DEMS are flying hundreds of thousands of illegals from their country DIRECTLY into unnamed US airports.

While we watch in horror at the daily invasion of our country through the Southern Border, Biden and the Democrats have authorized DIRECT FLIGHTS from various foreign countries straight into airports around the country. Which airports? No one knows because the Democrats refuse to provide any information about this illegal program. Whatever you think about the illegal immigrant invasion, it's much worse than you imagine.

If this isnt a cause for impeachment, nothing is. Make that a cause for imprisonment.
You are full of shit as usual

First of all,,,,,,,,

In addition....

1. Post destroyed by use of the most idiotic source in the world (Politifact)

2. Biased or not, over the years CIS has been found to be extremely accurate.
Wipe the spit off of your chin and read what I posted. If you can't understand any of it get a stable genious to help you. Your op implies that refugees are being flown into the US interior from their countries of origin to bypass immigration. THAT IS A LIE.
It doesnt "imply" it, it SAYS it,..... and truthfully - YOU stop lying.
Your histrionics do not become you. More of that unsecured border bullshit. You are in serious need of deprograming, not to mention an education in history . I said that immigrants built this country . And when I speak of a path to citizenship I am not advocating mass amnesty. Where do you get that shit from? I am talking about people like the “dreamers” who are essentially Americans but at risk of deportation. I am talking about others who may be undocumented but have proven themselves to be people who have something to contribute to this country. Your problem is that you just hate immigrants

Your nonsense claims are tragically misguided. When you Dems / Socialists speak of mass amnesty, it’s entirely aimed at generating minions as a Dems/ Socialist voter base.

You presume that others are obligated to pay for the “contribution” of illegals.

  • At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.

  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.

  • In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.

  • Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year ($957 after factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens).

  • Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.

Please email the NY taxpayers and tell them how privileged they are to host the illegals who contribute so much.

Your problem is that you hate yourself and everyone around you.
While we watch in horror at the daily invasion of our country through the Southern Border, Biden and the Democrats have authorized DIRECT FLIGHTS from various foreign countries straight into airports around the country. Which airports? No one knows because the Democrats refuse to provide any information about this illegal program. Whatever you think about the illegal immigrant invasion, it's much worse than you imagine.

Marxist Minion sez wut? Politifact started as an independent verifier of bias but like most organizations it is suffering from Leftist creep. It is well known that since Covid hit, Politifact has gone in the tank for the Democrats. I'm probably wasting my time, I doubt you are even an American.
Politifact is a JOKE >>

Now its claiming that Biden did not fly thousands of illegal aliens into US cities. OMG. Everybody in the world knows he did, and still is doing it. Maybe they would like to explain how my rent went from $600/mo to $850/mo instantaneously, and 3 yrs later, is now $1300/mo.

Biden's Illegals saturated the rental housing market.
Biden is famous for doing things ILLEGAL right in front of cellphone cameras. He either sees himself as above the law, or he's too stupid to even know that he's breaking it.

Thank you for proving that your OP is a filthy lie

This is from the very first line of your attachment , from the anti immigrant Center for Immigration Studies

The CBS article that you now posts states:

They are not "inadmissible " as the OP states. They are part of an assylm program and have been vetted prior to being admitted. Many more are turned back or face stricter rules for entry if they just show up at the boarder .It is part of a wider border stratagy. STOP LYING
And you got this from what ? Where ? A dream you had last night ?
We have reached a sad point in our history woke is viewed as evil.
The fact that you dont see it as evil, shows how detatched from reality you are. You don't realize it, but every time you speak, you dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole. :dig:

I was a far left loonie like you, for 40 years. Eventually I climbed out of it, and can see clearly now. You can't.
" Psychology Of Politics "

* Keeping America Great *

A make america great again must begin with a premise that america is not currently great , and that is currently not a self perception for much of america , though principles and goals of us republic continue to be challenged .

* Simile Of Pause *

There is too close of a linguistic relationship , by homonym , between the anagram maga and the term maggot , for the think tank estimates to be idealized .
The term Make America Great Again arose during the 2016 presidential campaign, and referred to the awful SINKING GDP economy of Obama, his support of black rioting, his support of th Muslim Brotherhood (giving them govt jobs), and his support for racist anti-white Affirmative Action.

Electing a black Democrat was a LESSON for America. I hope we learned it.

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