Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

I am. That's why I vote Republican. I vote for the party fighting to keep foreign people from coming here and taking our jobs away, reducing our ability to get jobs we like and pay increases.

I was, but things are looking brighter now that this is the last year I had to pay Commie Care fines and bringing home more pay in my paycheck thanks to Trump.

Everybody who works should.

Only if I want to see more foreigners in this country, less jobs, more government stealing my money, more government stealing my bosses money, more regulation and intrusive government.

They are not really fighting to keep foreigners out. Not permanently. Truth is we need them. You’ll see. This is all theater. If they were serious they’d go after illegal employers like they used to do.

Just let me know how much more you saved next year. I bet it’s negligible. Me I just tucked away $20k in a 13 month cd. Only getting 2.8%. Sucks. Hard to get ahead this way. I miss the good old days.

My dad wanted a home so he took a 12% mortgage. He hurried up and paid the house off. And if he foreclosed the bank made their money. If you want a home you’ll take the loan. And the banks will be glad to give these loans. No more being denied a mortgage if you can pay the interest.

Like republicans said on Obama’s watch, take the fucking training wheels off!

Yes, the Republicans are fighting to keep the foreigners out. Or were you asleep earlier when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over a border wall?

If the attempts by Trump to stop the flow of illegals were not stopped by Democrats, they were stopped by Democrat appointed activist judges. That was further supported by Democrat cities and states reinforcing their Sanctuary status. Trump withheld federal money from those places, but again, stopped by a leftist activist judge.

And what makes you think this administration is not going after employers--because CNN told you so?

Since Trump took office, ICE has been raiding places that were known for hiring illegals. Those employers were held accountable. Would you like me to post those places and the penalties those companies received; some in the millions of dollars or prison time? So Trump is doing exactly what you said he isn't doing. This of course with the exception of Democrat cities where the Mayor warns illegals ahead of time of the upcoming raids.

If you are blaming Trump or anybody else for your lack of acumen with investments, I suggest you explore the many investment opportunities that will yield you more than 3%. You can invest in rental property. Trust me, I've been a landlord for over 25 years. This market has never been better. I would also suggest stocks which (even though slow right now) are doing better than 3%. Or perhaps an investment in the commodity market which has various fund managed plans that can earn you much more than 3%.

Mind you, all these better investments contain higher risks, but also higher returns if you're willing to do more than buy near worthless CDs. If you like, I can give you the name of our company that handles our IRA investments. They are doing wonders for my account.
Trump should try legal tactics
/——/ He just did. He’s suing and seeking injunctions. Trump sues to block Democrats’ subpoena for financial information

You idiots got conned and you love it! You got duped by an idiot. But to you that's a good thing. You think you have one of your own in there because he's stupid like you.

Trump just knows how to talk to idiots like you and to give you a little of what you want. Which aint much. Look at poor people in red states. They don't need much to be won over.

Michael Cohen revealed that, under the direction of President Trump, he had sent letters to Trump’s high schools, colleges and the College Board (creator of the SAT), threatening them with legal action and jail time if they ever released Trump’s academic records. Cohen provided a record of one such letter sent to the president of Fordham University, which Trump attended for two years before transferring to complete his undergraduate degree at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Trump’s high school has confirmed receiving an identical letter, while the University of Pennsylvania and the College Board declined to comment. It’s worth mentioning that letters like this are entirely unnecessary—under FERPA, disclosing academic records without the student’s written permission is pretty much the most illegal thing you can do with those records. Still, there are a few reasons why it makes sense that Trump would have been so concerned about his transcripts and standardized test scores being released.

So why?

Trump Criticized Obama’s Academic Record, But His Is Similar

Trump Lied About Graduating “First In His Class”
/——/ You libtards love calling Trump an idiot but if Hildabeast was sooooo smart why didn’t she run a tough campaign?
So what happens when you die early with no dependents? And from what I understand, the spouse only gets a fraction of her (or his) spouses SS check. That's besides the fact most spouses have their own SS account, and them benefiting off their spouses benefits only drains the system even faster.

