Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent
Ironic and funny coming from someone that can explain everything away with "God works in mysterious ways"
Except that is not what I said, and it demonstrates you dont grasp basic Christian concepts about God.
I quoted you


Here is the quotes.

Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.

I never said that God works in mysterious ways, doofus.

Which is beside the point; you do not understand the Christian concept of God nor do you care if you do.

When you talk about God it is just blathering, nothing more.
Here is your quote
Yes, God works in mysterious ways, and Big Bang ways as well.

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent regardless
Take a's still there.
Post #131
God is not a fact, however you believe it.

The Infinite Regression Fallacy proves that the flow of time could not be eternal, so there must be something that exists outside the flow of space and time. Thus the concept of a Creator is a fact that Aristotle and Plato comprehended unlike modern lazy ass hedonists who amuse themselves blowing shit out of their pie holes.

A fact has physical proof, and a consensus among people that are qualified to deem it so.

Right, trigonometrical facts are thus physical to you? roflmao, you really havent given this subject much thought at all, have you?

And, no, no one has to tell me what facts are. I can discern them for myself, thrall.

Those polytheists mostly gave up their religon either because they were raised to do so, convinced to do so, or forced to by the Roman empire.

Lol, like I said, you dont have a clue.
The Fallacy of which you speak is, in fact, a fallacy used by Creationists.

The infinite regression fallacy is not a fallacy, dude.

You cannot count from 0 to infinity and you also cannot count down from infinity to 0. FACT.

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent
Ironic and funny coming from someone that can explain everything away with "God works in mysterious ways"
Except that is not what I said, and it demonstrates you dont grasp basic Christian concepts about God.
I quoted you


Here is the quotes.

Yes, we disagree and you are completely wrong.
That's not how that works. Opinions aren't wrong.

When opinions are about fact, or concepts, yes some are right and some are wrong.

You r concept of the Christian God is entirely wrong and you dont get it.

That is fine by me, but dont speak for Christendom and give out this bullshit and say that is the Creator that we worship, numbskull.
Ah yes...he works in Mysterious Ways.
That explains everything.

I never said that God works in mysterious ways, doofus.

Which is beside the point; you do not understand the Christian concept of God nor do you care if you do.

When you talk about God it is just blathering, nothing more.
Here is your quote
Yes, God works in mysterious ways, and Big Bang ways as well.

That you dont know what the hell you are talking about is rather apparent regardless
Take a's still there.
Post #131
Lol, I was repeating what you said back to you sarcastically, doofus.
This debate has turned from someone telling everyone of a vertain opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, to someone else telling everyone of a different opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, and apparently we aren't allowed to have opinions anymore. I don't know about you idb, I feel some unamerican religious intolerance happining here.
This debate has turned from someone telling everyone of a vertain opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, to someone else telling everyone of a different opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, and apparently we aren't allowed to have opinions anymore. I don't know about you idb, I feel some unamerican religious intolerance happining here.

Lol, so my belief that some people will go to hell is an unamerican opinion?

Again, you have not thought through the things you claim to believe.
This debate has turned from someone telling everyone of a vertain opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, to someone else telling everyone of a different opinion they will burn in hell for that opinion, and apparently we aren't allowed to have opinions anymore. I don't know about you idb, I feel some unamerican religious intolerance happining here.

Lol, so my belief that some people will go to hell is an unamerican opinion?

Again, you have not thought through the things you claim to believe.
No, your belief that anyone that doesn't conform to your religon is unamerican.

Would it kill you to read the posts your arguing against?
No, your belief that anyone that doesn't conform to your religon is unamerican.

Would it kill you to read the posts your arguing against?
I do not believe that those not traditional Catholics are unAmerican, dimwit.

And I have been reading your posts which why I know that you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
No, your belief that anyone that doesn't conform to your religon is unamerican.

Would it kill you to read the posts your arguing against?
I do not believe that those not traditional Catholics are unAmerican, dimwit.

And I have been reading your posts which why I know that you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
Reading my posts? I know what I'm talking about, but if you belive I don't that's your opinion.

I'm done with this. Believe what you want, condemn me to a place I don't believe in. Some people can't be reasoned with into respecting other people as human beings with their own mindset.
Reading my posts? I know what I'm talking about, but if you belive I don't that's your opinion.

