Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.
Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?
If you don't believe in Him then he doesn't exist so...nothing to worry about.
Your concern is appreciated though.
You can't wish away God, he isn't like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. He really exists, and if you don't believe in him, he exists just the same, and his Son Jesus Christ will judge you at the moment of your death, and while Jesus is merciful to those who repent, there is no forgiveness for those who do not repent, and they enter hell for all the sins they've committed in their lifetime, and atheists can't repent since they don't believe they have to, so all of them go to hell.
I've had much more evidence of the existence of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy over my lifetime than God.
Your existence is proof of God. You did not get here by yourself, you were created. A creature as complex as yourself, with intelligence of your own, is not the product of happenstance or accident or blind luck. You were designed by an intelligence far vaster than our own.

Let me start out by saying I respect all religons, but I do find it difficult when someone tries to shove their religon down my throat.

Now, let me explain to a certain Theory of Evolution, which, as luck would have it, has more solid evidence than any given page of your bible.

Earth was created about 4.6 billion years ago. At that time, it was a smoldering rock with no life. Over time, it became more and more "inhabital." The carbon, nitrogen, and other molecules in the water randomly combined in certain ways to produce millions of different types of micro-organisms (which has been recreated in labs). All of these micro-organisms contained just one cell, and were extremely specialized. The bigger micro-organisms "swallowed" the smaller ones, and they became a new, multicellular organsism. These two organisms worked together in a mutualistic relationship to survive. This keeps happening, forming more and more complex organisms. Now, jump ahead a billion years, and we have a diverse population of organisms. They are defined by their unique DNA, that codes for proteins. Every once in a while, the sex cells in an organism make a mistake while dividing. This leads to a deformity. If this deformity provides a survival advantage, that individual will have a higher chance of reproducing. This means it has a higher chance of passing that deformed gene to its offspring, and they will have this mutation. Extend this over centuries, and that's evolution. As far as intellectual capacity, if god had to choose one species to advance, it sure as hell wouldn't have been us. Our ancestors "learned" that if they walk on two legs, they can see farther and use their hands for other things. This allowed for intellectual development. The entirety of the human race is literally millions of mistakes that lead up to us, as is the case with every multicellular being on this planet.

Sick of reading? Because I'm only halfway finished.

Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.
Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?
If you don't believe in Him then he doesn't exist so...nothing to worry about.
Your concern is appreciated though.
You can't wish away God, he isn't like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. He really exists, and if you don't believe in him, he exists just the same, and his Son Jesus Christ will judge you at the moment of your death, and while Jesus is merciful to those who repent, there is no forgiveness for those who do not repent, and they enter hell for all the sins they've committed in their lifetime, and atheists can't repent since they don't believe they have to, so all of them go to hell.

This sounds a lot like the religous intoleramce that this country was founded to prevent. In that sense, this very claim, and every time you repeat it, you are going against basic american values.

As was previously mentioned, there is more proof of withcraft than of god. Jesus Christ was most likely the result of an affair of Mary, as that could be more easily proven than god's existance. From then on, people were either misleading their people, or being mislead.

Now, I want you to reflect on a time when no one believed in god. A time of greeks and romans, chinese and japanese. The greeks and romans belived in a polytheistic religon in which each god had an aspect that they controlled (the sky, the sea, the underworld, war, strategy, agriculture, etc.) The chinese and japanese believed (and many still do) in reincarnation until you reached enlightenment, a state of total peace where your conscious was clear. We look back on the greek's and roman's religon as history, not theology.

The proof of god is simply the word of those who believe (much like Donald Trump). So for someone who doesn't believe, can you see why it could be hard to imagine an all-powerful being that controls every aspect of our lives and if he doesn't like us he sends us to an eternity of torture? Seems a bit like Stalin to me.
All these arguments are so old. If you blame benghazi on hillary then you have an elementary understanding of how the government functions. If you are so mad about her email server then you either have no historical perspective or you must have been equally mad at the politicians who have been doing the same since the server was first put in the white house. Most notably siting president Bush.
What complete and utter horse shit.

Do you even know where Hillary had her illicit email server?

Quick, Google it and say you did know! roflmao
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

LOL- so you think that over 50% of American voters are evil.

No shock there.
It's the first dehumanize one's political opponent.
You don't have to prove the existence of God to me.
True faith doesn't need any evidence.
When people try to use science to prove the existence of God then they're displaying their lack of faith.
See, you dont even understand the most basic tenets of the concept of a Creator.

No serious person uses science to prove God's existence, that I have seen anyway. Science pertains to the physical repeatable material world we live in.

That Universe does not include the Eternal Creator in it, by definition, though He does transcend it in mysterious ways.

I dont know where yo got you concept of God that you have rejected as false, but I doubt you can even give the Christian concept of God, right here in this thread.

Come on, what is the Christian concept of God that you have so carefully examined and found wanting?

It is irrelevant because you have already stated that yo just dont give a shit.

