DemonRATS ALL VOW to give FREE HEALTHCARE to All Illegal invaders

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

Sounds like Trump also WON the second night!!!
So Rupert Murdoch’s hack rag says something and imbecile trumpscum repeat it like the little moronic lemmings you are.

Does your pimp know you are on his pc.
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault

How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

When I am in Norway, as an American Citizen, and I need Medical Attention, I get it free of charge. That's the way it works. And Norway has a much happier and healthier population than the United States does. Plus, their unemployment rate is running between 3.2 and 3.8% at any given time. You idjits get an award on this one.

View attachment 266708
Then MOVE THERE you fucking idiot.... we really do need to rinse our gene pool of the likes of you!

Let me guess, you will do all this in the name of God.
First of all, the question did not ask about free healthcare.

The Medicare for all programs are NOT free.

You people are all dumber than shit.
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault
There are some Republicans that act like Democrats. We call them rinos and are even bigger POS the Democrats because they lie about being Democrats.

Democrats are so dumb they think all the foriegn nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated and operate out of sanctuary cities and states are hired by Republicans there.
Democrats have opened the flood gates and have switched loyalties - they are actively doing everything they can to allow every illegal they can into the US, joining the already 20+ million illegals already in the country at a rate of approx. 100,000 more illegals every month.

Despite the United States being trillions of dollars in debt, not only did Democrats make the 'dictatorial/ / 'tyrannical' decision ON THEIR OWN to allow illegals to come into the country - despite existing immigration laws (that not only make it illegal for illegals to enter the country illegally but also makes it illegal for them to hold jobs in the US, etc...) they are now advocating, encouraging, and are even illegally facilitating illegal immigration, making the 'dictatorial/ / 'tyrannical' decision ON THEIR OWN that the cost of paying for the 'care and feeding' of illegals will be made OUR (Middle Class) financial responsibility. How very 'socialist' of them.
How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

Sounds like Trump also WON the second night!!!
They just want power and money.

They claim to want to protect and care for Americans who need our help, and yet, instead of coming up with solutions for that, they just move on to the next vote buying ploy. Virtue signaling by these Democrats is more important to them than actually helping American citizens.

I think Nirvana to a Democrat politician is everyone living in chaos, and reaching their hand to government, asking for help. Never fixing the problems that plague us, just keeping us all wanting, needing and pleading to government; that's their Nirvana, that's their Utopia.

How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

When I am in Norway, as an American Citizen, and I need Medical Attention, I get it free of charge. That's the way it works. And Norway has a much happier and healthier population than the United States does. Plus, their unemployment rate is running between 3.2 and 3.8% at any given time. You idjits get an award on this one.

View attachment 266708
Then MOVE THERE you fucking idiot.... we really do need to rinse our gene pool of the likes of you!

Let me guess, you will do all this in the name of God.

I am agnostic, not a baby killer or terrorist sympathizer as you are!
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault
There are some Republicans that act like Democrats. We call them rinos and are even bigger POS the Democrats because they lie about being Democrats.

Democrats are so dumb they think all the foriegn nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated and operate out of sanctuary cities and states are hired by Republicans there.

Yes, because Rush and Hannity told you so. Wow, that's one hell of a pair to live your life by.

How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

When I am in Norway, as an American Citizen, and I need Medical Attention, I get it free of charge. That's the way it works. And Norway has a much happier and healthier population than the United States does. Plus, their unemployment rate is running between 3.2 and 3.8% at any given time. You idjits get an award on this one.

View attachment 266708
Then MOVE THERE you fucking idiot.... we really do need to rinse our gene pool of the likes of you!

Let me guess, you will do all this in the name of God.

I am agnostic, not a baby killer or terrorist sympathizer as you are!

LOL, you just don't see the babies you kill. Out of sight, out of mind. You are much more a baby killer than I ever will be. You see, I don''t disuss Abortion because I just don't know. God hasn't told me one way or another and that decision is on a God Level not an a Human Level. I also don't support capital punishment except in very extreme cases. Once again, it's a God decision, not a human decision. life if precious to me. Even a slime covered slug like you. Unlike you, I've met REAL Baby Killers. And that's not something I lightly call anyone.

You are one "Internet" bully. Get over yourself.
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault
There are some Republicans that act like Democrats. We call them rinos and are even bigger POS the Democrats because they lie about being Democrats.

Democrats are so dumb they think all the foriegn nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated and operate out of sanctuary cities and states are hired by Republicans there.

Yes, because Rush and Hannity told you so. Wow, that's one hell of a pair to live your life by.
Democrats only response is... DERP DERP DERP...

Democrats literally aid abet and encourage foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will with healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans.

Democrats make the poorest Americans compete with needy foreign nationals for resources meant for poor Americans.

Truly sick people...
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault
There are some Republicans that act like Democrats. We call them rinos and are even bigger POS the Democrats because they lie about being Democrats.

Democrats are so dumb they think all the foriegn nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated and operate out of sanctuary cities and states are hired by Republicans there.

Yes, because Rush and Hannity told you so. Wow, that's one hell of a pair to live your life by.
Democrats only response is... DERP DERP DERP...

Democrats literally aid abet and encourage foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will with healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans.

Democrats make the poorest Americans compete with needy foreign nationals for resources meant for poor Americans.

Truly sick people...

Because the voice out of the Radio and TV told you. Wow, talk about mind control.
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America


Help them sneak into America
Give them a job
When you think someone has noticed, deport them
Scream it's all Democrats Fault
There are some Republicans that act like Democrats. We call them rinos and are even bigger POS the Democrats because they lie about being Democrats.

Democrats are so dumb they think all the foriegn nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated and operate out of sanctuary cities and states are hired by Republicans there.

Yes, because Rush and Hannity told you so. Wow, that's one hell of a pair to live your life by.
Democrats only response is... DERP DERP DERP...

Democrats literally aid abet and encourage foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will with healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans.

Democrats make the poorest Americans compete with needy foreign nationals for resources meant for poor Americans.

Truly sick people...

Because the voice out of the Radio and TV told you. Wow, talk about mind control.
Can't refute a thing I say. Typical...


How to lose an election in 2 June nights..... Just how fucked up do these Communists think we are?

When I am in Norway, as an American Citizen, and I need Medical Attention, I get it free of charge. That's the way it works. And Norway has a much happier and healthier population than the United States does. Plus, their unemployment rate is running between 3.2 and 3.8% at any given time. You idjits get an award on this one.

View attachment 266708
Then MOVE THERE you fucking idiot.... we really do need to rinse our gene pool of the likes of you!

Let me guess, you will do all this in the name of God.

I am agnostic, not a baby killer or terrorist sympathizer as you are!

LOL, you just don't see the babies you kill. Out of sight, out of mind. You are much more a baby killer than I ever will be. You see, I don''t disuss Abortion because I just don't know. God hasn't told me one way or another and that decision is on a God Level not an a Human Level. I also don't support capital punishment except in very extreme cases. Once again, it's a God decision, not a human decision. life if precious to me. Even a slime covered slug like you. Unlike you, I've met REAL Baby Killers. And that's not something I lightly call anyone.

You are one "Internet" bully. Get over yourself.

You truly are one of the sick ones that say one thing but I seriously don't believe you believe in God...I have my questions but God doesn't make things happen, it is man who has free range over that. But unlike your bullshit I have ethics, morals and principles besides using logic....something you ABNORMALS will never understand!

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