Democrats, YOU Did This: Xi Boasts Of America's Decline During Visit To Russia

He kept these enemies in check. All this shit has been happenig on Biden's watch.

He kept nobody in check. When the term "locked and loaded" is used, nobody is in check. Rather,
other countries become "locked and loaded" as China did. Instead of economic rivalry, we now have a China military build -up. Peaceful negotiations are the best way. Sabre-rattling serves nobody's interest and only causes unrest, and that is what we now have. This shit is the result of trump's warlike behavior.
Separate the nation. Progs can go with the globalists. The Honkie Eurocrats who have enchanted you with sweet gifts from their takeover of much of the West and will turn on you when they see fit. Changing views a little on issues is normal. Joe has turned the complete opposite on most of them over the years. That is a warning sign there. A major red flag. Joe would e a Commandant at a concentration camp. And most elected Progs either have done the same or are now educated y the creeping evil.
Creeping evil? We had "creeping evil" in the White House for 4 years and we are paying the price now. Shit doesn't just happen. For example, recessions occur after the presidential term is over and are mostly due to the previous term.
Creeping evil? We had "creeping evil" in the White House for 4 years and we are paying the price now. Shit doesn't just happen. For example, recessions occur after the presidential term is over and are mostly due to the previous term.
We have a proven compromised criminal in the WH now, & after almost 7 years of perjury, treason, illegal spying, etc... by Democrats you still don't have anything on Trump.
Trump was elected in part to drive a wedge through the duopoly
Yes he was, and that plan failed. The Deep State brought him to heel, and kept him so occupied with impeachment he was constantly on the defense. He had opportunity to drive a stake into the heart of the DS by pardoning the Julian Assange persecution, but he failed. He could have accomplished a stated goal by getting US troops out of Syria, but he failed there too.
You people applauding our adversaries if they happen to say bad things about our president kind of counts as a decline. Other than that we are still the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.

We are late stage Rome and failing fast.
On the heels of the President of El Salvador calling the United States a Corrupt 3rd World Banana Republic because of the Democrats UnConstitutional / unlawful 2-tiered (In)Justice System and intended pending arrest of Donald Trump, Chinese Presidrnt Xi boasted of the US' decline on tbe world stage during his visit to Russia.

From revered and cheered to jeered, President Biden and Democrats have truly made the US a nation in decline, respected and feared by no one, mocked by all, endangering our national security and stability.

Way to go, Democrats! Let's go, Brandon!



Hope the Democrats are proud. They destroyed Trump and the nation too

Hope the Democrats are proud. They destroyed Trump and the nation too
Trump destroyed himself with his "locked and loaded" foreign policy, his "stand back and be ready" orders to his white supremacist supporters who thought they, and his divisive governing style. Of course, his constant lying about just about everything aided in his destruction. He wants an autocracy so he can control your freedom, as does Putin, Xi and others. Democracy--not autocracy. Statements such as 'they are coming for you' only serve to tear us apart rather than bring us together. He wants to lead? Ha Ha. He wants to control you, not resolve, issues.
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Trump destroyed himself with his "locked and loaded" foreign policy, his "stand back and be ready" orders to his white supremacist supporters who thought they, and his divisive governing style. Of course, his constant lying about just about everything aided in his destruction. He wants an autocracy so he can control your freedom, as does Putin, Xi and others. Democracy--not autocracy.

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