Dems Out of Touch with their own voters - Rasmussen

Sure, okay.

See the post before yours.

It's the truth.

Cop vs criminal. The left always sides with the criminal.
US military vs foreign enemies. The left always sides with the foreign enemies.
Harsher penalties for criminals using firearms or stop honest law abiding citizens from getting guns so they can't protect themselves. The left sides with taking firearms from law abiding citizens.
Battle the rioters that destroyed cities and businesses all across the country or call riots the Summer of Love and have the future VP promote people contributing to a Go Fund Me Account to bail out criminals so they can continue rioting. The left promoted the bail outs and downplay the riots.

It's the left that demanded GITMO detainees get lawyers and immediate court dates. Yet some of the prisoners that participated in the Capital riot have been sitting there for over a year, no court date, no way to bail out and the left has no problem with that. Some are even held in solitary confinement like a violent murderer. Part of the so-called voters rights act include disallowing states from preventing felons from voting. The Democrats want that criminal vote too.
Between the stuttering fuck and the cackling shit clown, the approval numbers, which are obviously being manipulated by the politburo, can't be over 10%.... and those are those are just the dimwitted, unemployable fuckups that aren't aware of Plugs showering with his teenage daughter.

Nobody approves of these dumber-than-fuck spectacles...

Democrats rely on the portion of the population (very high) that only takes a superficial view of events and statements. Hence, they put deceptive titles on the laws that they propose, knowing that their sheep will look at the title and say, "I'M FOR IT!" without taking any notice of what is in the bill.

The current abomination is NOT a "voting rights" bill. There is no one attacking anyone's voting rights (other than illegal aliens), yet the Democrats pretend that voting rights are under constant threat...

...because they are evil.
It must be horrible thinking that other people really are evil. Hating people like this.

What does this do to a person? What a way to go through life.
I'd assume they're the miserable fucks most people avoid in society. Loner losers with nothing to contribute. Always bitching, never doing.
I'd assume they're the miserable fucks most people avoid in society. Loner losers with nothing to contribute. Always bitching, never doing.
The responses I get to my posts is mind-blowing. They don't even try to hide their rage and pure hate any more.

I've had a couple of them wish death and pain on me in the last two days alone. Oh, and I'm "evil". Evil.

I'm so glad I'm not going through life like that.
The responses I get to my posts is mind-blowing. They don't even try to hide their rage and pure hate any more.

I've had a couple of them wish death and pain on me in the last two days alone. Oh, and I'm "evil". Evil.

I'm so glad I'm not going through life like that.
Really? I thought they all wanted to buy me an ice cream. Sad.
"Worse still, Democrats have deliberately muddied the waters in their messaging by focusing on “voting rights” rather than electoral safeguards such as photo ID laws.
Dems LOVE to disguise their lies, rigging and cheating with buzz phrases like "voting rights".
With the media fawning over him and the usual oversampling of Democrats, he STILL only gets to 33%. You’re right, it’s probably under 25% in reality.
The real question people should be asking is what are those in the 33% seeing that makes them think Biden is doing a good job? He's like the Three Stooges combined into one human being!
The real question people should be asking is what are those in the 33% seeing that makes them think Biden is doing a good job? He's like the Three Stooges combined into one human being!
They’re probably like the usual suspects here. They know in their hearts that this is an epic disaster, but they can’t bring themselves to admit how stupid they were to support this.
"Worse still, Democrats have deliberately muddied the waters in their messaging by focusing on “voting rights” rather than electoral safeguards such as photo ID laws. The same Rasmussen poll shows that of voters who strongly support Democrats’ election reform bills, over half believe incorrectly that the legislation would in fact implement photo ID laws. Only 38% of those who strongly support Democrats’ legislation understand that it bans photo ID. Democrats are governing as if they have a sweeping mandate on election reform, but even their staunchest supporters do not know what their push to defend “voting rights” really means."

"But what do voters actually think of photo ID laws? An overwhelming four in five Americans support showing an ID before casting a ballot. A similar number, 71%, say that they would vote for a candidate who supports requiring ID before casting a ballot as opposed to one who votes against it."

Stupid fucking Democrats. Devious fucking Democrat pols.

Leftists are evil. Never forget it.
Seizing power for the sake of the power will do that.
They’re probably like the usual suspects here. They know in their hearts that this is an epic disaster, but they can’t bring themselves to admit how stupid they were to support this.
That's got to be quite a chore at this point, Lantern! Joe's been THAT bad!

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