Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

Well, a few weeks ago the media was assuring us that none of this surveillance of Trump was happening, no way, no how.

Now, we found it was happening, and now the media is telling people to ignore the story, even though it is true.

Democrats, you will burn in hell for a very long time for your evil, more than a million years, more than a million times a million years.

Is it really worth it?
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

looks like the OP is tired of Russiagate

another day another outrage
The thing is, everything you say you believe in turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help the poor, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help blacks, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help immigrants, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to save the Earth, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

Everything you fight for, every cause you champion, is total shit and until you repent your support of abortion, you and your fellow Democrats will grow increasingly insane and out of touch, and you will have less and less power as the American people realize how insane you are and reject you.

So repent.
This phony "Russiagate" scandal is only the latest in the Democrat list of horrible sins that will be punished by God with a terrible vengeance that Democrats are too foolish to even imagine or anticipate. They think that if they believe God does not exist, they can wish him and all his terrible punishments away. But God cannot be wished away, he is not Santa Claus who exists only in the imagination of children, he is a real person, he sees everything you do, and you have angered him with your evil. I have asked you to repeatedly repent on this forum over the years, and if I have reached even one person and saved his or her soul, it will have been worth it.
The thing is, everything you say you believe in turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help the poor, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help blacks, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help immigrants, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to save the Earth, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

Everything you fight for, every cause you champion, is total shit and until you repent your support of abortion, you and your fellow Democrats will grow increasingly insane and out of touch, and you will have less and less power as the American people realize how insane you are and reject you.

So repent.
Why would I repent for an opinion? Yeah, I believe in abortion because certain people need it. They can't support a family, so they have to rely on welfare, and then you tell them they're lazy shits. You can't oppose something that a lack of leads to something else you oppose. That's just common sense.
The thing is, everything you say you believe in turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help the poor, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help blacks, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help immigrants, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to save the Earth, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

Everything you fight for, every cause you champion, is total shit and until you repent your support of abortion, you and your fellow Democrats will grow increasingly insane and out of touch, and you will have less and less power as the American people realize how insane you are and reject you.

So repent.
Why would I repent for an opinion? Yeah, I believe in abortion because certain people need it. They can't support a family, so they have to rely on welfare, and then you tell them they're lazy shits. You can't oppose something that a lack of leads to something else you oppose. That's just common sense.
Any women who doesn't want her baby can give it up for adoption. So, no abortion is ever necessary unless giving birth would kill the woman, and that is very uncommon. The 58 million unborn babies haunt the mothers and fathers who aborted them, and this has burdened our national soul with terrible sin. We need, as a people, to repent this evil and we can start by supporting pregnant women in making the choice to give life to their child instead of death.

You as an individual person can do this, there is no need for collective action, or action through the government.
My guess is that Susan Rice has had at least one abortion in her life, maybe more, and that is why she is so prone to committing wicked deeds and lying to the American people.
The thing is, everything you say you believe in turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help the poor, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help blacks, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help immigrants, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to save the Earth, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

Everything you fight for, every cause you champion, is total shit and until you repent your support of abortion, you and your fellow Democrats will grow increasingly insane and out of touch, and you will have less and less power as the American people realize how insane you are and reject you.

So repent.
Why would I repent for an opinion? Yeah, I believe in abortion because certain people need it. They can't support a family, so they have to rely on welfare, and then you tell them they're lazy shits. You can't oppose something that a lack of leads to something else you oppose. That's just common sense.
Any women who doesn't want her baby can give it up for adoption. So, no abortion is ever necessary unless giving birth would kill the woman, and that is very uncommon. The 58 million unborn babies haunt the mothers and fathers who aborted them, and this has burdened our national soul with terrible sin. We need, as a people, to repent this evil and we can start by supporting pregnant women in making the choice to give life to their child instead of death.

You as an individual person can do this, there is no need for collective action, or action through the government.
Yeah, let's throw kids into an institution that screams "your parents didn't want you" and give them separation anxiety because people said you don't have a choice.
once the child is born you are for zero assistance. once the child is a teen you believe in no assistance. once the child turns 18 they need to support themselves working for a GOD AWFUL terrible anti American anti life company. While I am against abortion I am calling your fake pro life stance out. it doesn't end at north.
I am against abortion. losers like you don't believe in help after the baby is born. I believe in assistance until that kid can make it in its own. Hypocrite you are.
If Hitler was of African descent, snowflakes would have loved him.

If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.


If that's how you want to convince yourself that opposing viewpoints are bad, good for you.

I am fine with opposing viewpoints- just pointing out that if If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.
My guess is that Susan Rice has had at least one abortion in her life, maybe more, and that is why she is so prone to committing wicked deeds and lying to the American people.

My guess is that Blackrook got rejected by just one too many women in her life, and now is just spending his sexual bitterness attacking women and lying to the American people.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

Just a question: are you directing this only to Christian liberals, or does this rant apply to Hindu, Buddhist, and Wiccan liberals? You know, the kinds of liberals who don't believe in hell.
once the child is born you are for zero assistance. once the child is a teen you believe in no assistance. once the child turns 18 they need to support themselves working for a GOD AWFUL terrible anti American anti life company. While I am against abortion I am calling your fake pro life stance out. it doesn't end at north.
You know all this about me how?
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

Just a question: are you directing this only to Christian liberals, or does this rant apply to Hindu, Buddhist, and Wiccan liberals? You know, the kinds of liberals who don't believe in hell.
The same God exists for all of us.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.
Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?
If you don't believe in Him then he doesn't exist so...nothing to worry about.
Your concern is appreciated though.

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