Democrats, YOU Did This: Xi Boasts Of America's Decline During Visit To Russia

Actually, it was trump's "locked and loaded" foreign policy that has the world in turmoil. The
Democrats are trying to right the fallen ship and regain world respect, with some success so far. Trump's stupidity, false statements and promises have created a firestorm abroad. His lack of respect for others and his vindictive disposition has resulted in disruption. His verbal assault against China, rather than a negotiation, has turned an economic competition into a possible military war that will cost many American lives.
The thanks go to the autocrat trump, who is destroying the democracy that we enjoy.
Trump was the first world leader to identify china as the biggest enemy not only of America but free nations everywhere
The Loser's fawning submission to his savvy genius and to Xi was a very bad idea.

.... and it made Un very jealous.

These dirtbags behaved when Trump was in office. They're all raising hell now because of the weak compromised criminal in the WH now.

In the photos you posted, it shows Trump meeting with these leaders.

Russia takes down one of our drones, China flies a spy craft over the US and spies on US ICBM silos and stealth bases, and Kim fires missiles all over the place, and Biden won't even pick up a phone to confront them.

Hell, Biden won't even confront US REPORTERS.

Actually, it was trump's "locked and loaded" foreign policy that has the world in turmoil.

He kept these enemies in check. All this shit has been happenig on Biden's watch.

Trump was the first world leader to identify china as the biggest enemy not only of America but free nations everywhere
China has been America's enemy for a long time. Trump hasn't said anything new, he's just been more blunt and undiplomatic about it. Most career diplomats consider his style unhelpful, if not dangerous.
They are unelected Rasputins creeping around in the shadows

Liberals have perverted and corrupted the institution's that you worship
Trump did far more to pervert and corrupt institutions than anyone else.

He claimed victimhood as a way to secure political power. When the DoJ prosecuted his political cronies, he claimed it was persecution. In reality his cronies committed crimes but that was politically damaging to him. Creating a false victimhood was advantageous.
China has been America's enemy for a long time. Trump hasn't said anything new, he's just been more blunt and undiplomatic about it. Most career diplomats consider his style unhelpful, if not dangerous.
They are eating our lunch. They are building coal plants all over the place with hundreds of factories and most likely thousands producing products a year. Oil refineries galore. The real diplomats. The diplomats of pure power. Very few Progs will e around to help the peasants when the magic of the dying fiat currency runs out.
China has been America's enemy for a long time. Trump hasn't said anything new, he's just been more blunt and undiplomatic about it. Most career diplomats consider his style unhelpful, if not dangerous.
Trump was the first world leader to say it and it sent shock waves among the globalists who have been china lap dogs for a generation
China brings together Saudi Arabia and Iran …not the usa

That’s a problem. Our international standing is poor now. Our economy is bad, banks failing…a war in Ukraine funded by the USA but not any other countries effectively …its all from the USA not Germany or France , etc ..maybe Japan can send Ukraine 50 billion ?

Trump brought together GCC countries and Israel.. not China it was the USA.

That’s success …this was when we had respect. And our economy was better.
He claimed victimhood as a way to secure political power.
You could not be more backward if you tried

Trump was a political newbie who beat the washington establishment swamp rats at their own game by winning the 2016 presidential election over hillary

And because trump was such a threat to the corrupt system the Deep State was forced to come out from under its rock and show its teeth
China brings together Saudi Arabia and Iran …not the usa

That’s a problem. Our international standing is poor now. Our economy is bad, banks failing…a war in Ukraine funded by the USA but not any other countries effectively …its all from the USA not Germany or France , etc ..maybe Japan can send Ukraine 50 billion ?

Trump brought together GCC countries and Israel.. not China it was the USA.

That’s success …this was when we had respect. And our economy was better.
Obama broke a 70 year alliance between America and Saudi Arabia

But dont hold your breath waiting for the Sunni’s and Shia to become allies
Trump was the first world leader to say it and it sent shock waves among the globalists who have been china lap dogs for a generation
Biden delivered mega-shock waves when he sent Pelosi to Taiwan, while the MAGA crowd were wringing their hands over a possible WW III. If Trump had still been in office, Putin would be in Kiev and Xi would be in Taipei.
You could not be more backward if you tried

Trump was a political newbie who beat the washington establishment swamp rats at their own game by winning the 2016 presidential election over hillary

And because trump was such a threat to the corrupt system the Deep State was forced to come out from under its rock and show its teeth
Sorry, I just don’t live in the Trump tribe and don’t have to defend his every stupid action.

Trump was a political newbie, which was a huge problem. He didn’t understand government, which is why he continuously tried to do very bad or very illegal things.

The deep stare was a fiction, created to explain the discrepancy between what Trump told you to believe and reality.

It’s birth was from the decision not to prosecute Clinton, which wasn’t corruption, it was a proper decision that you couldn’t accept because you had become so invested in the narrative that she committed a crime.
Obama broke a 70 year alliance between America and Saudi Arabia

But dont hold your breath waiting for the Sunni’s and Shia to become allies
Yes Aramaco ftw… and FDR and Idn Saud forged that relationship between The United States and Saudi.

In iraq there were friendly religious relations before 2003.

The USA used to project global power then we got woke. The woke approach to foreign relations is a disaster.
Biden delivered mega-shock waves when he sent Pelosi to Taiwan, while the MAGA crowd were wringing their hands over a possible WW III. If Trump had still been in office, Putin would be in Kiev and Xi would be in Taipei.
Biden was 5 years behind trump on china policy

But he does seem to be drifting in the correct direction
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On the heels of the President of El Salvador calling the United States a Corrupt 3rd World Banana Republic because of the Democrats UnConstitutional / unlawful 2-tiered (In)Justice System and intended pending arrest of Donald Trump, Chinese Presidrnt Xi boasted of the US' decline on tbe world stage during his visit to Russia.

From revered and cheered to jeered, President Biden and Democrats have truly made the US a nation in decline, respected and feared by no one, mocked by all, endangering our national security and stability.

Way to go, Democrats! Let's go, Brandon!


I agree with your sentiment, but the whole truth is that our fascist government is ruled by a duopoly, a uniparty.

Yes, today's dems are wicked, and our only hope at the moment is the GOP, but men like Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and a number of others show clearly the 2 party system is a failure and is intellectually and morally bankrupt.

You have a pathological hate for trump that drives you to extremes
You have a pathological love of him.

Trump drove the country to extremes. Can you imagine how extreme youd have to be to be calling state legislators and asking them to vote for new electors because you lost?

Pretty undemocratic. like Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and a number of others show clearly the 2 party system is a failure and is intellectually and morally bankrupt.

I disagree. To me they show spineless RINOs and other poor politicians who don't listen to / represent their constituents need to be removed from office, like Liz Cheney was.

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