Social Security is a long-term Ponzi scheme. Eventually, people in the end are going to lose out because there won't be any money left.
If a person dies prior to retirement, leaving a spouse and or dependent children both the spouse and the children receive survivor benefits. Yes, it is a fraction of the accumulated benefits but a large one.

My daughter with 4 kids lost her husband 6 years ago. The total survivor benefit for her and the kids was just short of $55,000 a year. They have received that amount for 6 years. This year it will go down because one child has reached age 18. Without that benefit, the family would have lost their home, my daughter would have had 2 jobs and would have never been able to raise her kids properly, complete her education, and have the good paying job she has today.

Survivor benefits as well as disability benefits are huge benefits to working class families. You won't find any mutual fund family providing those benefits nor any guarantee of any specific benefit. It all depends on financial markets.

If you die when retired, your spouse has the option of drawing your retirement or hers, depending on which is greater.

You keep thinking of social security as a retirement plan. It is not. It is neither a retirement plan nor a pension plan. It's a government program providing economic security for millions of Americans—retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers. It is financed by employee and employer contributions.

Without Social Security millions of Americans would make no provisions for disability, survivor benefits for spouse and family, and subsistence in old age. Government would have to provide assistance leaving the taxpayer on the hook.

Retirement plans that take into account social security is the best answer to a problem we all face, growing older and the possibly of disability or death leaving our families with no financial support.

The tax benefits of retirement plans coupled with employer contributions make it possible for every working American to have a secure retirement and depending on financial markets, a very comfortable retirement.
Middle class republicans really hav no business voting republican. Theyre fucking themselves just to stop other people from having abortions. Or because they think gays blacks and immigrants are invading.

Meanwhile republicans are going to pass the policies that spoil their hopes of ever retiring.
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
Hey, bobo -- you seem to be deliberately pretending my post doesn't exist.

Why should I vote for a party that hates me?
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

There was no hoax you pathetic freak.

Now be a good boy and read the report instead of spreading trumpian BS

and it took you what? 10 days to read it??? Must have been very difficult for you to understand because...…..THERE IS NO TRUMP COLLUSION. The report said it, Mueller said it, Barr said it...…...

the Dems knew it before the investigation ever started but demanded it happen anyway, because they didn't want to believe they were so wrong to endorse Hillary and lose...……...that's called a hoax..
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

There was no hoax you pathetic freak.

Now be a good boy and read the report instead of spreading trumpian BS
Mueller admitted it was a hoax, you pathetic brain damaged dingbat.
He never said any such thing you lying piece of trash
If a person dies prior to retirement, leaving a spouse and or dependent children both the spouse and the children receive survivor benefits. Yes, it is a fraction of the accumulated benefits but a large one.

My daughter with 4 kids lost her husband 6 years ago. The total survivor benefit for her and the kids was just short of $55,000 a year. They have received that amount for 6 years. This year it will go down because one child has reached age 18. Without that benefit, the family would have lost their home, my daughter would have had 2 jobs and would have never been able to raise her kids properly, complete her education, and have the good paying job she has today.

Survivor benefits as well as disability benefits are huge benefits to working class families. You won't find any mutual fund family providing those benefits nor any guarantee of any specific benefit. It all depends on financial markets.

If you die when retired, your spouse has the option of drawing your retirement or hers, depending on which is greater.

You keep thinking of social security as a retirement plan. It is not. It is neither a retirement plan nor a pension plan. It's a government program providing economic security for millions of Americans—retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers. It is financed by employee and employer contributions.

Without Social Security millions of Americans would make no provisions for disability, survivor benefits for spouse and family, and subsistence in old age. Government would have to provide assistance leaving the taxpayer on the hook.

Retirement plans that take into account social security is the best answer to a problem we all face, growing older and the possibly of disability or death leaving our families with no financial support.

The tax benefits of retirement plans coupled with employer contributions make it possible for every working American to have a secure retirement and depending on financial markets, a very comfortable retirement.
Middle class republicans really hav no business voting republican. Theyre fucking themselves just to stop other people from having abortions. Or because they think gays blacks and immigrants are invading.

