Dems Beg Biden: Open U.S. Borders to Flood of Afghan Refugees


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
What a change an election makes.

---Democrats and mass migration activists are pleading with President Joe Biden to open the United States’ borders to a flood of Afghans.---

Canada committed to 20,000 refugees.

As with Syria and Iraq, Europe will get the brunt of this humanitarian disaster.

What are WE offerring? If Biden doesn't open up the process and at least get people out and safe while we process them, I am done with him. He can join Trump in the dumpster. We are responsible for the way this went down. Listening to veterans talking about this, listening to politicians blame the Afghans....just tears

"if we preserve anything we need to preserve human life so they can keep building"

Kristen Rouse
Iraq and Afganistan Veterans of America

Photo shows a US Air Force cargo plane crammed with 640 Afghans trying to flee the Taliban​

Canada committed to 20,000 refugees.

As with Syria and Iraq, Europe will get the brunt of this humanitarian disaster.

What are WE offerring? If Biden doesn't open up the process and at least get people out and safe while we process them, I am done with him. He can join Trump in the dumpster. We are responsible for the way this went down. Listening to veterans talking about this, listening to politicians blame the Afghans....just tears

"if we preserve anything we need to preserve human life so they can keep building"

Kristen Rouse
Iraq and Afganistan Veterans of America

What about 20 years of training and military equipment and billions of tax payer dollars, if their '300,000' troops and elected government couldn't stand up against the taliban and fight for their own country, then what happens is their own fault. Us leaving is just putting them back to where they were 20 years ago, leaving them as we found them.
What about 20 years of training and military equipment and billions of tax payer dollars, if their '300,000' troops and elected government couldn't stand up against the taliban and fight for their own country, then what happens is their own fault. Us leaving is just putting them back to where they were 20 years ago, leaving them as we found them.
All good questions.
That is all we need. A shitload of fucking Muslims. The Illegals crossing the border ain't enough for those jackasses.

I am all for taking the people that helped us our of harms way but we don't have to bring them here. We have more than enough diversity.

I am looking for those shitheads in the Dufus adminstration to bring in a million or so goddamn Haitians because of the earthquake. That is all we fucking need.
That is all we need. A shitload of fucking Muslims. The Illegals crossing the border ain't enough for those jackasses.

I am all for taking the people that helped us our of harms way but we don't have to bring them here. We have more than enough diversity.

I am looking for those shitheads in the Dufus adminstration to bring in a million or so goddamn Haitians because of the earthquake. That is all we fucking need.

Britain will take 20, 000.

One mustn’t forget Afghanistan was an allied operation.
What a change an election makes.

---Democrats and mass migration activists are pleading with President Joe Biden to open the United States’ borders to a flood of Afghans.---

Right on cue. The Trumpistas wanted to abandon our Afghan allies, and now they don't want them here.
Canada committed to 20,000 refugees.

As with Syria and Iraq, Europe will get the brunt of this humanitarian disaster.

What are WE offerring? If Biden doesn't open up the process and at least get people out and safe while we process them, I am done with him. He can join Trump in the dumpster. We are responsible for the way this went down. Listening to veterans talking about this, listening to politicians blame the Afghans....just tears

"if we preserve anything we need to preserve human life so they can keep building"

Kristen Rouse
Iraq and Afganistan Veterans of America
now since this is something *we* had a direct hand in *and* these people will likely be killed if they stay, then yes amnesty fits the situation.

it's an unholy mess right now but i wish people would work on getting people out - bitching at each other later.

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