Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

Except that four men died, including the Ambassador to Libya, after calling for help numerous times and getting ignored.

And then Obama went to a fundraiser on the west coast the day after.

And then Susan Rice went on all the Sunday talk shows and blamed it on an innocent man who made a video, and they put him in jail for it.
The investigations were into Hillary's involvement. I can tell you her involvement: She warned the ambassador not to go, and told him that they would not be able to send assistance in the event of any confrontation. She wasn't in a position to send troops.
The Ambassador was sodomized to death by a terrorist mob, and Hillary could have helped, but did not want to.
Ok. Tell me how. How could Hillary have suddenly had the authority to send troops from her position, after warning him that they would not be able to.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
Susan Rice lied on national TV and repeatedly told the world that the Benghazi attack was caused by a videotape. Why wasn't she sent to jail then, or at least fired for lying?

Now, she should go to jail.
The investigations were into Hillary's involvement. I can tell you her involvement: She warned the ambassador not to go, and told him that they would not be able to send assistance in the event of any confrontation. She wasn't in a position to send troops.
The Ambassador was sodomized to death by a terrorist mob, and Hillary could have helped, but did not want to.
Ok. Tell me how. How could Hillary have suddenly had the authority to send troops from her position, after warning him that they would not be able to.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
You would defend Trump if he said extremely rascist things, lied on national television, and was under 3 separate investigations at once.

Oh wait, that happened...
The Ambassador was sodomized to death by a terrorist mob, and Hillary could have helped, but did not want to.
Ok. Tell me how. How could Hillary have suddenly had the authority to send troops from her position, after warning him that they would not be able to.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
You would defend Trump if he said extremely rascist things, lied on national television, and was under 3 separate investigations at once.

Oh wait, that happened...
Are you talking about the "investigation" of Trump involving "unmasking" Trump officials in violation of federal national security laws, and then leaking their identities to the media in an attempt to discredit him and overturn the results of a democratically elected election?

Because that's the only "investigation" I'm aware of.
Ok. Tell me how. How could Hillary have suddenly had the authority to send troops from her position, after warning him that they would not be able to.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
You would defend Trump if he said extremely rascist things, lied on national television, and was under 3 separate investigations at once.

Oh wait, that happened...
Are you talking about the "investigation" of Trump involving "unmasking" Trump officials in violation of federal national security laws, and then leaking their identities to the media in an attempt to discredit him and overturn the results of a democratically elected election?

Because that's the only "investigation" I'm aware of.
I'm referring to the investigation of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia.
Democrats, you went insane when you started aborting 3000 babies a day in 1973. Everything bad that's happened to you ever since is because of that. Now, the American people have overwhelmingly rejected you, and the only states and cities where you have power is because you illegally get non-citizens to vote for you. You are finished, done, kaput, the American people have rejected your evil. You will go to hell for all you've done, and when you get there, and burn, you will realize that none of it was worth it. I have warned you to repent now before you die and it is too late for you. But I predict most of you will ignore me, and end up going to hell. But I tried, and I will go to heaven for my good faith effort to warn you.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
You would defend Trump if he said extremely rascist things, lied on national television, and was under 3 separate investigations at once.

Oh wait, that happened...
Are you talking about the "investigation" of Trump involving "unmasking" Trump officials in violation of federal national security laws, and then leaking their identities to the media in an attempt to discredit him and overturn the results of a democratically elected election?

Because that's the only "investigation" I'm aware of.
I'm referring to the investigation of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia.
So far, no evidence of collusion has been produced. How much longer do you think you Democrats will need to investigate looking for something that isn't there?
Your thread title isn't really in the spirit of the 'Politics' forum guidelines.


and no one's been shown to be illegally unmasking people caught on surveillance.
Democrats, you went insane when you started aborting 3000 babies a day in 1973. Everything bad that's happened to you ever since is because of that. Now, the American people have overwhelmingly rejected you, and the only states and cities where you have power is because you illegally get non-citizens to vote for you. You are finished, done, kaput, the American people have rejected your evil. You will go to hell for all you've done, and when you get there, and burn, you will realize that none of it was worth it. I have warned you to repent now before you die and it is too late for you. But I predict most of you will ignore me, and end up going to hell. But I tried, and I will go to heaven for my good faith effort to warn you.

Yes, because 1973 was such an influential year, and is clearly the cause of everything you don't agree with since them. The American people do not reject democrats, that's insane. If that happened we wpuld be gone. Although, the republican party should also be gone by those standards.

Going to hell? Good thing I'm aetheist. Got my bases covered.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
You would defend Trump if he said extremely rascist things, lied on national television, and was under 3 separate investigations at once.

Oh wait, that happened...
Are you talking about the "investigation" of Trump involving "unmasking" Trump officials in violation of federal national security laws, and then leaking their identities to the media in an attempt to discredit him and overturn the results of a democratically elected election?

Because that's the only "investigation" I'm aware of.
I'm referring to the investigation of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia.
So far, no evidence of collusion has been produced. How much longer do you think you Democrats will need to investigate looking for something that isn't there?

Collusion was proven the day Trump openly encouraged the Russians to hack Hillary's emails.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

LOL- so you think that over 50% of American voters are evil.

No shock there.
If Hitler was of African descent, snowflakes would have loved him.

If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.
A black Republican civic nationalist president would receive daily blowjobs by the RNC and all the Republicans in Congress.
If the Democrats were good people, they would be voting for Gorsuch because he is a good judge and very qualified, and what's more even the Democrats know it. But they have decided to filibuster him, because they are wicked, even more wicked than Al Capone, who only murdered a dozen people or so, while they have murdered 58 million unborn babies.
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Democrats, you are foolish not to repent after murdering 58 million unborn babies. What do you think Jesus Christ will do to you for that sin? I assure you, the punishment will be more than you can endure, and you can't imagine how bad it will be. I plead with you to repent now and avoid that punishment, for while God is just, he is also merciful. Repent now, before it is too late.
There are already millions of people in hell because of abortion. Don't be foolish and join them. Repent.
If Hitler was of African descent, snowflakes would have loved him.

If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.


If that's how you want to convince yourself that opposing viewpoints are bad, good for you.

Every Trump supporter hates blacks....even the black ones. DERP!

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