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Dems Panic as Polling Shows GOP Plowing Towards Senate


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Harper Polling, Republicans hold leads in five of seven key U.S. Senate races. The other races are either tied or show room for growth from GOP candidates.

The automated surveys from Harper show Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Mary Landrieu (D-La.) trailing their Republican opponents. Republicans also lead open races with Democratic retirements in Montana and Michigan.

Republicans need to swing six seats — while holding onto their own seats — to take back control of the Senate. Doing so would give the GOP full control over both chambers of Congress.

Here's a breakdown of the key races polled by Harper:
Alaska: Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Begich trails both possible GOP candidates, Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell and former Commissioner for the Department of Natural Resources Dan Sullivan, by six points each(47-41). Begich is also upside-down in his job-approval rating, at 41-47.
Arkansas: Republican U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton leads incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Pryor 42-36. Pryor's job approval sits at an upside-down 37-40.
Louisiana: Incumbent Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is in a virtual tie (down 45-44) to U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy. Moreover, only 40% approve of how she's handling her job, while 51% disapprove.
Michigan: Republican and former Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land leads Democratic U.S. Rep. Gary Peters 42-37 in the race to fill Sen. Carl Levin's (D) seat. President Barack Obama's approval rating in Michigan is only 38%, but he carried the state 54-45 in 2012.
Montana: Republican U.S. Rep. Steve Daines leads Democrat Lt. Gov. John Walsh (who was just appointed to fill Sen. Max Baucus' seat on Friday) by 14 points (43-29). Another possible Democratic candidate, former Lt. Gov. John Bohlinger, trails 43-32. Walsh and Bohlinger are tied in a Democratic primary matchup.
North Carolina: Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan is locked in a tie with likely GOP candidate and North Carolina Rep. Thom Tillis. Only 36% approve of her job performance, while 49% disapprove. Obama's approval rating is also underwater (43-51), as is support for the Affordable Care Act (39-52).
New Hampshire: Democratic incumbent Sen. Jean Shaheen leads former Sen. Scott Brown 40-35 in a hypothetical matchup. She's viewed favorably among New Hampshire voters, but Obama's horrible approval-to-disapproval split (35-57) and Obamacare's split (32-60) bring her down.

These polls don't tell the complete story. A Crossroads spokesman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment as to whether the group had commissioned polls in Georgia or Kentucky, two states currently held by Republicans where Democrats have a chance for pickup opportunities.

It also didn't poll in Iowa, where a recent Quinnipiac University poll showed Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley leading all potential GOP challengers.

But if Republicans hold onto all their seats, they would only likely need to win four of the seven key races polled above. Republicans are already very likely to win open Senate seats in South Dakota and West Virginia, deep red states where long-time Democratic incumbents are retiring.

"A path to victory is clearly there. Incumbent democrats are weak across the board, and the crop of Republicans is stronger than it has been in a decade

Read more: Polls: GOP Retaking Senate In 2014 Election Possible - Business Insider

What could be responsible for the shift in the middle towards the right, I wonder? People in the middle aren't often warm and fuzzy with the GOP on a number of issues. Fracking, healthcare, green energy, jobs are all things that the GOP are at odds with the just-left-of-centers.

So what could it be? Anyone?

Here's what I'm thinking, and warned the dems about years ago for 2014.... Your answers may differ, of course.. Though people feeling a rainbow jackboot on the back of their neck really does seem to be the lurking potential for the cause..



When the A&E network suspended "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson for disparaging gay people, it may have followed a time-honored TV tradition of quickly silencing a star who, for better or worse, speaks his mind. But in doing so it also ruffled the feathers of possibly millions of fans of its most popular show.

Fourteen hours after it was learned that Robertson had been placed on indefinite "hiatus" for telling GQ magazine, among other things, that gays are headed to hell, more than a half-million people liked an impromptu Facebook page demanding the show be boycotted until he returns. 'Duck Dynasty' fans boycott A&E | HeraldTribune.com

Hey, Piers Morgan's show was cancelled because he said the man named Janet Mock who had himself butchered was born a boy.

That ought to be really good for a middle surge towards the democratic/gay party. Nothing like fascism to spur people to warm up to your political party...

Here is what Piers was questioning: [how DARE he!]. Boycott CNN Facebook page anyone?...




February 13 at 11:51 pm
A flap erupted between writer and trans activist Janet Mock and CNN host Piers Morgan last week after Mock appeared on Morgan’s show to promote her memoir, “Redefining Realness.” Morgan repeatedly asserted that Mock had been “born a boy” or that she “used to be a man.”...

