Dems Near Clinton Panic Mode

1. I just heard on network news Al Gore might run, and this is NOT a joke!

2. Mr Statistics is giving you good statistics. Problem is, at the time they were taken, nobody knew anything but names. (I believe it was said, July 25th)

3. I do not think Hillary is going to win the nomination for the democrats. (that is the good news) (the bad news is) No matter who the democrats run will have the base in their pocket.

4. If Hilly or Bernie is the nominee, it is no better than 50-50 they will win. In fact, it is probably less than that. Now Al Gore? I hope he stays home, although he is probably nuttier than the other 2. I know, I know, Mr Statistic says I am wrong. No I am not. You see, he takes the numbers from July, weighs them, then draws a logical conclusion. His conclusion is correct if the facts put into the equation stay the same. To assume that they will stay the same means you are now in an alternate universe because if numbers do not change, in the REAL universe, Hillary IS the President, she defeated Gulliani, and Obama is still senator of Illinois. In Illinois Pat Quinn is still governor there, the democrats control the senate, and the house is controlled by the republicans by a much smaller number.

This doesn't mean Mr Statistic is a fool, or What it does mean is that to change the perception of the voters, we need to quit debating with candycorn, and start debating with our neighbors instead. Once you convince them, have a voting party and all go to the pols at the same time. Watch how the statistics change-)

Just think.

After the Lying Hidabeast the Democrats have in the wings:

Batshit Crazy Bernie Sanders.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden.

Environmental Wacko Al Gore.

After getting their asses beat so bad in 2014 the Moon Bat Party is in big trouble,
A Quinnipiac University poll also showed that both Hillary and Bernie would defeat any Republican who would win the nomination. In other words, panic mode is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Indeed. To-date, 93 national polls, 398 matchups, Hillary has won 388 of them, most of them, resoundingly.

Even a rabid RW nutcase birther pollster (Gravis, for WND) cannot get Hillary under 50....

Fun, fun, fun...
I must not be understanding you. I have seen polls where she is less than 50, and matter of fact, Sanders waqs at a statistical tie and even better in some polls.
It's true Hillary performed magnificently in earlier polls. But there is the present where she is not doing well. What is going to make the difference are the FBI headlines!

Sanders is only close to her in New Hampshire and that's it.

And quite often, the candidate who won NH lost the nomination. Remember nominee Buchanan, nominee Tsongas? LOL!!

In Iowa, she is at least +20 ahead of him, and nationally, in poll after poll after poll, she is at +30 most of the time. Yes, it was +50 about 5 months ago, when no one else was in. +30 is a blowout margin. Even the latest CNN poll makes it clear that in Iowa, without Biden as a Choice, Clinton springs up to 58% and Sanders doesn't budge. Practically the entire time, Hillary has been hanging more often that not at 60%. In South Carolina, which has the most delegates of the first four states, she is at 70%.

So, you see, there is perception.
And then, there is math.

And I would be writing the same stuff about Republicans.

A +30 margin is a crushing margin. It's simple math.
Thanks Stat! It's early. Let's see what December brings. Will it be a gift for you or for me? :)

I'm gonna let you in on a secret, but shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. Any process where we the people actually decide something is a gift for me.

And I am a big fan of landslide wins, even when it is sometimes "my" side that loses, because a landslide means beyond a shadow of a doubt that we the people have decided, without ifs or buts or whatevers.

And I am not an automatic Democratic voter, contary to what some people here may think.

I will openly admit, not only do I like Clinton, I am personally convinced that she is the superior candidate to every one out there, in both fields.

But there are two Republicans out there whom, were either one of them to be nominated, I would take a hard look at before making my final decision. The other 15 do not interest me in the slightest, I think they are terrible. But that's my personal opinion. I also think that 3 Democratic candidates are also terrible and I would not vote for them in the primaries. I can, without reservations, reject them.

In 2012, I sat down for two full hours and went over the GOP platform, word for word, I researched Romney's proposals, all of them, word for word.

Then, I read the Democratic platform, word for word and went through all of the President's proposals, word for word.

I lined up the platforms and the proposals next to each other and noted the differences.

Then, I made my choice.

I will vote for the person whom I am convinced will do the best possible job from the Executive branch.

That's my private side.

My numbers-side is pretty damned neutral. I see the polling, I recognize the trends and see where things are going. It was very obvious to me in October 2004 that President Bush was going to be re-elected. The math was saying it. Just as it was obvious to me that 2008 was going to be a big realignment election, and it was.

At the end of the day, I don't think the 2016 race is going to be close at all.
A whole 2 that hurt yah..............