I.e. you are an embicile
That's great.
You reject all the efforts to prove that the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs lived with humans etc and are happy just to know in your heart that God exists.
That's what I was talking about...that's true faith.
You can't explain him and you don't need to.
I'm happy for you.
Let me start out by saying I respect all religons, but I do find it difficult when someone tries to shove their religon down my throat.

Who is shoving anything down you r throat? Call the cops! That sounds like assault.

Fucking bullshit

Now, let me explain to a certain Theory of Evolution, which, as luck would have it, has more solid evidence than any given page of your bible.

That depends on the page you are talking about. As archeologist have found more and more evidence to support the Biblical history, with scraps of potter that identify specific rulers named in the Bible and coins and other forensic evidence at places like Jericho, you are totally wrong.

Unless yo can go back in time and find a 'piece of evolution' then no, you will never have as much evidence for it as there exists for the Bible.

Earth was created about 4.6 billion years ago.

Thank you for conceding the entire point.

At that time, it was a smoldering rock with no life. Over time, it became more and more "inhabital." The carbon, nitrogen, and other molecules in the water randomly combined in certain ways to produce millions of different types of micro-organisms (which has been recreated in labs). All of these micro-organisms contained just one cell, and were extremely specialized. The bigger micro-organisms "swallowed" the smaller ones, and they became a new, multicellular organsism. These two organisms worked together in a mutualistic relationship to survive. This keeps happening, forming more and more complex organisms. Now, jump ahead a billion years, and we have a diverse population of organisms. They are defined by their unique DNA, that codes for proteins. Every once in a while, the sex cells in an organism make a mistake while dividing. This leads to a deformity. If this deformity provides a survival advantage, that individual will have a higher chance of reproducing. This means it has a higher chance of passing that deformed gene to its offspring, and they will have this mutation. Extend this over centuries, and that's evolution. As far as intellectual capacity, if god had to choose one species to advance, it sure as hell wouldn't have been us. Our ancestors "learned" that if they walk on two legs, they can see farther and use their hands for other things. This allowed for intellectual development. The entirety of the human race is literally millions of mistakes that lead up to us, as is the case with every multicellular being on this planet.

That is probably the worst rendition of the Theory of Evolution I think I have ever read. roflmao

As was previously mentioned, there is more proof of withcraft than of god.

roflmao, what utter horse shit.

Jesus Christ was most likely the result of an affair of Mary, as that could be more easily proven than god's existance. From then on, people were either misleading their people, or being mislead.

Yeah, all the Apostles and Disciples that were tortured in grisly deaths did that to cover up something that they knew was a lie.

roflmao, are you really that stupid?

Now, I want you to reflect on a time when no one believed in god. A time of greeks and romans, chinese and japanese. The greeks and romans belived in a polytheistic religon in which each god had an aspect that they controlled (the sky, the sea, the underworld, war, strategy, agriculture, etc.) The chinese and japanese believed (and many still do) in reincarnation until you reached enlightenment, a state of total peace where your conscious was clear. We look back on the greek's and roman's religon as history, not theology.

And guess what? The polytheistic ethnicities gave that up all before Christianity and began to believe in a Creator instead, and you dont have the slightest clue why that was, do you?

The proof of god is simply the word of those who believe (much like Donald Trump). So for someone who doesn't believe, can you see why it could be hard to imagine an all-powerful being that controls every aspect of our lives and if he doesn't like us he sends us to an eternity of torture? Seems a bit like Stalin to me.

God doesnt control every bit of your life doofus.

What you dont believe in is not what Christianity, Islam and Judaism believe in.

You reject some two dimensional comic book version of 'god', congratulations, so do the other 3 and a half billion Abrahamic believers.

You have no clue of what you are babbling on about.
That's great.
You reject all the efforts to prove that the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs lived with humans etc and are happy just to know in your heart that God exists.
That's what I was talking about...that's true faith.
You can't explain him and you don't need to.
I'm happy for you.
You still dont get it.

But I am tired of bothering.

Have fun.
Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.
Yes, God works in mysterious ways, and Big Bang ways as well.

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent regardless.
Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
God is not a fact, however you believe it. A fact has physical proof, and a consensus among people that are qualified to deem it so.

Regarding your response to my earlier post, saying anyone will be tortured if they don't conform to your way of thinking is against american valuez, and I would say constitutes as metaphorically (didn't think I would have to explain that, but OK) shoving your religon down our throats.

The evidence that people exists is no proof that god exists. And yeah, they died miserable deaths because they truly believed it.

Would you like to explain the theory of evolution better than me? I get the feeling you should retake middle school biology, considering evolution and god could both be correct. Though I did notice you didn't respute the theory...

Those polytheists mostly gave up their religon either because they were raised to do so, convinced to do so, or forced to by the Roman empire.