Meanwhile republicans are going to pass the policies that spoil their hopes of ever retiring.
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
Hey, bobo -- you seem to be deliberately pretending my post doesn't exist.

Why should I vote for a party that hates me?
Are you admitting you’re a vile bigot?
They are not really fighting to keep foreigners out. Not permanently. Truth is we need them. You’ll see. This is all theater. If they were serious they’d go after illegal employers like they used to do.

Just let me know how much more you saved next year. I bet it’s negligible. Me I just tucked away $20k in a 13 month cd. Only getting 2.8%. Sucks. Hard to get ahead this way. I miss the good old days.

My dad wanted a home so he took a 12% mortgage. He hurried up and paid the house off. And if he foreclosed the bank made their money. If you want a home you’ll take the loan. And the banks will be glad to give these loans. No more being denied a mortgage if you can pay the interest.

Like republicans said on Obama’s watch, take the fucking training wheels off!

Yes, the Republicans are fighting to keep the foreigners out. Or were you asleep earlier when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over a border wall?

If the attempts by Trump to stop the flow of illegals were not stopped by Democrats, they were stopped by Democrat appointed activist judges. That was further supported by Democrat cities and states reinforcing their Sanctuary status. Trump withheld federal money from those places, but again, stopped by a leftist activist judge.

And what makes you think this administration is not going after employers--because CNN told you so?

Since Trump took office, ICE has been raiding places that were known for hiring illegals. Those employers were held accountable. Would you like me to post those places and the penalties those companies received; some in the millions of dollars or prison time? So Trump is doing exactly what you said he isn't doing. This of course with the exception of Democrat cities where the Mayor warns illegals ahead of time of the upcoming raids.

If you are blaming Trump or anybody else for your lack of acumen with investments, I suggest you explore the many investment opportunities that will yield you more than 3%. You can invest in rental property. Trust me, I've been a landlord for over 25 years. This market has never been better. I would also suggest stocks which (even though slow right now) are doing better than 3%. Or perhaps an investment in the commodity market which has various fund managed plans that can earn you much more than 3%.

Mind you, all these better investments contain higher risks, but also higher returns if you're willing to do more than buy near worthless CDs. If you like, I can give you the name of our company that handles our IRA investments. They are doing wonders for my account.
Trump and his band of merry men, are fighting to keep immigrants out. Most republicans know that immigration is vital to the future of America.

You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.
Yes, the Republicans are fighting to keep the foreigners out. Or were you asleep earlier when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over a border wall?

If the attempts by Trump to stop the flow of illegals were not stopped by Democrats, they were stopped by Democrat appointed activist judges. That was further supported by Democrat cities and states reinforcing their Sanctuary status. Trump withheld federal money from those places, but again, stopped by a leftist activist judge.

And what makes you think this administration is not going after employers--because CNN told you so?

Since Trump took office, ICE has been raiding places that were known for hiring illegals. Those employers were held accountable. Would you like me to post those places and the penalties those companies received; some in the millions of dollars or prison time? So Trump is doing exactly what you said he isn't doing. This of course with the exception of Democrat cities where the Mayor warns illegals ahead of time of the upcoming raids.

If you are blaming Trump or anybody else for your lack of acumen with investments, I suggest you explore the many investment opportunities that will yield you more than 3%. You can invest in rental property. Trust me, I've been a landlord for over 25 years. This market has never been better. I would also suggest stocks which (even though slow right now) are doing better than 3%. Or perhaps an investment in the commodity market which has various fund managed plans that can earn you much more than 3%.

Mind you, all these better investments contain higher risks, but also higher returns if you're willing to do more than buy near worthless CDs. If you like, I can give you the name of our company that handles our IRA investments. They are doing wonders for my account.
Trump and his band of merry men, are fighting to keep immigrants out. Most republicans know that immigration is vital to the future of America.

You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.

That's actually true on her side. However her overage was due to California, and we all know who lives there.

On the Republican side, we are different than Democrats. Democrats vote on people like a popularity contest more than issues. We on the right focus on issues more so the glitter of the candidate.

