Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode

Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode
The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb-drive containing back-up copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted turning over the server for months.

Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.”

“Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being ten times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn't a crime,” said another progressive strategist.

“The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn't necessary and looks nefarious.”

The slew of unimpressive poll numbers is exacerbating the situation. Some have shown slippage against her main left-wing rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Others have indicated her losing swing states against possible Republican opponents. Still others have revealed continuing weakness in her ratings on trustworthiness and favorability.

A new Franklin Pierce University poll from New Hampshire on Tuesday showed Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State. Another survey from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP), also released Tuesday, indicated which President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

The PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view. In a Quinnipiac University poll released at the end of last month, a clear majority of voters nationwide said they did not consider the former secretary of State honest or trustworthy — 57 percent to 37 percent. It was only the latest finding that indicated deep trouble for Clinton on that issue.

But concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

“There's a hesitance that emerges in terms of her trustworthiness,” the source said. “At some point, people will start to ask whether this hurts her electability in the general election.”

Dems near Clinton panic mode TheHill

No doubt about it now. The majority of citizens see Clinton as untrustworthy. When are politicians going to learn that the cover up is worse than the crime in the public's eye?

Uhm, no.
--Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State
--Clinton getting the worse of hypothetical match-ups with four separate Republican opponents in the swing state of Iow
--PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view,
--concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

Clinton at least 30 points ahead of Sanders nationally, a margin that Republicans would kill to have.

Swing state of "low"??????
My spin?

So...because you guys occasionally put out these articles and threads saying that the Democrats are falling apart, does that make it true?
A Democratic Strategist talked about the damage, per THE HILL report.

Just like two "Democratic" strategists. who, in 2011, told President Obama that he should step down, that he had no chance of re-election. Thank goodness he did that, President Romney is just delighted about this.

Oh, wait... that's not what happened.

Hillary will prevail over this, mark my words. Her campaign has prepared for this long before anyone decided to make this an issue.
Yup.....this is what Mercans need.....a lying bitch who sells us out to foreign Interests...and can't get a security clearance cuz she mishandled top secret information.

Heil Hillary!!!!

I am sorry, this is not the satire forum.

Well your defense of Hillary is hilarious.

My guess is you'd defend anyone if the media deemed them the Democrats' frontrunner.

Just repeat the name "Hillary" 1000 times and she'll get elected. Mkay?

I don't need to defend anything. This is where your logic falls to pieces.
My spin?

So...because you guys occasionally put out these articles and threads saying that the Democrats are falling apart, does that make it true?
A Democratic Strategist talked about the damage, per THE HILL report.

Just like two "Democratic" strategists. who, in 2011, told President Obama that he should step down, that he had no chance of re-election. Thank goodness he did that, President Romney is just delighted about this.

Oh, wait... that's not what happened.

Hillary will prevail over this, mark my words. Her campaign has prepared for this long before anyone decided to make this an issue.
We'll see.

This again is something I just love about you. You debate the topic without attacking the person.

Enormous respect.

And I agree with you. We'll see.


Hope you are well and prospering. On my planet, the weather is too warm right now. I am looking for a freezer box to stick my head in even as I type....ugh.... up to 102 today... ugh...
You are a good guy and the fact that you rally the other side doesn't mean we can be friends. Hot here, too! Enormous respect back to you, too!

A Quinnipiac University poll also showed that both Hillary and Bernie would defeat any Republican who would win the nomination. In other words, panic mode is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Indeed. To-date, 93 national polls, 398 matchups, Hillary has won 388 of them, most of them, resoundingly.

Even a rabid RW nutcase birther pollster (Gravis, for WND) cannot get Hillary under 50....

Fun, fun, fun...
I must not be understanding you. I have seen polls where she is less than 50, and matter of fact, Sanders waqs at a statistical tie and even better in some polls.
It's true Hillary performed magnificently in earlier polls. But there is the present where she is not doing well. What is going to make the difference are the FBI headlines!
A Democratic Strategist talked about the damage, per THE HILL report.

Just like two "Democratic" strategists. who, in 2011, told President Obama that he should step down, that he had no chance of re-election. Thank goodness he did that, President Romney is just delighted about this.

Oh, wait... that's not what happened.

