Dems gone wild: Strickland Supporter Assaults Iraq War Vet Cameraman


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - 9-25-Coffee Assault[/ame]

A Republican staffer (and Iraq War vet) has hot coffee poured down his back by a Strickland supporter while trying to videotape Gov. Strickland's remarks at a campaign event. The assailant later returns to make an obscene gesture. Authorities are trying to identify the man in this video. If you can assist, contact the Scioto County Sheriff's Office at (740) 497-1120. Dems Gone Wild: Ohio Gov Supporter Pours Hot Coffee on Citizen Cameraman

But the cameraman is clearly NOT being intimidating. He's simply filming Stickland.

I mean George Allen lost his election and was just hounded with faux outrage over calling one of these people (for the Dems) "macaca."

But pouring very hot coffee down one's back is okay??????

Liberal hypocrisy just rolls on!


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