DemonRATS ALL VOW to give FREE HEALTHCARE to All Illegal invaders


How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

When I am in Norway, as an American Citizen, and I need Medical Attention, I get it free of charge. That's the way it works. And Norway has a much happier and healthier population than the United States does. Plus, their unemployment rate is running between 3.2 and 3.8% at any given time. You idjits get an award on this one.

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No Comrade, America will never be a socialist country but feel free to move to Norway and don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

Norway is capitalist.
Norway maintains privately-owned industries but also gov't-owned ones such as oil. A small, homogeneous country of 5.4 people, the Norwegian economy is a capitalist-welfare state whose gov't-owned biz was built by the state, not entrepreneurs. Venezuela could have been the Norway of South America but instead chose confiscation of other's wealth.

How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

Sounds like Trump also WON the second night!!!

And for years the refrain has been "illegals cant suck off the taxpayer so stop with that". This is the progress of liberalism.

The Democrat race is basically an auction with the winner being the one who can steal the most from working Americans and give to their slum and illegal base. One offers free jhealthcare and the next says "Ill see you free healthcare and raise you free college tuition".

Its a slave auction and your working life is what is up for bids.
Democrats unite at debate in endorsing health care to undocumented immigrants

All 10 candidates on Thursday night’s Democratic debate stage said their health care plans would provide coverage for people in the country illegally.

The problem is that there are 7.7 billion people on the planet and it would bankrupt our country.
It would cause an even worse border stampede than we already have.

Obviously the Democrat Politicians regard America citizens to just be their tax slaves.
Let's hope the voters see this effort on the Democrat side of the Ultimate Give Aways as a Give Away of the next election.
Democrats unite at debate in endorsing health care to undocumented immigrants

All 10 candidates on Thursday night’s Democratic debate stage said their health care plans would provide coverage for people in the country illegally.

The problem is that there are 7.7 billion people on the planet and it would bankrupt our country.
It would cause an even worse border stampede than we already have.

Obviously the Democrat Politicians regard America citizens to just be their tax slaves.

Too bad they didn't ask who is supposed to bear the cost and why that money wouldn't better spent on our very own veterans who were injured securing our freedom.
Democrats unite at debate in endorsing health care to undocumented immigrants

All 10 candidates on Thursday night’s Democratic debate stage said their health care plans would provide coverage for people in the country illegally.

The problem is that there are 7.7 billion people on the planet and it would bankrupt our country.
It would cause an even worse border stampede than we already have.

Obviously the Democrat Politicians regard America citizens to just be their tax slaves.
Free healthcare for all diseased illegal aliens, That won’t cost much… LOL
Put them on a taco-less diet and they'll all go into shock and die.
When I said Democrats want free healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans for foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated, they called me a liar. The average Democrat has know clue what their party stands for.
Trump during his worse tantrum is still better than any Democrat policy I have seen so far-his tantrums don't cost me any money.
That debate had to drive millions away from the Democrat Party.

One would hope, but I don't know, I trust my fellow Americans less and less each day.

It was just a short time ago, it took a radical Dimocrat, or a socialist, who would propose healthcare for all illegals.
Now, we have the entire stage of Democrats ready to force this on the taxpayers. It's shocking, or at least should be.
Democrats unite at debate in endorsing health care to undocumented immigrants

All 10 candidates on Thursday night’s Democratic debate stage said their health care plans would provide coverage for people in the country illegally.

The problem is that there are 7.7 billion people on the planet and it would bankrupt our country.
It would cause an even worse border stampede than we already have.

Obviously the Democrat Politicians regard America citizens to just be their tax slaves.

Your thread is more proof that you are a concrete thinker.

Imagine someone here illegally who comes down with an infectious disease, who does not seek treatment for fear of being deported.

Let's say he can continue to work, even though he is ill, and takes the crowded #1 bus across town to his job, where he is a food server. Of course he never got a flu shot, for the same reason, nor did his three children, all of whom attend different schools (Elementary, Middle School and High School); they too have begun to feel ill but can't stay at home since their mom also goes to work,

Soon the spread of the flu virus from patient zero can infect the people on the crowded bus, in the restaurant, the co-workers and the kids and staff in the three schools are potentiall exposed to the flu or measles and able to spread it far and wide.
I'd think the dems just insured Trump's re-election. But maybe they can nuance it back to the center somehow with the ER thing.
This must be shouted from the rooftops across this country !

It used to be only a radical socialist candidate would propose free healthcare for illegals.
Now it's everyone on the Dimocrat party stage !
Someone should propose to the Democrats supporting the idea of the financial burden of paying for the cost of Illegals in the US - not just health care be addressed 1st by Federal Politicians' salaries (approx. average, I read, of $178,000 per year, not including the best health care and perks tax dollars can buy) being REDUSED / INDEFINITELY CAPPED at $150,000 with all money saved going towards paying that cost.

If Democrats want illegals in this country so badly let THEM be the 1st to step forward (or forced to step forward) to ante up some of their own money to pay for the financial burden on this country that is already trillions of dollars in debt due to the criminal fiscal irresponsibility of these same politicians.


Someone please RATIONALLY explain how politicians running a country that is already 'in the hole' for trillions of dollars can legally, fiscally responsibly embrace / advocate ANY plan that ADDS millions / billions of additional spending / debt while refusing to come up with a plan on how to pay down / off the existing massive debt?!

The 'Laws of Financial Reality' apply to Americans / American families: Americans must live within their means They have to create and stick within a budget. They can not amass massive amounts of debt, make no effort to pay it off, and keep adding more and more debt. So HOW / WHY can Democrats / do Democrats get to live / run the country from inside some 'bubble of fiscal NON-Reality' where they act as if they DON'T have to have the money to buy / spend on what they want and as if they / we will NEVER have to pay it back?

Democrats have proven they do not care about our national sovereignty, that they want OPEN BORDERS, that they are FOR allowing every illegal from any / all foreign countries to be allowed to walk across the border and sign up for 'FREE' health care, 'FREE' education, 'FREE' housing, 'FREE' food, 'FREE' welfare, etc... EXCEPT EVERY INTELLIGENT PERSON KNOWS 'FREE' MEANS 'US CITIZEN/TAX PAYER-FUNDED'.
-- Just last night in the 2nd Democrat Primary Debate Bernie Sanders finally ADMITTED that the Socialist Democrats' plan for 'FREE' college - to wipe out college tuition debt - would really be paid for by a massive tax increase on the
Middle Class, one imposed on them by elite, Upper Class Millionaire Politicians like HIM! Why doesn't Bernie volunteer to donate some of that $1,000,000+ money he made through Capitalism to fund HIS AND HIS FELLOW DEMOCRATS' plan to pay for everyone's college tuition and / or to use towards paying for the cost of all of the millions of illegals here in the US and the 1,00,000 more coming in every month?

Sanders and Democrats like him continue to prove the FACT of how Millionaire Power/Control-Hungry Democrats know exactly HOW to spend YOUR money and what they want to use YOUR money on. Again, in the debate Sanders talked about what he planned to do with the money he intends to take from MIDDLE CLASS Americans and how he intends to get that money. He never mentioned about how he and his fellow politicians were going to devise a plan that required ALL AMERICANS - especially the rich Democrats like him - to share in the cost of the Socialist Agenda!

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