I'm not asking you to convert or anything, I'm giving you my opinion and informing you of tested, proven science. If you dispute this fact then I guess you can't stand the idea of someone else having a different opinion than you. And that my friend, is called religious intolerance, and if I am correct, is frowned upon by your bible.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.
Yes, God works in mysterious ways, and Big Bang ways as well.

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent regardless.
That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent
Ironic and funny coming from someone that can explain everything away with "God works in mysterious ways"
God is not a fact, however you believe it.

The Infinite Regression Fallacy proves that the flow of time could not be eternal, so there must be something that exists outside the flow of space and time. Thus the concept of a Creator is a fact that Aristotle and Plato comprehended unlike modern lazy ass hedonists who amuse themselves blowing shit out of their pie holes.

A fact has physical proof, and a consensus among people that are qualified to deem it so.

Right, trigonometrical facts are thus physical to you? roflmao, you really havent given this subject much thought at all, have you?

And, no, no one has to tell me what facts are. I can discern them for myself, thrall.

Those polytheists mostly gave up their religon either because they were raised to do so, convinced to do so, or forced to by the Roman empire.

Lol, like I said, you dont have a clue.
That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent
Ironic and funny coming from someone that can explain everything away with "God works in mysterious ways"
Except that is not what I said, and it demonstrates you dont grasp basic Christian concepts about God.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.
Funny when a devil calls us evil.

Hey dummy, you won the election. You have control of everything but still you talk like you're the minority party.
Always making excuses. Why won't you get er done?
God is not a fact, however you believe it.

The Infinite Regression Fallacy proves that the flow of time could not be eternal, so there must be something that exists outside the flow of space and time. Thus the concept of a Creator is a fact that Aristotle and Plato comprehended unlike modern lazy ass hedonists who amuse themselves blowing shit out of their pie holes.

A fact has physical proof, and a consensus among people that are qualified to deem it so.

Right, trigonometrical facts are thus physical to you? roflmao, you really havent given this subject much thought at all, have you?

And, no, no one has to tell me what facts are. I can discern them for myself, thrall.

Those polytheists mostly gave up their religon either because they were raised to do so, convinced to do so, or forced to by the Roman empire.

Lol, like I said, you dont have a clue.
Time as we see it is a creation of humans. If the universe was "created" by some all powerful being, where did was that being? Created by another being? Your precious Infinite Regress Falacy proves your own statement wrong.

Exactly. That's why they're called theories. They could still be proved wrong in some cases. And I wasn't sure you could discern a fact, to be frank

If I don't have aclue, why don't you explain a bit more. Please, I'd love to hear it. But since you didn't initially dispute it ehile disputing everything else, I'm guessing you just used it as a cop-out answer and hoped I wouldn't figure it out.

Now I have a question for you:
Do you personally belive that it is my right to be aethiest?
That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent
Ironic and funny coming from someone that can explain everything away with "God works in mysterious ways"
Except that is not what I said, and it demonstrates you dont grasp basic Christian concepts about God.
I quoted you


Here is the quotes.

Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.

I never said that God works in mysterious ways, doofus.

Which is beside the point; you do not understand the Christian concept of God nor do you care if you do.

When you talk about God it is just blathering, nothing more.
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Time as we see it is a creation of humans.

No, it is not. The flow of time is objective and is affected by human behavior.

If the universe was "created" by some all powerful being, where did was that being?

If the Creator made the flow of space and time there was no "before" for the Creator. He is eternal and exists outside the flow of time. roflmao

Created by another being? Your precious Infinite Regress Falacy proves your own statement wrong.

No, actually it does not. It entirely supports it which in part is why polytheism was replaced by monotheism centuries ago and YOU do not grasp this fact.

Exactly. That's why they're called theories. They could still be proved wrong in some cases. And I wasn't sure you could discern a fact, to be frank

WTF are you babbling on about now?

If I don't have aclue, why don't you explain a bit more. Please, I'd love to hear it. But since you didn't initially dispute it ehile disputing everything else, I'm guessing you just used it as a cop-out answer and hoped I wouldn't figure it out.

I will explain it again, just for you.

To evaluate and reject a concept as false, one must have an accurate understanding of what the concept actually is.

When Evangelicals say stupid shit like they reject the Theory of Evolution because they dont believe that they are descended from monkeys, well, they demonstrate that they dont really have a clue about what the theory of Evolution is.

You do the same thing with the concept of God. You claim to reject the concept as untrue but you cannot explain or demonstrate that you actually have a grasp of what the Christian concept of God the Creator is. So how in the fuck can you possibly evaluate and then reject that concept? You have already demonstrated that you have no idea what it means to say that God created the flow of time and space by asking what came before God when obviously there cannot be anything before something that does not exist in the flow of time.

Now I have a question for you:
Do you personally belive that it is my right to be aethiest?

I believe that you have the 'right' to be wrong and to chose to burn in hell.

You do not have a right to misrepresent the Christian concept of God the Creator as you persistently have done.
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