Democrats, you are evil, and every day that becomes more obvious

I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
No, I am just speaking to you Truthfully, most of the atheists like you I have met are moral shitheads, and you seem to fit that same pattern.

I dont need to prove anything to you, and I dont care to.

I *know* that you are wrong and that there is a God, but I have no obligation to convince you at all.
I am going to interject here and say that if you are a Christian, you do have a responsibility to others to teach them the truth about the Good News, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation. I am rather blunt about it, which may offend people, but the fact is that there are not enough priests and ministers who tell the blunt truth about the fact that there is a hell, and that is very easy to get there. But it is also easy not to go to hell, once you are aware of the danger, and start acting to avoid it.
Well, to quote Gandhi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians."
So what?

Fuck you.

I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
You claim to be a good person, but in my experience everyone thinks they are good, no matter how often they commit serious sins that will cause them to lose any chance of salvation. For example, did you lie to anyone today? If you did, that's a sin. Did you steal a pen from your office? That's a sin too. Did you cheat on a test? That's a very big sin. If you did a thorough examination of conscience, you would discover to your surprise that you have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unrepented sins on your soul. Since you never go to confession, or even pray God for forgiveness, all those sins will follow you into the next life, and you will be judged for all of them. Are you ready for that outcome?

I don't claim to be a good person, I claim to try to be a good person. I commit sins, as you label them, but I steer clear of the big ones. Am I prepared for an afterlife? No. Is anyone?

Have faith, that's fine. Just don't bludgeon me with it.
I am not bludgeoning anyone, you have the choice whether or not to read my posts on this thread. You have chosen to read the posts, and then ask me not to write them. It is a rather ridiculous request.
Well, to quote Gandhi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians."
So what?

Fuck you.

I guess I knew that was coming. I mean, it IS what Jesus would say, right?

I'll stick with my doubt and try to be a good person, rather than cling to certainty and think it gives me a free pass to be an asshole.
You claim to be a good person, but in my experience everyone thinks they are good, no matter how often they commit serious sins that will cause them to lose any chance of salvation. For example, did you lie to anyone today? If you did, that's a sin. Did you steal a pen from your office? That's a sin too. Did you cheat on a test? That's a very big sin. If you did a thorough examination of conscience, you would discover to your surprise that you have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unrepented sins on your soul. Since you never go to confession, or even pray God for forgiveness, all those sins will follow you into the next life, and you will be judged for all of them. Are you ready for that outcome?

I don't claim to be a good person, I claim to try to be a good person. I commit sins, as you label them, but I steer clear of the big ones. Am I prepared for an afterlife? No. Is anyone?

Have faith, that's fine. Just don't bludgeon me with it.
I am not bludgeoning anyone, you have the choice whether or not to read my posts on this thread. You have chosen to read the posts, and then ask me not to write them. It is a rather ridiculous request.

No, of course you can write them. I worded that badly. I think the Christian "fuck you" (which of course you didn't write) threw me.

But I am out now. I have to work tomorrow.
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
You need a storybook character to teach you morals?
The Creator is not a storybook character. That is simply you being an ignorant jack off.
If Hitler was of African descent, snowflakes would have loved him.

If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.
A black Republican civic nationalist president would receive daily blowjobs by the RNC and all the Republicans in Congress.

I'd apply lipstick.

I voted for Daryl Glen, a BLACK Air Force veteran who ran for Senate in Colorado as a Republican.

Too bad, Colorado snowflakes are racist, so they didn't vote for him...and he lost.

I am a shitty racist...I liked him personally, I liked his platform, and I liked his service to the nation, so I voted for him. His skin color did not matter to me.
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If Hitler was of African descent, snowflakes would have loved him.

If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.
A black Republican civic nationalist president would receive daily blowjobs by the RNC and all the Republicans in Congress.

I'd apply lipstick.

I voted for Daryl Glen, a BLACK. Air Force veteran who ran for Senate in Colorado as a Republican.

