Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode

Again you demonstrate your inability to read. I never wrote Gore was planning on entering the race. You agree with me and then call me stupid. You are the stupid one here.
No. That's not how it was and you are also referring to another thread. You are a fucking troll who loves to try to twist peoples' words, but it won't work. You really are quite pathetic.

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That is ironic coming from you.
I post things. You agree with me and then call me stupid. How pathetic is that?

Uhm, no. I rarely agree with you. For you to say that Gore is not going to run long after I already made a thread confirming that he is not going to run is hardly an example of me agreeing with you, little parrot.
Dumbshit. You claim people are saying Al Gore is considering a run. As proof you link a discussion that says Al Gore is not considering a run. You show that Al Gore is not considering a run and then claim some kind of superiority for showing what everyone already knows.

Wrong. In the first first sentence to this OP:

Al Gore is NOT eyeing a 2016 run. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I linked to another thread in USMB.

The first sentence reads:

"Just to put this nonsense thread to rest"

Please notice that the words "this nonsense thread" are HYPERLINKED, which I already indicated once to you on that thread. And that hyperlink goes to this thread:

Al Gore Team Eyeing 2016 Run Report US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I am sorry if you are too fucking stupid to know how to click on a hyperlink.

So, back to your stupid statement:

"You claim people are saying Al Gore is considering a run. As proof you link a discussion that says Al Gore is not considering a run. You show that Al Gore is not considering a run and then claim some kind of superiority for showing what everyone already knows".

Your second sentence, the one I bolded, is the lie.

Because in that thread, on this posting, I wrote to you:

Al Gore is NOT eyeing a 2016 run. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In that posting, I told you that had you noticed that the first sentence of the OP was hyperlinked, it would take you to the information you claim I did not mention.

Gotta give you kudos, no one can troll in quite a nasty way as you can.

But the exchange on that thread, and now, on this thread, is clear for all to see.

You argue against statements no one made and then call others trolls? You really are one stupid miserable fucker.

The Foundation's biggest recipients are the Clintons themselves.

The Clintons have quite a scam going. It earned them $140 million.

Perfect scam. Get a job as Secretary of State, shakedown foreign countries and corporations for donations to a sham charity, skim off the top of the charity, destroy all records of the transactions, plead ignorance, prosper.

Tony Soprano must be turning green with envy.

The Foundation's biggest recipients are the Clintons themselves.

The Clintons have quite a scam going. It earned them $140 million.

Perfect scam. Get a job as Secretary of State, shakedown foreign countries and corporations for donations to a sham charity, skim off the top of the charity, destroy all records of the transactions, plead ignorance, prosper.

Tony Soprano must be turning green with envy.

Quite a conspiracy theory you have going there

The only thing missing is the birth certificate

The Foundation's biggest recipients are the Clintons themselves.

The Clintons have quite a scam going. It earned them $140 million.

Perfect scam. Get a job as Secretary of State, shakedown foreign countries and corporations for donations to a sham charity, skim off the top of the charity, destroy all records of the transactions, plead ignorance, prosper.

Tony Soprano must be turning green with envy.

Quite a conspiracy theory you have going there

The only thing missing is the birth certificate
Wrong again.
The only thing missing are the indictments. But that's coming.
It's what the media feeds them, so they believe it.

The media, of course, wants such hysteria. It makes them money. "Hillary is kicking Republican butt" isn't nearly as interesting.

Plus, the beltway media despises the Clinton. They always have. If one of them could take down Hillary, they'd be set for life, so that's what most of them dream about. There's no reason not to try, because in our current media culture, there's zero penalty for pushing phony crap about a liberal. Pushing crap about a conservative, of course, means a lifetime ban.
"If the media says anything negative about a liberal then nobody cares. If the media says something about a conservative then they get a lifelong ban." There are more compaines involved with "the media" than just NewsMax. That's like saying everyone in the White House is a paid liar just because Josh Earnest is.

The Foundation's biggest recipients are the Clintons themselves.

The Clintons have quite a scam going. It earned them $140 million.

Perfect scam. Get a job as Secretary of State, shakedown foreign countries and corporations for donations to a sham charity, skim off the top of the charity, destroy all records of the transactions, plead ignorance, prosper.

Tony Soprano must be turning green with envy.

Quite a conspiracy theory you have going there

The only thing missing is the birth certificate
Wrong again.
The only thing missing are the indictments. But that's coming.

I doubt it

More like 15 more months of Republican "investigation"
The Moon Bat Party might as well stick with The Hildabeast now. They really have nobody of substance in the wings and after the ass beating they got in 2014 The Hidabeast becomes their only option.

Her lawyers can keep her out of jail until after the election next year.

The Moon Bat can have this as their 2016 Presidential slogan:

Yea, We Know She is Corrupt But What Difference Does it Make?
As a Dem, I'm feeling pretty comfortable right now

Yes, we know Republicans have another witch hunt, but to me it looks like they are acknowleging the futility of their Benghazi tantrum
Like all things Hillary....this one looks like another mountain out of a molehill

Meanwhile, the Republican party has been captured by a reality TV star and they are fumbling over petty nonsense

I think Hillary is feeling pretty good right now
:bang3: Yeah, she's feeling REAL good, rightwinger. Real good. :lmao:

You have to realize.......Republicans have been pulling this shit on Hillary for 25 years

Not like she hasn't seen this act before

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