Democrats, YOU Did This: Xi Boasts Of America's Decline During Visit To Russia

Joey Xiden and Xi are old friends....he asked him to help interfere in our election so he could be President...

“I congratulated him on his elevation, I asked if he could possibly help me,” Biden said

“I’ve had the great pleasure and honor of spending a fair amount of time with President Xi when President Hu and President Obama thought the two vice presidents could – should get to know one another,” added the now-Democratic presidential nominee. “We ended up spending about 10 days together, five in each of our countries traveling around, and you get to know someone fairly well.”

He called Trump xenophobic for trying to save American lives by closing down travel from China...

Xiden loves China...they are all nice folks...

“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks." - Joey Xiden...Chairman Xi's puppet

Do you think Chinese people are bad folks?


You hate our current president -- does that mean Americans are bad folks?

Do you understand why I think you are a clown?
Do you think Chinese people are bad folks?


You hate our current president -- does that mean Americans are bad folks?

Do you understand why I think you are a clown?
yes i think they are…they enslave people, have concentration camps

i can see why the dems love them though
But if Republicans were the ones you also blame for "betraying" Trump -- maybe Republicans ain't the solution you are looking for....

You folks should just start your own party and call it something with patriot and freedom in it -- and pretend the party isn't a cult centered around loyalty to 1 person.....I bet you then, you would teach those RINOS a lesson.... can just keep voting for them and whining about how weak they are -- while you tune in to FOX for your daily dose of outrage porn
I think its smarter to drive the bus we have than build a new bus of our very own

But who knows?

You could be right
Why do you keep asking stupid questions that you already know the answer to?

By impeachment or forced resignation
No one can force the president to resign, so that is automatically an untrue answer.

Impeachment is a legal constitutional process, which is controlled solely by Congress and not the deep state. So that’s also an untrue answer.

No soft coup.
I think its smarter to drive the bus we have than build a new bus of our very own

But who knows?

You could be right
But if you hate everyone who so-called "built that bus" for the past 30 or so years -- how good is that bus -- and how good is your judgement for voting for those people?

It's almost like all of that talk about "RINOS" is bullshit -- you are really just mad that every Republican doesn't prostrate themselves for Trump like you do
You people applauding our adversaries if they happen to say bad things about our president kind of counts as a decline. Other than that we are still the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
Only a fool wouldn't admit what everyone can see. Zombies, killers, thieves, muggers, corruption, ignorance, sexual deviants, etc. Dark days in the USA.
Only a fool wouldn't admit what everyone can see. Zombies, killers, thieves, muggers, corruption, ignorance, sexual deviants, etc. Dark days in the USA.
Only to a fascist who yearns for a strong man to tell him everything will be ok -- like a little bitch....

And this whining ass bitch is the person you want to be your Strong Man Daddy??

T-gop.0066 (49).jpg
No wonder yall remain miserable...
They've got us mired in squabbling with each other over the "culture war".

Google "fifty cent army". And say "hi", I'd bet there are some of them on this very board.
Only to a fascist who yearns for a strong man to tell him everything will be ok -- like a little bitch....

And this whining ass bitch is the person you want to be your Strong Man Daddy??

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No wonder yall remain miserable...
Oh yeah, we were all so miserable when Trump was President, huh. You twits had to set about destroying the country simply because your whore lost the election to him. Defund the cops and then blame the right for the increase in crime. You're mentally ill.
Oh yeah, we were all so miserable when Trump was President, huh. You twits had to set about destroying the country simply because your whore lost the election to him. Defund the cops and then blame the right for the increase in crime. You're mentally ill.
Actually, were...

Which is why you folks "INCLUDING HIM" were always whining about how unfair everybody was to yall....

Whining about the 100 plus indictments his admin racked up...

Whining about not being able to ban all muslim people...

Whining about not being able to repeal Obamacare -- even tho Trump's own healthcare didn't exist....

And let us not forget, how you folks whined about the COVID shutdown and vaccines -- as if Trump was not president when this all happened....

One thing I notice you didn't whine about -- is the hundreds of thousands of people who died during COVID -- at least, not until Trump left office...then it switched from "COVID isn't a big deal and barely anyone died from it" to "COVID is the deadliest biological attack in US history"

You folks will have to totally make up a whole different history in able to cope...just like yall did when Bush left office...
Actually, were...

Which is why you folks "INCLUDING HIM" were always whining about how unfair everybody was to yall....

Whining about the 100 plus indictments his admin racked up...

Whining about not being able to ban all muslim people...

Whining about not being able to repeal Obamacare -- even tho Trump's own healthcare didn't exist....

And let us not forget, how you folks whined about the COVID shutdown and vaccines -- as if Trump was not president when this all happened....

One thing I notice you didn't whine about -- is the hundreds of thousands of people who died during COVID -- at least, not until Trump left office...then it switched from "COVID isn't a big deal and barely anyone died from it" to "COVID is the deadliest biological attack in US history"

You folks will have to totally make up a whole different history in able to cope...just like yall did when Bush left office...
Who advised President Trump to shut everything down?
So let me get this straight....

Trump is both a brilliant genius -- who can singlehandedly save America -- but also a helpless child who can only do what others tell him to do

You didn't answer the question. Who advised President Trump to shut down the country?
No one can force the president to resign, so that is automatically an untrue answer.
Of course they can

It will never happen to a democrat because the lib media has their back

But a republican who is essentially a 3rd party interloper would be under intense pressure from all sides
But if you hate everyone who so-called "built that bus" for the past 30 or so years -- how good is that bus -- and how good is your judgement for voting for those people?

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It's almost like all of that talk about "RINOS" is bullshit -- you are really just mad that every Republican doesn't prostrate themselves for Trump like you do
Just because Republican elites hate me does not prevent me from a more practical attitude

I’m willing to work with washington swamp rats

But they arent willing to work with me
On the heels of the President of El Salvador calling the United States a Corrupt 3rd World Banana Republic because of the Democrats UnConstitutional / unlawful 2-tiered (In)Justice System and intended pending arrest of Donald Trump, Chinese Presidrnt Xi boasted of the US' decline on tbe world stage during his visit to Russia.

From revered and cheered to jeered, President Biden and Democrats have truly made the US a nation in decline, respected and feared by no one, mocked by all, endangering our national security and stability.

Way to go, Democrats! Let's go, Brandon!


So? Your party sucks too. Embrace it.
So let me get this straight....

Trump is both a brilliant genius -- who can singlehandedly save America -- but also a helpless child who can only do what others tell him to do

you think having advisors and listening to them makes someone a helpless child?

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