So we can agree to disagree. I think without Trump's border message, he wouldn't have even come close to the nomination.
Middle class republicans really hav no business voting republican. Theyre fucking themselves just to stop other people from having abortions. Or because they think gays blacks and immigrants are invading.

Meanwhile republicans are going to pass the policies that spoil their hopes of ever retiring.
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
Hey, bobo -- you seem to be deliberately pretending my post doesn't exist.

Why should I vote for a party that hates me?
Are you admitting you’re a vile bigot?
I'm what I said...a conservative, white, Christian veteran.

If you're claiming that makes me a vile bigot, that's only your own bigotry speaking.

Which part of me do you hate the most? My conservatism, my race, my faith, or my service in uniform?
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

There was no hoax you pathetic freak.

Now be a good boy and read the report instead of spreading trumpian BS
Mueller admitted it was a hoax, you pathetic brain damaged dingbat.
He never said any such thing you lying piece of trash
He said there was no evidence of collusion. That means it was a hoax.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

There was no hoax you pathetic freak.

Now be a good boy and read the report instead of spreading trumpian BS
Mueller admitted it was a hoax, you pathetic brain damaged dingbat.
He never said any such thing you lying piece of trash
He said there was no evidence of collusion. That means it was a hoax.

……….and 1 + 1 is ….squirrel :thup:
Trump and his band of merry men, are fighting to keep immigrants out. Most republicans know that immigration is vital to the future of America.

You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.

That's actually true on her side. However her overage was due to California, and we all know who lives there.

On the Republican side, we are different than Democrats. Democrats vote on people like a popularity contest more than issues. We on the right focus on issues more so the glitter of the candidate.

So we can agree to disagree. I think without Trump's border message, he wouldn't have even come close to the nomination.
Oh, bullshit. I was a republican for many years. I know plenty of republicans and most of them vote for the same reason democrats vote. It's their civic duty and a friend, or relative tells them to vote for one of the candidates. Most voters, democrat or republican never read the candidates platform and vote for a candidate based on one particular issue such as immigration, abortion, climate change, healthcare, the economy, or their perception of the candidates character. Plenty of republican voted for Trump for one reason, they can't stand Hillary; just as many democrats voted for Hillary because they hated Trump.
You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.

That's actually true on her side. However her overage was due to California, and we all know who lives there.

On the Republican side, we are different than Democrats. Democrats vote on people like a popularity contest more than issues. We on the right focus on issues more so the glitter of the candidate.

So we can agree to disagree. I think without Trump's border message, he wouldn't have even come close to the nomination.
Oh, bullshit. I was a republican for many years. I know plenty of republicans and most of them vote for the same reason democrats vote. It's their civic duty and a friend, or relative tells them to vote for one of the candidates. Most voters, democrat or republican never read the candidates platform and vote for a candidate based on one particular issue such as immigration, abortion, climate change, healthcare, the economy, or their perception of the candidates character. Plenty of republican voted for Trump for one reason, they can't stand Hillary; just as many democrats voted for Hillary because they hated Trump.

There is only some truth to that. We normally vote to keep the other person out more than get our person in. However I think if Jeb won the nomination, or perhaps Carson, Hillary would be our President today simply because it wouldn't have created the enthusiasm that Trump did.

I would bet my dollar to your dime that if we could do an honest survey, you would have five times as many Republican voters that understand the policies, the issues, the state of the union as you would Democrats. Do you think any of those inner-city people that vote almost entirely Democrat know one thing about these issues?

Trump sold out professional arenas. He packed every place he held a rally. Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Trump isn't good looking. He's not well liked in many areas of the country. However it's his message to save this country from invaders that brought people out in record numbers, and continue to support him today.

Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.

That's actually true on her side. However her overage was due to California, and we all know who lives there.

On the Republican side, we are different than Democrats. Democrats vote on people like a popularity contest more than issues. We on the right focus on issues more so the glitter of the candidate.

So we can agree to disagree. I think without Trump's border message, he wouldn't have even come close to the nomination.
Oh, bullshit. I was a republican for many years. I know plenty of republicans and most of them vote for the same reason democrats vote. It's their civic duty and a friend, or relative tells them to vote for one of the candidates. Most voters, democrat or republican never read the candidates platform and vote for a candidate based on one particular issue such as immigration, abortion, climate change, healthcare, the economy, or their perception of the candidates character. Plenty of republican voted for Trump for one reason, they can't stand Hillary; just as many democrats voted for Hillary because they hated Trump.