...Morgan invited Mock on his show a second time, where he vociferously defended himself as an ally of LGBT rights, and demanded that Mock explain what he’d done wrong. He said that Mock’s supporters had “abused” and “vilified” him by calling him out on Twitter. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...ut-transgender-issues-you-were-afraid-to-ask/

Two weeks or so later, he's fired. Piers was an avid yes man for the cult of LGBT. He was simply asserting a fact [see photos above] of what the man called "Janet Mock" did to himself. This shows you that even those devotees in the Fold will be crucified for heresy, for not blindly agreeing to the "reality" that frankly is invented day by day by the LGBT snakehead.

Now I know how regular Germans felt just prior to WWII...
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I think the GOP might get 51 or 52 seats.

If the GOP gets the majority, it will have nothing to do with marriage equality or whatever but with the economy and the ACA.
I think the GOP might get 51 or 52 seats.

If the GOP gets the majority, it will have nothing to do with marriage equality or whatever but with the economy and the ACA.

Right, nothing at all. Nobody is taking notice about the jackbooting, the blackmail, the subversion of states' rights to determine marriage. Not one person in the middle voting bloc is thinking "we need to do something drastic to make this stop". Not a one. Did I get that right Jake? Isn't that the spin?

Everyone in the middle remembers it was the GOP who trashed the economy, that it fell under President Cheney and his endless blood for oil wars. So no, it's not the economy. Obama is not dumb but he is rather, hamstrung, personally tied bound and gagged by his enemies and puppeteers to perform on cue. He couldn't meaningfully affect the economy if his life depended on it. So the blame is not fully properly on his shoulders. People remember "the party of no" in Congress.

No...no...this is something else marching those weary working middle feet to the right. And dems had better get really real about what that is, or willingly hand the reins over to the GOP all so butt sex can make its way into school curriculums...you know, where it belongs...

ACA? American Chiropractic Association? American Canine Association?
Yes they are in full blown panic, that's why we are seeing threads on Ted Nugent, etc etc

They see the writing on the wall so the hate and smear campaign has to ramped up

I hope the people follow through (now that a majority disapproves of Obama and his party and is regretting voting for him again) and kick this bunch of hostile ugly people in the Democrat/progressive/commie party TO THE CURB
Yes they are in full blown panic, that's why we are seeing threads on Ted Nugent, etc etc

They see the writing on the wall so the hate and smear campaign has to ramped up

I hope the people follow through (now that a majority disapproves of Obama and his party and is regretting voting for him again) and kick this bunch of hostile ugly people in the Democrat/progressive/commie party TO THE CURB

Then the GOP is equally out of touch with how the people in the middle think. An endorsement from a fringey ex-rock and roll star is not the pragmatic umph people are looking for. This isn't some American Idol talent show to see whether the freaks in sequens on the far left or the freaks with sequens on the far right "win" the big salary in Congress to warm a seat. This is the government of the United States of America. And this is how people in the middle see it. We are in a lot of trouble. Endorsements or candidates of fluff are going to fall HARD on their faces.

In short, the American public is DONE with all the craziness and narcissism. And they're going to vote that way...
You guys act like this is going to be some reflection of the GOP's message winning out when it is nothing more than a historical trend that pretty much always happens in a Presidents second term. Reagen in 86 lost seats in both the House (5) and the Senate(8). This is nothing new.

What you should be worrying about is 2016, when far more Republican seats are going to be up than the Democrat's.
You guys act like this is going to be some reflection of the GOP's message winning out when it is nothing more than a historical trend that pretty much always happens in a Presidents second term. Reagen in 86 lost seats in both the House (5) and the Senate(8). This is nothing new.

What you should be worrying about is 2016, when far more Republican seats are going to be up than the Democrat's.

With all that is at stake, and the passing of Prop 8, the numbers swarming Chic Fil As until they were sold out with lines wrapping around the block across the nation, the million likes within hours of the Boycott A&E Facebook page going up when they threatened Phil Robertson, all this adds up to "business as usual" to you?

Think again. The stinking gay albatross hangs around the neck of the democratic party who shamefully says nothing about this cult overtaking it completely to the exclusion of all its other most noble and good platforms. We dems as a party will sacrafice everything to this unreflective cult if we do not speak up right now.

Mark my words. Chic Fil A is going to show up at the polls this Fall and the GOP is banking on it.
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Beware the anti-gay Chic Fil A vote, Democrats. :lol:

Yeah, what the heck. It's not like any of the elections in the recent decade have been so close that they needed a recount, or tipped the other way, right? Just go ahead and piss off a few million Boycott A&E likers or a million or so Chic Fil A supporters, or a bunch of catholic hispanics that voted for Prop 8 in California whose vote no longer counts....no problem right dems? You've got 2014 in the bag! You know, just like gays said they had Prop 8 soundly defeated right before that vote...