Your skirt always shows on these boards......your a flaming liberal no matter how much perfume you try to spray on it.
I think a normal person would be concerned if they accidently allowed state secrets to be read by them. It could have been an accident but I really don't think Hillary cares about how much she hurt America as she is concerned with getting power.
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
It's what the media feeds them, so they believe it.

The media, of course, wants such hysteria. It makes them money. "Hillary is kicking Republican butt" isn't nearly as interesting.

Plus, the beltway media despises the Clinton. They always have. If one of them could take down Hillary, they'd be set for life, so that's what most of them dream about. There's no reason not to try, because in our current media culture, there's zero penalty for pushing phony crap about a liberal. Pushing crap about a conservative, of course, means a lifetime ban.
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
All paranoia and exploiting minor incidents and imagining major crimes

Why do conservatives always overplay a weak hand?
You would think they would learn
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
Do you really want to talk about ethics and morals? If you do then I'm sure you'll agree that when it comes to ethics and morals politicians from both parties force us all into the same position. Take Bush/Cheney for example, they lied and falsified intelligence reports in their buildup to the war in Iraq. Many on the right excuse them, saying Democrats voted for the war (they voted to go to war based on those same falsified intelligence reports). They blew the cover of a covert CIA agent too, all because her husband blew the cover off the Bush administration's lie about yellow cake sold to Saddam from Niger. You get my point, I'm sure. Don't toss the ethics and morals card without looking at oneself first.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
The problem for Republicans is they have repeatedly played bad hands

We got, it
You hate the Clinton's

But these repeated cries of scandal
Fruitless investigations and testimonies
Trying to make mountains out of molehills

Have gotten tiresome. We have seen your games and are growing tired of them
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
All paranoia and exploiting minor incidents and imagining major crimes

Why do conservatives always overplay a weak hand?
You would think they would learn
Ask Petraeus how minor those crimes were.
You dont think bribery is a major crime? Oh rght, not if a Democrat does it.
Remember when you were screaming over a traffic jam that Christie supposedly organized?
I didn't panic over Whitewater
I didn't panic over Vince Foster
I didn't panic when Republicans impeached over a blowjob
I didn't panic over Benghazi

No......I don't feel like panicking now
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
All paranoia and exploiting minor incidents and imagining major crimes

Why do conservatives always overplay a weak hand?
You would think they would learn
Ask Petraeus how minor those crimes were.
You dont think bribery is a major crime? Oh rght, not if a Democrat does it.
Remember when you were screaming over a traffic jam that Christie supposedly organized?
Your constant bribery rants are mere conspiracy theories

For any credibility, you have to have "evidence"
Of course you don't panick. You are used to supporting the law breakers in this country. They are dirty and you don't care, and they always squirm out of being held accountable for their actions.

Being held accountable for your actions.........against your liberal platform.
No, it's not that

I am used to seeing actual crimes and actual evidence of crimes

Rightwing hysteria is not a substitute
Oh like lying under oath..........later admitting evidence there.......

Whitewater and the Savings and Loans scandal........nothing to see there move along........Everyone but the Clintons got caught for crimes or supposedly killed them self.............Shot to the head and hardly any blood...........Yeah nothing there.................

Benghazi.................a video did it.............caught in the BS lie instead of saying we fucked up........ body got attacked........but but they did get attacked..........isolated more involved.............take the 5th......

Fired an Ambassador for Private emails. Petraeous in hacked, fined, and big deal...........

You don't panic because you have no ethics or morals.
All paranoia and exploiting minor incidents and imagining major crimes

Why do conservatives always overplay a weak hand?
You would think they would learn
Ask Petraeus how minor those crimes were.
You dont think bribery is a major crime? Oh rght, not if a Democrat does it.
Remember when you were screaming over a traffic jam that Christie supposedly organized?
Your constant bribery rants are mere conspiracy theories

For any credibility, you have to have "evidence"
I realize for Democrats "evidence" consists of signed confessions by the people accused accompanied by YouTube videos and a sworn statement by Jesus Christ.
But in the real world little facts like intervening in an international dispute for a bank and then receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in your foundation is pretty indicative of bribery.

I realize for Democrats "evidence" consists of signed confessions by the people accused accompanied by YouTube videos and a sworn statement by Jesus Christ.
But in the real world little facts like intervening in an international dispute for a bank and then receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in your foundation is pretty indicative of bribery.

Johnathan Gruber had it right when he said there are stupid Americans that will believe anything the Democrats tell them. We call those morons "Gruberidiots". They sure as hell believed the lies that Obama told about Obamacare. They will believe the lies The Hildabeast tells because they are simply not intelligent enough to think for themselves.

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