There is only some truth to that. We normally vote to keep the other person out more than get our person in. However I think if Jeb won the nomination, or perhaps Carson, Hillary would be our President today simply because it wouldn't have created the enthusiasm that Trump did.

I would bet my dollar to your dime that if we could do an honest survey, you would have five times as many Republican voters that understand the policies, the issues, the state of the union as you would Democrats. Do you think any of those inner-city people that vote almost entirely Democrat know one thing about these issues?

Trump sold out professional arenas. He packed every place he held a rally. Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Trump isn't good looking. He's not well liked in many areas of the country. However it's his message to save this country from invaders that brought people out in record numbers, and continue to support him today.

Trump's huge exaggeration of attendance at his rallies are laughable. I went to one at the Everett Arena in Washington. Republicans claimed a crowd of 19,000 when capacity was 10,000 and it wasn't even completely full.

Your perception of the demographics of republican and democrat are skewed by your beliefs. Democrats have a higher percentage of college graduates, and post graduate degrees than republicans. At the high school or less education level they are about the same. Democrats are more likely to turn out to vote and participate in local political events. When it comes to wealth, republicans are definitely over represented in the one percenters but democrats have higher average salaries. Republicans are older than democrats and are predominately White males where democrats are more representative of the American population.
Republicans believe the democrat party is 46% black when it's actually 24%. They also believe the party is 36% atheist or agnostic when it's actually 9%. Republicans believe the democratic party is 36% lesbian, gay, and bisexual but the actual figure is 6%. And when it comes to unions, you guys are way off. 44% vs an actual of 11%.
So before you start estimating and projecting based on demographics, it would be wise to see exactly what the demographics are.
1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
Voter Participation
Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats.
Last edited:
Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
What the election results tell you is which of the candidates do voters like the most or which of the candidates do voters hate the least. It is not a good guide as to voter opinion on most issues.

If we use election results to determine voter opinion on issues then we have to conclude that the majority of voters agreed with Hillary Clinton because she got the majority of the votes.

That's actually true on her side. However her overage was due to California, and we all know who lives there.

On the Republican side, we are different than Democrats. Democrats vote on people like a popularity contest more than issues. We on the right focus on issues more so the glitter of the candidate.

So we can agree to disagree. I think without Trump's border message, he wouldn't have even come close to the nomination.
Oh, bullshit. I was a republican for many years. I know plenty of republicans and most of them vote for the same reason democrats vote. It's their civic duty and a friend, or relative tells them to vote for one of the candidates. Most voters, democrat or republican never read the candidates platform and vote for a candidate based on one particular issue such as immigration, abortion, climate change, healthcare, the economy, or their perception of the candidates character. Plenty of republican voted for Trump for one reason, they can't stand Hillary; just as many democrats voted for Hillary because they hated Trump.

There is only some truth to that. We normally vote to keep the other person out more than get our person in. However I think if Jeb won the nomination, or perhaps Carson, Hillary would be our President today simply because it wouldn't have created the enthusiasm that Trump did.

I would bet my dollar to your dime that if we could do an honest survey, you would have five times as many Republican voters that understand the policies, the issues, the state of the union as you would Democrats. Do you think any of those inner-city people that vote almost entirely Democrat know one thing about these issues?

Trump sold out professional arenas. He packed every place he held a rally. Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Trump isn't good looking. He's not well liked in many areas of the country. However it's his message to save this country from invaders that brought people out in record numbers, and continue to support him today.