Too bad, Colorado snowflakes are racist, so they didn't vote for him...and he lost.

I am a shitty racist...I liked him personally, I liked his platform, and I liked his service to the nation, so I voted for him. His skin color did not matter to me.
I am going to interject here and say that if you are a Christian, you do have a responsibility to others to teach them the truth about the Good News, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation.

I appreciate your opinion, but no, I have no obligation to do anything at all.

The burden is on the person seeking Truth. If they seek it, then God will bring the Truth to them, even if He has to make the stones speak.

No one is ever going to go to Hell for all of eternity because some one else did not tell them about God, or was sick that day and didnt go to class or work, no one is going to hel because of some failure on someone elses part.

Every person will be judged on their own merits and if God decides to bring them to Paradise then He does it and applies the blood of Christ, just as He will apply it to Moses, Abraham, David and many other righteous Jews and Gentiles that never knew of Christ.

But I am sick to death of this game these morons play putting Christians in some box where we have to prove God to them.

Nope, I am not playing.

They can go to Hell if they want. I can answer things for them if they want, but I have no obligation to play their bullshit games.
If Trump was of African descent, snowflakes like ColonelAngus would be calling for him to be lynched.

Just like Ben Carson. Conservatives hate Ben Carson because he is black.

No- that would just be snowflakes like you.

If Donald Trump was of African descent, you would be calling him a traitor.
A black Republican civic nationalist president would receive daily blowjobs by the RNC and all the Republicans in Congress.

I'd apply lipstick.

I voted for Daryl Glen, a BLACK. Air Force veteran who ran for Senate in Colorado as a Republican.

Too bad, Colorado snowflakes are racist, so they didn't vote for him...and he lost.

I am a shitty racist...I liked him personally, I liked his platform, and I liked his service to the nation, so I voted for him. His skin color did not matter to me.

I would apply red glossy lipstick if someone like Booker T Washington was POTUS.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late.

Ok, maybe the Dems over stepped a wee bit by exposing the Trump guys in the surveillance tapes, but it's for the greater good because we know how evil Trump is. #liberal logic
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
You need a storybook character to teach you morals?
The Creator is not a storybook character. That is simply you being an ignorant jack off.
And I say he is so...we disagree.
I am going to interject here and say that if you are a Christian, you do have a responsibility to others to teach them the truth about the Good News, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation.

I appreciate your opinion, but no, I have no obligation to do anything at all.

The burden is on the person seeking Truth. If they seek it, then God will bring the Truth to them, even if He has to make the stones speak.

No one is ever going to go to Hell for all of eternity because some one else did not tell them about God, or was sick that day and didnt go to class or work, no one is going to hel because of some failure on someone elses part.

Every person will be judged on their own merits and if God decides to bring them to Paradise then He does it and applies the blood of Christ, just as He will apply it to Moses, Abraham, David and many other righteous Jews and Gentiles that never knew of Christ.

But I am sick to death of this game these morons play putting Christians in some box where we have to prove God to them.

Nope, I am not playing.

They can go to Hell if they want. I can answer things for them if they want, but I have no obligation to play their bullshit games.
You don't have to prove the existence of God to me.
True faith doesn't need any evidence.
When people try to use science to prove the existence of God then they're displaying their lack of faith.
Now, you've been caught unmasking Trump's people in surveillance tapes of Russian diplomats in violation of national security privacy laws, and leaking it to the media to create a phony scandal.

And then, you deny it even happened, calling it a distraction.

Do you not fear God, who will send you to hell for all your wicked deeds?

Repent, now, before you die and it is too late. fell for it.....again.
I would have thought a lack of moral fibre is more likely to lead one to rely on the instructions and plead for the support of a Super Being to get through your day.
Yeah, because trying to meet Gods moral standards is so much easier?

