Dems rehang cops are pigs picture!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Painting Politics: Dems rehang controversial ‘pigs’ picture on Capitol Hill

Now! Democrats, especially the Democrats of color demand respect at all times but think nothing of disrespecting other Americans especially cops!

Democrats are a shameful by ch of people.

Keep this shit up, it is why you lost.

The move Tuesday by members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo., whose office for months had sponsored the display of the student artwork, could revive tensions with the law enforcement community.

But Clay told the Washington Post he wants the Capitol Police to press theft charges against Hunter for removing the artwork Friday.

“He had no right to take that picture down,” Clay told the Post. “It’s thievery.”
This is a war. Once this is recognized everything else becomes clear.
It has been for a long time..except most folks just took the oppression from the establishment, now the anger has risen to a crescendo, and folks are lashing out and standing up to the abuse....
The perp is a wolf, why are you overly sensitive art critics not bitching about that?
I say let these reprobates continue to flaunt what they are for all to see. They're the ones who just got their asses kicked for crap like this.
Just the ones who kill unarmed children. Course, those are the ones the GOP admires the most.

That's just something we can never agree on.

Democrats want to protect children.

Republicans want to protect the fetus so the can use the children for target practice.

The goals are entirely different.
Just the ones who kill unarmed children. Course, those are the ones the GOP admires the most.

That's just something we can never agree on.

Democrats want to protect children.

Republicans want to protect the fetus so the can use the children for target practice.

The goals are entirely different.
To me, the story here is who took down the painting in the first place. Duncan Hunter (R-Dads Coattails), who is the one who did a lot of complaining about the Office of Congressional Ethics and voted to hamstring their oversight ability (before it became bad optics) because they had the temerity to make Duncan Hunter pay back $62,000 in campaign funds that were used for surgery, Italian jewelry, automatic garage door openers, resort stays, and $600 to fly the family's pet rabbit to Washington DC.
Wonder what would happen if there was a painting of cops shooting monkeys?
House Speaker Ryan could order the painting removed if he had the balls to do so.

It is really interesting to see the hatred Democrats have for blacks as they do everything that they can to demonize the police and make them feel unwanted in black neighborhoods and that they cannot adequately defend themselves.

"Hands up dont shoot" is a lie.

"Saint Skittles was hunted down" is a lie.

It is ALL a lie.

And if it comes to a shooting civil war, Democrats are doomed to lose it and only make everything much worse for themselves.

^^^^ This is the piece of bullshit painting that is a direct insult to the thousands of brave police officers who risk their lives day in and day out for worthless dopers who are only concerned about their own paranoia.
The CBC says it is a matter of free speech! I wonder if they would still feel that way if a cop hung a collage of black thugs who murdered cops?
The CBC says it is a matter of free speech! I wonder if they would still feel that way if a cop hung a collage of black thugs who murdered cops?
Leftwing Marxists do not subscribe to the "Sauce for the Goose/Gander" type of thing.

They subscribe to the "Demand fairness, then once in power hang all our enemies" type of thing.

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