Your perception of the demographics of republican and democrat are skewed by your beliefs. Democrats have a higher percentage of college graduates, and post graduate degrees than republicans. At the high school or less education level they are about the same. Democrats are more likely to turn out to vote. When it comes to wealth, republicans are definitely over represented in the one percenters but democrats have higher average salaries. Republicans are older than democrats and are predominately White males where democrats are more representative of the American population.
Republicans believe the democrat party is 46% black when it's actually 24%. They also believe the party is 36% atheist or agnostic when it's actually 9%. Republicans believe the democratic party is 36% lesbian, gay, and bisexual but the actual figure is 6%. And when it comes to unions, you guys are way off. 44% vs an actual of 11%.
So before you start estimating and projecting based on demographics, it would be wise to see exactly what the demographics are.
1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
Voter Participation
Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats.
Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats.

So more college kids means they know more about politics?

You don't need to go to college to understand the history, the parties, or their goals. You need to pay attention to current events.

Yeah, Democrats are more likely to turn out the vote. That's why Democrats are now taking aim at allowing felons and even prisoners in jail to vote. They have also suggested we lower the voting age to 16, because most 16 year olds don't know anything about current events or politics. They want voting to be a week long event instead of one day. They offer rides to the polls. They are fighting Voter-ID because getting an ID takes a little effort; effort their welfare recipients won't exert.

Democrats heavily rely on the uneducated voters. The worst enemy a Democrat has is a politically educated voter. And over 95% of blacks vote Democrat every election.
The only thing I got out of this Russia business was recall of Armand Hammer, head of Occidental Petroleum, who was buddy-buddy with the Russians years ago and had a name that made me think of baking soda,
They are not really fighting to keep foreigners out. Not permanently. Truth is we need them. You’ll see. This is all theater. If they were serious they’d go after illegal employers like they used to do.

Just let me know how much more you saved next year. I bet it’s negligible. Me I just tucked away $20k in a 13 month cd. Only getting 2.8%. Sucks. Hard to get ahead this way. I miss the good old days.

My dad wanted a home so he took a 12% mortgage. He hurried up and paid the house off. And if he foreclosed the bank made their money. If you want a home you’ll take the loan. And the banks will be glad to give these loans. No more being denied a mortgage if you can pay the interest.

Like republicans said on Obama’s watch, take the fucking training wheels off!

Yes, the Republicans are fighting to keep the foreigners out. Or were you asleep earlier when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over a border wall?

If the attempts by Trump to stop the flow of illegals were not stopped by Democrats, they were stopped by Democrat appointed activist judges. That was further supported by Democrat cities and states reinforcing their Sanctuary status. Trump withheld federal money from those places, but again, stopped by a leftist activist judge.

And what makes you think this administration is not going after employers--because CNN told you so?

Since Trump took office, ICE has been raiding places that were known for hiring illegals. Those employers were held accountable. Would you like me to post those places and the penalties those companies received; some in the millions of dollars or prison time? So Trump is doing exactly what you said he isn't doing. This of course with the exception of Democrat cities where the Mayor warns illegals ahead of time of the upcoming raids.

If you are blaming Trump or anybody else for your lack of acumen with investments, I suggest you explore the many investment opportunities that will yield you more than 3%. You can invest in rental property. Trust me, I've been a landlord for over 25 years. This market has never been better. I would also suggest stocks which (even though slow right now) are doing better than 3%. Or perhaps an investment in the commodity market which has various fund managed plans that can earn you much more than 3%.

Mind you, all these better investments contain higher risks, but also higher returns if you're willing to do more than buy near worthless CDs. If you like, I can give you the name of our company that handles our IRA investments. They are doing wonders for my account.
Trump and his band of merry men, are fighting to keep immigrants out. Most republicans know that immigration is vital to the future of America.

You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
So when republicans flood the market with low wage workers because the corporations want that, you’ll blame us.

Worry about rinos. Or are you the rino? Your party is divided.

All trump has to tell you is we need them and you’ll Chang your tune.
So what happens when you die early with no dependents? And from what I understand, the spouse only gets a fraction of her (or his) spouses SS check. That's besides the fact most spouses have their own SS account, and them benefiting off their spouses benefits only drains the system even faster.

Social Security is a long-term Ponzi scheme. Eventually, people in the end are going to lose out because there won't be any money left.
If a person dies prior to retirement, leaving a spouse and or dependent children both the spouse and the children receive survivor benefits. Yes, it is a fraction of the accumulated benefits but a large one.

