DemonRATS ALL VOW to give FREE HEALTHCARE to All Illegal invaders

Don’t they get free HC now? They go to the ER and obtain services. Many are unable to pay the exorbitant and fraudulent fees, so they don’t. I suspect many uninsured Americans do the same thing.

I believe we had a president who claimed his plan would cover all uninsured Americans, but it didn’t. Now we have a president who has claimed much the same thing, but has not even offered a plan as yet.

Yes they do stampede our emergency rooms, but an actual policy of free healthcare for illegals, will take it to a whole new level.
These people are fucking insane, this will encourage a whole new level of people trying to get in here.
Time to change the Statue of Liberty’s this?

“Give me your sick, diseased, your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free healthcare.”

Yep, and add: "And let the American taxpayer pay for your healthcare".
Our hospitals, by law, have to treat everyone. They hike up prices to pay for it.

Free healthcare isn't free. We tax payers pay for all of it.

The Government has no business in healthcare. It should be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.
Raise your hands.
Who admits that they want to encourage millions of illegals to sneak into our country by promising them free health care???


I hope they realize this is a losing issue for the American electorate. Not among their base, but surely for the electorate at large.

MSNBC was stupid to put them in the corner like that and give Republicans that image and soundbite. But you know...I don't mind all that much. :)
I hope they realize this is a losing issue for the American electorate. Not among their base, but surely for the electorate at large.

MSNBC was stupid to put them in the corner like that and give Republicans that image and soundbite. But you know...I don't mind all that much. :)

It's hard to imagine the majority of voters are ready to vote for someone that wants taxpayers to pay for the healthcare for illegals, but today, I just don't know.
I hope they realize this is a losing issue for the American electorate. Not among their base, but surely for the electorate at large.

MSNBC was stupid to put them in the corner like that and give Republicans that image and soundbite. But you know...I don't mind all that much. :)

It's hard to imagine the majority of voters are ready to vote for someone that wants taxpayers to pay for the healthcare for illegals, but today, I just don't know.

I wouldn't worry about it--the Amer. electorate is still not into illegal immigration. Particularly go down to the section on "how much do you worry about this issue" and "Is this critical, important, not important'. 47% rated it critical.

I hope they realize this is a losing issue for the American electorate. Not among their base, but surely for the electorate at large.

MSNBC was stupid to put them in the corner like that and give Republicans that image and soundbite. But you know...I don't mind all that much. :)

It's hard to imagine the majority of voters are ready to vote for someone that wants taxpayers to pay for the healthcare for illegals, but today, I just don't know.

K looking further down that poll, latest numbers 2010: 62% of Americans thought illegals cost citizens too much in gov't services; 32% thought they paid their fair share. Seeing as how Americans have cooled overall since then (albeit slightly), I would say that certainly does not look BETTER for Dems.

The moderators did not ask the real policy questions that will eventually sink the democrat, besides "how fucking old are you. really?"
What would happen if the mods asked them about the words in bold?

Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
Opioid problem running rampant across the US
Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
Pack the US Supreme Court, or replace current conservatives with liberal justices
Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
"Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
Change the Electoral College to popular vote
All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
LGBTQ rights, trannys in military

The dems are NOT impressing some independents, like my apolitical wife.
Even she sees their policies as just plain crazy, especially free healthcare.
That debate had to drive millions away from the Democrat Party.
That debate had to drive millions away from the Democrat Party.

Well listen aren't you glad to know that men can get pg?

I mean you'll never know what you might learn at these Dem debates

ETA: the same scientific brain trusts that think men can get pg also gave us "global warming"
It's their racist agenda, get rid of whites, replace them with brown deadbeats, put all of the western hemisphere into the U.S. Medicare system, bankrupt it and every other safety net, then blame Whitey for that, while they run around exterminating each other a la South Chicago and Baltimore. Meanwhile the Party leaders run off to Bermuda or Europe with all the all the loot and graft they could get their hands on. The Obamas are even now over there scouting out where they're going to live later on.
It's the primaries....whoever the nominee is will have to walk back 75% of the silliness because its political suicide not to. Things like the GND wont come within 1,000 miles of that convention, for example. The primaries get the radicals all fired up but they'll be getting a nut sack kick by next summer!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I cannot believe we have come to this.
These lousy, LOUSY bastards ! Just imagine the further motivation the third-world will have to sneak in.

Unfuckingbelievable ! I'm thankful they were all honest for all to see.

Every single Democratic presidential candidate on stage during Thursday’s debate raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare.

There was agreement on both sides of the political aisle that this moment would help President Trump secure a second term.

Every Single Dem During Thursday's Debate Wants to Give Illegal Immigrants Free Healthcare
only (2) raised their hands about dropping their coverage and getting a gov sponsored healthcare program for themselves.

that was quite telling and i'd have snapshot that pic to use against them for as long as i can. our government should not be building solutions they are not willing to use.
Don’t they get free HC now? They go to the ER and obtain services. Many are unable to pay the exorbitant and fraudulent fees, so they don’t. I suspect many uninsured Americans do the same thing.

I believe we had a president who claimed his plan would cover all uninsured Americans, but it didn’t. Now we have a president who has claimed much the same thing, but has not even offered a plan as yet.

Yes they do stampede our emergency rooms, but an actual policy of free healthcare for illegals, will take it to a whole new level.
These people are fucking insane, this will encourage a whole new level of people trying to get in here.
Time to change the Statue of Liberty’s this?

“Give me your sick, diseased, your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free healthcare.”

Remove the inscription altogether. It was never meant to have Constitutional authority, and frankly the world is now too dangerous to be acting as the world's flophouse, and at taxpayer expense to boot.
President Trump fires off a tweet after Democrats unanimously say they support gov't healthcare for illegal aliens
President Trump fires off a tweet after Democrats unanimously say they support gov't healthcare for illegal aliens

President Donald Trump fired off a tweet in response to Democrats unanimously saying they support government providing healthcare for illegal aliens.

"All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare," responded the president.

"How about taking care of American Citizens first!?" Trump asked. "That's the end of that race!"
As the president indicated, every one of the Democrats in the second half of the first debate stage on Thursday raised their hand when asked if they would support healthcare for illegal aliens.

"Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants?" asked Savannah Guthrie.

The overwhelming support from all ten of the Democrats received unanimous acclaim from the audience, which applauded loudly.

Nearly all of the ten Democrats on stage also said they supported decriminalization of the border, which would make undocumented crossing into the U.S. into a civil infraction.


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