Do you ever listen to the babble you spout out?
You need a storybook character to teach you morals?
The Creator is not a storybook character. That is simply you being an ignorant jack off.
And I say he is so...we disagree.
You are a moron.
I am going to interject here and say that if you are a Christian, you do have a responsibility to others to teach them the truth about the Good News, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation.

I appreciate your opinion, but no, I have no obligation to do anything at all.

The burden is on the person seeking Truth. If they seek it, then God will bring the Truth to them, even if He has to make the stones speak.

No one is ever going to go to Hell for all of eternity because some one else did not tell them about God, or was sick that day and didnt go to class or work, no one is going to hel because of some failure on someone elses part.

Every person will be judged on their own merits and if God decides to bring them to Paradise then He does it and applies the blood of Christ, just as He will apply it to Moses, Abraham, David and many other righteous Jews and Gentiles that never knew of Christ.

But I am sick to death of this game these morons play putting Christians in some box where we have to prove God to them.

Nope, I am not playing.

They can go to Hell if they want. I can answer things for them if they want, but I have no obligation to play their bullshit games.
You don't have to prove the existence of God to me.
True faith doesn't need any evidence.
When people try to use science to prove the existence of God then they're displaying their lack of faith.
The evidence is for YOU, moron.
The investigations were into Hillary's involvement. I can tell you her involvement: She warned the ambassador not to go, and told him that they would not be able to send assistance in the event of any confrontation. She wasn't in a position to send troops.
The Ambassador was sodomized to death by a terrorist mob, and Hillary could have helped, but did not want to.
Ok. Tell me how. How could Hillary have suddenly had the authority to send troops from her position, after warning him that they would not be able to.
By asking her boss Obama to send troops. She chose to allow those men to die.
Are you missing the "they warned him" part? The ambassador knew when he went that we would not be able to send troops.
You would defend Hillary even if she was caught red-handed keeping highly classified documents on her personal email server.

Oh wait, that happened.
All these arguments are so old. If you blame benghazi on hillary then you have an elementary understanding of how the government functions. If you are so mad about her email server then you either have no historical perspective or you must have been equally mad at the politicians who have been doing the same since the server was first put in the white house. Most notably siting president Bush.
You don't have to prove the existence of God to me.
True faith doesn't need any evidence.
When people try to use science to prove the existence of God then they're displaying their lack of faith.
See, you dont even understand the most basic tenets of the concept of a Creator.

No serious person uses science to prove God's existence, that I have seen anyway. Science pertains to the physical repeatable material world we live in.

That Universe does not include the Eternal Creator in it, by definition, though He does transcend it in mysterious ways.

I dont know where yo got you concept of God that you have rejected as false, but I doubt you can even give the Christian concept of God, right here in this thread.

Come on, what is the Christian concept of God that you have so carefully examined and found wanting?

It is irrelevant because you have already stated that yo just dont give a shit.

I.e. you are an embicile
I am going to interject here and say that if you are a Christian, you do have a responsibility to others to teach them the truth about the Good News, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation.

I appreciate your opinion, but no, I have no obligation to do anything at all.

The burden is on the person seeking Truth. If they seek it, then God will bring the Truth to them, even if He has to make the stones speak.

No one is ever going to go to Hell for all of eternity because some one else did not tell them about God, or was sick that day and didnt go to class or work, no one is going to hel because of some failure on someone elses part.

Every person will be judged on their own merits and if God decides to bring them to Paradise then He does it and applies the blood of Christ, just as He will apply it to Moses, Abraham, David and many other righteous Jews and Gentiles that never knew of Christ.

But I am sick to death of this game these morons play putting Christians in some box where we have to prove God to them.

Nope, I am not playing.

They can go to Hell if they want. I can answer things for them if they want, but I have no obligation to play their bullshit games.
You don't have to prove the existence of God to me.
True faith doesn't need any evidence.
When people try to use science to prove the existence of God then they're displaying their lack of faith.
The evidence is for YOU, moron.
I don't need any evidence...ummm...moron.
I'm not trying to prove anything.

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