Dems Out of Touch with their own voters - Rasmussen

The real question people should be asking is what are those in the 33% seeing that makes them think Biden is doing a good job? He's like the Three Stooges combined into one human being!

The people surveyed are not likely voters, they are just people on the other side of the phone or walking down the street. They likely know zero about politics and have no idea what's going on since it's been this way for a long time now.
I don't hate much of anyone. It's a waste of energy and accomplishes nothing.

As far as a leftist is concerned, if you disagree with them, you hate them and their ideas. This is the first time to my knowledge that a Congress went after a former President a year after he left office. They have no evidence against him and are wasting our money and their time to stop a potential opponent they are scared to death of. Talk about hate.
Yet here you are, with the system big pharma wants, living in a disaster and loving it.

Here I am understanding that if a company can't make money, the stop selling the product. Nobody works for free yet alone at a loss. That's why the vaccine makers quit selling us vaccines when Hillary was calling the shots.

The definition of insanity is......................
What if one simply cannot believe in one thing, not ONE THING, that Dems nor repugs ascribe to yet our views must be accepted by the two parties?
The people surveyed are not likely voters, they are just people on the other side of the phone or walking down the street. They likely know zero about politics and have no idea what's going on since it's been this way for a long time now.
But here's my problem with that theory, Ray. They've got to be living in the same world I am. Every week when I fill up my gas tank I wince at what it cost. When I go to the grocery store and see the prices of things it still shocks me. When I'm trying to order product and nothing is available I don't know what to tell my clients. I see more division NOW than I did under Trump or Obama and that was the one thing that Biden swore he'd do better with!

The closures by the teacher's unions...nothing works under this guy! I mean nothing! So what do those people in the 33% see that I'm not seeing?
But here's my problem with that theory, Ray. They've got to be living in the same world I am. Every week when I fill up my gas tank I wince at what it cost. When I go to the grocery store and see the prices of things it still shocks me. When I'm trying to order product and nothing is available I don't know what to tell my clients. I see more division NOW than I did under Trump or Obama and that was the one thing that Biden swore he'd do better with!

The closures by the teacher's unions...nothing works under this guy! I mean nothing! So what do those people in the 33% see that I'm not seeing?

They don't know about Afghanistan because they don't watch the news or care. Much like the border it doesn't directly effect them. As for the things that do effect them, they don't know who's at fault. It must be big business gouging the public again. The good part is they don't likely vote. The bad part is some do.
The real question people should be asking is what are those in the 33% seeing that makes them think Biden is doing a good job? He's like the Three Stooges combined into one human being!
That's what they're told to believe, so they believe it.

It really is that simple.
As far as a leftist is concerned, if you disagree with them, you hate them and their ideas. This is the first time to my knowledge that a Congress went after a former President a year after he left office. They have no evidence against him and are wasting our money and their time to stop a potential opponent they are scared to death of. Talk about hate.
And they feel morally superior for it, too.

Of course, it's about nothing but feelings for them. ORANGE MAN BAD for preventing Hillary's coronation.
And they feel morally superior for it, too.

Of course, it's about nothing but feelings for them. ORANGE MAN BAD for preventing Hillary's coronation.

I don't think feelings is the motivator here, fear is. They know what Trump did for the country and he'll do it again, this time with some experience behind his belt. If Trump gets back in and they lose Congress by such margins they can't stop anything, they are in huge trouble. Not only will the wall continue to be built, but more will be built until every passable foot of our country has one.

When they get in power, they can reverse policy like they did last year, but they can't reverse the wall, at least without really pissing off the taxpayers. Once the wall is up, it's there for good no matter who's in power. It's why they are so scared of it.
They don't know about Afghanistan because they don't watch the news or care. Much like the border it doesn't directly effect them. As for the things that do effect them, they don't know who's at fault. It must be big business gouging the public again. The good part is they don't likely vote. The bad part is some do.
That's totally the fault of the Main Stream Media. I was listening to Elizabeth Warren blaming food price increases on supermarkets "gouging" the public. No one from the media challenged her on that even though the supermarket industry has one of the lowest markups of ANY industry! Prices aren't going up because the supermarkets are gouging us...they're simply passing along drastically higher shipping prices that they're being hit with. That's not on the supermarkets! That's on Joe Biden because he didn't respond to the supply chain crisis. His transportation "Czar" took a two month maternity leave while things were going from bad to worse! Can you picture Trump putting up with that? He would have fired Mayor Pete and brought in someone who worked their ass off to fix the problem. That's what happens in the Private Sector. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue about things like that. He's a Public Sector "lifer"!
I don't think feelings is the motivator here, fear is. They know what Trump did for the country and he'll do it again, this time with some experience behind his belt. If Trump gets back in and they lose Congress by such margins they can't stop anything, they are in huge trouble. Not only will the wall continue to be built, but more will be built until every passable foot of our country has one.

When they get in power, they can reverse policy like they did last year, but they can't reverse the wall, at least without really pissing off the taxpayers. Once the wall is up, it's there for good no matter who's in power. It's why they are so scared of it.
Well, Ray, fear is a feeling.

But you're right. They're terrified of Trump, and they're terrified of the American people.
That's totally the fault of the Main Stream Media. I was listening to Elizabeth Warren blaming food price increases on supermarkets "gouging" the public. No one from the media challenged her on that even though the supermarket industry has one of the lowest markups of ANY industry! Prices aren't going up because the supermarkets are gouging us...they're simply passing along drastically higher shipping prices that they're being hit with. That's not on the supermarkets! That's on Joe Biden because he didn't respond to the supply chain crisis. His transportation "Czar" took a two month maternity leave while things were going from bad to worse! Can you picture Trump putting up with that? He would have fired Mayor Pete and brought in someone who worked their ass off to fix the problem. That's what happens in the Private Sector. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue about things like that. He's a Public Sector "lifer"!

So far they've blamed inflation on trump, Afghanistan on Trump, the border on Trump, the labor shortage on Trump. When has a Democrat ever taken responsibility for their own actions? CNN is trying to help but in the process losing viewers all the time. It is unfortunate that the media can control so many minds.

The oligarchs of this country wipe their ass with $3 trillion all the time and you thank them for it
Which Democratic leaders do you support, Augustine? You know...the ones that are in this for the little guy? The ones that haven't cashed in on their positions of power?
Which team has been using that "by any means necessary" trope, Gomer Pyle?
That, however, does not matter to Mac.

Maybe I am misrepresenting him here but I think it is pretty damn clear that the only thing he really cares about politically is purging the Trump element from the republican party. And how can you fault him? From his perspective, the thing stopping the republican party from representing him again is its shift to Trump.

I have no idea why this seems so hard to grasp.
But here's my problem with that theory, Ray. They've got to be living in the same world I am. Every week when I fill up my gas tank I wince at what it cost. When I go to the grocery store and see the prices of things it still shocks me. When I'm trying to order product and nothing is available I don't know what to tell my clients. I see more division NOW than I did under Trump or Obama and that was the one thing that Biden swore he'd do better with!

The closures by the teacher's unions...nothing works under this guy! I mean nothing! So what do those people in the 33% see that I'm not seeing?
1/3 of Americans will support their 'team' no matter what that team does.

When your entire political narrative is built around the other guy is pure evil and will destroy the nation there will OBVIOUSLY be those that really do fall into that hole and will be willing to support literally anything.

And both sides political narrative is just that.
Which team has been using that "by any means necessary" trope, Gomer Pyle?
How similar you are to those you hate.

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