much they choose the current situation no matter what?

Given the dismal approval ratings of the most likely Democrat candidates, Biden may be the choice.

It's because they never can admit they made a mistake, it's part of their thing, not to admit anything, deny everything, smokescreen, tuck and roll, & circle back.
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc.

But a new Politco poll says if Biden is the nominee, most Democrats will vote for him.

Do Democrats really accept what is happening in America right now? Sky high inflation, shortages, transportation snarls, threats of higher taxes, an open border overrun by millions of illegals, extreme leftwing social issues take prominence over everything else, etc.? They hate the GOP or conservative ideology so much they choose the current situation no matter what?

Given the dismal approval ratings of the most likely Democrat candidates, Biden may be the choice.

Yes. Because Democrats just want POWER. See the Orwell Novel "1984".
Why? Democrats want a drag queen in every school and pedo peter is their path to that.
Or simply putz ... :
What Democrats want ... they get.
Or should.No coulda ... shoulda ... woulda ... bouts it.
Is the now age old { like Biden } Doctrine.Or better still ...
" Any stima will do to beat a dogma. " -- { Supers and Supermen } 1920
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc.

But a new Politco poll says if Biden is the nominee, most Democrats will vote for him.

Do Democrats really accept what is happening in America right now? Sky high inflation, shortages, transportation snarls, threats of higher taxes, an open border overrun by millions of illegals, extreme leftwing social issues take prominence over everything else, etc.? They hate the GOP or conservative ideology so much they choose the current situation no matter what?

Given the dismal approval ratings of the most likely Democrat candidates, Biden may be the choice.

I would back what my dog left in the back yard over any Republican. Who the Democratic nominee is or isn’t is irrelevant.

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