Hillary will prevail over this, mark my words. Her campaign has prepared for this long before anyone decided to make this an issue.
Yup.....this is what Mercans need.....a lying bitch who sells us out to foreign Interests...and can't get a security clearance cuz she mishandled top secret information.

Heil Hillary!!!!

I am sorry, this is not the satire forum.

Well your defense of Hillary is hilarious.

My guess is you'd defend anyone if the media deemed them the Democrats' frontrunner.

Just repeat the name "Hillary" 1000 times and she'll get elected. Mkay?

I don't need to defend anything. This is where your logic falls to pieces.
You say that while defending her.

Words have meaning Dumbass.
A Quinnipiac University poll also showed that both Hillary and Bernie would defeat any Republican who would win the nomination. In other words, panic mode is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Indeed. To-date, 93 national polls, 398 matchups, Hillary has won 388 of them, most of them, resoundingly.

Even a rabid RW nutcase birther pollster (Gravis, for WND) cannot get Hillary under 50....

Fun, fun, fun...
I must not be understanding you. I have seen polls where she is less than 50, and matter of fact, Sanders waqs at a statistical tie and even better in some polls.
It's true Hillary performed magnificently in earlier polls. But there is the present where she is not doing well. What is going to make the difference are the FBI headlines!

Sanders is only close to her in New Hampshire and that's it.

And quite often, the candidate who won NH lost the nomination. Remember nominee Buchanan, nominee Tsongas? LOL!!

In Iowa, she is at least +20 ahead of him, and nationally, in poll after poll after poll, she is at +30 most of the time. Yes, it was +50 about 5 months ago, when no one else was in. +30 is a blowout margin. Even the latest CNN poll makes it clear that in Iowa, without Biden as a Choice, Clinton springs up to 58% and Sanders doesn't budge. Practically the entire time, Hillary has been hanging more often that not at 60%. In South Carolina, which has the most delegates of the first four states, she is at 70%.

So, you see, there is perception.
And then, there is math.

And I would be writing the same stuff about Republicans.

A +30 margin is a crushing margin. It's simple math.
Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode
The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb-drive containing back-up copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted turning over the server for months.

Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.”

“Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being ten times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn't a crime,” said another progressive strategist.

“The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn't necessary and looks nefarious.”

The slew of unimpressive poll numbers is exacerbating the situation. Some have shown slippage against her main left-wing rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Others have indicated her losing swing states against possible Republican opponents. Still others have revealed continuing weakness in her ratings on trustworthiness and favorability.

A new Franklin Pierce University poll from New Hampshire on Tuesday showed Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State. Another survey from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP), also released Tuesday, indicated which President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

The PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view. In a Quinnipiac University poll released at the end of last month, a clear majority of voters nationwide said they did not consider the former secretary of State honest or trustworthy — 57 percent to 37 percent. It was only the latest finding that indicated deep trouble for Clinton on that issue.

But concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

“There's a hesitance that emerges in terms of her trustworthiness,” the source said. “At some point, people will start to ask whether this hurts her electability in the general election.”

Dems near Clinton panic mode TheHill

No doubt about it now. The majority of citizens see Clinton as untrustworthy. When are politicians going to learn that the cover up is worse than the crime in the public's eye?

Uhm, no.
--Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State
--Clinton getting the worse of hypothetical match-ups with four separate Republican opponents in the swing state of Iow
--PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view,
--concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

Clinton at least 30 points ahead of Sanders nationally, a margin that Republicans would kill to have.

Swing state of "low"??????
I know you must be right. You are not careless with your facts. Good for her. But what about her enfavorables?
I'm not talking about Hillary vs Bernie, I'm talking about Hillary and Bernie vs the entire Republican party.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
A Quinnipiac University poll also showed that both Hillary and Bernie would defeat any Republican who would win the nomination. In other words, panic mode is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Indeed. To-date, 93 national polls, 398 matchups, Hillary has won 388 of them, most of them, resoundingly.

Even a rabid RW nutcase birther pollster (Gravis, for WND) cannot get Hillary under 50....

Fun, fun, fun...
I must not be understanding you. I have seen polls where she is less than 50, and matter of fact, Sanders waqs at a statistical tie and even better in some polls.
It's true Hillary performed magnificently in earlier polls. But there is the present where she is not doing well. What is going to make the difference are the FBI headlines!

