DEMS are flying hundreds of thousands of illegals from their country DIRECTLY into unnamed US airports.

Thank you for proving that your OP is a filthy lie

This is from the very first line of your attachment , from the anti immigrant Center for Immigration Studies

The CBS article that you now posts states:

They are not "inadmissible " as the OP states. They are part of an assylm program and have been vetted prior to being admitted. Many more are turned back or face stricter rules for entry if they just show up at the boarder .It is part of a wider border stratagy. STOP LYING
Bullshit. It isn't any different than the 2 minute rubber stamp "immigration process" setup at the border by the traitor Myorkas. Just because the Democrats manufacture a phony "immigration" process doesn't make it valid or safe. Just like calling J6 an insurrection doesn't make it an insurrection. You Democrat minions are so gullible you will believe anything your Marxist Leaders shovel out.
Who gave these assholes permission to blow trillions of US taxpayer money against our will? They should all be charged with treason.
And not merely “blowing” our taxpayer money - using it to bring in illegals who will take resources away from our citizens and lower the caliber of the country.

We are being forced to pay to harm ourselves.
So yes, the taxpayers are funding a travel agency for illegals which is run by Biden.

Lets recap . I documented, in detail, with references, in at least 3 posts (5, 7, 13) how and why the op is a lie.

Then you (post 16) pose this inane codswallop “ Why don't you attempt to make a coherent argument on your own?” Seriously? If you think that what I had previously said was incoherent, you clearly have issues with reading comprehension. I then redirected you to those aforementioned posts incase you missed them

So what do you do? Once again you display your willful ignorance and incuriosity by continuing to ignore the facts that I posted, and, instead, make some moronic crack about a tax payer funded travel agency

Clearly you have no knowledge of or interest (or ability) in understanding the issue of asylum which is mandated by Federal law and allows the government to accommodate certain people fleeing their homelands. That’s right Biden is following the law and encouraging migrants to seek safe and lawful pathways to legal entry

Here is one more chance to see if you can learn something. I am not betting on it

Obtaining Asylum in the United States | USCI
Lets recap . I documented, in detail, with references, in at least 3 posts (5, 7, 13) how and why the op is a lie.

Then you (post 16) pose this inane codswallop “ Why don't you attempt to make a coherent argument on your own?” Seriously? If you think that what I had previously said was incoherent, you clearly have issues with reading comprehension. I then redirected you to those aforementioned posts incase you missed them

So what do you do? Once again you display your willful ignorance and incuriosity by continuing to ignore the facts that I posted, and, instead, make some moronic crack about a tax payer funded travel agency

Clearly you have no knowledge of or interest (or ability) in understanding the issue of asylum which is mandated by Federal law and allows the government to accommodate certain people fleeing their homelands. That’s right Biden is following the law and encouraging migrants to seek safe and lawful pathways to legal entry

Here is one more chance to see if you can learn something. I am not betting on it

Obtaining Asylum in the United States | USCI
Let’s recap.

Before you hope to lecture anyone, you should take the time to understand the subject matter.

“CBP One also has muddled the asylum process. At no point does the app ask users “Are you seeking asylum?” Those arriving for the CBP One appointments are given no interviews and asked no questions about vulnerabilities they listed in the app or about why they’re seeking asylum in the U.S.—they’re simply released into the country on official parole.”

" Fools Bantering Anti-Racist Racist Propaganda From Sectarian Supremacists "

* Self Effacing Gullibility For Carrying Capacity Gluttony *

Qanon and MAGA are the downfall of America.
If you think that irish boy is not tithing catholic bishops from us budgets who are inundating the us with illegal migrants , you might think again , because the theistic humanism communists have been filing their coffers and orchestrating a scheme - , and the whole he sea could care less about 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own .
" Psychology Of Politics "

* Keeping America Great *

We have reached a sad point in our history when "Make America Great Again' is viewed as evil.
A make america great again must begin with a premise that america is not currently great , and that is currently not a self perception for much of america , though principles and goals of us republic continue to be challenged .

* Simile Of Pause *

There is too close of a linguistic relationship , by homonym , between the anagram maga and the term maggot , for the think tank estimates to be idealized .
" Few And Far Between And Usually Part Of The Problem Looking To Recreate It Elsewhere "

* Seek Asylum Closer Among Your Own *

Clearly you have no knowledge of or interest (or ability) in understanding the issue of asylum which is mandated by Federal law and allows the government to accommodate certain people fleeing their homelands. That’s right Biden is following the law and encouraging migrants to seek safe and lawful pathways to legal entry
Obtaining Asylum in the United States | USCI
Why is a latin america problem a us problem , by the millions ?

Why is latin america incapable of granting asylum to their own ?

Are you stating the the entirety of latin america is incapable of granting asylum and protection the peoples of its continent ?

Why is latin ameica being allowed to use the us as a dumping ground for its problems ?

" Economic Liberals Are Free Market Globalists Without Allegiance To Us Financial Or Social Solvency "

* Psychosis Manipulated By Libertarian Globalists And Sanctimonious Sacrosancts *

The Dems / Socialists see millions of low / non skilled, un / undereducated, government dependent minions as a voter base.
Why is latin america not able to take care of its own and why is latin america not being admonished by the theistic and atheistic humanists to take care of their own peoples ?

No latin american country allows the sale of its own lands to non citizens , and residence by foreign nationals stipulates a minimum net investment as a precondition , thus the latin american governments are shifting the gluttonly of over indulgence of its populations and the expenses for its least financially able peoples onto citizens of the united states .

When was the last time a rating of government stability for latin american countries was provided to the us peoples to indicate where targeted support can be provided for stable government and eventual repatriation of those peoples ?

The theistic humanism driving population gluttonly , and over extension of carrying capacity for environment and economy , provide as an excuse for poverty it manifests , that its ideology is based on the asceticisms of communism and abstinence .


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