Democrats Would Back Biden in 2024 Despite Strikingly Low Approval: Poll

Somewhere in there is the 'cult' thing, a sort of religion. They are required to ignore everything President Trump was able to accomplish for America and the world really, and go to the Alinsky model of freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Nothing matters other than the mean tweets and something he said taken out of full context that they can pretend that is all that he was. That is precisely what the Jan 6 Commission is all about. The disaster that Biden and company have been for the country is completely ignored.

And whomever the Democrat candidate is, he or she will be heads and shoulders better than Trump or any other Republican who is the nominee. On another forum I participate in, they are desperately trying to convince us that Biden is fine, no dementia or some other cognizant disability. A couple of people claim to be trained in the field of dementia and say he is fine.

So yeah. I can believe those caught up in that particular religion will vote for Biden again if he is the candidate.
You summed the situation up nicely.
Usually, if one brings up Alinsky, it's just about as good as yelling Trump at a dem rally.
Saul Alinsky’s 12 rules for radicals. Somewhat like a short version of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Saul Alinsky’s 12 rules for radicals. Somewhat like a short version of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

I'm quite I said, mention that with dems and you'll usually have to duck.

Then toss out the 'S' word........Soros.
Of course Democrats would back the worst President in the history of the Republic.

They are no exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Of course Democrats would back the worst President in the history of the Republic.

They are no exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Look, they elected Kamala...
You summed the situation up nicely.
That means that the whole Democrat party is mental if they are attempting to cover for the worst president in American history... There is no way Biden was qualified to be president, and they covered for his ace in hopes to ride the new blue wave.. Problem is that the wave goes straight into the deep sea abyss along side of the HMS Titanic.
I'm quite I said, mention that with dems and you'll usually have to duck.

Then toss out the 'S' word........Soros.
George Soros is like a villain from a James Bond movie.

Well I'm not quite there in thinking that will be the scenario in 2024 yet :), but for sure the weakness of the 'Biden doctrine' or should we say the lack thereof has emboldened North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, all the bad actors who are unafraid of us, unafraid of an incapacitated and toothless President, unafraid of our 'woke' military. I am pretty darn sure if Trump was still at the helm, Putin would not have invaded the Ukraine and there would be a whole lot less saber rattling from those other countries.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I'm sorry for being so worried. I ran into people playing dirty tricks long ago. I have no excuses.
That means that the whole Democrat party is mental if they are attempting to cover for the worst president in American history... There is no way Biden was qualified to be president, and they covered for his ace in hopes to ride the new blue wave.. Problem is that the wave goes straight into the deep sea abyss along side of the HMS Titanic.
I used to be a registered Democrat as I come from a long line of steel and iron workers in Pennsylvania. Like many others, I really didn’t leave the Democratic Party. It left me.
Well if the FBI was a friend to patriotic American's, and if they were looking out for their best interest, then Soros might be on the FBI'S most wanted list.
I hear a lot of FBI agents are upset at their leadership. It looks like they have good reasons to be.

I used to have a very high opinion of the FBI. Not any more.
That means that the whole Democrat party is mental if they are attempting to cover for the worst president in American history... There is no way Biden was qualified to be president, and they covered for his ace in hopes to ride the new blue wave.. Problem is that the wave goes straight into the deep sea abyss along side of the HMS Titanic.
I have heard that one bad President could not ruin our nation. Now I find myself wondering if Biden could actually accomplish that goal. Xi Jinping likely has enough dirt on Hunter to blackmail Joe. He can tell Joe to jump and Joe will ask, “How high, Master?”
I have heard that one bad President could not ruin our nation. Now I find myself wondering if Biden could actually accomplish that goal. Xi Jinping likely has enough dirt on Hunter to blackmail Joe. He can tell Joe to jump and Joe will ask, “How high, Master?”
Agree... And our check's and balances in government are now in question...
So here we are in the dichotomy: Thread titles say 71% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024; Trump's lead on Biden Increases in Hypothetical Matchup, Biden's Approval Hits 33 and Democrats want 2024 Options, etc...

Yep. The "lesser-of-two-evils" con has turned us all into bumbling morons.
I hear a lot of FBI agents are upset at their leadership. It looks like they have good reasons to be.

I used to have a very high opinion of the FBI. Not any more.
A lotta stuff has went on that shouldn't have went on that's for sure. These Indian call centers in India are a fine example of the citizen's being left highly vulnerable without protection. On and on it's all went in a lot of things.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I'm sorry for being so worried. I ran into people playing dirty political tricks online many years ago. I have no excuses and even less confidence in states that do not require proof of identity at the point of entering the voting area at the polls. We could be paying a price, but the end product is that Congress is endangering the people of this country by not only defunding the police in many states for the mistake of one policeman who had to deal with a man the doctors said was dying when he got in trouble for passing counterfeit money. Voters need to be taught responsibility, but the universities are telling our young to get in other people's faces when they don't like living under a system of laws. This amounts to unfairness in more avenues than one, and from the looks of the people crossing the borders, they're not Mexicans, and 50 were apprehended as known terrorists which means likely twice that many terrorists at least found other than bridges to hide themselves until they meet with other terrorists to screw things up really good if we ever get nuked, and that seems highly likely after hearing Putin speak against and threaten many innocent countries who were giving hospital rooms to the sick and dying from the missile mischief in the Ukraine. For pete's sake, he went after Poland. Those people are not warriors, they just wanted to save lives and people suffering from egregious wounds. China's acting like they're mad at everybody and they have active microbes to infect the population of the world, not to mention adding fentanyl that is killing hundreds of Americans a day now. Here's the cdc link that warns that fentanyl overdoses are taking 100,000 lives per year.: Drug Overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually
They're targeting seniors with labwork covid with preplanned mutations, and our youth with enough fentanyl in drugs to kill five people per pill. The drug lords may be making some unscrupulous deep staters rich with a do-nothing approach to stopping immigration. I will never forgive Joe Biden for telling the public he wants a lot more immigrants to come over the border when we can't count them fast enough as the numbers coming in every day increase without registering with the Border patrol, which means possible terrorist identities are not being stopped.

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