My daughter with 4 kids lost her husband 6 years ago. The total survivor benefit for her and the kids was just short of $55,000 a year. They have received that amount for 6 years. This year it will go down because one child has reached age 18. Without that benefit, the family would have lost their home, my daughter would have had 2 jobs and would have never been able to raise her kids properly, complete her education, and have the good paying job she has today.

Survivor benefits as well as disability benefits are huge benefits to working class families. You won't find any mutual fund family providing those benefits nor any guarantee of any specific benefit. It all depends on financial markets.

If you die when retired, your spouse has the option of drawing your retirement or hers, depending on which is greater.

You keep thinking of social security as a retirement plan. It is not. It is neither a retirement plan nor a pension plan. It's a government program providing economic security for millions of Americans—retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers. It is financed by employee and employer contributions.

Without Social Security millions of Americans would make no provisions for disability, survivor benefits for spouse and family, and subsistence in old age. Government would have to provide assistance leaving the taxpayer on the hook.

Retirement plans that take into account social security is the best answer to a problem we all face, growing older and the possibly of disability or death leaving our families with no financial support.

The tax benefits of retirement plans coupled with employer contributions make it possible for every working American to have a secure retirement and depending on financial markets, a very comfortable retirement.
Middle class republicans really hav no business voting republican. Theyre fucking themselves just to stop other people from having abortions. Or because they think gays blacks and immigrants are invading.

Meanwhile republicans are going to pass the policies that spoil their hopes of ever retiring.
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
The gop says you got it too good. Cuts to your social security, Medicare etc
If a person dies prior to retirement, leaving a spouse and or dependent children both the spouse and the children receive survivor benefits. Yes, it is a fraction of the accumulated benefits but a large one.

My daughter with 4 kids lost her husband 6 years ago. The total survivor benefit for her and the kids was just short of $55,000 a year. They have received that amount for 6 years. This year it will go down because one child has reached age 18. Without that benefit, the family would have lost their home, my daughter would have had 2 jobs and would have never been able to raise her kids properly, complete her education, and have the good paying job she has today.

Survivor benefits as well as disability benefits are huge benefits to working class families. You won't find any mutual fund family providing those benefits nor any guarantee of any specific benefit. It all depends on financial markets.

If you die when retired, your spouse has the option of drawing your retirement or hers, depending on which is greater.

You keep thinking of social security as a retirement plan. It is not. It is neither a retirement plan nor a pension plan. It's a government program providing economic security for millions of Americans—retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers. It is financed by employee and employer contributions.

Without Social Security millions of Americans would make no provisions for disability, survivor benefits for spouse and family, and subsistence in old age. Government would have to provide assistance leaving the taxpayer on the hook.

Retirement plans that take into account social security is the best answer to a problem we all face, growing older and the possibly of disability or death leaving our families with no financial support.

The tax benefits of retirement plans coupled with employer contributions make it possible for every working American to have a secure retirement and depending on financial markets, a very comfortable retirement.
Middle class republicans really hav no business voting republican. Theyre fucking themselves just to stop other people from having abortions. Or because they think gays blacks and immigrants are invading.

Meanwhile republicans are going to pass the policies that spoil their hopes of ever retiring.
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
Hey, bobo -- you seem to be deliberately pretending my post doesn't exist.

Why should I vote for a party that hates me?
It doesn’t hate you it just doesn’t hate everyone else with you
It’s obvious. Are you middle class? Are you struggling to save? Then keep voting republican. That will change.

Let me know when you’ve maga
I'm middle class. I'm doing fine.

I'm a conservative, white, Christian veteran. The Democratic Party has made it quite clear they're not interested in my values, and that I exist solely to fund their vote-buying schemes.

I don't see the attraction in voting for a party that hates me.
Hey, bobo -- you seem to be deliberately pretending my post doesn't exist.

Why should I vote for a party that hates me?
Are you admitting you’re a vile bigot?
I'm what I said...a conservative, white, Christian veteran.

If you're claiming that makes me a vile bigot, that's only your own bigotry speaking.

Which part of me do you hate the most? My conservatism, my race, my faith, or my service in uniform?
You said it. You’re a conservative. We don’t hate you we disagree with your politics.