In post 132 you said that a fact is physical, which is not true.

In post 132 you admit that the Apostles really believed what they said, but if you actually read what they said, that Jesus was resurrected, then you cant also believe that everyone came to a belief in God because they were raised that way by their parents, lol. Not everyone in the past was a spoiled American Millennial dear.

Also in post 132 you assert that people came to believe in monotheism instead of polythiesm because the Romans made them to. Lol, Aristotle lived about the time of Alexander the Great (he tutored Alexander as a youth), long before the Romans, lol.

In post 138 you claimed that time is an invention of humans, lol, which is completely wrong and provably wrong in modern physics as gravity and mass and speed affect the flow of time.

That is enough I think to demonstrate you do not understand what you are talking about.

I'm done with this. Believe what you want, condemn me to a place I don't believe in. Some people can't be reasoned with into respecting other people as human beings with their own mindset.

I dont blame you for feeling embarrassed and taking your toys home with you.

Just dont make up lies about my Creator and say that is what Christians teach about Him.

This phony "Russiagate" scandal is only the latest in the Democrat list of horrible sins that will be punished by God with a terrible vengeance that Democrats are too foolish to even imagine or anticipate. They think that if they believe God does not exist, they can wish him and all his terrible punishments away. But God cannot be wished away, he is not Santa Claus who exists only in the imagination of children, he is a real person, he sees everything you do, and you have angered him with your evil. I have asked you to repeatedly repent on this forum over the years, and if I have reached even one person and saved his or her soul, it will have been worth it.
Meh! No one gives a God Dam about you foolish religion beliefs and your mythical gods!!! STFU.

My guess is that Susan Rice has had at least one abortion in her life, maybe more, and that is why she is so prone to committing wicked deeds and lying to the American people.
My guess is Red State conservatives are products on incest and inbreeding and therefore are ill-equipt to even join the 21st century. Sorry Blackrook you are infected with the incest gene.
The thing is, everything you say you believe in turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help the poor, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help blacks, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to help immigrants, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

You say you want to save the Earth, but that turns to shit because you support abortion.

Everything you fight for, every cause you champion, is total shit and until you repent your support of abortion, you and your fellow Democrats will grow increasingly insane and out of touch, and you will have less and less power as the American people realize how insane you are and reject you.

So repent.
Why would I repent for an opinion? Yeah, I believe in abortion because certain people need it. They can't support a family, so they have to rely on welfare, and then you tell them they're lazy shits. You can't oppose something that a lack of leads to something else you oppose. That's just common sense.
Any women who doesn't want her baby can give it up for adoption. So, no abortion is ever necessary unless giving birth would kill the woman, and that is very uncommon. The 58 million unborn babies haunt the mothers and fathers who aborted them, and this has burdened our national soul with terrible sin. We need, as a people, to repent this evil and we can start by supporting pregnant women in making the choice to give life to their child instead of death.

You as an individual person can do this, there is no need for collective action, or action through the government.
Screw that repent 'SHIT' and religious crap!!!! Just be glad your dumb ass wasn't aborted......although you should have been.
I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.

Good! Then maybe, just maybe, you can shut the fuck up about it. You're not a unique snowflake, just another wanker that thinks they're right. Congratulations, you're mediocre.
I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.

Good! Then maybe, just maybe, you can shut the fuck up about it. You're not a unique snowflake, just another wanker that thinks they're right. Congratulations, you're mediocre.
Calm down this site was formed so people can share they're opinions.
I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.

Good! Then maybe, just maybe, you can shut the fuck up about it. You're not a unique snowflake, just another wanker that thinks they're right. Congratulations, you're mediocre.
Calm down this site was formed so people can share they're opinions.

Except this wanker isn't sharing, only condemning. It's repetitive and not really adding to the conversation.
I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.
I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.
Good! Then maybe, just maybe, you can shut the fuck up about it. You're not a unique snowflake, just another wanker that thinks they're right. Congratulations, you're mediocre.
No, not when some idiot secular Uber-Alles nitwit like you and others here are making up lies about my Creator.

So go fuck yourself, idiot.
Except this wanker isn't sharing, only condemning. It's repetitive and not really adding to the conversation.
I cant share with morons like yourself who wont accept what I am trying to convey to you; when it comes to the Christian God, you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

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