Dems Concede Battle on Trump- Turn on Themselves


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Well if it keeps them occupied then there's no harm it.

Hillary Clinton has launched an astonishing attack on Bernie Sanders

Petty and nasty are not terms alien to those who have closely observed The Democrat Party's failed 2016 candidate's career. In a way it's nice to see their use validated by the latest assault on kind, gentle, Nutty Old Uncle Bernie by The Queen of Mean:

“When I finally challenged Bernie during a debate to name a single time I changed a position or a vote because of a financial contribution, he couldn't come up with anything,” Ms Clinton said. “Nonetheless, his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign.”

While Mr Sanders eventually campaigned for Ms Clinton following his defeat in the primaries, Ms Clinton did not hold back in her book, comparing the senator to the “deranged hitchhiker” in the 1998 Ben Stiller movie There’s Something About Mary.

It seems so downright twee to see a brain-damaged near-psycho using terms like "deranged hitchhiker". Now before you get your liberal panties in a twist, remember the source is a British newspaper. So by way of translation, "twee" means cloyingly sweet....a pseudo-word formed by the way drooling infants often pronounce the proper word "sweet".

Keep up the good work, Hillary, and the bumbling fools who "lead" The Democrat Party will nominate you again for 2020. T'is a consumation devoutely to be wisht!
The clintons will back terry mccaullife in 2020....they want back in power anyway they can. She is throwing Bernie under the bus if he decides to run again
They way things are twisting today I could seen Clinton v. Trump in 2020. With Trump as the Democrat candidate and, if she can shift far enough left, Hillary as the "mainstream" Republican standard-bearess.

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