Sanders is only close to her in New Hampshire and that's it.

And quite often, the candidate who won NH lost the nomination. Remember nominee Buchanan, nominee Tsongas? LOL!!

In Iowa, she is at least +20 ahead of him, and nationally, in poll after poll after poll, she is at +30 most of the time. Yes, it was +50 about 5 months ago, when no one else was in. +30 is a blowout margin. Even the latest CNN poll makes it clear that in Iowa, without Biden as a Choice, Clinton springs up to 58% and Sanders doesn't budge. Practically the entire time, Hillary has been hanging more often that not at 60%. In South Carolina, which has the most delegates of the first four states, she is at 70%.

So, you see, there is perception.
And then, there is math.

And I would be writing the same stuff about Republicans.

A +30 margin is a crushing margin. It's simple math.
Thanks Stat! It's early. Let's see what December brings. Will it be a gift for you or for me? :)
Because you say it, does that make it true?
Which means your spin isn't working....

When will the Libs wake up and admit what the rest of the country is already seeing???
My spin?

So...because you guys occasionally put out these articles and threads saying that the Democrats are falling apart, does that make it true?
A Democratic Strategist talked about the damage, per THE HILL report.

Just like two "Democratic" strategists. who, in 2011, told President Obama that he should step down, that he had no chance of re-election. Thank goodness he did that, President Romney is just delighted about this.

Oh, wait... that's not what happened.

Hillary will prevail over this, mark my words. Her campaign has prepared for this long before anyone decided to make this an issue.
I feel bad for you, she's being hurt badly by this stuff. You're delusional this is also out of her control

Want to know why Hillary is not being hurt badly by this stuff?


All political focus is on Trump. Bashing Mexicans, bashing McCain, saying Megyn Kelly is on the rag..
Nobody cares about classified servers when you can anxiously await the next Trump bombshell
Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode
The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb-drive containing back-up copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted turning over the server for months.

Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.”

“Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being ten times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn't a crime,” said another progressive strategist.

“The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn't necessary and looks nefarious.”

The slew of unimpressive poll numbers is exacerbating the situation. Some have shown slippage against her main left-wing rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Others have indicated her losing swing states against possible Republican opponents. Still others have revealed continuing weakness in her ratings on trustworthiness and favorability.

A new Franklin Pierce University poll from New Hampshire on Tuesday showed Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State. Another survey from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP), also released Tuesday, indicated which President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

The PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view. In a Quinnipiac University poll released at the end of last month, a clear majority of voters nationwide said they did not consider the former secretary of State honest or trustworthy — 57 percent to 37 percent. It was only the latest finding that indicated deep trouble for Clinton on that issue.

But concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

“There's a hesitance that emerges in terms of her trustworthiness,” the source said. “At some point, people will start to ask whether this hurts her electability in the general election.”

Dems near Clinton panic mode TheHill

No doubt about it now. The majority of citizens see Clinton as untrustworthy. When are politicians going to learn that the cover up is worse than the crime in the public's eye?

Uhm, no.
--Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State
--Clinton getting the worse of hypothetical match-ups with four separate Republican opponents in the swing state of Iow
--PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view,
--concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

Clinton at least 30 points ahead of Sanders nationally, a margin that Republicans would kill to have.

Swing state of "low"??????
I know you must be right. You are not careless with your facts. Good for her. But what about her enfavorables?

Now, you bring up a VERY good point, very perceptive on your part. Kudos.

Her fav/unfavs are bad. And in a normal cycle, that would probably be deadly.

Only, most of the GOPers fav/unfavs + fav/unfavs for the Republican party as an entity, are far worse.

That's the difference.

I keep seeing polls where Hillary is at at least -10 in fav/unfav and yet, in 11 matchups or so from that poll, she beats all comers, usually starting at +3 to +4 and ending at +14 or so.