Thanks for proving its republicans who ramp up the rhetoric.

If I hated you guys I would use the word hate. Hate never comes out of my keyboard douchbag.

Why do you hate us liberals?

Bottom line is gop policies have hurt you over the last 50 years. They’ve made the rich richer and middle class workers poorer. Shifted the tax burden more on us. They hire illegal aliens for god sakes and sent our high paying jobs overseas.

Anyways, you’ll blame liberals. So tell me, why don’t the rich vot Democratic if it was us who make them richer over the past 50 years?

Republicans and corporations agree you haven’t deserved a raise in 50 years but CEOs pay went up 178% in that same time. Wake up dumb whit boy. You don’t have the luxury to vot gop. Just look at your savings. See? Stupid
Yes, the Republicans are fighting to keep the foreigners out. Or were you asleep earlier when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over a border wall?

If the attempts by Trump to stop the flow of illegals were not stopped by Democrats, they were stopped by Democrat appointed activist judges. That was further supported by Democrat cities and states reinforcing their Sanctuary status. Trump withheld federal money from those places, but again, stopped by a leftist activist judge.

And what makes you think this administration is not going after employers--because CNN told you so?

Since Trump took office, ICE has been raiding places that were known for hiring illegals. Those employers were held accountable. Would you like me to post those places and the penalties those companies received; some in the millions of dollars or prison time? So Trump is doing exactly what you said he isn't doing. This of course with the exception of Democrat cities where the Mayor warns illegals ahead of time of the upcoming raids.

If you are blaming Trump or anybody else for your lack of acumen with investments, I suggest you explore the many investment opportunities that will yield you more than 3%. You can invest in rental property. Trust me, I've been a landlord for over 25 years. This market has never been better. I would also suggest stocks which (even though slow right now) are doing better than 3%. Or perhaps an investment in the commodity market which has various fund managed plans that can earn you much more than 3%.

Mind you, all these better investments contain higher risks, but also higher returns if you're willing to do more than buy near worthless CDs. If you like, I can give you the name of our company that handles our IRA investments. They are doing wonders for my account.
Trump and his band of merry men, are fighting to keep immigrants out. Most republicans know that immigration is vital to the future of America.

You are just kidding yourself with that statement. If "most Republicans" thought that, Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have been our nominee against Hilary. The fact is that Trump's distinct difference against the over dozen other candidates was his stance on the border. It's a stance no other contender came close to.
Trump did run not on an anti-immigrant policy. That came later. Granted he appealed to racists and xenophobes but there were lots of republicans that were not of that genre.

Polls and studies show that a majority of republican support legal immigration, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and on the need for immigration reform agree with democrats.

Well you can go by polls, and I'll go by election results, fair enough?

Yes, Trump's main message was immigration right from the beginning. If you'd like, I'll post the videos of the primaries.

The candidates who talked about immigration reform and path to citizenship were the first to be kicked out of the race. We know immigration reform simply means giving into the Democrats. Path to citizenship is like saying now that you broke our laws, we are going to reward you with citizenship. Legal immigration? We've had that for many years, so what's the point of discussing it? We allow a million foreigners a year to join our society as new citizens and no other country in the world comes close to our generosity.

Racist and xenophobes? Let me ask: what other race of people outside liberal whites would be stupid enough to support a party trying to make them a minority in their own country? Only liberal whites would do that, and if you resist that goal, you're a racist xenophobe.
So when republicans flood the market with low wage workers because the corporations want that, you’ll blame us.

Worry about rinos. Or are you the rino? Your party is divided.

All trump has to tell you is we need them and you’ll Chang your tune.

No, the RINOs and moderates told us that, and that’s why they lost.

Why do you assume all corporations are Republican? Is Apple owned by Republicans, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Starbucks, Costco’s, Target?

Yes I blame you. It’s your party fighting to let these people in. It’s your party fighting the wall. It’s your party that stopped Kate’s Law. It’s your party creating sanctuary states. It’s your leftist judges stopping Trump when he takes action trying to slow down the flow.

Who else should we blame?

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