Misrepresenting the reality of the numbers of voters and how they think may be a fun exercise right up until the day of the vote. Giggle all you want. But afterwards it can be a pretty bitter pill to swallow... :confused: :( If you ask me, I think it's one of the worst tragedies in US history to throw green energy, universal healthcare and and workers' rights into the dumpster all so gay marriage can think it has a chance. The irony is, speaking of bitter pills, that once the GOP retains the Senate and gets Christie or someone like him in in 2016, even the church of LGBT stuff is going in the dumpster where it belongs. It can sit right next to solar thermal energy, clean aquifers, jobs and universal healthcare and watch the flies buzzing around as they all rot in there together...
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What is it you expect Republicans to do differently than they did under Bush? Or are you hoping they "finish the job"?
What is it you expect Republicans to do differently than they did under Bush? Or are you hoping they "finish the job"?

Clearly I am not a republican and in no way hope the GOP "finishes the job". Did you read what I just wrote to aaron leland?

Beware the anti-gay Chic Fil A vote, Democrats. :lol:

Yeah, what the heck. It's not like any of the elections in the recent decade have been so close that they needed a recount, or tipped the other way, right? Just go ahead and piss off a few million Boycott A&E likers or a million or so Chic Fil A supporters, or a bunch of catholic hispanics that voted for Prop 8 in California whose vote no longer counts....no problem right dems? You've got 2014 in the bag! You know, just like gays said they had Prop 8 soundly defeated right before that vote...

Misrepresenting the reality of the numbers of voters and how they think may be a fun exercise right up until the day of the vote. Giggle all you want. But afterwards it can be a pretty bitter pill to swallow... :confused: :( If you ask me, I think it's one of the worst tragedies in US history to throw green energy, universal healthcare and and workers' rights into the dumpster all so gay marriage can think it has a chance. The irony is, speaking of bitter pills, that once the GOP retains the Senate and gets Christie or someone like him in in 2016, even the church of LGBT stuff is going in the dumpster where it belongs. It can sit right next to solar thermal energy, clean aquifers, jobs and universal healthcare and watch the flies buzzing around as they all rot in there together...
Beware the anti-gay Chic Fil A vote, Democrats. :lol:

Yeah, what the heck. It's not like any of the elections in the recent decade have been so close that they needed a recount, or tipped the other way, right? Just go ahead and piss off a few million Boycott A&E likers or a million or so Chic Fil A supporters, or a bunch of catholic hispanics that voted for Prop 8 in California whose vote no longer counts....no problem right dems? You've got 2014 in the bag! You know, just like gays said they had Prop 8 soundly defeated right before that vote...

Misrepresenting the reality of the numbers of voters and how they think may be a fun exercise right up until the day of the vote. Giggle all you want. But afterwards it can be a pretty bitter pill to swallow... :confused: :( If you ask me, I think it's one of the worst tragedies in US history to throw green energy, universal healthcare and and workers' rights into the dumpster all so gay marriage can think it has a chance. The irony is, speaking of bitter pills, that once the GOP retains the Senate and gets Christie or someone like him in in 2016, even the church of LGBT stuff is going in the dumpster where it belongs. It can sit right next to solar thermal energy, clean aquifers, jobs and universal healthcare and watch the flies buzzing around as they all rot in there together...

If Republicans chances hinge on the Chic Fil A/Duck Dynasty crowd then they really are in trouble. :lol:
Beware the anti-gay Chic Fil A vote, Democrats. :lol:

Yeah, what the heck. It's not like any of the elections in the recent decade have been so close that they needed a recount, or tipped the other way, right? Just go ahead and piss off a few million Boycott A&E likers or a million or so Chic Fil A supporters, or a bunch of catholic hispanics that voted for Prop 8 in California whose vote no longer counts....no problem right dems? You've got 2014 in the bag! You know, just like gays said they had Prop 8 soundly defeated right before that vote...

Misrepresenting the reality of the numbers of voters and how they think may be a fun exercise right up until the day of the vote. Giggle all you want. But afterwards it can be a pretty bitter pill to swallow... :confused: :( If you ask me, I think it's one of the worst tragedies in US history to throw green energy, universal healthcare and and workers' rights into the dumpster all so gay marriage can think it has a chance. The irony is, speaking of bitter pills, that once the GOP retains the Senate and gets Christie or someone like him in in 2016, even the church of LGBT stuff is going in the dumpster where it belongs. It can sit right next to solar thermal energy, clean aquifers, jobs and universal healthcare and watch the flies buzzing around as they all rot in there together...

If Republicans chances hinge on the Chic Fil A/Duck Dynasty crowd then they really are in trouble. :lol:
That's all that can still manage to fit in the tent, a tent so small you can give it a mandatory ultrasound.

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