Demographic changes is why Hidden Biden wins

Whenever you hear the words changing demographics what it really means is population replacement.
What it really means is that democrats believe that skin pigmentation = votes for them.

Once again, who really are the racists?

hmm...if these people tend to vote more Democrat, despite other issues that would align with the Republicans, then maybe there is something in the Republican message that is turning them off.
Y'all presume that these people tend to vote democrat....If anything lays that myth bare, it's the Florida Cuban community.

The underlying premise is racist as hell, and you twirps keep running with it.

It isn't a "presumption", it's what is occurring. But you do make one valid point - the Hispanic community is not one community.

How is it racist? Is it racist to politically target Evangelicals? White males? Catholics? (if you are going to argue they aren't a race, well neither are Hispanics).
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
How about crossing the border illegally? You sure like to project what you want to discuss,
and not what was stated. It was very clear what I meant, and I thought you were intelligent
enough to comprehend it, I was wrong.
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.

The weird thing is; I’ve asked you FEELZ based do-gooders to make it real simple for us and show us the statistics that you are apparently privy too, show us why we should embrace a browner / darker America? Show us how and where they improve and enhance our nation? Show us how Americans lead a better quality of life as we become darker?
I’m going to bet that you like Mac1958 won’t be able able to offer anything beyond FEELZ....Am I right?
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
The immigrants are the ones who want the walls.... They don't want what they're leaving to follow them.

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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
How about crossing the border illegally? You sure like to project what you want to discuss,
and not what was stated. It was very clear what I meant, and I thought you were intelligent
enough to comprehend it, I was wrong.

Crossing the border, seeking Asylum is covered in international law and in the U.S. Code.

see: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

Now, I don't support open borders, what I support are the laws of the United States are enforced. Do you believe Women and Children have been provided the protections of law, when they claim they have sought a safe harbor?
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

Some, but not all. I've seen many people on this board as well as conservative pundits on tv and social media make a case for stopping all immigration south of the border and from Muslim countries because they come here and end up voting Democratic. I've heard conservatives here in Nevada blame the influx of Hispanics as to why our state went from a lean Republican to a lean Democratic state. Right after the 2018 midterms Laura Ingraham was having a discussion with Juan Williams on her show and she brought up that the reason Virginia has gone from a Republican to Democratic state is because of all of the foreign immigration.
The immigrants are the ones who want the walls.... They don't want what they're leaving to follow them.

Hardly. George Bush got 44% of Hispanic voters in 2004. That is also the last year the Republican candidate won Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Virginia. Then when he tried to create a pathway to citizenship for the 12 million illegals here the base of the GOP had a meltdown, started screaming for walls, and all of that Hispanic support went out the window. Both McCain and Romney only got in the 20s with Hispanics and got blown away in the elections.
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
How about crossing the border illegally? You sure like to project what you want to discuss,
and not what was stated. It was very clear what I meant, and I thought you were intelligent
enough to comprehend it, I was wrong.

Crossing the border, seeking Asylum is covered in international law and in the U.S. Code.

see: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

Now, I don't support open borders, what I support are the laws of the United States are enforced. Do you believe Women and Children have been provided the protections of law, when they claim they have sought a safe harbor?
When they come over by the thousands, it's an invasion. When they have advocates coaching them as to what to say? That's abuse of our system.
Don't give me the women and children crap, we know that it's staged for the most part.
Demographics ( especially chain migration) is the end of the GOP
The GOP had many chances to end it
Biden is going to win and our only hope is to maintain the senate but even that looks bad
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.

riddle me this...
Why do immigrants strengthen our country, but not their own?
Oh, and does anyone believe for 1 second that if immigrants largely voted republican, the democrats would be all for people pouring across our borders?

they would shut that shit down faster than they can hand out welfare cards.
Y'all realize that only US citizens can vote in US elections, right?
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.

riddle me this...
Why do immigrants strengthen our country, but not their own?
Many of them are on welfare for life and your paying for it
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
That’s a cute play on words.
What makes someone’s PRESENCE illegal is fairly simple... being located somewhere they weren’t invited by the resident people.
The same thing as if you came home and I was sitting in your living room, uninvited.
I illegally entered your home.
I not only bypassed getting your permission, I also bypassed the safe guards you placed in entry... also knows as locks.

Its really not a difficult concept for those being remotely intellectually honest.

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