Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

So far, despite the illegal spying on Trump, we have yet to see a "smoking gun" -- one piece of evidence to show Trump or his people colluded with the Russians to steal the election. My guess is, there is no "smoking gun" and never will be, all there ever will be is bullshit accusations from desperate Democrats determined to overthrow a democratically elected government. There's a word for trying to overthrow a democratically elected government, it's called treason.
Just never you mind, dear.
Thanks...I don't.
So if you just dont mind or dont care about the whole issue, why should anyone give a flying shit what you just dont care to think about the whole question?

roflmao, you goofballs think that if you pretend God does not exist He wont judge you and that is horse shit, and you know it.

You are just too weak minded to face the Truth; there is a Creator and one day you will have to account for the shit you have done, lol.
That's just it, I don't care if you care if I care or not.

However, I do care when people in power try to run the place according to their fantasies derived from a fictional character in a story book filtered through the interpretations of gurus in funny hats and trousers.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.
Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?
If you don't believe in Him then he doesn't exist so...nothing to worry about.
Your concern is appreciated though.
You can't wish away God, he isn't like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. He really exists, and if you don't believe in him, he exists just the same, and his Son Jesus Christ will judge you at the moment of your death, and while Jesus is merciful to those who repent, there is no forgiveness for those who do not repent, and they enter hell for all the sins they've committed in their lifetime, and atheists can't repent since they don't believe they have to, so all of them go to hell.
I've had much more evidence of the existence of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy over my lifetime than God.
Your existence is proof of God. You did not get here by yourself, you were created. A creature as complex as yourself, with intelligence of your own, is not the product of happenstance or accident or blind luck. You were designed by an intelligence far vaster than our own. I once had an eye doctor tell me and my wife that the human eye would be improved if it had no liquid in it, when he left, I said to my wife, "He thinks he's smarter than God." That's my feeling about atheists who complain that God allows evil in the world, or allows plagues or famines, they think they are smarter than God, and could run the world better than he can. Your belief that you got here by yourself makes you wrong on the most important issue, and therefore, not as smart as a five-year-old child who prays to God, knowing in her heart she is loved by a being that IS love itself.
And I respect you for believing that.
I don't...but that's just me.
Your existence is proof of God. You did not get here by yourself, you were created. A creature as complex as yourself, with intelligence of your own, is not the product of happenstance or accident or blind luck. You were designed by an intelligence far vaster than our own. I once had an eye doctor tell me and my wife that the human eye would be improved if it had no liquid in it, when he left, I said to my wife, "He thinks he's smarter than God." That's my feeling about atheists who complain that God allows evil in the world, or allows plagues or famines, they think they are smarter than God, and could run the world better than he can. Your belief that you got here by yourself makes you wrong on the most important issue, and therefore, not as smart as a five-year-old child who prays to God, knowing in her heart she is loved by a being that IS love itself.
I am not sure that IDB's presence is proof of Gods existence.

Maybe of a Devil's existence though. :)
Both possibilities are equally likely.
That's just it, I don't care if you care if I care or not.

However, I do care when people in power try to run the place according to their fantasies derived from a fictional character in a story book filtered through the interpretations of gurus in funny hats and trousers.
Lol, so you are too dense to grasp my point, but that is OK too twinkle toes.

No one gives a flying shit what idiot atheists or agnostics try to think any more because just about everyone knows that you problem isnt lack of evidence but a lack of moral fiber instead.

But maybe you will enjoy Hell.

Some things just need to be an acquired taste, lol.
There is so much evidence, Comey announced today that he is dedicating a 20 man counter intelligence team their own little division, for this investigation...because it is huge!
That's just it, I don't care if you care if I care or not.

However, I do care when people in power try to run the place according to their fantasies derived from a fictional character in a story book filtered through the interpretations of gurus in funny hats and trousers.
Lol, so you are too dense to grasp my point, but that is OK too twinkle toes.

No one gives a flying shit what idiot atheists or agnostics try to think any more because just about everyone knows that you problem isnt lack of evidence but a lack of moral fiber instead.

But maybe you will enjoy Hell.

Some things just need to be an acquired taste, lol.
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
You need a storybook character to teach you morals?
The problem I see, which is the main problem, is that the Democratic Party has made itself the enemy of God by taking positions that violate his Commandments, and therefore they have cut off the path to salvation for themselves. In this state of mortal sin, nothing will go well for them, because even though it is a non-Christian concept, there is still such a thing as karma, though Christ did say, "You shall reap what you have sowed," which is really a Christian version of karma. The Democrats have sowed much discord and chaos with their sinful positions on social issues, and now it's come back on them in the form of total rejection in national, state and local elections. Over 1000 elected offices passed from Democrat to Republican hands during the Obama administration, and it was mostly because of Obamacare, which was the concept of using brute force of the state to destroy the free market in the health insurance field. Americans overwhelming told the Democrats they did not want Obamacare, but Democrats shoved it down our throats any way. Had Democrats not been in such a deep state of sin, they would have seen how immoral it was to impose a government program on people that they did not want or need.
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
You need a storybook character to teach you morals?
Yes, because God is a vast intelligence who can teach you correct morals, and the morals you invent for yourself will be vastly inferior because you are not smart enough to invent your own correct set of morals.
I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
No, I am just speaking to you Truthfully, most of the atheists like you I have met are moral shitheads, and you seem to fit that same pattern.

I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.
Well, to quote Gandhi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians."
So what?

Fuck you.

I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
You claim to be a good person, but in my experience everyone thinks they are good, no matter how often they commit serious sins that will cause them to lose any chance of salvation. For example, did you lie to anyone today? If you did, that's a sin. Did you steal a pen from your office? That's a sin too. Did you cheat on a test? That's a very big sin. If you did a thorough examination of conscience, you would discover to your surprise that you have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unrepented sins on your soul. Since you never go to confession, or even pray God for forgiveness, all those sins will follow you into the next life, and you will be judged for all of them. Are you ready for that outcome?
I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
No, I am just speaking to you Truthfully, most of the atheists like you I have met are moral shitheads, and you seem to fit that same pattern.

I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.

So stop trying. Let my soul be my own worry.

And by the way, "Fuck you" is not some gem of "truth," it's just a nasty way to express anger.
Well, to quote Gandhi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians."
So what?

Fuck you.

I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
You claim to be a good person, but in my experience everyone thinks they are good, no matter how often they commit serious sins that will cause them to lose any chance of salvation. For example, did you lie to anyone today? If you did, that's a sin. Did you steal a pen from your office? That's a sin too. Did you cheat on a test? That's a very big sin. If you did a thorough examination of conscience, you would discover to your surprise that you have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unrepented sins on your soul. Since you never go to confession, or even pray God for forgiveness, all those sins will follow you into the next life, and you will be judged for all of them. Are you ready for that outcome?

I don't claim to be a good person, I claim to try to be a good person. I commit sins, as you label them, but I steer clear of the big ones. Am I prepared for an afterlife? No. Is anyone?

Have faith, that's fine. Just don't bludgeon me with it.

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