Apparently, there are many people who do not necessarily like everything about her nor do they completely trust her, but they are willling to vote for her. In this respect, 2016 may resemble 1968 some, because Richard Nixon was deeply hated within his own party, and yet, he won the GOP nomination.
Last edited:
As a Dem, I'm feeling pretty comfortable right now

Yes, we know Republicans have another witch hunt, but to me it looks like they are acknowleging the futility of their Benghazi tantrum
Like all things Hillary....this one looks like another mountain out of a molehill

Meanwhile, the Republican party has been captured by a reality TV star and they are fumbling over petty nonsense

I think Hillary is feeling pretty good right now
Benghazi was a non-starter. But the emails go straight to the heart of her weakness: her hubris and need for secrecy. Probably there's nothing there that others, like Colin Powell, haven't done before, and the "oohhhh she sent top secret stuff..." LOL the frigging Chinese read us like a book and Snowden gave away the store to Putin.

I think it's like Bush the Elder and the bar code scanner and self-serve gas, in that not only was there nothing there but the stories were mostly false, but they defined him because he was an insider apparatchik. And Carter, who actually said he read the entire US budget one page at a time. That gaffe detracted from the facts that in his first two years we actually cut spending and began to get off of the spice.
Hillary isn't being hurt by investigations, she's being hurt by fellow democrat Bernie Sanders.
Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode
The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb-drive containing back-up copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted turning over the server for months.

Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.”

“Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being ten times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn't a crime,” said another progressive strategist.

“The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn't necessary and looks nefarious.”

The slew of unimpressive poll numbers is exacerbating the situation. Some have shown slippage against her main left-wing rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Others have indicated her losing swing states against possible Republican opponents. Still others have revealed continuing weakness in her ratings on trustworthiness and favorability.

A new Franklin Pierce University poll from New Hampshire on Tuesday showed Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State. Another survey from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP), also released Tuesday, indicated which President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

The PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view. In a Quinnipiac University poll released at the end of last month, a clear majority of voters nationwide said they did not consider the former secretary of State honest or trustworthy — 57 percent to 37 percent. It was only the latest finding that indicated deep trouble for Clinton on that issue.

But concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

“There's a hesitance that emerges in terms of her trustworthiness,” the source said. “At some point, people will start to ask whether this hurts her electability in the general election.”

Dems near Clinton panic mode TheHill

No doubt about it now. The majority of citizens see Clinton as untrustworthy. When are politicians going to learn that the cover up is worse than the crime in the public's eye?

Uhm, no.
--Clinton losing to Sanders by seven percentage points in the Granite State
--Clinton getting the worse of hypothetical match-ups with four separate Republican opponents in the swing state of Iow
--PPP poll showed 52 percent of Iowans holding an unfavorable view of Clinton and only 38 percent holding a favorable view,
--concerned Democrats keep coming back to the same question: Why did the Clinton campaign not simply hand over the private server when the controversy first erupted in March?

Clinton at least 30 points ahead of Sanders nationally, a margin that Republicans would kill to have.

Swing state of "low"??????
Clinton way behind in CO, IA, and VA--all states Obama took in 2012.
2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut
A Quinnipiac University poll also showed that both Hillary and Bernie would defeat any Republican who would win the nomination. In other words, panic mode is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
You're mistaken. That was back in January. It's not the case now.
Poll Donald Trump Leads GOP Primary Rivals Trails Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders - Bloomberg Politics

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The front runner of the Democratic Party is under investigation by the FBI.
The second runner is an avowed socialist in his 70s
The third runner apologized for saying "all lives matter."
The fourth runner believes the US should go to the metric system.

The Democrats are in deep trouble.
Which means your spin isn't working....

When will the Libs wake up and admit what the rest of the country is already seeing???
My spin?

So...because you guys occasionally put out these articles and threads saying that the Democrats are falling apart, does that make it true?
A Democratic Strategist talked about the damage, per THE HILL report.

Just like two "Democratic" strategists. who, in 2011, told President Obama that he should step down, that he had no chance of re-election. Thank goodness he did that, President Romney is just delighted about this.

Oh, wait... that's not what happened.

Hillary will prevail over this, mark my words. Her campaign has prepared for this long before anyone decided to make this an issue.
I feel bad for you, she's being hurt badly by this stuff. You're delusional this is also out of her control

Want to know why Hillary is not being hurt badly by this stuff?


All political focus is on Trump. Bashing Mexicans, bashing McCain, saying Megyn Kelly is on the rag..
Nobody cares about classified servers when you can anxiously await the next Trump bombshell
You speak for yourself. Smart people are looking at Hillary's increasing troubles and reaching for Biden's phone number.

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