Dems Delay Anti-Semitism Bill, Seek To Add Anti-Muslim Bias To Silence Omar Criticism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democratic Party has been pushing an Anti-Semitism Bill to demonstrate they do not support the anti-Semitic comments made by newly-elected D-Omar, who the party has already rebuked publicly for her comments.

After a new wave of anti-Semitic comments made by the Muslim Democrat and widespread criticism of her, to include calls for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to remove Omar from the Foreign Relations Committee, the Democrats have are delaying a vote on their Anti-Semitic legislation.

The legislation is already little more than a 'CYA Political Theater' move to separate the Democratic Party from the anti-Semitism Dems Omar and Tlaib, a newly elected female Muslim Palestinian who shares Omar's anti-Semitic views. Now, however, their own legislation is being hijacked by supporters / defenders of Omar and by those who would defend her anti-Semitic views / remarks who now have an agenda:

The Democrats delaying the Anti-Semitism bill want 'Anti-Muslim' be added to the bill.

If passed, in the future - should Tlaib, Omar, or anyone else spew offensive and / or anti-Semitic rhetoric, this bill would provide the Democrats / Muslims the bs justification to call future criticism and rebuke of those Muslims an 'Anti-Muslim' offense.

Snowflakes may shake their heads and think 'No Way' but even they know this to be true!

Resolution Against Anti-Semitism Delayed Because Dems Want it Expanded to Include This...

'It turns out that some Democrats refuse to consider the resolution until it is expanded to include language that condemns anti-Muslim bias as well. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly capitulated.'

@SpeakerPelosi confirms she talked to Omar over the weekend and that resolution will be expanded to tackle anti-Muslim bias:
"There will be a vote this week and we will see what it is when we are finished writing it," she told reporters.
— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope)
March 6, 2019

'In what is becoming the norm with Rep. Omar, when it came time to face the cameras, she suddenly had nothing to say about her recent anti-Semitic comments.'


Making it a crime to call out this piece of shit? why am I not surprised.. Nothing democrats do is up front or truthful. Anti-American POS democrats..
The Democratic Party has been pushing an Anti-Semitism Bill to demonstrate they do not support the anti-Semitic comments made by newly-elected D-Omar, who the party has already rebuked publicly for her comments.

After a new wave of anti-Semitic comments made by the Muslim Democrat and widespread criticism of her, to include calls for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to remove Omar from the Foreign Relations Committee, the Democrats have are delaying a vote on their Anti-Semitic legislation.

The legislation is already little more than a 'CYA Political Theater' move to separate the Democratic Party from the anti-Semitism Dems Omar and Tlaib, a newly elected female Muslim Palestinian who shares Omar's anti-Semitic views. Now, however, their own legislation is being hijacked by supporters / defenders of Omar and by those who would defend her anti-Semitic views / remarks who now have an agenda:

The Democrats delaying the Anti-Semitism bill want 'Anti-Muslim' be added to the bill.

If passed, in the future - should Tlaib, Omar, or anyone else spew offensive and / or anti-Semitic rhetoric, this bill would provide the Democrats / Muslims the bs justification to call future criticism and rebuke of those Muslims an 'Anti-Muslim' offense.

Snowflakes may shake their heads and think 'No Way' but even they know this to be true!

Resolution Against Anti-Semitism Delayed Because Dems Want it Expanded to Include This...

'It turns out that some Democrats refuse to consider the resolution until it is expanded to include language that condemns anti-Muslim bias as well. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly capitulated.'

@SpeakerPelosi confirms she talked to Omar over the weekend and that resolution will be expanded to tackle anti-Muslim bias:
"There will be a vote this week and we will see what it is when we are finished writing it," she told reporters.
— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope)
March 6, 2019

'In what is becoming the norm with Rep. Omar, when it came time to face the cameras, she suddenly had nothing to say about her recent anti-Semitic comments.'

They support everything AOC and Omar do. They are using those two as a Litmus Test. They are using them like a Canary in a Coal mine to test and probe what they can get away with.

They are only toning down and walking back their agenda based on public sentiment, just like when their members were toning down impeachment talk and never ending investigation talk, to get elected in 2018, then as soon as the election was over, launched their Subpoena Cannon

Omar and AOC are the physical representations of The Democrat Agenda. Make no mistake about that.

Banning Criticism of ISLAM is SHARIA LAW. So the evidence of what I just said above, is in the VERY BILL they are promoting. It's a Trojan Horse, and misnomer, a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
It’s interesting to me because the democrats need Jews more than Muslims, but a lot of their constituents are Muslim sympathizers. I hope this is the final straw that breaks the camels back and causes Jews to leave the democratic plantation.
Banning Criticism of ISLAM is SHARIA LAW. So the evidence of what I just said above, is in the VERY BILL they are promoting. It's a Trojan Horse, and misnomer, a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
We have a Winner...

This is precisely what they are doing. They are using the Antisemitism bill to enact Sharia Law.. This violates the US Constitution and every one of their oaths. Anyone who votes for this is voting against America and voting to end our Constitutional form of self-government.
Banning Criticism of ISLAM is SHARIA LAW. So the evidence of what I just said above, is in the VERY BILL they are promoting. It's a Trojan Horse, and misnomer, a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
We have a Winner...

This is precisely what they are doing. They are using the Antisemitism bill to enact Sharia Law.. This violates the US Constitution and every one of their oaths. Anyone who votes for this is voting against America and voting to end our Constitutional form of self-government.

Bills like that should not even be voted on. Neither should The New Green Jihad be voted on. Just 10 Traitor Republicans could vote for that, and it'd be Veto Proof, and Poof, America is up in smoke.
Banning Criticism of ISLAM is SHARIA LAW. So the evidence of what I just said above, is in the VERY BILL they are promoting. It's a Trojan Horse, and misnomer, a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
We have a Winner...

This is precisely what they are doing. They are using the Antisemitism bill to enact Sharia Law.. This violates the US Constitution and every one of their oaths. Anyone who votes for this is voting against America and voting to end our Constitutional form of self-government.

Bills like that should not even be voted on. Neither should The New Green Jihad be voted on. Just 10 Traitor Republicans could vote for that, and it'd be Veto Proof, and Poof, America is up in smoke.
Everything they are putting forth is destructive to our Constitution and our form of government. We stand and fight now or we deal with a shooting war later.
Nope. Siding with America's enemies is. There's more here than her attitude toward the Jews.
Which means her hatred for Jews is not political but a separate issue from political views, which have formed i npart as a result of hatred for Jews.

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