Demographic changes is why Hidden Biden wins

Y'all realize that only US citizens can vote in US elections, right?
Y’all realize that illegals are counted in the census, right? And these illegals are counted which increases representation in the House of Representatives.
y’all also realize that many cities allow illegals to vote, right?
Y’all also realize that when these illegals have kids, the kids are now citizens (wrongfully so, but that’s a seperate issue). These kids eventually vote, often the same way their parents would.
Y’all also realize that once these kids are born, the parents then apply for citizenship, right?
Y’all also realize that illegal voting happens, right?
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
How about crossing the border illegally? You sure like to project what you want to discuss,
and not what was stated. It was very clear what I meant, and I thought you were intelligent
enough to comprehend it, I was wrong.

Crossing the border, seeking Asylum is covered in international law and in the U.S. Code.

see: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

Now, I don't support open borders, what I support are the laws of the United States are enforced. Do you believe Women and Children have been provided the protections of law, when they claim they have sought a safe harbor?
When they come over by the thousands, it's an invasion. When they have advocates coaching them as to what to say? That's abuse of our system.
Don't give me the women and children crap, we know that it's staged for the most part.

So, the law is to be ignored in your opinion, and you've made a judgement that women and children are "staged for the most part", is that correct?

Are these number crap?
Chain migration has brought in tens of millions of new immigrants
I love Mexican people but the demographics are finished for us
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Yes but now it’s surpassed the “ tipping point “
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Where can I go ???
Montana or Wyoming???
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Yes but now it’s surpassed the “ tipping point “
Then Hillary would have won.
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Yes but now it’s surpassed the “ tipping point “
Then Hillary would have won.
She only lost by a few thousand votes , but since then , there has been millions of more new immigrants signed up
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Not that they don't want more "brown people", its that they want legal "brown people" and not illegal "brown people".

What makes a human being illegal?

Their skin color? Their Creed? Reckless Driving and DUI's? Physical violence against their spouse or SO?
How about crossing the border illegally? You sure like to project what you want to discuss,
and not what was stated. It was very clear what I meant, and I thought you were intelligent
enough to comprehend it, I was wrong.

Crossing the border, seeking Asylum is covered in international law and in the U.S. Code.

see: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

Now, I don't support open borders, what I support are the laws of the United States are enforced. Do you believe Women and Children have been provided the protections of law, when they claim they have sought a safe harbor?
When they come over by the thousands, it's an invasion. When they have advocates coaching them as to what to say? That's abuse of our system.
Don't give me the women and children crap, we know that it's staged for the most part.

So, the law is to be ignored in your opinion, and you've made a judgement that women and children are "staged for the most part", is that correct?

Are these number crap?
You are so full of BS, you ignore why there was a separation when they couldn't even be sure who's children is who's.
So much crime you ignore when there are children with adults that are not the parents. There were rent a child going on
during this period of time. Yes, Staged, and I have to laugh at how you chose which laws you follow and which you ignore.

Your hypocrisy is showing, Rye. You being an ex LE should be ashamed of yourself.
Y’all realize that illegals are counted in the census, right? And these illegals are counted which increases representation in the House of Representatives.

That doesn't determine who US citizens vote for.
Y’all also realize that when these illegals have kids, the kids are now citizens .... These kids eventually vote...

18 years later? After 18 years of being a US citizen? Last time I checked, US citizens can vote for whomever they want.
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Yes but now it’s surpassed the “ tipping point “
Then Hillary would have won.
She only lost by a few thousand votes , but since then , there has been millions of more new immigrants signed up
What makes you think immigrants vote D?
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GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

This theory has been floating since Reagan ran,
Yes but now it’s surpassed the “ tipping point “
Then Hillary would have won.
She only lost by a few thousand votes , but since then , there has been millions of more new immigrants signed up
What makes you think immigrants vote D?
Every study says so In bulk numbers
I hope you avoid the cities and be safe
My days of going to any downtown cities are over
I don’t need to put myself at risk

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